HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-08-06, Page 5yyyam,�. .,.,,,,,, ,. .• ..1 RUMNESS CARDSIa. 'sem (wants, For Sallee Lest, DUDLEYE.HOLM1'S;Found. NOtice, Eta. Ado `$*RRIST1ER, SOL/CITOR, nor- lin WM OOLVM* ARY PUBLIC, ETC. • OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just cif Use Square, GODERICH, Oritarlo. '' NOTICE Special Attention to Councel and Comet Work. TO OWNERS OF TRACTORS Il$r. Holmes may be immune') at Tu, V• obi' 1e shall be operated or odericis •by Phone, rind nose object, moved over or upon any high charges reversed. way with flange, rib, €lamp or other device attachedto its •wheels, or•made "a quart thereof, which will injure the 'highway. T.. BePattesrson,. County Engineer. Dr. H. H. ' C OW E N L. D. S. D. D S. :DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ $LOCI-2ITR1011 every Thursday, Friday, ,Saturday At fABTLEIl3'S BLOCK, DASIIWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday Wednesday lana A.U_C T -1 -0 -N -E E R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Natio Zeh'Tool of Auctioneering. res.) Siegistered Live Stock, ( prAll evailing Terms in keeping ging ,Trices. Choice Farms for Sale. ill .ell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed &uctioneer& FOR .HURON TO CON- I AM IN A POSITION regardless CON - duet any Auction Sale, as to size or article to sell. I solicit pour business, and if not satisfied w 2ke no charms for Services Rau - dared. glyweO4 ARTHUR BER-- Phone 13-57. SERVICE ;hy We have the Better Class of Customers RIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. 'BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning az,.a Mechanical Work ,done to Micrometer Settings, guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S,. They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. .0131 ONTARIO DASIIWOOD -- •••••••'• Zuriehs' popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING 3'SAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF TUNGELUT ,* T$EICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAI3 • USHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yunghlut & Son ••N•'N••••••NN•O••••• COAT 1931 .Announcement ?SIRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR... Scrantofl Coal Coke AthertalCotti and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. lillediot Early as prices will advance on ,la 1. ($,tis.. Case & Son one i0 HENSALL Plu LIVE FOR SALE A REAL, SNAP In gpod used Auto Tisr+es r 3 Tires; 2'9h4.40 1 Tire-3OEx31/> Apply to C. Fritz & Hon, Zurich. NSE. A. meeting will be held at the 14th (Con. School House on Friday evening August 7th, by the Farmer's Club to arrange for ordering fertilizer for .fall .use. Albert Hendrick, Secy. FOR SAL A limited number of Collie Pups, ,guaranteed to be heelers or your money- wi1T be refunded - Henry Krueger, 14th Con. Hay In Zurich a pair of Gold Rimmed Double Lense S'peetacles. Finder will be rewarded. Wm. H. Hoffman, Znricle Ladies, Attention! The Beauty Shoppe at Oesch's Bar- ber Shop is now ready. Come in for your shampoos and Hair Dressings. Moderate prices. Call for appoint- ment if possible. LOTTIE TURKHEIM, Zurich MOTOR REPAIRING Service to all (Hakes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVID FUSS, Z — . , Phone 89 r1 t-4 NOTICE J. C. Sa'hnon & Son, Teamsters, wish to, advise the public that they are still in the sane business, with prices as usual.. Your order will be much' appreciated. Phone 94-16. William B. Brown A. S. P. Graduated FootSpecialist AT. Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, E.A.Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Aseoc;iate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office--Seafortl►, Ont. ,ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH' }-- ONT. "A Changeless Chalet for a chang- ing World'' Friday, 8h: LLfbea Leagues Saturday—Choir Pratetice,. `} SUNDAY SERVICES 1Q a. M',—German Service. ' 11.15 a. in.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—'cnglish Service. Everybody Welcoree to all Servie s. E. Turkheim. Pastor BORN Wein—At Dashwood, on July 28th. to Mr. and 'i'ts. Herbert Wein a son. Smith—At Goshen Line, Hay Town- - 0U L T RV ship, on August 2nd, to Mr. and V Mrs..A.delbert Smith, a son. Keller—At Ilal Township, on July 15th, to Mx. •and Mrs. Allen kel Smith, a son. aa, ;; o - WANT . 'e1 every Day till 3 ecloek1 p.m, 11. not feed Fowl some paw when bri right in. rhe bass fishing seastat is now on Highest Casmaces lurid anglers are wanted that the bass under tern 'Indies in length. Grafton C,ct�Irc:.ine of `Don't Take Undersized Boss -+-CAS * game laws prohibit the taking of Ic'(OR- - Exeter, ,Ger- ream and Eggs ald %wicic�Mi+ of Crediton; Bill Joynt W O'Brien of }Jensen and Hugh MacKinnen e ` �Zuri h ('mall ,a most leasant earapingebu innothia ed ,t1 0 1e 1AL. 11F e. 041 alazeee d' at, Grans;. Betel the past ,veck, ithebut this corse he .surely produced LOCAL NE Miss Alice .Boehler of Baden, ed relatives here the paat week: Miss Gertrude Weber is spell holidays at Detroit. Rev. and • Mrs. Lloyd Kalbileis: Elmira are visiting with their pa *bets Mr. Robert Baker of Saskatch':Wan is visiting with friends around (parts at present. Mr. Russell Preeter of Toron�t led on Zurich friends on Sunda Mr. Rennie Weber of Hamill n is spending his holidays at his ho a on the Bronson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weber of i. en -- !sail, were Sunday visitors with the s it- 11i1.y of ese cal- former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter andµ: ily of Kitchener were Monday ors in town. Miss. Clara Weber, of Detroit ent her holidays with her par arn• isit- sp- wits, Mr. and Mrs. L. Weber. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier j eft this week for Buffalo, and Lake Ghat - aqua, N. Y., where they will Speed their vacation. Miss Marjorie Wilhelm of Pool visiting with her aunt, Mrs. ei Smith, and will accompany the S ;family on a camping trip. Mrs. C. Silber, who has been vialt- 'ing in Exeter and Hensall for the:pist 'two weeks, returned to her home hAi on Tuesday. 6' Misses Lena and Shirley Kerrigan of London, have returned to their :home after spending a rew weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George J. Thiel. Mr.. and Mrs. Merner Eilber, and: two sons, who spent their holidays with relatives here, have returned to their home in Detroit. A mosa beautiful day greeted ':s.'. on Monday, Civic Holiday, and few•; villagers were at home, as there' we- re attractions at other places. here. Mrs. Brown and son Royal of Kit- chener, and daughter, Mrs. Moser of Evanston, Ill., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Nies. W. L. Siebsrt last week. Mr. Wm. Wagner and sister, irs. McClinchey of town; Mr: and M . A Cook of Windsor, were Sunday : sit - ors with Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner, (bridal couple) at their home Guelpl J boy would injure her offspring, sud- ayenly sprang forward, knocking the Owing to the pastor, Rev. W. Y. Dreier, of the Evangelical church be- ing on two weeks vacation, the• order of service has been changed. On Sunday morning, August 9th, the Sabbath school will hold their session at 10 o'clock, and then at Ieeven o'_, clock, a Mr. Switzer, of the Teibper_ •+nee union will preach: '`On Sunday August 16th all services have green rifted Miss Hazel Kerrigan ,of London, is spending the week With Mr. and Mrs. G. 4. Thiel, of town. Hay Council met on Tuesday after- noon for its monthly business ses sion. A report of the minutes will ap pear in our next issue. Owing to the pastor, Rev. E. Turk- heim having two weeks holidays there will be no services in St. Peter's Luth gran church, Zurich, the next two Sundays. Those four fishermen: C. Fritz, H. Walker, H. Mousseau and W. L. Sie• bert, who journeyed some four hun- dred miles up into New .Ontario to do some real fishing, returned on Saturday evening, and report as hav- ing had some real fun in pulling out the. big ones, and have had a most splendid outing. • Roy. S. M. Hauch Passes. News has reached the village of the recent death of Rev. Samuel M. Hauch in Chicago Hospital. He was born in Aldsfeldt, Ont., in, 1865, et - tended the North Central Seminary, Naperville, Ill., and became a memb- er of. the Evangelical Conference of Ontario, and served a number of im- portant charges in the church—Ches- ley, Kitchener, Stratford and Credit- on. From the latter charge he was transferred to Northwest Canada Conference of the church and served at Winnipeg and appointments f ureh- er west. He was presiding elder for a number of years, and on several occasions a member of the general conference. In failing health ie be- came necessary for him to superan- nuate, and finally moved to Gallen, Mich., with a brother. His remains were interred at Winnipeg, Man. Rev Mr. Hauch was well and favorably known by many in Zurich, who will regret to learn of his departure. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Blackwell and family of Langsing, Mich., are visiting with the former's ' mother, Mrs. Wm. J. Blackwell, of the Farr Line, Hay Tp., lives of two residents of Stephen Tp. occurred recently when Mrs. Frank Triebner and Edward, her 8 -yr. -old son, were attempting to bring in from the field a cow which had given birth to twin calves. The animal, crazed, it is thought, by the intense heat, and her condition, fearing that the little The farmers continue progressing along with the season's crop, regard- less of the occasional -•^'pis o ie hear the threshing machines humming in the vicinity. Most of the yearns oat crop is already cut, and wiin' au - other week of good weater; very lit- tle grain will be seen out in tl. fields. Mr. David Cantelon of Hensall called on his genial friend, Mr. Wm. Lamont on Thursday evening. Dur- ing this happy meeting we Gave a unch that most of the big live prob- :ms of the day were discussed, and ,Te feel safe in stating that we are fall Inc step closer to the solution of endnig the present depression. Here's hoping! Mrs. W. C. Wagner and Mrs. D. McClinchey were recent visitors with an aged uncle in Vermilion, Ohio. Phese two ladies had a most splendid time, returning across Lake Erie from Cleveland to Port Stanley by boat, on a beautiful moonlight night. Mr. Theo. Wagner of Guelph, and Miss Elsley of Waterloo; also Mr. H. deluman and Miss M. Cress of Kitch- aner, were week -end visitors at the home of the former's paren:s, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. The for- mer, Mr. Wagner is spending holi- lays at his home here. These days we hear a great many fish stories, and a goodly number of them sound somewhat "fishy" but here are a few facts that are as true probably as the words in the good book. Last Wednesday afternoin our two local nimrods, Mr. Wni.• =11 x in and Albert Zettel took a lit- tle ittle trip to Benmiller with lino and haak and threw out bait for that much prized game fish the black bass After a while's fishing Mr. O'Brein got something on the end of his line that seemed like something more than ordinary fishing, and we are told that for a time it was rather a question to determine whether Mr. O'Brein had caught the fishbr the fish had caught : him as the battle was about even, but invested in Huron & Erie finally the one on dry land succeeded debentures, in mastering the one in the water, and when it was all aver Mr. 0'- 11.reihl's ares a Meat }y411derful species of black bass measuring 7 9 inches in length and weighing 2% pounds. Mr. O'Brein bad this fish on exhibition in his produce store, andj. it , sure was a dandy. lfe also ad- vised us that this is none of these questionable fish stories that vs•e bear' from parties going four and five hun- dred un dred miles away„ and returnwithout even as much; as the skin of a fish, Applications are accepted by y down and trampling him under root, lacerating him with her horns. 'The mother attempted to drag the boy from his perilious position. Sud- denly the animal turned on her, and with one toss of her head threw Mrs. Triebner. about.four feet in the air. At this time, anrstder sOn',rDM!uglas, who was a short dJa1ice away, came to her _rescue, .just as the infurated beast was trampling her helpless body and with a club beat the animal over the heed and drove it off. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale of Exeter, were driving along ;the road at the time and saw the who affair. They imme- diately proceeded to the scent and gathered the two injured into their ]iP•ht wauon and took them to their home. With a fractured rib and some terrible bruises, the mother and son escaped possible death. A Sad Fatality Saturating her clothes with gaso- line, climbing into the rumble seat of her husband's car and setting fire to herself, Mrs. Ella Jamieson, of Toronto, wife of Robert Jamieson commercial traveller, met a horrible death at the home of Thomas Den- nison, in Varna on Sunday last. Mrs. Jamieson had left her home in Tor- onto some time ago visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. Mary Smith, who keeps house for Dennison. For the past two months fire Jamieson had been acting strangely, suffering from a nervous disorder, and it was felt that some time spent with her mother wield prove beneficial to her. On Sat- urday her husband arrived from Tor- onto with the intentions of taking her home. During the day she had several times threatened to take her life and accordingly her husband was watching her closely. Dozing for a few minutes the husband awakened to find that she had left the bed. She had left the house in her night clo- thes as soon as her husband dropped off to sleep and saturating her clothes with gasoline, crawled into the car which was in the barn and set fire to her clothing. When she was discov- ered her clothing was a mass of flames and she died within a few n'tinutes. The remains were taken to Toronto, Canadians have over $27,000,000 Authorized by law for executors and trustees, Vex annum is paid half - yearly upon $100 and over for 1 to 5 years. ANDREW F. HESS, Zurich ..•,r. At COSI • FOR SALE • and below • On new Farm Machines while they last • ONE LEVEE HARROW ONE 2 FURROW PLOW II 1 CULTIVATOR A 1 SCIJFFLER ✓ QUEBEC SULKY PLOW DIAMOND 4 -SECTION HARROW Y. FLEURY No. 21 WALKING PLOW • • DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR • SPECIALS! SPECIALS; • MCCORMICK-DEERING No. 21. PLOW AT .. ....$17,00 • GOOD RIDING PLOW AT $5.00 WHEELBARROW AT $4.50• ACT QUICK FOR THESE BARGAINS • • • ALL THESE MACHINES AT SACFIFICE PRICES. NO REAS- + • ONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY OF THESE MACHINES TO CLEAR WHILE THEY LAST • General Gara•ge, Gas, Oils, Etc.• • • • • • • • • • • • • : L. A. Prang & Son - Zurich L. • : ••••••••••.••••••••.•••.. •••••••••••••.••••••pJ.••••• + e%+++tl-+++++++'b+4444+++++++++'o+ +++i• :++++++'o+++++++++'r+-:-+++4; • + + + + + .i. SOuETHING N]Et The very latest in Un• painted [Furniture A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE FOR END OF CHESTERFIELD •SII+ FLOWER STAND OR MANY OTHER USES. + t ONLY $1.75. CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK 'THEM OVER A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EACH $8.75. +1' .a. . .' ' •A PHONE 6• q FLEISC v- , • - ZURICH I f f+++F3++3++B+++i++F+N+l++I+4++'1+3+++++.i..++.i' +++++++++•.'0+++++++++++++4-I- + -:-.;_. : ++++•..•-;-+ fi -,br-z + + +4-I +1+ Massey -Harris Implements t WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM- + METE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND + WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO g LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU A CALL + + + f 1 Brantford Windmills and Pumps HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD 3 SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR EXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS f ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT i. MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- ° �3~ -W LeTHEIR VALUE. + + 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. .'.,`. HOW 'ABOUT REPAIRING YOUR BINDER. REMEMBER, WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES + Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! *1 N. R. Siemon, Agent, Zurich f : Y 1++++++++++++++++++++1.46++++++++++++++++++++++. M+tiliwwVwmMImm+wNww66 mrith wMIAI rmVA vy� Zurich Drug Store 1 We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies •••••••••••••••••••••o•••• All authorized Text Books kebt • in Stock ••••••••••••••••••••••••••, Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military Brushes ee•••••••••••••••••••••••• Perfumes Toilet Waters and -Perf umizers. Fite Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND : FILIMS iDr. Al J. 1ViacKinnon, Zurich