Zurich Herald, 1931-07-23, Page 2Salada Orange Pekoe has
a most fascinating flay ur
6Fresh font the gardens'
Kev.:40:6 Ts, *7A:
re , .., , v,, , e ,* vq. ,,,re
SYNOPSIS croft collaring the goods. He made
Henry Holt and his ward, Muriel up his mind
Mainwaring, are staying at a Dartmoor
farm. Holt has a friend. Moineau, living "All right, boy, I'll come straight,
at Kestrel House, and is desirous that but you gotta give me a fair chance
Muriel marl.; Moineau's nephev,,, Hayden
Mercer whom she dislikes. of beating it and if i'm mobbed later
has been alarming the neighborhood,
A. series of mysterious disappearances I'll expect a sizeable slice off the sen -
Mona Page, the vicar's daughtetnce"
r, being .,.....
%MO Ar. . - - •
o UT, at the farm, Percival "You shall have it," said Barnard,
ryeeroet, is murderously attacked while scarcely able to conceal his eagerness,
walking on the moor. He and his valet, though his face betrayed no sign of
Flack, discover a secret underground
passage to Kestrel House and a locket his emotion.
belonging to IVIona Page. Pyecroft and Slick glanced at Trotter.
Flack deliberately sandbag Holt and ex- "What about the bowler hat kid
tract a. parcel from his specimen case.
Pyeoroft afterwards finds the stolen Par- here, that apply to him, too?"
eel has disappeared. Inspector Barnard "Cut out the eunny stuff," growled
steals into Kestrel House alone ‘und
brings out another prowler. Slick sarn- Trotter. "What the chief says goes.
uels.— You ought to know that, you half -
Appearance had:; been altered tee‘ed-
erably, but to all officer d his (epee-,
fence that should not Wive Mae DIV
difference. He was, annoyed with tem -
self, he reit that he was malcieno
progress, and that he was feiiin ;te
grasp opportunities when they re ine.
Slick interrupted his thougbfre
of luck for you nobblitee tee,
wasn't it?"
baked crook."
• CHAPTER XIV.—(Cont'd.) Slick shrugged his shoulders and
As if in answer to his thoughts the grinned.
detective sergeant materialized from "All right, boy, don't get the hump,
the darkness and at a sign from his it's a nice hat, anyway, or used to be,"
chief ranged himself alongside the he added. Then turning to Barnard:
crook. They hurried through the "Well, here's the Elope. Guess I needn't
plantation, expecting every moment to tell you that I'm running with Ber-
hear signs of pursuit, but they gain- gen. Darkey Mullen was too, but the
ed the shelter of the hill opposite silly chump double-crossed us and
without event. Barnald called a halt, went over to this crowd here. They've
"Now, Slick, -we'll relieve you of the tumbled to a new process of printing
hardware and. then we'll talk," he flash notes and believe me, it's the
said, running expert fingers over the goods!"
other. A small but very deadly auto- Barnard sat back but made no cora-
matic came from his hip -pocket and a ment. He was hearing something
complete set of housebreaking toole., which he had not even suspected.
fashioned on compact lines and beau- "When Darkey went over we guess -
Welly constructed. ed that he was on the printing game,
"That all?" demanded Barnard, as Darkey's a hot elan at the, business,
passing them over to Trotter, who so Bergen sent me along to pick up
"That you was up a gum tree, tee
Guess I've put you wise to a whet
heap more than you knew. Don't com
the clever stunt; you was working' i
the dark, I know."
Barnard stared herd, at the c to!
"I wonder how much more pole
know," he said slowly hnd deiib ate'
ly. "As a matter of 'fact, the 146
I'm on has nothing whatevee o
with bank note forgeries."
Slick grinned and raised his el -
"Of course not, You're here on
little holiday and put inbit
cracking just to keep4our hand
Come off it, boy, Weelce;et„ pass ti
"Nevertheless, it is true," mei
Barnard quietly. "Have you 'd
that a number of persons hav
peered from this locality in t
few months?"
"Sure, but that's all bunk
are disappearing in dozens evef
gets a craze in time. The ie
it down to the Hell Hounde
would, damned fools! Guess
boys up there have made ae
capital outta the scare; but,11
same, I'd like to have- a '4
that baily dog or whatever
the champion screamer of t orld,
and believe me, he seared Med'
"Teetight?" ?We.
"Yes, but I'm referring to. pher
night when I trailed Pyeerei and
Flack over here. They weeteto a
belly cave down under this h' qiere
the Kestrel House gang pat
car, but they came out aga
couple of rabbits with a
In a few sentences Sai
the detective about the adve
Barnard listened with an
which was flattering.
Pyecroft was beginning ttassume
proportions which left him 1,.,asy in
his mind.
"But ft e fellow's a drunk st of the
first water." he muttered, hap
Slick Samuels chuckled akcdy:
"Don't you believe it, boy,' grin-
ned. "I thought that until ',,hund a
bottle of brandy in his room
"Well?" demanded Barna) think-
ing of the amount of spiriPsrecroft
had consumed when he had ‘.erview-
ed him after thelidnapping$
"The brandy 'was coloretivater,
boy," and Slick Samuel laugh aloud.
"Mind you" he added, "I've him
examined, the ,teoiteveithe ' -his trail—I ..had..A....,,jek bet Your life drink beer, but he's steady -V1 en,
, at
, and
but 1 nen eleeas eette- beeeeelitehat sloppy , eteleeeeser or'
What New York
Is Wearing
411ustrated Dressmaking Lesson • Fur
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A particularly lovely printed chif-
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An applied band at the centre -front
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It may also be made sleeveless With
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Style No. 2648 may be had in sizes
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Silk crepe in emerald green. with
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yelow are charmin- suggestions.
Size 36 requires'4%. yards of 39-
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„co .As i t nao a4L0HOW TO ORDER P.O.TTERN
4 an 11„.P.p„fat,...f 0.4 pet y thirty nimuteihet (Ana
eteteres ettee't yecro t nark
one little shooting -bon, I don't pack has messed things up pretty much.
a gat as a rule, but on a job like this I've had to watch him, too, But I
I figured I need it. Believe me, boy, shan't grumble, he gave me the first
I've never in all my born natural been packet of flash I could get my mitts
en a job I liked less. Gad! That belly on."
place sure gave me the willies. What "Gave you?" asked Barnard in -
the heck is it they've got chained up credulously,
over there? I heard the damn thing Slick grinned.
one night when I was trailing Pye- "Sure, it was like this. I was hang -
croft and his precious little rat, Flack. ing on to his trail one evening, sus -
Ever heard of the Hell Hound, boy?" pecting that he was out for blood, and
"Yes," snapped Barnard, "I have!" I came up in time to spot that little
t "Well, if you ask me, that's It." stiff, Flack, giving old Pickwick the
. Sit down . . we'll talk." sanelbad. Believe me, boy, but Flack
"Sure," grinned Slick Samuels, is an artist with sand! He koshed the
seating himself upon a rock and lean- old bloke as neat as possible, and I'll
ing back against the bank. "Mind if take my oath he never saw Flack."
I smoke a gasper? I can talk better Barnard nodded grimly: so that was
when Pm comfortable." it! He motioned Slick to continue.
"Now," said Barnard: fixing him "Well, they pinched a parcel from
with his steely eye, "Why are you the old 'un, and sneaked off in a ear.
But I guessed where e'd find the stuff,
and I nipped back to Barrows Farm
and hid around. Presently Pye comes
back ard has a few words with the
girl. Up he goes to his room. Ah,
thinks I, biding it, eh, lad? and when
he takes her off searching for the vic-
tim, sly dog, I nips across and up to
his room. But, believe me, boy, I
sweated blood afore I found the
bundle of flash, and I saw your merry
little party emen.eward bound. Touch
laid go you didn't spot me."
"One moment," interrupted Bar -
teed. "Who is Pyecroft?"
Slick shrugged his shoulders and,
spread his long, delicate fingers,
"Seareh me," he replied, "I've seen!
him knocking around town with thee
boys, but he ain't in any crowd, Playa
mare or less a lone hand, Flack seems
to be his pard, and there ain't no need
for me to tell you who Flack is." 1
"There is not," snapped Barnard.
"Don't you know any jobs Pyeeroft has
Slick shook his head.
"You've forgotten the caution, boy.
All that I say wilI be used in evidence
against me and all the other dope you
coppers like to get off your chest."
"There is no caution, Slick," replied
Barnard in what he believed to be a
friendly tone, "I want your help and
Ill forget that I'm a policeman."
"Sure, for just as long as it suits,
"That depends. If you come straight
with me play the game with you.
pass my wore on that."
Slick Samuels wen thinking hard.
Re knew that the chief inspector's
word would not be broken and in any
event they had him groggy. , He had
'failed to get the secret, better there -
foie to bust up .he Kestrel Home
gang rather than let them get away
with it or have the mysterious Pye-
beautifully figured walnut case
—elegant touch—exquisite tone.
Will grace any home and satisfy
any. musician, Although slightly
used it carries our full five-year
guarantee. Regular SOSO, now
Terms $25 cash and $8 monthly.
Freight will be prepaid to your
nearest Ontterio station.
Vo Ode Firrne,
195 Yonge Street, Toronto
Coupon. .m,va,••••••••••fto...m.r.....*.mie•immoosmOimaa.a.
Heinteman & Co.,
195 Yong° St., Toronto.
Please send me full information
about the Hefntzman Plano Men-
tioned above,
r, • • v` ... • • w.
"No, but 3 guess that he's mixed up •
in the flash trade. Must make a pretty
good thing outta it, he lives eonify,1
fiat in town, posh car, and *andel
freely. There's more than one of thei
boys would like to week in with him,
but he ain't having any."
"Ei-Tri," grunted Barnard, ;
pointed. To learn that Pyecroft was
a crook only confirmed his sespitions,
but it got hint no further.
"Who is IVfoineati?" he demanded,
"Yes, the old man at Keetrel
"Don't know hira, boy. Only ones
I've seen are Darkey Mullen and Deaf
and Dumb Charlie. Darkey picked
him up soon after he came outta quad
inspector questioned the;•'Crockag be
received no more info#natton
Ten hours later tete body 70 rak
on the Princetoierf ..telle live bee' ,
Samuels was -deice'. 'led undede op
savagely stabbet'. death.
..,• • „,,,a1.2.,,,... your order to Wilson Pattern
(To beetriniied.) .h e' Svc !,n, ': I",',.‘'. A eel eide St., Toronto.
Write your ramie and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
'petterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
setemps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
IC:carefully) for each number, and
To loee the lord is to es
from Him as their so o to
love the nighi2pr means ,
uses to him/• -as their , nd
that these uses ought to or
the sake of the neigh/ the
use, and of the Lord, an thus
love returns to Him who i ource,
and all love from Him is its
source, by love to Him, is its
object, returns to the Iov
from Him who is its sour
ret urn constitutes its
and love is continually going nd
turning by deeds which a uses,
since to love is to do; for love
be not done, It cease to be lo,-; for
what is done is its effec
and is that in which it
Sive' '
CP. 3.14‘11
,aael Ida 40,?" $COTTIE-
weet carne before:1 Captain thnrny
and his friend Lieut. Jed Stone plan to
rescue our Stone, Jed's younger brother,
'groin the cruel Chinese bandits, 13.1.0guls-
ing their plane as a dragon, they raid
the bandits' camp.
I searched hurriedly through the
deserted tents for Guy, A few bun,
dred feet away Lieut. Jed Stone stood
guard with his terrible dragon plane
gleaming blue in the darkness. Fropa
the rim of the dark forests the band.
its' rifles flashed and stray bullets
rained about the camp, Sed re-
turned their fire
with bursts from
his machine gun,
Tat -tat -tat. Tat -
tat -tat, And the
echoes resounded
a hundred times
from the black
mountain cliffs.
Adding to the ter-
ror of the situation the thunder which
had rumbled in the• distance now
rolled up overhead with a muffled
Flashlight In hand I searched. The
tents were in the utmost confusion.
Dirty cooking utensils, fragments of
cooked food, were all strewn ebout
heater skelter fashion. The air was
close and hot. Scottie sniffed and
sneezed, with disapproval.
No sign of Guy Stone in the first
tent. We ducked under the back
wall and made for the next one. As
we ran across the open space, a rifle
went,. Crack! A buffet whipped by
iny arm. Those bandits were better
shots than most Chinese.
From tent to tent we went, and
each time we showed ourselves a
sniper's bullets went, Spat! Still
no sign of Guy Stone. I had search-
ed the last tent without success, and
turned to go, heart -broken.
Scottie was sniffing at a heap of
rags. He wouldn't budge away,
and continued pawing at the rags
and howling to himself. I. turned
my flashlight on the litter, and there
at the very bottom, more dead than
alive, was Guy Stone.
Cutting his bonds, I shook him
well to bring back Omelette -A into'
his numb arras and "ego, Thee II
helped him from tent to tout. Each
time we showed oueselves, we were
greeted with a regular fusillade of
shots, The bandits, enraged at los-
ing their captives were growing bold-
er and creeping closer. Jed rushed
to meet us, and in a moment we lift-
ed Guy into the plane Boosting
Scottie over into the ecteltpiteni fol-
lowed the two brothers, an in an-
other moment we were rushing down
the field.
A group of bandits, headed by the
Chief, broke from the cover, of the
vvoods, firing as they came. Realiz-
ing that they had been duped by our
dragon, their rage knew no bounds!.
They elanned to riddle our plane. as
we passed.
The storm which had held in
cheek, now broke. Amid the crash
of thunder, the rain ca,me down in.
sheets. Then Jed turned loose lith
machine gun.
Stopping in tbeir tracks, the bandits
turned and made for the woods as
fast as they could run.
"Give her the gas", said Stone. And
I did. Whirr -
bump - bump -
bump. It wasn't
the smoothest
place in the
world to take
off, but we
weren't stpend-
ing =Oh tira
picking an d
choosing that night.
Off the ground we went. Higher
and higher. Soon we sailed far
above the valley, and passed through
the storm out into bright, clear moon-
light. We 'were soaking wet, but
happy. After midnight we landed
in Shanghai. General Lu sent for
us in haste. What had happened?
(To be Continued)
Note: Any of our young readers
writing to "Captain Jimmy", 2010
Star Building, Toronto, will receive
signed photo of Captain Jinuny free.
• ...MOM.
Wonie413 Chocolate Malted Milk
The health -giving, delicious drink for children and grown-
up& — Pound and Half Pound tins at your grocers.
Moon and Pony Men and Machines
heard my pony 'dmiing grass
In the dead hours of night,
Whell the uults4 u;P°/4n .1)3'7 1v144"1.7
Wrote a great 0 of light.
I looked, and on the'pasture lay
The moonlight and the dew;
Grass, hedge and all were blanched
and grey,
And my small pony too.
Hubert O'Toole in the Fortnightly
Review .(Lonelon) 1,..cannot see why,
ineit should be '.!Spected to eeeepe,"inee,
eeplacement of something which they
want, something for which they have
not asked. It is not fair or reason-
able, and I think it should always be
remembered that, as far as labor -
"saving is concerned, the laborers were'
never asked if they wanted their
labor saved; it was simply :assumed
The trees above the further fence, (in so far as any assumption at all
With shadows huge awl blurred, was made in the matter) by people
Stood in a dreamy stillness, whence who did not care for manual labor
'Tor leaf nor shadow stirred. that nobody cared for manual labor,
a peculiarly stupid assumption end
And darkness fine as poppy seed one which says little for the imagine -
Powdered the glimmering air, tions of the people who made it, It is
:'o that the sky was blue indeed, almost always stated that those early
But stars were brighter there; weavers who wrecked spinning Jon-
neys did so because they were stupid
While down below me he the night, enough to believe that the new m
rived beeat misttemper." se empty and so still,
-hprena donna is said to
Pulling and ranching, left
t) a y eey pony 'cropped his fill.
S , attie s con
chinesel l Im owd
o. uklThis d ei sa
p rililteextanhernisoftheir
and right, l iv
plete failure to see the point. Thera
was never any question of the -weav-
ers being allowed to remain at wok'
while more men were employed as
weavers, but they were put against
i their wills to a different sort of wok,
In the most exact sense they objected
Ito the machines becauere the machines
were liemr-saving ones, and they' did
not want their labor to be saved. Also
they objected for another extremely
important reason; that is to say, be-
cause they were deprived of their eti-
dependence, alway$ the most valuable
attribute of manhood. In my firm be-
lief, history will record that the worst
evil which the factory system. wrought
; and that which was least often men-
' Lioned, while it was being introduced
was that it sapped the =elided of the
great masses of men by cleprivirig
them of their economic freedom. ea
I Be notcareless in deeds, nor eon -
i fused in word,s, nor rambling in
I thoht.
ug—Marcus Aurelius,
-t have They have temperaments."
S. ,
—Veda. E. Tucker in "John ()Lon-
There is one childless married t
couple to every seven families and The "most dangerous age
one car to every eight families in -derers In. Great Britain
Great Britain, tweirty-oue and thirty.
with mer-
le between
July 7; 1931.--W 110 giant Curierder Aquitania e
called at Halifax last Sunday On the 91st tam
Verson of the Line, a de' 'bitten of prorathent Nova Sec:Akins ,headed by LteGov. Staneeld, Mayo' Ritchie
of Hali(ax, and the Hoe. Doull, provincial secretary, welcomed Commodore E, Diggle, It.").,
master of the ship, allele In the name of the province. From left to right In the photogeaph are, lite
"Detre Barnard swore softie to Gov, Stanfield, Cornmodor G. niggle, R.D., re.Nat„ Eric Tteford, general manager of the Cunard Line in
rsf E. G. Ritchie, el ayor of Halifax, Hon. John Doull, provincial Seer6-
himeelf, Vie bed failed to reeogniee Canada% Norman Daft
---I the big butler, at Xestrel Hollee es etre, Commodore Hose, dfm14ctor ot Naval Services, Ottawa. 'This was the first of the express liner 'week -
ISSUE No. 29 '31 I Deaf and Dumb Charlie. The man's pa4 Cruises from New itelictogalltot and brought n eerie 1200 American tourists to .t110 Nova Spotlao voit.
Quick relief from rheumatic
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