HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-07-30, Page 4�11111j(1NIll[ it II111II 11611! 11111111111111 IIIIIIiII11111111111NI11111N111 IlMlllllllii NIIIIIIIIII{IIIIIIN1111 IIIIIIIU�_; I VIIIIIINIINIIIIIIIi l 1 STOP! Joe's Place,rt' l For Gas,Oil, etc., for your Car AND FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF FOLLOWING GOODS WHICH ARE KEPT iN STOCK,AND SOLD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 1-j .g-- Prints, nghams, Skirtings, Curtain Materials, Table Oils, Ladies ;sena 1 Children's Underwear and Hosiery, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, Fine Shirts, Ties, Sox, and all Underwear 'a1 tCiF'a sh Groceries and Fruits, Chick Feeds, Flour, Salt, Garden Seeds, { 3L a gel and Turnip Seed,' Seed Corn, Soft Drinks and lee Cream C;—h in Season, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco of all kinds. *1 '—ii OVERALLS! OVERALLS! flea Special in Men's plain blue Overalls, red back denim. An excellent wearing cloth. Sizes from 34 to 44; roomy cut, two hip p:,kets, elastic suspenders. Well made throughout for only $1.25 a pair. Do not miss this. J. Gasch . & 13 � Pry ,.psi J. S. Bedard., Manager 22 ]s,a'.i111NNitI MIIIINIINIIIIIININNNINN IIIIIIIM11111IIIIIIIIIIINlIIl111NIIIIIIINIlMIIININII a• YIliIlt.IC•H HR1tis!l, Taylor was called ��nx'nediately but could not determine the exact extent of. his injuries, which are very serious The injured man was 25 years old ,and has no relatives. Dr. Broughton of 'Toronto, spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Broughton and family at Mr. and Mrs, J. Keller - man's. Mr. and Mrs. May of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Oestreicher.. Misses Irma and Harriet Pehlke of Stony Creek spent a few days with their uncle, Rev. and Mrs, A. Sauer Miss Grace Guenther of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. • Miss Matilda Ehlers of Kitchener, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam Oes- treicher. Big Festival The open air mission festival held: on the Lutheran church grounds in Dashwood on last Sunday, July was well attended, the congregations averaging about 500 in number at each of the three services. A goodly number of guests were present from Logan, Zurich, Monkton, London and other neighboring points. Rev. 1P. Brasch, the speaker at the morning service, in an eloquent address, show- ed that the love of Jesus, the Savior, is the chief requisite and driving pow er in all mission work. Rev. E Mu - 1 eller, a Dashwood boy, now a inion of q'191119II1{h IhIIIIIIIIIII— NNIIflllllli�t ssion- i I any amongst the negro pop Cleveland, 0., in the children's serv- ice in the afternoon, spoke to parents in particular in vigorous, powerful worcih reminded them of their duty ansae teBaas,� ssee essese lsetovva a>orr T3& c !r7 r3D' »193 : Hazel Morenz of Dashwood, visited �' A'1 nri xl Hospital i n .a critical con- Vii. • 'baer a> cattle .having •clition suffering fxiaran concussion and in 4ransr► the market, both in tru-Robt. ^ friends at Hensall. of the brain as a result cks and on Vtrains. One erover at re ship- dirs. week -end Madeat theof Vancouver spendt hemorrhage at home of Mr. and of a serious accident while helping to Eluevale ext six arsix animals fell prostrated', ' ,heput. a separator into the shop. avert' :91 The J. Panye,:revived. In nearly many friends o a t sed F. and. the tongue ofontl a is separator case the animals had been/taken been a tr er in who for years p he .struck his from stables, There they the heat Sato Bret to before going to Tars threw Cook down. andout on pasture, they onto, regret to Learn of Iris death `head on the floor. �, be•,, .nrhich occurred on Friday last at Tor- Douglas Naiarn, a local barrister onto Western Hospital. He was well and favorably known and was of . a ;cilia' disposition, that made for him many friends. Was born in Kincar.d- ine and resided in Toronto for 18 ,ears, a graduate of the Royal Col- tege of Dental Surgeons in 1898.He nest practised in Hensall, ' On Friday last Ms. Margaret Agur Hensall's oldest citizen, celebrateda her 100th birthday. Mrs. Agur s formerly Miss Margaret Ballard and vas born in Prince Edward county. She lived there for some time after her marriage and later was a resid- ent, of Londoi. Her husband died there and she came with her daugh- ter, Mary to make her home with her Rev, and Nlrs. Fletcher, • to care for the spiritual welfare. of 9 the "little ones" in at least the same; • measure as they do in material thn4gs fi�he David Thompson, with 400,000 • • and he pleaded with them to act at i ushels of wheat from Chicago, for • all times and in a large hearted man- the Gdoerich Elevator, and this was for • her the part eof ra "big brother." an not a :cull load for ordinarily she car- the evening service Rev. F. Malinsky' Aes 430,000 bushels. • • President of the Ontario District of A very pretty but quiet wedding 9 the Missionary Synod, focussed the 6 attention of the congregation .upon. • the great imperative in the rein. of • missionary endeavour, viz: -to do what is to be done NOW, while the doors to the heathen world are wide open and • men educated for the work and -filled • with missionary zeal, are still avail-. •• able. He also commanded the cong regation for its mission -mindedness • which it had evidenced. by Sun- daymake the annual Missionary day a day. The Dashwood Band hi 6621 SIM At Agricultural Park, Goderich ad 3r CIVIC HOLIDAY son-in-law, nenar Exeter, where Mr. Fletcher was minister for over 40 years:•. After his resignation he moved to Hensall, wh• ere Mrs. Agur and her daughter kept house for him until his death. Her miner and memory is still good and she te'jss meeting and chatting with liar anyc friends. and, sen of Mrs. C. A. Nairn of God - elicit, has been appointed solicitor for the. Town of Goderich. He succeeds Crown Attorney Dudley E. Holmes, who resigned recently. Mr. Neirn tak- es over his duties at once. r' A rather serious accident occurred at. the Main St. and (Goderien High- way at Seaforth, a new Ford driven by R. E. Hutchinson, of Toronto was travelling east and had just reached Main St. when a large Buick, driven south by a woman from Walkerton, who failed to notice the stop sign, drove directly in front of it, with the result that the Hutchinson car crash- ed head on into the side of tTle Wal- kerton car. both cars suffered con- siderable damage. A most regrettable accident hap- pened to the little three-year-old da- ughter of•Mr. and Mrs.Joe Hugill of Tuckersrnith when •she pulled a ket- tle of boiling ,cherries over on her- self, resulting in scalds 'which threat- en her life. The mother had lifted the kettle .af boiling fruit from the stove and set it on a. table prior to bottel- ing the contents, when the child by some means pulled it over on itself. • The scalding liquid ran down over the lower part of her face, her body arras and legs., inflicting . terrible • burns. There was a car accident near. Grand Bend the other night. Wm. Watson and Alex. McDonald of Thed- ford, going to Grand Bend, ran into a car coming the other direction and smashed it up a bit. They went on a piece and then parked their car with the lights off and ran away, then a- long came Bruce Tiedeman, barber of Grand Bend, who is said to have sup - COUNTY -NEWS plied Watson and McDonald with land wrecked his car in the collision. The largest grain port ever so visit In a Supreme Court writ issued at Goderich port was on Thursday last, Stratford, Frank Tydall of Hullett Tp., seeks to recover the sum of $4,- 340 from the West Wowanosh Mut- ual Fire Insurance Co., with head office at Dungannon. The plaintiff` claims this amount is owing lain► as the result of the burning of his barn was solemnized at the Zion Evangel -1 which he claims was insured by the seal. Church, Crediton, on Saturday a defendant company. The plaintiff al- morning, July 18th when Lydia E.1 so asks costs of . 50. McPherson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman 1 Makins, of Stratford, are solicitors .Oestreicher, of Crediton was united for the plaintiff. In marriage to Harry R. Abell, of I The Coroner's jury investigating ontreal, the Rev. Sippell ofliciatin •. the death of W m. Lutman, Exeter. • . Harry Lippert, Pinkerton hotel returned a verdict of accidental de- i eeper, entered Bruce County Sail ath with no blame to be attached to on June 25th, and the six months anyone. The entire transaction is a 'sentence imposed upon him by Police complete mystery and even the Tor- 11agistrate Walker on May 14 Last onto Hydro Commission experts can- :l;.pon conviction of selling liquor il- not explain why this ground wire which killed Lu'tnan could have pos- sibly been charged at the time•. Considerable losses 'have been en- countered by drovers and farmers of Huron Canute during the heat wave, quor, and ran into the parked car, At 2,00 O'Clock FREE-FOR-ALL BLUE WATER STAKE, Pace or Trot.... $1000 220000 ' GOLDEN GATE STAKE, Pace or Trot. $1000 2.25 'GODERICH STAKE, Pace or Trot • Under the auspices of the Long Brans' Driving Club NEW COVERED GRANDSTAND — GOOD TRACK BETTING PRIVILEGES ALLOWED ' GENERAL ADMISSION -- 50c (Tax Extra) ;i. 1. Whitely, M. D., 111,1 President &123,F��bht3ican9$s*+�iB*QSas�Gb•G�o0&�'®®�SiA1B ®© .l'����essG6 ::�0•Q�®0e89e,m®•••••®•�ir15 • s• i • • a • • 4 • • • • • • • i its customary fine style and Mr Ed;; 'ally, will not expire until the day Walper's orchestra in an equally I" ifter Christmas. masterful way provided special rnus +-George Cook, long a respected em ic and led the congregation in•what i;jdyee of The Bell Engine Thresh might be termed "Community Sing- pox Co., Seaforth, was taken to: Scott: ing", while Mr. Clayton Pfile's choiss. rendered appropriate anthems. Mien. ''" Edith Walper, the organist of the E. R. Wigle, W. F. Clark, V.S., • Treasurer Secretary. •• 1H1LLSOREEN church, accompanied on the piano a very capable manner. The mission offerings were satisfactory and mus above the average of other year,. f Dinner and supper were served in tli<. church shed and the ladies excella as usual. • y ` Miss Rose Guenther of Windsor, is spending her vacation with her par Mr. Clark of Detroit, Mich., is a ents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. guest, with her mother, Mrs. Hagan. Messrs Harry .and JJack Smith of Ass,, her son Dr. John Hagan of rs. Win. Consitt ocParr Hef Hensallandne Mrd , fand Mrs. Wilson and Marie of Toronto, were visitors with Miss Lavada Iiertleib -on Tues- day. £hkago. Mrs. Lorne Eiler and children have returned to their home after spend- ing several weeks with their parents, :Mr- and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Miss Norma Bonthron of Moose .airy, Sask., spent a few clays with her .;,cess ire Miss Annie Jarrott. Mss Agnes Love spent a day in Stratford recently. • Mfrs. Laister and family of Inner - Miss Beatrice Graybeil left last we- ek for Toronto where she will spend the summer. Mrs. E. Flynn of London spent the week -end with relatives. 1VIr. and Mrs. M. Mcisaac and fam- ily- of Detroit are spending theiir va- HENSALL y Amelia McKay of Toronto -visited with Greta Lainmie for a few we- eks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster arid family were recent visitors to Toronto. Miss M. and E. Johnston have re- turned from a delightful motor trip. with friends to the northern penin- sula, also visiting friends as Pike lay Lion's Head and Toberrnory, return- ing by Owen Sound, Harrison Park and Eugenia Falls. Mrs. Jane E. Short, accompanied by •her daughter Mrs. Forrester, • oth of Windsor, are visiting Miss M. uSi l E. Johnston. Mrs. E. Rennie spent a few d r$ last week with her sister, Mrs. Canto- lon at their cotage at Pike Bat,;, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Switzer, and children of Detroit, are visiting ._sat the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Higgins. Miss E. Murdock had a pleasant motor trip to the northern petki;pstna recently. Dr. and Mrs. B. Campbell of Tor- onto were visitors at the home of Mrs. T. Murdock. Miss Jean and Dorothy Campbell and brother Keith of Toronto, are spending part of their vacation with their relatives in town. Dr. R. P. I. Dougall of Petrone visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Dougall. Dr. Russell McKay and bride of Hagersville, who are on their honey- moon trip, spent a few days visiting Hensall friends. Constables Whitesides and :Gundry of Goderich and Hudson or Hensall,' made a raid on Saturday night last on a farmhouse two miles out of Hen- sall, which is occupied by two Bel grans who recently moved there froth Centralia. Considerable liquor war found and the names taken of some fourteen men and women who wer•- found there, all of whom will be br- ought to trial. The two Belgians we- re taken to Goderich at once. Root. Baker, of Carndiff, Sask., motored here with a couple of nei- ghbors men and reports farming and crop .conditions very bad in the sec- tion in which be resids, sand storms and drought destroying lehe cr;ops f and drought destroying 1 year to year, making it most disco - 'kip spent a day with friends here re- i cation with the former's parents,Mr. .xently, and Mrs. P. Mcisaac. Miss Annie Jarrott spent a few days I Mr. Alfred Zimmer of Detroit, is at the Summer School in Goderich; visiting at his hone here. last week. i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Witzel of Tor - The congregation of Hillsgreen onto spent the week -end with his mo- tchurch observed the morning church thee, Mrs. Witzel. .service with the Kippers Congregation Mrs. Kraft of Elmira, is visiting at fast Sunday. The service will be as the Lutheran parsonage. astral next Sunda* in Hillsgreen ch- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dulz, who spent arch at 2.30 p.m. the past two weeks with her parents, The farmers in this section have Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner, returned `been busy cutting their wheat. Sonia t to Detroit on Monday. are drawing it into the barns Thresh- Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan visited ing will soon be tyre order of the day friends hi Thedford on Sunday. Mrs. Stadelbauer and family of London spent a few days with her , parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Kraft fast week. Rev. and Mrs. R. Koessel of Ruth Miss Alma and Milford loch and Mich„ is visiting Mrs. Koessel's moth- Mr. Clarence Tucker of Detroit and . er, Mrs, 0. 'er on the 14th con rs. J. Schroeder is spending a few Mays L?,osella Koch of Windsor; Mr• weeks with her daughter in New Ham and Mrs. Jack Dale and son Melvin hung: of Wilton Grove, Mr. and Mrs. stow Mrs. W. Schultz and daughter Ona sell Pitt and daughter Alma of Thee- ndal.e:; Mr. and IsIre. Elmore Th—el of Detroit is visiting .and Mrs. LouisRaderner parents, Mr and faxni'y of Hensall; Mrs, Arthur Rev. E. Mueller of Cleveland is s,-. Weig and children of Kinser, Pa., all ending eV: it Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. (Teo. Mrs0mother a � few weeks with his .lis, C. Mueller, on the 1?th Conon-, Koch. Kicked by a Horse Yr: r. and Mrs. John Siemon. Mrs. 4. 1!waId Gritzlca, employed on the ;on d Mr. Eisler slwn: Sunday farm of Harry Rader was the victim'=aq4'Nan, of a nasty accident on Wednescxuy c • t ur'.grng. .. , Ur. and Stn. G: o. Ko.l... fie.. ^ when putting the. horse.; it ,.a l a''r, 'arid Mrs. Iia rl,. itlltYKi.., 1�I1»r• Welsh �d i�:allie l:lo lc },:, lt'.Eta, Arthur Vvery of Moser, K t. :I.... -.,table. ale v r sever 1v' kicklore-nee.firer ¢a' .01,g her #Il,1jdeyg wj�tit her prve I; t�,n ' _ •�;1 '. .o nci ., .i.,•:' I .`}„net.... A .i *<,e.. :1,- ninny to, Jt]• seconds later Fas Anconsglous, Dx.1 eottage1 At J[ ondea>, 4111'4 .,:• lla DASHWOOD Z H HERALD E•stabiislted 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION HATES—$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or *2;•il0 may be charged. S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon- tinned until arrears are paid un- less at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is denated en the Label. ADVERTISING RATES 33isp'ay advertising made known on application. Miscellaneous articles of not more - than four lines, For Sale, To Rent,. Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser- tion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 50c. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00s for first month, $1.00 for each fol- lowing month- P"roff-sO7aai Cards not exceeding 13i3 inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25e for each additional verse; Card of Thanks, fee. Auction Sales ---$2.00 per single insertion if .net 'over four inches irx length.. Address ;afl communications to: ThE HERALD r, r 14 60/ roues. Yw seresse ear a The person who drives i the coddle of the road at any e extremely slow driver, =offers a speed, but especially � �'" silent insult to every other diver on the highway. But this disregard of eves rule of el -mimosa courtesy is inerely incident. The real offense of the Road Hog; is that he f=orces others t• to risk life and limb. He obstructs the vision of those drivers behinds him and makes them either .drive at his speed or risk a head-on collision in passing hist. Probably no form of law -breaking on the highways causes directly or indirectly so'varied a list of. accidents as does middle-of-the-road dtiving. � for .e ha. �twa Y ;s. Every man who drives a car helps to pay Every motorist is entitled to use them safely,. Why deprive any man of his right? Don't be a Road Bog. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT of HIGH ..A.Y S PREMIER OVONTARIO. SuND.1k4Y1h:ISi EE Q1 ;i t it SAYS CEO. S. HENRY, • 1cj,T�