HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-07-09, Page 7Try this salad dressing
it keeps, for weeks!
KRAFT Salad Dressing is so thoroughly
blended, it will keep tot weeks• it stays
good right down to the last tangy tea-
§ all, it ants lust ane -half the price
you re used to paying. A generous 12 ounce
jar sells for only 25 rats. Get some today.
Made w Caned: ov the Makers of Kraft
Cheese and Velveeta.
"I'm Glad You're My Mother"
Mrs. W. B. Bailey
"Mother, did you bee that woman
ahead of us down on Ontario Avenue
Jerk her little girl along and tell her
to 'shut up'?"
"Yes, I did, Jerry, and I felt sorry
for both of them."
"For both of them? Why I just felt
sorry for the little girl! I wonder
what she was crying about?"
Jerry and his mother were resting
on the lawn under their favorite tree
after their trip to town. Although
'only six years o1d, Sorry was learning
to think reflectively.
Both were silent for a while, then
the boy continued, "You wouldn't have
done that way if something had both-
ered me until I cried, would you?"
"I hope not, Son, but a mother gets
quite nervous and upset sometimes.
What do you think I should have
"Well, I believe you would have
said, 'What's the trouble, Jerry boy,
can't you , stop crying and tell me
about it?' Tben I'd have tried to stop
and if I couldn't you would have stood.
still and talked it out with me. Then
everything would have been all right.
But I'm too big to cry on the street
though . . . . I'm sure glad you
are my mother and that we can talk
together the way we do."
"That is sweet of you, Little Man,
and I appreciate it very much. I'm
Friendly Animals
Declare ,Tobaccorl Laffs
Contains Vitamins.' (to 'ohltny)-"Go to true
IX��: lvlatlel
store and get a pound of soda creek.-
Seeds of Plant Piave Fx;a1i.1$rsjouunny•
(an way to the store)
"Crackers, Tire -crackers, giant crack-
ors, torpedoes;" •
Storekeeper -"What do you want,
Food Value, miler.,
tnenters ' Says ---
-Nicotine Absent
in Tests
Washington,--Tkle seeds of the •:- pedees."
bets a high food value I
Johnny -"Give me a pound of for
baCCQ plan. a
and include three of the essential vita-
• individuality
mins in, "reasonable ab 'ndance," ae- Ties
fiddles r ishes he e could sing,
cording to the report of experiments
The conducted at Yale 'University. Tests The subject wishes to be king,
on rats showed that any trades of the The devil would be a saint;
poisonous alkaloid, nicotine, cannot be But wise seayshe who tsinger plods alonsong,
demonstrated. 1
Rats fed on a dint consisting of 99 •
per cent. tobacco seed grew at the Oh, let the dancer dance, say I,
average normal rate for 109 days and 1One job enough for me,
Showed leo ill effects. They ate the 'TWere nice to And take the ainst a fee a summer sky
seed greedily,
Thus, says the report, "there is rea- 'Twere nice to do another's work,
son to believe that tobacco seed con- But I've a task I mustn't shirk.
just as glad you are my son as you
are that I am your mother."
"I guess we are chums," the boy
said as he smiled up at his mother.
Then he scampered off to meet his
The mother sat wondering about the
woman who bad .impressed her son
so unfavorably. Why had she not tried
to discover the source of the trouble
and to remedy it instead of being so
rude and unkind?
"Why is it," she thought, "that
mothers so often forget that children
are persons and should be treated with
respect? How humiliating to a little
girl to be handled so roughly and
spoken to so rudely in public!
"I wonder if the child will ever feel
like going to her and talking over her
troubles. Will she tell her mother
they are chums and she is glad to be
her little girl? Why I'd almost have
halted traffic, I believe, if necessary to
see what caused the child to be un-
happy enough to cry like that. Why
didn't the woman lead her gently to
one side vrbere they could have dis-
cussed the matter quietly until unhap-
piness was erased from the sweet
young face? Theethis child, too,
could have said, 'I'm glad you're my
mother'," - Issued by the National
Kindergarten Association, 8 West 40th
Street, New York City. These articles
are appearing weekly in our columns.
tains proteins of good biological quail -
n to
ty and that it includes at least vita-- The farmer was the first man
mins A, B and G in reasonable abuntl
ince. No advantage seems to accrue
from additions of a more complex salt
mixture to this unusual ration, The
•further study of the nutritive factors of the race.
in the tobacco seed is being proses ited
Mr. Pearce, the teacher, was explain -
Nicotine Absent . ing to the class of .small children the
his appearance in this wor ,
cording to the record, and if things
should come to the worst, the farmer
would be the last man to be forced nut
"It was noted during a preliminary
study of the seed," the report con-
tinues, "that nicotine, while entirely
absent from the unsprouted seed, was
present in consP'cuous amounts in the
sprouts that develop in about 12 days
when the seeds are scattered on blot-
ting paper moistened with distilled
water. It is evident that this alkaloid
is synthesized very . early in the life
of the plant."
The experimenters are trying to find:
out where the nicotine"a: deadly poison
in its pure state, comes -from. Chemi-
cal analysis shows that- the seed con-
tains a high proportion .of fat and a
very low proportion of carbohydrates,
thus somewhat resembling the soy
bean and various oily nuts.
A method has been devised, the re-
port states of extracting the protein
meaning of the
word "Collision."
Mr. Pearce --"A collision is when
two things come together unexpected-
ly. Now can anyone give an example
of a collision?"
Johnny -"Twins."
In the New York Hippodrome a
short time ago a remarkable friend-
°'hip existed between a baby elephant
and a fine large boarhound, both be-
longing to Mr. George Power. The dog
was in the habit of going regularly,
every morning to a butcher's shop
close by the Hippodrome, where the
buteher would give him a goodly par-
cel of bones and scraps of meat wrap-
ped in brown paper. The dog would
go straight home to the Hippodrome,
lay the parcel down in. front of the lit-
tle elephant, and wait patiently until ante of vitamin° E has bee
the young animal had turned out for _might
Valve let PromaJungle to Zoo." striated in the leaves of watercress.
meat,he on the floor- Not caring - Tests with rats indicate that the dried
meat, would poke at it with his I Lilies Dinnerleaf of this plant is at least twq, or
trunk disdainfully, and then take nof h fthree times as rich
Tu h the paid I
There is no one who knows quite so
much about'` how a thing should be
done as the fellow who doesn't know
anything about it. The less a man
nows about a matter, the more free
he is with advice. Probably the first
rain that fell in the Garden of Eden
was right after Adiym discarded his
fig leaf for a pair of white duck
breeches. Then there was the young
bride who grew suddenly jealous when
her husband revealed be was in love
with his work. The woman who mar-
ries in order to obtain a meal ticket
will often find that she bas to earn
content of the seed, and a study of its I the blamed thing over and over again.
chemical properties now is under wqy Orator -"If the average man were
The investigators are especially
terested in the various water:solub to look himself squarely in the face
substances which may be present in and ask himself what he really needed
the alkaline content.
There is .a dot on Tea no* of our
cents per pound and four percent Sales
Tax. All impo of Tea now pay these
extra Charges, but—
ut—We have not
increased the price of
We bear the loss
So you can still buy the very best
of Tea at the same price as before the
duty was put on.
HN, N.R.
Montreal Toronto
" Knights"' Meaford Flooring
See your dealer
Get our prices
It's Even Better
The Kr ght Mfg. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaford
It's Go,.�d
Thus far, they have demoiztrated
the presence of five bio -chemical sub-
stances -choline, an alkaline• sub-
stance found in the yolks of eggs; be-
__ - ----•- I tains, found in beets; adenine, a, pro
did the little elephant give back to his duct of growing plant cells; arginind'
faithful friend. Once or twice, while and guanine. But there is no trace of
watching them, I was amused to see nicotine, 'the alkoloid peculiar ;to to-
the dog, atter waiting patiently and ' bacco itself. Somehow or other it is
watching the other's enjoyment, very' created in the labor.
put one paw forward as ing plant. WatercressBut wait
little bit of the
most, what would be the anewei'?" •
Heckler -"A rubber neck."
Something New In Styles
The girls once wore their skirts quite
And now they wear 'em long;
The drug store cowboy's trousers
Have pleats that look all wtong.
More Air Stamps
Countries all over the world con-
tinue to issue special stamps to pay
postage on letters conveyed by air
mail, while Great Britain refuses to
stamps. Luxembourg hasthe idea of p issued a set
ial air mail
of four stamps, beautifully engraved
and printed, the denominations and
colors being: 75c brown, 1franc reblud,
11/4 franc purple, and 1 5 -
,They can only be used on air mail cor-
Messrs, Whitefield King, of Ipswich,
point out that he issuing of these
stamps must bet excellent propaganda
in making the use of air malls a more
popular method of despatching corres-
pondence from one country to another.
Fortunate is the man whose tastes
are similar to the tastes of the cook.
story of the grow-! The golfers wear their plus fours neat
And feel just fine and dandy, .
, Good till the Mahatma comes
though to tape a i And sets style a la Gandhi!
dainty. But, at the first sign of such i In con>}eotion with the chert;opl
an action, the little.eIephant would lift I work, it is announced, an east* method Another authority' describes a pee -
pet his very loudest, vastly indignant
!nicotine of high purify. The waive simist as a man who sits under the
also isolated pure nicotimine, a .tittle tree of prosperity and growls when
that the dog should try to get any. And I known volatile alkaloid that acimeathe
then the funniest thing was to watch I optimisttIs falls on his head.
who, undersimilarut an
dr -
the dog's expression! ;palates nicotine in tobacco, but is quits cum tances, rubs his head and grabs
Such a meek, aPologeic, reproachful l different, chemically, from the potion
expression. As though to say, as he itself• the fruit. There must have been a
It is also reported that an atlund- fair and open mind once• upon a time,
licked his lips, "Wolf, I think you n demon- since someone had to invent that say-
ing about there being two sides to
every question- There is no record
that man has ever been able to bide
a garden where the insect pests could
not find it. If some of these paragraph-
ers, snaps our wife, had to stand over
a hot stove and get a meal in
the pre good
old-fashioned may,
would do less wise -cracking about can -
openers. A word to the wise isoften
resented. If you don't talk kinda
mean to some folks they never believe
you really mean what you say. ,here
will be no more broadcasting •from
this station at this time. Hot weather
has melted the microphone.
Tun •es Foy in this essential
Ther notsce of it. East ® t e uez l constituent of diet as is the dried leaf
This was the moment wen I A hungry Canadian workman w of lettuce.
takeboarIund would come 'forward and have something to say if stewed daffo
take it all up again -bone by bone,
scrap- carry it all over ails were placed before him after a
and scrap by heavy molu ng s tin other
to bis own kennel, and then make a 1 t of Suez hoer
good breakfast at his ease. But he t g tin the cls Y
\Vhen in the m+docks the small white
was nevet once known ro at it tot his ! menu• trillium woods
eat it without first offering 1 In Madras and other parts of India, ! mong axons of the snow and
little friend. as well as in the wild regions of Af-' After rain,
Also, when he was given cake or bis 1 glianistan, flowers are cultivated fox I
cuits the dog would offer them first food, and in Southern India, where qhs Gleamaen urdead mnss,.ancl';a sud-
i work bu
lands, particular y eas it
w -
ors play an impor an par
Emblems of Spring.
(From Harper's Magazine.')
to the young elephant.
But this was li, to u
a bit or serail jolly is considered a great delicacy. Of light is in the storm clouds, and
�- the peas g rs are soak- again
ed in a sugar solution, and boiled until . Birds sP akel theeir, nests under the
they form a stiff paste, which is pow-
dered with more sugar and moulded. And susn and hall are alternative in the
But this is scarcely a dish for the i And the apple txeo with blossoms
Western palate. , hides its leaves,
Shrub tulles, made with blossoms,
1 • in I And night is tremulous with the marsh
I population is mainly vegetar
a .different matter. Not t 1 of youn flows
vYOU have not re•
L ccived your copy ai
infant feeding litcra•
turn together with our
Baby Record Book lilt
in theattaClied coupon
stud they w,ll be sent
you free of all cost.
Engle Br�artntcrt,
coNDENseo M l k
The Borden Co. Ltd., C.W. 17
116 Gcorgc St., Toronto.
.\\ 11.
GENTLEMEN: Please sena roe freo
A ure on Child \vclfare.ntiva litcr-
7 � q'
Nurses • antod
The Toronto 3lospitai for Incurables,
in affiliation with Fordhau; ]sCospital;'
.stew York CitY, , offers a Three Years'
Course of '•^raining to Young vliomen,'
having' the required education, and <
sirous of becoming nurses. ¶Chis &osyi-
tal has acloPteelaelve eunato o a ur ofstthe
ghee anti bazaar sugar aro popu ai iron's cry- I The prapxra
nthly allowauee And travel•
the North, and sold at twopence
apiee°. They 1°acs to . ,i0min enjof trou- • Then, the
other spring For, further P
to the Sulierrntencton'•
blas, but, as e
by men. knout an lino; e, a and
these signs, liar expenses attic lain rwri+erepr pialy
th natives Ib Y nt
,strange concoction, they attribute sub IIIas c �mitttlion life land, and aro con-
n.: ane .1.....
Sequent ailments to Providence. Winter is now a gone, forgotten thing
i Every visitor to Ceylon, however,
should sample butter -blossom, which As earth awakens to new merriment
is boiled a 1 flavored with cinnamon , Earth shass no memory: the glad birds
nc r
er cloves. , The song of last year's birds, who
Food F'ronl the Florist s
eat came anti went.
Chinese cook lilies inmilk anti
candied jasmine, white 'Japanese have
a keen appetite for flowers, a taste
which is shared by the Egyptians, who
serve rose -petal jelly, prepared with
powdered sugar, water 'and isinglass,
t tris end of a meal. In Morocco Vee
coarse porridge is definitely impro
when served with a jelly made from LLikeri iwhhite carnation
tt ta ups n -d0 n,
pomegranate flowers. I g
- , In the Weat Indies, where exotic Nimble and swift as a whirling top,
' plants are as plentiful as cowelies at tables I I forget the giants, th Spins by as if she ll neve es toor t,
,tat home, floriculture caters for th
of all classes. A confection of banana And the Ilindu eating Ire,
blossom delights the natives, and resi- To watch this girl go wheeling through
deet Europeans have been known to The air, on a silyex wire!
express their appreciation. With a parasol made from a piece of
In Britain we Make tea from sing- sky,
ing nettles, but have we thoroughly ex- She swings and pirouettes, till 1'
plored the possibilities of our country- 'STeena tap i n er e e ggirre ith amber
s!tl°? tress,
"At every stage the British consti- And a smile as sweet as a sift caress,
talion has developed by making a neW Folds a parasol blue as t e bluest autos
brick, placing a new step, removing Mows a hiss or two,
o c 1 "---Sir goor'i-by! ,sale
At the Circus
Cascades of music from the band-
Ladies in gay attire-- land,
Wonders out of every
And on a swinging wire,
rete poetic e
ef• --•M'ary I+" anee Intl lson.
3$ ,:orale clefinite: c n
)pfd ,)olid Simon.
L9 Anconas0 8c, Assortedd7c.rPu1
le shorns,
lets, 8 weeks old, 50c; 8 weeks, 65c. A.
li. Switzer, Granton, Ontario,
chicks at lowest prices ever quoted;
Barred and White Rocks, 10c; Leghorns.
90. Assorted chicks, 9c. Started chicks
two -weeks old, 2c more; express paid-
prompt delivery. 600 lots 2c less. Valu-
al -
able free catalogue. J. G.
Fergus Ontario.
17 IAL paper mailed free. Addresie
Friendship Magazine, Medina, New York:
a 110 A F E COUNSEL" - 612 - FAGS
�7 book, illustrated. Discusses prob-
lems of love. marriage, etc., in plain
language. Full particulars 'about our
to anyone ver 18 years ouainted ffeage culprits
International Distributors, P.O. Box
202::, Toronto.
y ske postpaid; extra prints,
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. I,
Non habit
Safe 'ee'
r^ ';.entthe
3c each. Jackson Studio, Seaforth. (Int.
"She knew that she loved him the
moment 5130 saw him in his new Rolls-
Acid Stomach
Completely Relieved by
Famous .Vegetable Pills
ivir. Frank C., of Blackburn, writes: "I
have suffered long from acid stomach
and constipation, but since being. ad-
vised to try your wonderful Carter's
Little Liver Pills I can eat anything."
Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no
ordinary laxative. They are ALL
VEGETABLE and have a definite,
valuable tonic action upon the liver.
They end Constipation, Indigestion,
Biliousness, i Headaches,
ion. All druggists. 7513 red pkgs.
Evaded by �a�° �, en
" I was a martyr to headaches, with.
frequent attacks of dizziness affecting
my vision. My occ upation is a very
sedentary one -a printer's reader. I
gave l'ruschen Salts a good trial, and -
from then onwards I seemed quids
another person. The headachess disc
appeared and the dizrnte_ , an t
most wonderful thing to me is that a
have gone back to weaker glasses,
lens which I hod discarded some years..
ago as not being strong enough. I..
also suffered from back circulation 1
during the early mornings of winter:,
Now at 56 I can enjoy cold births all" ,
the yearr round, enjoy and am enger
for my food, and am what I consider
very lit -the sort of fatness that makes
living a joy "-•-(G. 1 .)
Headaches can nearly always be
traced to a disordered stomach
or to partial constipatiotf--a come
plaint many indoor workers. suffer ;
from without ever suspecting it.
Ii rusehen Salts go •right down to
the root o't the trouble and remove
the cause by gently persuading the
ex ti tly des cINature inteion ndedtnction
and all the little does
They can't get away, once
they touch Acroxon. There's
something in it that has an
irresistiblehold attraction 'Anwiider and
household p provides a
longer ribbon P
greater area, and the glue
does not dry --good for 3
weeks' service.
At drug, grocery 8s hardware stores.
$a1e Agents
xd::•1ITT.^.Pr A. I$'*r.n.
SS t' 'cot Sit. East, 'i!^ro:t•o
Gets the fly every time
Remove dry skin. Dab on
Nlinard's 3 nmee daily. Let it
dry on. Aker a while Corns
and Watts
Ziff right off
"I was always tired ands had.
ie'rere pain at myperiods , Lydia.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound helped me. I took it be-
fore my twochildren were born
and l afrt taking it now at the
Change. t have also used.Lydia
Pinkham's Sanative Wash
arid found it a great relief for
it flanunation and for a dis-
charge which, bothered me."
Mrs. Caroline Oorey, rg6
Head St., Simcoe, Ontario.
• 8 our O a o Wnnh811
Ntifi F R€kM i
1ydi M Et, Pinkht!j�S
e stable om.0d ` n
ISSUE No. 27