HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-08-06, Page 4Int ■. .11 C 0aALa. It, Ilitit014i1111,,; Lint 11111011'4 1 1 111111111111111 11 111111IIIIIIIIIIlI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIlll1111111 111111,1 1 STOP! at >��� s Place,Drysdale ,for your Ca Etc., rr For Gas, Oil, o AND FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF FOLLOWING GOODS WHICH ARE KEPT IN STOCK AND SOLD AT LOWEST PASSIBLE PRICES: PPrintsd Oinghams, Shirtings, Curtain Materials, Table Oils, Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, Fine Shirts, Ties, Sox, and all Underwear Fresh Groceries and Fruits, Chick Feeds, Flour, Salt, Garden Seeds, Mengel and Turnip Seed, Seed Corn, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream in Season, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco of all kinds. OVERALLS! OVERALLS! Extra a Special in Men's plain blue Overalls, red back denim. An excellent wearing cloth. Sizes from 34 to 44; roomy cut, two hip ockets, elastic suspenders. Well made throughout for only $1.25 a pair. Do not miss this. J. Gascho Son, Props. J. S. Bedard, Manager . ,� iatiTh 1 i1111iilJlllll h1llllll 111 III 1111 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 I 1 111111 111111111 111 III 1111111 III r 1 11 111 Ilii . :gas: 11149/00000041.0000000cio1 w•0t0•6640mo'00re69l•esQs0 19SP • • ID FARMER'S SONS s : • ATTENTION! I • • o 0 ANY HURON COUNTY BOY CONTEMPLATING ENTERING THE oONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE FOR EITHER THE AS- r Z SOCIATE OR DEGREE COURSE IS ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE • FOR THE HURON COUNTY AND MASSEY FUND SCHOLAR-, • • SHS.. PARTICULARS REGARDING THIS SCHOLARSHIP MAY • • BE FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THIS PAPER. • • APPLICATIONS MUST BE MADE ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th., AND SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE :. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, 1 • CLINTON — ONTARIO • • a▪ tm out a eseee®eeasositeoeeze •te•steeesaefoe•Sie•NSSSS 1 1 Misses Mary and Catherine Berke remaining for a week,' Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Klepp of Zurich visited with C. L. Wiper and MissEdith onS uzday. M. Lyle 13ecket of Hamilton, so - ant Sunday with Rev, and Mrs. W. Sauer.. Mr. Ira Tiernan of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Hamilton, and Miss G. Cornell of New Hamburg,' spent the week -end with Mr, and t'Ira E. Tiernan. Mrs. Bucheit and family of Water- loo are visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex Zimmer, while the family is enjoying the water of Lake .Huron. Rev: and Mrs. Morlock of Waterloo visited friends in town Sunday. Mr. Switzer of St. George will gi- ve an address on Prohibition on Sun: day morning at 9.30 o'clock. Miss Ella Zirniner of Detroit, is sp- ending vacation with her father, Mr, Wm. Zimmer,. County Offers Scholarship to Student STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs. Meagaret Erratt who has held •the posi't'ion of Deaconess in Grace 1United Church, Hamilton, for some 83nxe, has returned to her home in Stanley, where she will spend a few months -with her mother, Mrs. Robin- son, Sr., and her brother, Rev. Will Mei:Anson- Ix. and. Mrs. Ruskin Keys spent the week -end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, Bab- ylon Line. Rev E. A. Poulter leaves this week ler his vacation, consequently the ,services at Goshen and Varna United Churches will be withdrawn next Sun flay: HILLSGREEN 'Mrs. `Treble of Kelloa, Manitoba, was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dnnsitt and other relatives recently. Mr. John McIllroy of Hensell sp- ent a :few holidays with Mr. Louis Worrest. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Saunders and Mrs. R. Armstrong and daughter Norman 'and Miss Kelly of London, Lottie and friend of London, called were recent visitors with friends in on friends last week. this "Vicinity. Mr. Herb. Wein is all smiles on the ittfr. and Mrs. Jas. Love and family arrival of a son on July 28th. eilsand with Mrs. Anderson of Cen- Quite a number from here attend- xilia reuently. ed the Gossrnan reunion at Grand Mrs. Eawthorn and daughter Janet Bend on Sunday. HENSALL Mr. Geo. Hess is all .smiles days—It's a baby boy. Helen Smith, R,N., of Oine$,:M end Mrs, Wm. Taylor of Richmond., ue,: now of Rainy River, Ont. 'he c remony was performed by Rev, 1r', ia. Vivian. The death ocGuxred on Friday, ds Y, 3'uly 24th at Seaforth, of George Gook, aged 68 years and' 5 months, He had suffered an injury while at work some time previeus, butwas riot considered to be very serious, he was taken home, and was recovering, when during the afternoon he was coming down stairs at home wnen he was seized with a fainting ,spell and Was scarcely able to save himself irom falling, He was removed to the hospital Wednesday where he passed away Friday. Game Overseer, Ora Toole was in Goderich Monday last, the previous day he came upon Robt. Adams of Hullett Tp., fishing from the banks of the Maitland River at Auburn. An inspection of Adams' string disclosed three undersized black bass. They were just two' inches short of the ,»egulation length, ten inches. Adams "!told the officer that he had just thrown ten small ones back. The offi- cer took him before magis. Reid,who evied him a fine of $10. and costs. ;;7: There was a near drowning at the Goderich harbor the other day when motor truck, driven by Joe Lang- e id struck m i front trtyr vA st,6 11931. iseverai, hours ovhen found. • rare tbg ;some '$ girls from Strat-. - year of the: ford and fifteen from St. Marys.. ,r nuE - The fiftieth anniversary marriage of Mr and Mrs, Chas. W. the two woke #t c. the girls -have Parker, Bayfield„ was fittingly obser- had their outing the ,Knights of Col - veld. by the mem1 ers *f their family umbos boys will have possession un-- at n- at a, picnic in Jowett's Grove on Sun- til the middle of August, The camp day last. The date of the anniver- I is conducted under the auspices of sary will not be until December 22, the Stratford Rotary Club and this, ., but the inability of some members oi` year is enjoying .its :best season. the family to be present. at that John l iieeshaw, son of Thos. Kne- time, seemed to warrant this advan- asbayr., ,iaf apaerwb, Rost his.life last ced date. Mr. and Mrs. Parker are ' Thursday in the Bayfield river while !the parents of nine children, all of swimming. Be was holidaying at the whom were present except Mrs. fare .sof L. `Thompson, an uncre, wh- Larson, of Natcam Sask,, lets. . o n. the .rhrer bank, a sheet dis- Dr. E. S. Steiner and wife of Ex- a'lee uptown frown the bridge and, e . accompanied by Mrs. Asa Pen- with two companions, Miss McLeod, et r, P sister as Miss E� Walters, 'a cove- - a to panion, the latter of Grand Rapida, • Mich., he was in the river and got into ,i3ifiinuities, ;His companions en- • deavored to help him and in the ef- fort iVliss Walters, had a close call herself. Me was in his 2lst year, and was Planning going to the Cul- - versity at London this fall, and in - tended studying for the Anglican ministry, t 4, ZURICH :HERALD hale had a close call Monday last n where the former's auto collided'. with. at theHuron Street, a moving train crossing, Exeter. The party were le- aving for Guelph where Dr. Steiner intended being bresent at a confer-- ence of Ontario Veterinary- Surgeons A heavy downpour of rain at.the time and the Dr. failed to see the freight approaching from the south. Fortunately the train was not going fast, and the car swung in the same direction as the train with the result that the 'step of the engine caught the bumper of the car, tearing off the step and damaging the car about the radiator, is here spending part of her holida at the parental home. • ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Cantelon have turned home after several.week's -Va- cation at thei cotage at Pike's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby of Burling- ton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gram of Lans ing, Mich., visited for a few days,with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grain. Mr. George Fee is all smiles these days. A little son has come to give cheer in the home Mrs. Talbot, who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.),,Co ll g- er, has returned to her home in Lon - f ge, s rvc a mooring spi a in A pretty wedding took place at the of the Government office and careen -home of Mr and Mrs. Alex. McCon- e'd over the, side of the pier into 21 nell, Varna, when their daughter, feet of water. E. Mallough, sitting Margaret Esler, was united in mar - alongside, Landgridge in the cab, +rage to John Wilkie Argo, son of the jumped to safety, but Langridge was late Rev. James and Mrs. Argo. Revs carried overboard behind the wheel , and was rescued in an unconscious Davidson, of Hamilton, oi.iciated assisted from the water by Malcolm assisted by Rev. E. A. Poulter, of Var McDonald, who witnessed the accid- na. The living room was lovely With ent from a bench in front of his fish- a profusion of summer flowers and boost. McDonald grabbed he cam dga was ply. e rhe grin's wedding March ,by the hair the first time came to The played wasby Mrs. Leer McConnell. the surface. The harbor was crofded The brideOwenattended by Miss Mary with swimmers several hundred feet Donald of Sound, while the away and other assistance was soon best man was Donald Cole, of Toren- at hand. to. During the signing of the regi,'t A shadow of gloom was cast over er, Miss Betty Argo sang. After the ceremony a reception was held in the don: the Exeter community on Tuesday Newton Baker, a highly esteemed re - garden. The wedding luncheon was rur,• A„� Mrs. Gordon Davis and evening last, when it was learned that served hi the garden. Later the bride and groom left for an extended motor trip. On their return they will reside in Toronto. Guests were pre- sent from Toronto, Montreal, Minne- apolis, Detroit, and Owen Sound. son of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mics. J. R. McDowell.. Arnold Bell of Toronto, visited re� latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sheppard of Paisley spent a few days at the, Baker had went to Exeter to do up a former's parents here. pew chores and gettingsome Mae McNaughton who has been i garden visit ng at hr home ]fere, has return things. When he did not return to the Bend, Mrs. Snell became alarmed and making investigation found that Ilftr. Baker was lying in the garden With a container full of berries that lie had picked, He had been dead for sident of Exeter, had died suddenly at his home there. Mr. and Mrs. Bak- er had been spending the summer with. their daughter, Mrs. Milo Snell at Grand Bend and on Tuesday Mr. ed to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Heenan of ToA hjto, visited with friends here.. 0..s1 Norma Douglass, of Hyde Pari+, is spending her summer holidays 4rith her grandmother, Mrs, Mrs:.{ Jnb; Johnston, and aunt, Margaret.. • : . ` '' Mrs. Langmaid and daughter' of Streetsviile visited ...foie. a few days at Mealhome ofeat-.John Keys. Mr. and.- Wm. Dougal are visiting at the ome of the r son, Dr. R. P. I. Dougall of Petrolia.. Kathryn Drysdale is visiting with relatives in Toronto and Kitchener. Mrs. A. Doan, of Morrie, Alta., is visit ng with her sister, Mrs. Hugh McEwan and Miss Jessie Bell. Mrs. J. Kimball and children of Chicago are visiting at the home of 141r. and Mrs. Robt. Patterson.. Ed. Berry of Windsor, was a vidlt- or with his mother here. . Our boy scouts left for Pike Bay on Saturday last where they will be, for a vacation. The auction sale of the real estate and the household effects of the late Ths. Cook was held Friday arternoon last. The real estate consisted of . a frame house and one lot, and was sold to Thos. Shaddoek for $450. Ire has secured a very cheap property. Magistrate Reid of Goderich held court here on Tuesday on the two Belgians who were recently arrested for selling liquor in Tuckersmith Tp. Constable Whitesides gave evidence of the raid he and Constable Gundry made on the Belgians' home and .:'of the finding of a large quantity of home brew and also eleven people, 9 men and two women, who were drink ing there. Two young men were cal- led as witnesses and stated that they had received ber there and paid for it. Only one of the Belgains Was on trial as the other had already plead- ed guilty and he was sentenced to 4 months in Goderich jail, and`'` two months for selling to minors, the sen- tences to run concurrently. ing his vacation with relatives, A number from here attended, the races in Goderich on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Willert of Carlo, Mich., called on friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tiernan and family of Stratford spent the week- end with relatives in town. Mrs. R. Fritzley and son of Port Albert is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Genttner. Word was received here last week of the death of Mr. Charles Willert at the home of his son John Willert at Sarnia. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon interment in the Sylvan Cemetery. Mr. Willert was a former resident of this community. Mrs. R. Taylor and son of Exeter is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen, Mrs. R. T, Catt of Regina, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Milton Sauer, who is attending col- lege at Naperville is spending his -ye- cation with his parents, Rev, and Mrs Sauer. nif Mouse Jaw, Sask., are visiting fra annds 'here. Miss Lois Young of Toronto spent a. few days with friends here. - Quite a number took in the Varna :ferited Church Garden : Party on 'Thursday evening last. 'l'he W. M. S. will meet at the home of Miss Annie Jarrott on Wed- ; iesday afternoon, August 12th. Mr. Jack and Ruth Levis of Clin- •sen are spending their holidays with Ur. and Mrs. H, Coleman. Mr. Power spent Sunday with finds in. Hibbert. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris and family of Sarnia are spending a few weeks in town. Mr. and Mrs. Russll Richmond of Blyth and nir. and Mrs. Harry Bolger of Walton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. Miss Phyllis Reid entertained the Entrance Class and their teacher, Mr. G. Keeler at a euchre party on Saturday evening. Three tables were in play after which the hostess assist-.- fri- ed by her sister, Miss Laura Mae Reid served lunch. The prizes were won by Evangeline Held and Howard I�l,rimpp. Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Burkhart and son and Miss Lena Steinhagen of Cle- •veland, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. William Lindenfield and family of Parkhill, were Sunday visitors with Mr. 'an - Mrs. Charles Steinhagen, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown of Paris and Mr. George Brown and son of Parry Sound calledon friends in town. on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. A. Cunningham of Guelph were Sunday visitors with Ma and Min. Louis Morena john Vidt of New Hamburg .spent 1'sat week withher mother, Mrs. :Stade. Mrs. Fitzgerald of. Exeter spent a leer days with her' brother, Mr. . and Ore. "Eid. Stire. on the 14th Con. Mis::Mildred Me. Dorrell of lien - dr ll in the guest of 'Miss ;Anna Tie - Mfr. Lorne..'? a ar and sister Mvr'tn of tendon spent the week.,cnd with Mr. and Mr . nod Eurko an, II1.r;n d Mrs. R. Taylor. family of Detroit spent Ste iday ev .ioxr.Lr llartletb of London js spend- Mr, and Mrs, Charles Guenther. COUNTY NEW$ Marshall Dearing, of Exeter was struckin the face by a ball during a ball game at Crediton, receiving a gash in the lips which repuired sever- al stitches to.close. Following a wild ride in a stolen motor car, driven by a kidnepped pro, viitcial traffic officer, who at the point of a gun acted as chauffer while a service station and six occupants we- re robbed at Mitchell and one of the latter .seriously wounded, J. Lamont- agne, of Toronto, was lodged in Wat- erloo jail under the impression Chet the man he was alleged to have shot was dead. The whole das a some- what of a novel effect. The other bandit excaped in the dark night out, 'n the country, A quiet wedding took place at the' 2rivitt Memorial church, Exeter on, Wednesday of last week, when Miss' ;tgila Pearl Dearing, daughter of,Mr, incl Mrs. Wesley Dearing of Stephen `. was united in marriage with Sylvert er Basil Taylor, a popular young bi:,. treats man of laxeter and son of 112; An accident which nearly cost the Saturday last the 80 Stratford boys and 30 from St. Marys, who had been camping for a forttnight at Camp Kitchigami, six miles south of Goderich on the lake shore, return- ed to their homes and for the past week and this the canner i's• being- ou- r Established 1900. 1S$UED EVERY 'WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Officre SUBSCRIPTION RATES -$1.25 E . year, strictly in advance; $1.50. in arrears .or $2.00 may be charged. U. S. $1413 in advance. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid un- less at .option of publisher. The date - of which every Subscription is paid is derated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made known on application. Miscellaneous -articles of not more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, .Lost, Found, etc., One inser- tion lac, 2 iris. 40c., 3 ins. 50e. Farm or Heal Estate for sale $2.O0' for flrsb month, $L00 for each fol- lowing month. Professional Cards not exceeding 23A inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 50; 25e... for each additional verse; Card of Thanks., 50c - Auction Sales—$2.00 per single insertion if not over four inches in length. .Address all communications to: THE HERALD dfRISIMICIAMIRSMONWIMWRIZISINIMEIP U�TC� �Z IN t+^'• .inf•I!. _...,.." �� �t�„M�. y� �n Mme. tir Walk on the LEFT crewman; ~Ids . . . Face the Traffic chis rule is important at all , but especially so at dusk and at night. At such times, no matter how careful. the driver of a ,car is, he ✓ " may not see you until he is very near to you and it may be impos- sible for him to stop in time to avoid inflicting, serious injury. Should he swerve to avoid hitting your,, though you slay escape injury others may be hurt. Of the 524 fatalities on the highways a Ontario last 'year a large number were caused by persons walking with rather than against traffic. Why take a chance? ONTARIO DEPARTMENT o f HICIIWAYS GEO, S. HENRY, EItEMIRR. OF ONTARIO AND Mi:NI' tEu OF HIGHWAYS F3