HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-07-09, Page 5soliCrrott. Myr. AII+V MIMIC. ETC, illrl'ICE-41suallton Street,. Agit ooh Square,'Gide).+, LTi . FOR SALE • Attention to Conoco' and Special Court We*. The desirable dwelling propertyin • ere.. eland if a rich es may be ?berm good foundation 1Crirde ch by l � g brick house, store charges reamed- barn, abmnifamzce of hard and soft ester,, frail trees and bushes, house .---'" - nasi for hydro. lone location, will E N be s ver' reasonable. For further Dr. 11. 0. C �'�" ,� ni�y M 33><zde aw Feu*** Node% Eta. A is IWO OWN= �d at eh, consisting of one a L,D,.s. ».I S. :DENTAL SURGEON At DEI.TZ BLOC]- ZITI ICII ZvPry Thursday, Fr tlay, . ►taardaoy i1t IUBTL AIrS BLOCK, DASII'W'OiI9 Every Monday, 'i�u�esday' an Wednessd'a�y Executors, particulars s Johne and Itoobext c B , Zu iib, Ont. For Sale TTL fine Brick house, good stable also three acres of land, will be sold at a bargain for quick sale. Apply to John AOR REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, mai Tractors. DAVID FUSS, - Phone 89 r1 A-U-C•T-I-O-� �1; '�-E OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National Retool of Auctioneering. Try me for 'Registered Lave Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices.Choice Farms for Sale. Will ;lert anything Anywhere. done 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- ductAuction Sale, regardless any s u i or articleditnot satisfied solicit your business, make no charges for Services Ren- dered. Dashwood ARTHUR WEBER-Dashwood 13-57. 71fx� aui1 Mrs. Barry 1Cungblut of t9wn, .attended the Yuugbut family reunion at. Auburn, on, July ftyst. .111r8. Ivan Kalbfleisch has returned froxn Detroit, where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Aulerich, Mrs, D. Witmer and son Harold of Exeter, called on Zurich ,friends on Tuesday evening. ltev, and Mrs. L. If. Kalbiloisch and family of Elmira, were recent visitors with relatives in town. Miss Jessie MacDonald, the teacher of Blake school, is spending her vac- ation at her home in Ripley. A fine bunch of Boy Scouts from Stratford are camping at Drysdale Beach at present, and on Monday they paid a visit to Zurich. Mr. Dan Smith, 'who spent a four week's visit with friends in the :New Hamburg, Hamilton and I3aldiamond County districts returned back to his home in Zurich last week. Messrs Leonard Bender and Del- bert Geiger motored to Stratford on Saturday attending the Bender re- union. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Knickerbocker and son Robert and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meininger of Dearborn, Mich. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs H. F. Weseloh. Zurich t-4 lane her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ti.. Melxck Mr, and Mrs. A. 3. Aulerich of De- troit were week -end guests at 'the home of Mr, and Mrs. L. A, l?rang.. Alia; Anna Paters is shawmg a Ane Bine of ready to wear dresses at pop- ular prices and invites the ladies to come in and see them. Mr. Thos. 3. Gettus of Detroit, vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Wes- eloh over the week -end, Mrs. Gettus and sons, Richard and Arthur return- ing to Detroit with him. Last Friday a most sociable event took place on Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff's lawn, when the members of the the Ming Line gathered and sp- ent the evening with a game of soft ball and many other sports. Later • shrawberries, ice cream and cake we- 110 re enjowed in the moonlight. After • which the McBride orchestra furnish- ed the music. r Seventieth Anniversary• It was in 1861; just seventy years • ago, that a number of the original settlers of our community, realizing •• their spiritual needs as well as those of generations to come, established St, Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church in our village. In commemor- ation of this event this congregation intends to celebrate its seventieth an- niversary on Sunday, July 12th. Two services will be held, one at 10 a.m. the other at 7.30 p.m. The special preachers for the day are Reads. C. C. J. Masse of Detroit, pastor of the congregation from 1908 to 1913, and C. S. Roberst of Waterloo. Large at- tendances are being anticipated. A special ofrering for the benefit of St, Peter's Church is being requested. The public is cordially invited. On Sunday evening about seven o'clock an electrical storm passed ov- er this section and a nice shower of rain fell. After the rain had passed Mr. Chas. Reman of Wagner's Corner noticed that his neighbor's barn, Mr. Jos. Gelinas, Jr., was on fire, and he lost no time in running over and ad- vising Mr. Gelinas of the condition of, affairs, who hurried out with a few pails of water extinguished the fire before it had got beyond contro. The bolt of lightning, which apparently' was a light one, had come down the cave trough conductor and near the bottom of the framework had started the boards on fire, and slowly was burning the boards. Fortunately the - r day before Mr. Genilas had complet-1 PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HA NEED R NEW MACHINERY TO �'. IPLE el- emptied the barn of straw and a LE • 1'. } A CALL t NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order 94-16. will l e much appreciated. SER -VICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers William 11. Brown A.S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop IIIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES'. AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, }lohning and Mechanical Work Settings, No done to Micrometer that ,guess work. Watch the cars .STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. 7L.W ONTARIO DASI4WOOD •••••• pM••••••••aNNs• Mr. Snyder and sister, Miss 'Marie Snyder of Kitchener • were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Wes. Merner. The latter Miss. Sny- der, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Merner. Dr. and Mrs. Sam Bean and fam- ily of London, accompanied by Mrs. Dan Faust and Miss Mary, England of Dashwood, -were Wednesday last visitors at the home of Mrs. John En- geland. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Brein of Exeter, Miss Adeline Wilson from the Pacific Coast, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson of London, were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jacobi. The 12th of July or more common- ly known as Orange Walk Dray, this year falls on Sunday, but the cele - CONSULTING ENGINEER bration will be held on -ivlonnay, and this district will journey to Myth on ARCHIBA'L,D, I3.A.Sc. (Tor.) that day for their annual outing. rux DAL -01:41 and 10 0n neer 'Fa'rml Machines while they last ONE 2 FURROW PLOW DIAMOND 4 -SECTION HARROW FLEURY' No, 21 WALKING PLOW ONE 'I,,IiWZR HARROW 1 CULTIVATOR • 1 SCUT LER • QUEBEC SULKY PLOW DB LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR a SPECIALS! SPECIALS! McCORMICB PEERING No. 21 PLOW AT .... • .. • • . • $17.00 a GOOD RIDING PLOW AT $5.00 WHEELBARROW` AT $4.50 1 • • • ACT QUICK FOR THESE BARGAINS • ALL THESE MACHINES AT SACFIFICE PRICES. NO REAS- 'I ONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY OF THESE MACHINES TO I CLEAR WHILE THEY LAST • e Gas,Oils, Etc. General Garage, Zurich •• L. A. Prang & Son •••••••••••••••••••••••••• erlNi�at•�laimla001140i•0II•.ai�sm•!• : -4.1•-4--IIA&•-&°1°1.>II•.1••�fi^�'c�i•°r•i..II.•i"•i•+ 1•.g.4+ :•- : • ; +4-Irai.:6.orili-1- .��.�i••14•4 :'•:• § 4-1- 444 SOMETHIN& NEVI . vv . O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office-Seaforth, Ont. Popular r111r1C'it:3' � �� �+�► iiABR ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. "A Changeless Christ fora chang- Worl Friday, 8h: -Luther .League. Saturday -Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m: -German Service. 11.15-a. m. ---Sunday .School. 7..30 p. m. -English Service. Everybody Welcome to oPall Services. E. Turkheim. ANNOUNCI::G !X" AT WE HAVE PURCHASED ISOM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICITERTJ THIS WELL ESTAB isISHED MEAT BPA PATRONAGE D SOLICIT YOUR Mrs. Henry Faust, `Mr. atid Mrs. Ober Blough and daughter Titelma`of Detroit, Mich., visited at the -home of Miss Lydia Faust and other friends over Sunday. Mr. Blough is"izn Ev- angelistic singer and he trerfabd the Evangelical congregations ors* mday with his inspiring messages c''song. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) 25 Butter lb. ,10-13-16 Eggs - 65c Wheat ..... .r ►. ... ..._ .... .25 Batsey. • . ...... .... Mrs. H. Rupp, who hasLeen a long resident of Zurich during the past week moved to Thedforcl.where she will reside with her daugnler,.Mrs Fred. Rinkert_ Mrs. Rupo;a .many Zurich friends regret to 1Raial „of her leaving, but wish her many more ye- ars of healthful life. ..'' Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Smith and sons Gordon. and Stanley of St Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith iia '? Mae of town attended the Wilhelm reunion at New Hamburg, on July first A suitable monument which was recent- ly erected in honor of the pioneers of the family, was unveiled during the afternoon, and a large gathering of the relatives were present. ' July First passed off very quiet in town as there was little special at- tractions. Most of the citizens en- joyed the day at the lake, as the •we- atherman favored us with the hottest day of the season so far, and little or no comfort was enjoyed unless by the lakeside, and then perhaps sitting in water up to the neack helpsd some- what to those SQ fortunate. What might have been a more ser-. ious accident occurred to Mrs. C. O. Smith of the Blue Water Highway on Thursday last, while being with the men on a load of hay in some way she Last her balance and fell head first off the load to the hard ground. However fortunately no bones were fractured, but the head and fa'ee were bruised considerably. Mrs. Smith however in a few days has recovered from the shack and bruises nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey of'De- troit were holiday visitors 'With the former's parents in town. We sym- pathize with Mr. and Mrs. Hey in the financial loss they have sustained by having considerable money depos- ited in a Detroit bank which owing to the depression, went "broke". The very latest in Unpainted Furniture A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE FOR END OF CHESTERFIELD FLOWER STAND OR MANY OTHER USES. ONLY 51.75. CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK 'THEM OVER A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EACH $8.75.' F. C. $ PHONE 69 s ZURICH L +++.+++++++++++++,,,,,,,..,--,..,,,÷÷÷÷÷++++++++++++++4 :t t1 -.4•444++++++++++++++++4+4+++++4.4-1-144++++++.14+++++44+ •.4.44 4'"i,.7.g--4'$-8-'y'{'.I.•1.•;.•Pg'•B°.l..l..y'.i'.1.4°+ .;+4..g.1..:•.i'.r++ 1,++.i.a•.g..,t.i•.g+4 rte t Masey-BarriS Implements --1-. - 4h } WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND GOAND 30116110111110110.10 30 Flour -. . 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 7.50 Oilau VL1I1 b1ut & ►SOU Rot' . �, ,,,....,..,,... - ,, 4 *iiaidis•se, ;�raii ma 1931 Announcement W IN arT SIRING PRICESPOR Scranton Coal ,mike Alberta Coal a+nd Soft Coal other conflagurating things, or it is doubtful if the barn could have been saved. However we are all pleased with the good results we can report. Ninety -Three Year Old Man Honored Peter Cook, one of Milverton's old- est residents, celebrated his s28 93 birth- dayt th- day on Sunday, the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Truemner, 14th Concession, Ilay Township. Mr. Cook was born in South Easthope, near New Ham- burg and is the oldest living son of the late Mr. and MTA, Rhinard. Cook who.' were both -. natives from Germ- any. Over 80 years ago Mr. Cook phot his first deer near Shakespeare, when the country was a wilderness, and in nearly 50 years he only micced a few hunting trips to athe Muskoka. district. He is also an expert fisher- man. In the late fifties Mr. Cook settled on a farm in Elma and in 1904 moved to Milverton. All his life he has been exceptionally healthy and for about '75 years has been a mem- ber and regular attendant of the Ev- angelical church. Those present at the gathering of this 93rd birthday event are: Mr. Peter Cook ane da- ughter andorrie Ral hook, Mrs. Spencer a l ofm. Spen- cex, P Mil- verton; Mrs. Wm. Truemner of Ben - Miller • Mr. and Mrs. George Hargre- aves of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Win- Snyder, Benmiller; Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Truemner and family of Arthur;and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Newbigging itton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rfaumlymel, o1, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Rum - Rummel, mel all of Kitchener; Mr. Conrad Truemner of the 14th Con. We join Mr. Cook's many friends in wish- ing him many more years of active life and health. DASHWOOD IN MEMORIAM In sad and loving memory of Ed - Vin Frederick McBride, who passed away two years ago, July 6 1929- Two lonely years have passed, dear Ervin, Since Angels came for you. Yet through the midst of these long years.'. Your face comes smiling through. Beach lovely hour that we have spent. Is woven through and through. With golden threads of memories. Dear Ervin just for you. Dear is the grave where our dear son was laid. Dear is the memory that never shall fade. Sweet is the hope that again we meatl Kneeling together at Jesus feet. Ever reinenrbered by his loving mother, father, sister an brother. BLAKE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF M% Cts. Per Ten will he allowed for cash. Order Barly as prises will advance on June 1Sbh, Case & Son tae 35 HEi'SSALL 1:., 1 VE POU LTR Y WANTED *keen every Day till a pretest, p.m. Ito feed Fowl same morning ,Tram brought i :highest Cash glees C .Sid FOR,-- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien MOW M. 'Reaiia Norel- WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN i+ + TUSKN OW AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU t ran tford Wind ills and Pumps • 4- 4. +. 4.HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD il T SHAPLEY & MO1R CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR .t aEXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE4. SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 1N THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS { ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. -g- I. BELOW WE LISTA FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT 1- t .MACHINES •WHICH WE ARE- OFFERING AT PRICES FAR. BE- s' 4' LOW THEIR VALUE. A.nnivelsary Services will be held at Blake United Church on Sunday, ,July 19th at 11 u. m. and 7.30 p.m. Services will be conducted by the !Rey- Thomas Davidson of 'Hamilton, a former pastor of the charge. the following Thursday evening, July 123rd, an ice cream Social will be held ;on the lawn of Mn Robert McBride's Goshen Line. Watch this column and see 'posters for further particulars 'Hiss Isabel/ Manson R. N. Receiv- ing Hospital, Detroit, is spending a � month's vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mos. Hanford Melfinley of 'Toronto called on, friends in this vic- inity on Monday. Misses Lydia Ginger^i.ch and Gladys 'Douglas of Scott Memorial' Hospital, leaforth, are spending hotid',a s .:reit respective homes here.. Late Elizabeth Papineau There passed away at her home at the Blue Water Highway, Hay Town- ship, on June 24th'Elizabeth Masse, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Masse, and relict of the late Joseph Papineau, aged 73 years and 6 days, death coming very suddenly with heart failure, wbich she became afflicted on retiring in the evening, and death soon relieved the sufferer, The departed was of a kind and lov- ing disposition and had many warm friends in the immediate community in which she lived, was born and sp- ent all her life. Deceased is surviv- ed by three sons: Frank Papineau and Peter Papineau at Windsor, and Fred Papineau of the Blue Water High- way; Also four. daughters: Mrs. Tay- lor, Chatham; Mrs. I. Denomme, Mrs. 'F. Denoinme, Mrs. G. Hetzel all of ;Detroit, The funeral was held on Saturday morning, June 27th to the iZ. C. church and cemetery, Drysdale, of which faith the departed was a devout member. Rev. Father. L. , }lanchaad,, her Pastor, officiating. ,- 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. t 1 HOW -ABOUT REPAIRING YOUR BINDER. REMEMBER, WE } GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES q... GIVE US A CALL! '4' Agent, Zurich 1: 444.4:4.3.q..4..4..^E»i•°i--E»F••f•+44-iib•�E•4�4-1-•4•-&-ah-I••}+ +-1 ++�0•-t-de}++. t. 1 ANIMIWAVANWONUWAIMMWMANNi II 4. Be SURE AND -4- } N. E. Simon, ,j,. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch spent the last two weeks at Grand til sd ii their J. rt cottage, accompanied by loin. - iVlr and Mrs Cumming' of Detroit, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Koch at their cottage at Grand Bend Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schroeder of Monkton; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hammer and famiaty of Koch's o co tage,ell nt Grand Wed- esday Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel and family of near Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. G. Koch of Dashwood, motored to London and Glen Dale and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 3. M. Dale Mr. Geo. Maier and lady friend are visiting his parents at Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. W. Maier. Tree Struck by Lightning During the electric storm which passed over this community on Fri- day last a large tree near Smoky Hol- low on the Lake Road near Grand Bend was struck by lightning andthe tree was splintered from top to bot- tom. The top of the tree was knock - d off. A few minutes before the tree was struck two of th men who were working oh the road nearby had talc 3heltor under it nat ely left take shelter�in an old bad bar Zu.fich Drug Story 1 We have a full Line of all the requireme]ltSOf School Supplies®44}0406•4.444.44}44 All authorized Text Books kebt in Stock .444.4.1444. Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military Brushes 4.44.0 s4ee.o4o®o.4400.a4a•o Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfumizers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND MINIS Dr.MaoKillflOfl,Zuriob h1a„iP M MMP