HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-07-09, Page 1vol., XXXII No.2 I C ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 9 1931. Chester L. Smith, plehlitiesste, 14.25 a ye*z, U.S. $L5O IzAdvil:4W 4/1.50 J ARREARS,022ear eseRA.1261212" Let the Herald know about all your Summer Visits and Visitors Lawn Socials azo eetrdert party ' tdme is again with use. These events are important in that they bring Izesidents of each cournamity to - ether. 4-11. Flatten. the Fly! It is estimated that the gammon female housefly will. in a. season ley about a quarter of a million eggs .and anyone who has seen these insects at' work must know that they are among the most efficient spreaders of disease that modern. civilization has to um - tend with. Therefore at this season, of the year for every fly sere kills the world is probably relieved of 'the burden of feeding a few thousand of disease distributotake tip the le 0414•1040114•440.49401144-40•40•••••• ••••••••••••••••••444,43, e , • • I.: Harness, Etc. I TRAVELLING BAGS. VALICES, ETC, TO CHOOSE FROM, AND WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK 'OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, : • • • • 4 VERY ARE OFFERING 1 THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC Al ATTRACTIVE PRICES. ' Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR TillSINGER sEwni-G MACHINE FRED THIEL - ZURICH PHONE • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • 0 • • • • ****••••••••••••••44.644.•••••••••••••••••••••••••44'. 1 esommaimmoseeesesasoesummiwoe eseskotirememisooesseepese • , • Three Representative F.,f,THYA9E8 'MEWS, WOMEN'S, ClifilaREN'.5 WOMEN'S .BETTER SORT, :SPORT POMPS Finest of patent, newest of patterns, also in Sun Tan Calf, Brown CroeIe ridn W , Beige Caihite Elk Sped Oxfords. Spial ecDiseiley , ire Weteer& Window at $2.95 to $4.85 MEN'S SWAIM MOES, AVENUE OX1FOR'DS Here are all the Leathers Men ;are wearing, Patentee Browns, Tan and Blacks in Qualities that make the price most unusual, Shown Thi week -end in Netts Window. 4111.e prke CHILDREN MANISH OXFORDS DAINTY STRAPS Many (exclusive patterns shown .for the first time.. Low shoes that are just as fashionable :as those for grown .ups. Andree-perigyfitted int Children& Dept. Prices from 85c to. WHERE 'YOUR .MONEY flUYS MOUE 1..411.1=404101.1.M.aliftimealmonmadataliftweirammusamma.....memamaial cudgel and flatten the fly or the • tanglefoot and lead him into a quag- mire. Sunnner School July 20-27. Thg'date'seraf the summer schoollO be held M qederitphe eunOier T41.ted Cnurch atih ltrices ear41.1 1P0-`26ne.(7" R- R. Conner- of KiPpen is presesiet of the organization and Rev. Charles Malcolm of Seaforth is secretary. Leaders of the various departments will be: Professor Davidson, minister,. group; Rev. Dr. Langford, Young People's Methods; Miss Constance,' Young, M.A., Mome Missions; Rev.A. E. Doan, Citizenship; Rev. Hugh Mace Milian, Formosa, Foreign Missions; - Rev. G. W. Butt, recreation and lit erature department; Rev. C. Malcolni,-, worship and fellowship; Rev. W. P. Lane, vespers. Special speakers fov 5red to Gadshill on July first wh- the evening meetings to be held Turkheim conducted services. North Street church. li•tl'rs. Morley Witmer and family of ,r-,-roit, spent the past week or so Mothers' Pension Averages $32 .7,071:,1,er mother, Kre, Decicer r ,own. Monthly 1 1, a. and Mrs. I. Dedels and family ' The average monthly payment leeL : 'itchener, were visitors with her der the Mothers' Allowance PAct. I, ,-. pts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Daters Sr. Huron County is $32 a month, Cl#a ast week.' v. and Mrs. Albert Daters of Des boiA were visitors with the former'e Ss -e Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deters Sr. 6 • _ , Jahn Wagner of Guelph visited ;•*itl. his brother, Mr. W. C. Wagner Ali0!Past week. and Mrs. L. Kekoa of Detroit, !,t a few days in town the past epweOk ee and Mrs. A. Moritz of Guelph WO holiday visitors with Mr. and Viet C. Fritz. iev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim, Miss -Turkheim and Mr. Louis Weber Geo. Holman told the county conned last Tuesday in the course of hi S• ?re- port on mother's allowance in ;Ibis Watch and Cluck Repairing WE BELIEVE WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE. Special Attention to, Mailed in Wat- ches. Hess, The Jeweller Yes! You will Find a DIFFERENCE IF YOU BUM Prices now at Rock. Bottom low for tlie, Season. STOCK UP NOW WITH -EMS GENUINE ANTHRACI It. For Cash Payment a Discount of Me. per Ton wil be Allowel ta.,ra.dtei.c= Phone lOw or 103 HENSALE, OE. 1. NEVER BEFORE county. The sum of $1,750 had:Ore, en paid out in May, of which the'Vo- Surerus, of the Toronto + eter. • unty paid half. There were at pies- F., -441: School teaching staff, is spend- erit 55 mothers on the roll. On of Waar holidays with her mother, on4. • these received $15 a month, fouee$20 t's:,:,onsrin Line. HAVE WE OFFERED SUCH $$ ten $25, nineteen $30, ten $854Sev ' ilea Cathern Merner who attend- 4° Quality at Such Low Pricooets en 40, one 45, one wear .1.... .f. women reeeiving aid since the- ee • ,•P ;55 a month. The total number $50 anek tWo 'le fligle School at Elmira, is spend- + 1 Act of *k?Ar: reiracation with her parents in i 1 On Men's Women's and Boys' . and Mrs. Gordon Wolper, I 1,* ee went into force seven years ago was rri"' . ..„ '',•2e,' couple, of Detroit, were visit- + HERE ARE A FEW OF; THE MANY SPECIALS WE }AVE. TO 145. jLh the former's parents, Mr. .1; OFFER YOU. COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES WITH MAW. I; The Welland Canal Opeolitk - Ile. Casper Walper of town. $ ORDER HOUSES, ETC, AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT YOU 4- Thg,Spa,5*11,4444.0..,0t .414. `''" 4". and Mrs. , glarlee Either and T. ‘CAN -SAVE- MONEY BY BUYING yaps, FOOTWEAR HERE., ` `,`-'"""mz-- W:a a great undertaking for a coin- 06 A, thi. home of Mrs. C. Eilber the +4' • , 1:4*.k6.1"-Ditirdltieli-- - , . , . , . - d ifile ' try of nine million people unaided. paiei'.::ek. ° + MEN'S TAN WORK SHOES, WITH FULL LEATHER MIDDLE 4111' The work has been in progress, en SOLES AND PANCO OUTSOLES, RUBBER HEELS .s... .11,Ti. and Mrs, Michael Ohler, accom e... and off, for more than fifteen years.. SPECIAL PRICE $2.35 4- panied by Miss Agnes Flick of God- + ÷ •The war caused an interruption, + -i- has been made under the driving en- during recent years steaely progress but' erich -were Tuesday last visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. John Eng- it And Sturdy Built with Leather Insoles and heavy Leather or Paned% + 4- MEN'S BLACK MENNONITE BLUC. WITHT OUTSIDE' COUNTER t i I ergy of Chief Engineer Grant. There land"' is every reason to believe that the . A goocily number from Zurich + and 4. Soles, Guaranteed the Best, $2-75 and $3.00 Pair.. quality of the work + BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS IN A COMFORTABLE AND GOOD 1: upon the country and everyone con - reflects credit 'AcinitY. Ittended the Bender re -union at Victoela Park Stratford, on Sat- + FITTING LAST, SIZES 1 to 5%, Reg $3.50 Now $2'.50 nected with it. The magnitude of the ura0e : ehere there were some four .1. B• OYS' WORK SHOES, BLACK OR „TAN soup -.1.,EATHEt31,, t work greatly exceeds, of course, that hundred esent. m 4 Last year we sold these at $3.00, to -day only $225 4- of the Hydro's Chippawa canal. The : •; Selomon Jacobe Passes 4 -z- • must of the power canal proper was Soloman Jacobi, son of John and ..1.. W• OMEN'S PAT STRAPS, Gores and Satins, Only $2.50 to 52.75 Isr;, .1. around 40 million dollars, while the Margeee; Jacobi was 'born at St Jac- et W• OMEN'S BLACK CANVAS 1 STRAP HOUSE. SLIPPERS WEIR 4..,+ Welland canal is costing 116 million obs,'iOnt, .-.November 15th, 185 and ± Leather Soles and Rubber Heels,. Reg $1.25, Now $L.011 a Pair 4; dollars. Scores of workmen lost dena4ed this life July 6th 1931, ag- their lives while engaged in digging ed . 73, „years, 7 months and 21 days. ± CHILDRENS' PAT STRAP SLIPPERS, SIZES 8 TO IeVe -ee .ie • the Inge ditch and erecting the con- His heakth had been declining some- ' Reg. $2.25 To -day. $L30 Misses Sizes 11 to 2 only $1..55. crete work. The main effect of the what ,Of' late, but two weeks ago he • opening of the canal will be to make took are seriously ill, and although MEN'S SUNDAY BOOTS, HIGH TOPS, ONLY PAIR $2.75 40 it possible for the largest upper medical: attention and good nursing MEN'S OXFORDS, PRICER AT $2.95, $3.58, $3.75„. $6.a • lake freighters to obtain access to did fiel that was in their power to 4. I Lake (Ontario and the St Lawrence restore ailing health, the messenger ,t, CANVAS FOOTWEAR, WITH RUBBER SOLES, 65c,. 7Sc..,, CUM river as far east as Prescott. The of death° ushered him into the etern- 4 Childs', Boys', and Men's Included. * ing capacity iof about 2,500 tons of 1886.1 This union was blest with two + the Old 'Wlland canal has a carry- to Mtry Jane Williams 11/1arch 16, I 0 FRITZ & SON ri REPAIRING 'NEATLY DONE Brown's Beef Shop ORS OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 11111104111101110811410001110110•600•01.114oesee••••••••••••• 04114441044411040*•••••••• *440 40.40 ••• • •••• 4044104. 444014.•••••••• • • • 410 OON flits evercoats lamed -vessel that can pass through al world.' He was united in marriage ore +tr. freight of 70,000 bushels of grain. sons And four daughters, one son dy- • MEMBERS OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES et. et, The new canal will permit vessels Ing 1 ,Onfancy. The departed •lived • eee carrying from 10,000 to /8,00 tons practe` ally his entire life in this coin- The Largest Group of Exchtsioe Footwear Merchants in Cana&s, + of freight of 500,000 bushels of grain munit - :g the : When first married they re - P to enter Lake Ontario and its harb- iideer4 e 14th of Hay, then on hone 82 or 11S ors. the blik!e Water Highway, later on the t ++++++44.044444+0444440.444.4344441.444.44444440.4.41+4 Gosheli Line north, then back again to thesarne farm on the 14th of Hay SCHOOL REPORT Township, which had been their first place of residing. For the last 11 years hey have lived in Zurich. It was given to Mr. and Mrs. Jacobe to live a Jhappy wedded life for a per- iod of 45 years. The departed began the christian life in his youth and be- ceme a -member of the Evangelical church:•at the 14th of Hay Tp. He made himself. useful as a Sunday f SchoolI: eacher and in various other ways g ,nkrally in the life of the ehOrctrWas of a quiet, reserved disposit di; agreeable, peace loving and kin el hearted in his relations to others, li: modest and patient man, a kind father and neighbor, all who will miss him very much. Those surviving him are: His bereft Widow, ane son Garnet..lacobe of the Parr Line, Hay; four daughters; Susie and Mabel (Mrs. E. Snider) at home; Ethel, (Mrs. G. Deters) and Verna (Mrs. Hilton Truemner) all living in Hay Sr, I -Hey Elva (hon); Baechler Township,; six grandchildren also sur - Verde (Hon) • McBride Grace (hon); vive an two brothers, David of Bu f - beach Earl; Gerber Ilene; Baechler falo,N. Y., and William at Parkhill, Emery; (on trial). as well it many near friends and re Jr I -Bon Ella; Schwarttentrubq? latives. The funeral services in ch Edith arge of his pastor, Rev. W. Y. Dreier R. N. QOUGLAS 1 I Sr. Primer -Hartman Ambrose; is being held this Wednesday after- Oessh Vernon; Gingerich Verna. noon; July 8th from his late home Jr. Pairner--Oesch Ray; Baechler Zurich, a memorial service at the &- navy_ urch and Interment mede in the X McDonald, Teacher. Bronson Line Cernetem . ,., A 1.4 • NM ;11V•raillaDIMMIOajNe *g=0fligniNnillaiitc Zurich. ti The following is the standing of the pupils of S. .S. No. 9, Blake. Names in order of merit. t Sr. IV-Gingerich Ephriam; Oesch z• Susie; Clarke Gus; Baechler William. Jr. IV -Manson Beatrice (hon) ; •Hey Mildred (hons); Schwartzenten- her Mabel; Hartman Louise. • o Sr. III, Pass-Schrag Ruby (hon); • Jeffrey Clemence (hon); Baechler • • Leonard; Schrag Lewis; Foster Fran - 4 * c is, (on trial). Below Pass: Gelinas Mozart; Schwartzentruber Allan. • Jr. III -Foster Reta (hon) ; Jeff- rey Ulene (hon); Gelinas Joan; Pesch r Violet; Gerbet Beatrice; Hartman Aft Austin; Hey Kathleen; Erb Lee Roy. • de. (on 'trial); Gingerich Rubon (Below eto Pass). Sr. II -Erb Dorothy (hon); Ging- erich Margaret; ' Gingerich Curtis- • 'Hartman Antony. • '.'71141; Olet4*A* ffor shad lime /I :;. .• , 111 SMISAISSIENIS Ant illSORIBRAL 0011SECTOSIS Superior Quality Store We are now offering a full line of •Spring and Summer Goods at Hock Bottom Prices WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR BARGAEIRS IN GINGHAM, BROADCLOTHS,, YARD WIDE PRINTS AT 2.1ez A YARD. COTTONS AT Ie. AND IS. A YARD.. SEE OUR OVERALLS AT $1.5.0 A PAIR. GARDEN AND ROUST SEEDS OF ALL KINDS - HARNESS REPAIRS., SHOES, PAINTS, OILS, ETC,, EW SENORA& meercemair PHONE 11 97•ELAM" jJ -of r ••• 4. •