HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-08-20, Page 4r,• sowsi . tl11Cr1 'l ii :1!',�I,.11!IUi1111111111119111I11111I1111111111I111111111111111111111111IIII11111IIII111111111I111111111111111111111IIIIII1111111111111111111119111111111111' S TOP! at Joe's Place, Drysdale. sdale For Gas, Oil, Etc., for your Car D FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF FOLLOWING GOODS WHICH ARE KEPT IN STOCK AND SOLD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES: Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Curtain Materials, Table Oils, Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, Fine Shirts, Ties, Sox, and all Underwear Fresh Groceries and Fruits, Chick Feeds, Flour, Salt, Garden Seeds, Mengel and Turnip Seed, Seed Corn, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream in Season, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco of all kinds. OVERALLS! OVERALLS! .tan Special in Men's plain blue Overalls, red back denim. An excellent wearing cloth. Sizes from 34 to 44; roomy cut, two hip pockets, elastic suspenders. Well made throughout for only $1.25 a pair. Do not miss this. J. Gascho & Son, Props. J. S. Bedard, Manager 1 1 i t 1 1 1 1 111 11 1 illi 11 I II 11111 1 1 111111 111 i l l! II lis Illi,. 3illllli9!llN�1fI11111 Il111111111h1 , ,ya ttIN9004e1111441014 ecce®0011,40i0M1111110s11s04•440s411114111/1111 I 1 FERTILIZER I 410 11 Let us have your order at once for • Fall delivery of fertilizer :tom • 2 POULTRY FOODS Try our Chick Starters, •Chick I a So Feeds, Laying Mash, Etc. Save money on your next winter's coal bill by ordering it NOW! 1 .- Sc & Son. a week's vacation with her parents. Mr. •. and Mrs. Chas. Stein)}igen were Sunday visitors in Exeter".' ry urcn& Erie Debentures 411, Der annum is paid half - yearly upon $100 and over. hued by an institution that as "Older than the Douainion of Canada." Applications are accepted by ANDREW F. HESS. Zurich STANLEY TOWNSHIP tr. and Mrs. Geo. Peck and fam- ily +of Park River, Dakota, spent a ;wed at the home of Mr. Peck's sis- ter, Mrs. W. J. Dowson. Mrs. Hotson and son of Brandon, :Man_, are visiting at present with re- _ilati:ves in Stanley. Mrs. Hotson was ?fternxeriy Miss Ida Nicholson and was Scan and spent her early years in this vicinity. Rev- Will Robinson will take the nrk nn the Varna charge next Sun- tday in the absence of the pastor, Rev LE. A. P•oniter. Mrs. J. Bryne and son of London, have, been -visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Artn- e rong,- DRYSDALE AUCTION SALE Of Dwelling Property and Household Effects, In the Village of Zurich, on SATURDAY, •AUGUST 29th? h Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. Electric stove new; electric wash4 ing machine new; couch, extension table, glass cupboard, sink, big cup- board, 6 kitchen chairs, some ,#ifs, dishes, knives and forks, pots and pans,, dining room couch, window. screens, 2 small tables, glass cup- board new, small trays, water Blas-0es� and pitchers, 3 rockers, 6 dixiirxg• chairs, 8 day clock, 2 clothes baskets, carpet strips, mats, pillows, heater for wood or coal, bureau, 4 bedste ads with springs and mattress, 2 ted- ar chests, oil cloth for room new,' some new carpet strips, new mate have never been used, quilts, cans forters, chamber set, 3 mirrors, cool, oil heaters, new dressing stand, ' new toilet set, pillow slips, alarm clock, wheelbarrow, coal oil can, spades and shovels, some coal, sprinkle can, some canned fruit, 2 fruit stands with shelves, cream can, bench, gale tub, water pails, electric iron, sad, irons, wooden tub, ripsaw, hand taw, square, step ladder, forks, . 2 M the services 'in the liilisgreen Church on Sunday, lase; a quartette anis given by Mr. W. Carlile and da- ughter, Miss Martha, of Hensall, and !fans. Maynard and son, of Moose Jaw "TITh Garden". Rev.' Conner took the s4invice as usual Miss Mary Hagan of London, ir visiting with her mother, Mrs. A. Hawn and family. Mr. Robert Stelck, of Edmonton, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steck, of Varna, visited with Mr. am Mrs. G. Love and Mr. F. Stelek recently. Miss Margaret Robinson, of the G;oehen Line, spent a day recently with Miss Helen Anderson. Mrs. M. Reichert and family spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Price •of near Clinton. The Misses McAllister, of Hensall, spent a few days recently with Mrs. Walker. • Mr. and Mrs. Eascett, of Vancouver spent a day with Mrs. B. McAllister recently. HENSALL Mrs. Ross McLean and children of • Detroit are visiting with their relati- ves here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell of St. Thomas are visiting with their many friends in and around Hensall. garden rakes, hoes, scythe, • 2 extra=s bed springs, 2 chop boxes, extension ladder new, some small boxes,• water, stand, range, garden scuffles, grind stone, quantity wood, some cement and numerous other articles. REAL ESTATE -Frame house with kitchen and woodshed, cellar under whole of house ,soft and hard water', half acre of land more or less, a= number of fruit trees, small bank barn and drive shed with room for two cars. TERMS -Cash. Real Estate -10 on day of sale, balance in 30 days ifs not previously sold. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. R. F. Stade, Clerk. Albert Rittenhouse, Rev. Father Lauriderville, of Alb- erta, was the guest .of Father Mar- chand. Father Launderville was a fernier parish priest of St. Peter's congregation, Drysdale, leaving here some twenty years ago. His irany friends were indeed pleased to see him again. Mr. and Mrs- Peter Papineau :end family have returned to their home in Windsor, after spending a few days with Mr. and 2drs. Fred Papineau. Mr. Louis .Biusson of Windsor sp- ent a few daps on business in this section. DA SHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. B.. C. Kitchen of Tor- onto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Kraft. Air. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas of Sarnia is spending a few days in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman, 1Vlaurice Klurp, and Selma Rader spent Sunday at Ipperwash Beach. Miss Tillie Miller of Woodbridge is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer of Windsor spent the past week -end with relatives. Miss Theda Hayter .of Windsor is spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graybeil and family of Toronto are visiting- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graybeil. Miss Sophia Stire of London, is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stire. Miss Margaret Cunningham .of Kit- chener is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Louis Morenz. welcome you back from your Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morenz and holidays dear Editor of the Herald, .family of Detroit spent a few days • your family and staff, and hope you with relatives. ii1ad a very pleasant and enjoyable, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunner and faani- avell earned rest. sly of Kansas City, are spending Mr. Thomas McMillan, M. P., mem- their vacation with Mrs. Brunner'.- :her for South Huron, called on old parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Oestreicher -acquaintances one day last week. . Rev. and Mrs• John Oestreicher Mr. and Mrs. Drysdale Kirk, of and .family of Rosenthal are visiting; Flint, Mich., called at J. Gelinas the foxsner's parents, Mx. and Mrs. G. adore recently. Mr. Kirk is a neph- Oestreicher. yew of the late R. J. Drysdale., after. Mr. Jacob Meaner of Detroit, spent Sunday with his brother; Me. George Merner. Misses lose and Tillie Zimmer of Detroit are spending their vacation at their home here. Miss Margaret Merner and Jack Rascke, Miss loreda Rascke and fed - which the village was called. Miss Florence Denosnme is at pres- ent npeteli;sg a few weeks holidaying at Detroit, 'Er. and Mrs. Chambers and family F Godericb, spent Sunday at the Warne of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Duchertne Rev. Father L. Marchand and Mr. red of Detroit wove Sunday visitors Ganz!;! S mean took tr motor trip to with Mi, and Mrs. (Seas Merner. . tnrgeon Vella V'ortha;:,rn Ontario, Wee Myr W Hotii r..t returned. to Sleet, 'Week, .Kilchulee on ,londay aa.v;,:i" aP ,an Brig Proprietor. HILLSGREE N The regular monthly meeting of: th Women's Missionary Society was: held at the home of Miss Annie Jars rott on Wednesday, afternoon, Aug ust 12th, with Mrs. J. Cochrane pre-, siding. We opened by singing hrmr 249, silent prayer. The scripture les son was read by Mrs. R. McAllister. Hymn 637. The Treas. and Secy. re- ports were read and adopted. The Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis of Lon- don have moved to town and will re- side with his mother, Mrs. W. C. Davis. s • Mrs. P. Fisher, , and Elinor Moir, returned home after two week's va- cation at Gravenhurst. Mrs Vair of Toronto, is visiting with her mother, Mrs.. Robt. Bon- thron. Elva Bolton of Kitchener, Tory Bolton of Toronto, Doris and Norma of London are holidaying at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Bolton. Mrs. H. Harmon who spent the ;past month visiting friends in Tor- onto has returned home. Mrs. T. Murdock has returned from a week's visit with her daughter, De. and Mrs. B. Campbell and family of. Toronto. Mrs. A, J. Kimball and family and Miss Norma Bonthron left Friday +last: for their home in Chicago after a' "pleasant two weeks visit with re- latives here. Mrs. Annie Hawthorn and daughter Janet of Moosejaw are visiting with Ileasall friends at present. The Misses Irene Douglas and Ada Gram left Monday last for Goderich fee $iia rad of like late Ilsclifii, Alta kinson o . London took Place at, Exe ter, of which place deceased Weds 'formerly a resiident. He• was iii his• 181st year. • A '. - ;28tlt� 1932 a'nar; ye September 18th; ands see • .... 19.1 . It Is reported' ?stat the meet- -" ing decided to make the attractions: this year greater than ever befoio. The bill ree,ently installed in .the • W. H. Armstrong, 5th line of Mor- new Knox Pxesbytearian Cherch • of ris, was badly hurt a few days ago. Hayfield, was dedicated Sunday morn- .He was adjusting his binder whening" last in a special service. The itu- • ' of the 'occasion was • the: horses stag. and the drive• wise-• pressiveness , el passed over him,' lacerating his heightened by the fact that the ded• - Ihead and bodg, icatien included -the unveiling of a . Helen Irene, the two -a -half- memorial tablet, -which. is inscribed . with the Thames of those in whose year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. memory the bell has been given. The - St. Marie, of E. Wamanosh, was in- bell is the gift of Mrs, Helen Hinde,. stantly ldlledt when she was kicked of Hated, Widow of the Tate Win. 'under the chin by a cow. The little 1Tiinda, a former rector or the Bay- girl was the youngest of a family of field Trinity Anglican church. devotional leaflet was read by miss + whei:e they tools,the lis from there. Eileen Turner. Hymn 541. Preset,^ to Qx ee. Sound;,taking the boat from by Mrs. W. Tr'irher. The bush/ ,s. there fors& Week',s•.. ruise along the and offering was then taken. • The leaflet on "our Horne . Mission Hospital" was given by Miss Aiirnie Jarrott, Mrs. B. McAllister and Mrs. W. Turner. Hymn 336 was sung- We closed our meeting by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Lan- sing, Mich., have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and other friends. Miss Edna Cochrane, R.N., spent the week-nd with her brother, Mr., and Mrs. Cleve Cochrane, of Bruce=, fie]rl. Mrs.- L. Troyer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell of Exeter, also with Mr. and Mrs. W. Dignan of near Hensall. Mother Angela, of Chatham is sp- ending her vacation with her mother Machines Lake. Dr. MacKinnon and F. C. Kalbil- eisch of Zurich, continue to make splendid improvements to the Hard- ing property. The Boy Scouts and Scout Master 'Fred Hess have returned home after a• pleasant holiday at Pike Bay aand Tobermory. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fleming and Doris Hannan have returned. to Tor- onto after spending a few weeks uis- iting in town. Richard Eacrett, of the State of Washington, is in the village this 'week visiting his sister, Mrs. Peter Munn, and since an absence of some 33 years, notices many changes. John and Fred Stacey visited fri- ends here. and were accompanied to Detroit by their mother, Mss. S. eleven. Alex, Thompson, a well-known resi- Jas- A. Tucker, a member of the dent of Stanley Tp., passed away at aldermanic' council of Saskotoon, Sas. his home July 31.st, at the' age of and a former citizen of Clinton, was S3 year.. ILe was born in Scotland, recently elected president of the Un- but came toliis country with his ion Saskatchewan Municipalities at a parents -when three years of age and convention held at Estevan.. lived the 'rest sof his life on the farm After a short illness, at an early on which he died. His wife, Sarah. hour last Monday, one of Stanley's widely known and much respected residents passed , away in the person of Mrs. C. Weeks, at the age of 97 years. Splendid progress is being made on the new "Talkie" theatre being erect- ed by W. Leavitt, Exeter. The build- ing is of red brick and stucco and is being made fire proofed through- out. Large steel . girders and steel rafters are being used to carry the ceiling - A quiet wedding was solemnized at the manse, Kippen, on Friday evening, July 31st, when Pearl, -only daughter of Mrs. C. Brock, of Bruce - field, became the bride of J. Walter McBeath, only son of Walter Mc - Beath and the late Mrs. McBeath, the Rev.Connor- Carl Genttner tthe young son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Genttner of Ex- eter, had his legs badly scraped one day recently while riding on the ex- press truck- He had his legs out over the side when the truck ran close to a building and they were ca- ught between the, two and might easily have been severely crusbed.As it was, the lad was confined to his home for some days. There was an accident en the co- unty road between Seaforth and Wal- ton, when cars driven by W. L. Ste- wart of Walton and Sherman Nelson of Seaforth collided almost head-on. The drivers escaped with a shaking up, but the machines were extensive- ly damaged. It is alleged that Nel- son was on the wrong side of the road and he has been subpoened to face a charge of reckless driving. A quiet wedding -was solemnized at the Main St. United Church pars- onages Exeter, -when Miss Mineretta. L. Harney,:' R.N. was united in mar riage with John. R. Hind. They were attended. by Lulu McDonald of Exet- er, and -Walter Spencer of Hensall. The bridal couple left by motor on a honeymoon trip to Muskoka. In the death of John J. Hunter, which occurred at his home in Kin- cardine last week, Ontario has lost one of its foremost weekly newspap- er editors- Through his newspangt the Kincardine Review -Reporter; and other activities, Mr. Hunter had made la name for himself from coast to coast. He was a thorough newspaper' man, a colorful editorial writer; and a man of great force of character. At a recent meeting of the Palm- erston Agricultural Society it was idecided after a lapse of one year to continue Palmerston Fall Fair and' the date for this year will be Friday Mrs. A. Hagan and family. Stacey who visited here for a snouts. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love and fam Hensall's baseball team is making ily spent Sunday with friends in a name for itself this season, having Seaforth. won their eighth straight game at Mr. Ross Love and Mr. Orville. Wingham Friday last. Howe for Hen Smith are wearing a broad smile these b days, its baby daughters. Messrs Jack and Fred Stacey of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. W. J. Jarrott. Mrs. Stacey, who has been spending sevele al weeks returning to her home in that ,city with them. Ren. Connor conducted the serviee on Sunday, but next Sunday, Rev. A. Sinclair of Hensall will occupy the pulpit, the service beginning at 2.30, p. m. The fall Anniversary of the Hilis- green •Church will be held on .Sunday Septei b.er 20th, with Rev. A. V, Robb of ;Centralia as the special spe•• ekes•. (Last week's Items) Threshing is now the order of the day. Miss Edith Forrest of Hensall, is. spending a few days with her brother Mr. John Forrest. ;lr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead and daughters, Misses Margaret and An - ha, of Brucefield, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Love. Messrs. Fred and Jack Steacy of Detroit, spent the week -end with fel- children of Windsor, are spending ends here. patt of their holidays in our village Miss Janet Hawthorn, of Moose with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. •labia Jaw, is spending a week with her cousins in Detroit. We are sorry to report that Mr; Robert Stephenson is not enjoying. the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlile and dao° ghter, Martha and Annie, of Hens all ;1lrs. Maynard and son of Moose Jai Mrs. J. Logan and Mrs. Hudson, of Hensall, were Sunday visitors with dire. L. Troyer, Mr. and firs. 3arnes Dayinond, o`t ,,,platin, spent a day with Mrs.. L �ol+er, w..o rettflf tl wish thein fo few (lays. sail had Wingham guessing £oe ao- ut five innings, then weakened and Welsh the dark boy went in and. held them scoreless. g a tor - Richard Speare of Calgary, mer resident of Hensall„ and for many years an employee in. Cook's Flour Mills, and afterwards engag- ing inthe resturant business, was in the village renewing acquaintances. It was some 40 years ago when. he first came to Hensall from near Sta- lfa; and his friends were glad to see him again. 0. Geiger Ss Son, with a large staff of helpers, are busily engaged in. pul- ling flax and' looking after theirr very large acreage, which is a promising crop, they have a large number of men and women, boys and girls. than they have had in years, and is a gpod thing to give employment to them. Jessie Bell, and sister, Mrs. Boa, who .have been visiting here foreev- eral weeks, returned home snaking the return trip through the States, where they will tak in many placee of interest. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Zuefie and COUNTY NEWS erry Lewis, of Delayare, has he` .. es,' engaged as lineman for the EX- eter publje utilities to succeed the late Vvm. Lotman. liota Fells of Wingham .has been inted principal of the school at •Syreopth Reck Falls, Ile was ehosc::n from ening over 150 dxperiene d male teachers. 1 Baird, died twelve years ago. He is . survived by two daughters, Mrs. A.. McQueen of Brucefield and Mrs. J. Bowey of Exeter, his son James, hav- ing predeceased him seven months. A motor :accident was caused in a very simple manner on the Blue Wa- ter Highway two miles south of Bay- field when Maurice Hogan, accompan ied by Miss Woodward, both of Bay City, Mich., were proceeding north to Durham when the left rear tire blew out. The car swerved suddenly go- ing over a culvert into a five-foot ditch and turned over twice. Hogan who was driving escaped with minor injuries but the girl's right knee was lacerated so that sixteen stitches had to be put in- Her left ankle was bad- ly- adly crushed and she suffered from. shock. After medican aid was ad- ministered they journeyed on their -- way, the car suffering dmage to about, $100. Hogan stated that he was dri- ving 35 miles an hour when the acci- dent ccident happened. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald PrintingO'fice SUBSCRIPTION RATES -$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. Us S. $1-50 iin advance. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid un- less at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is dented en' the Lab4.•- ADVERTISIIVG RATES Display advertising made known on application. ISCsacelkazeous articles of not more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, ,Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inset, - ;time 25e, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 50c. I Farm or Steal Estate for sale $2.00 for first month, $1.00 for each fol- lowing month. Professional Cards not exceeding 134 inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25c for each additional verse; Card of Thanks, 50c.. Auction Sales -$2.00 per single insertion if not over four inches in, length. 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HERALDse and Family Herald for 3 yrs.. $3.00 4; HERALD and Canadian Countryman ........ $2.25; �t.� • a HERALD and Weekly Witness $3..155 6• HERALD and Farmers Magazine - .. $2.50 e, i HERALD and Youth's Companion 3.25 4a • 0 HERALD' and Huron Expositor, Seaforth. ...... $3.25 , j HERALD and Ontario Journal $2.75 4 * HERALD and Rod and Gun 3n Canada .. $3.15 ,M„ I .w. And a great many more that we cannot ,,enumerate here. 4 0 • We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in * Canada anal the United States, and can :save you money 0 a ' on the most of thein. ''- * ,6, 0 M 1RENEW ALL YOUR PAPERS D MAGAZINES 0- * AT OUR OFFICE AND SAVE TROUBLE:, AND BE. 0. 0 SIDES YOU ARE DEALING WITH PEOPLE YOU 0.. • KNOW, AND WILL DO THE SQUARE THING WITH 0 Ir TOIL 4k. w40 a� ,e, :HERALD OFFICE Zurich ' 0 40 +6,;