HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-07-02, Page 8III(IIIIIIIIIIII@1 11114t1ikoda t1a t atilsio Iflll:iit 1111111111EIU!!!(1;81411,4'!lilMlMIRIl(11fR!Illi��i :innlmnnnlmovi!!umnmsmuzru:w,meinunnummmim :a,tTOH THIS SPACE w _ For Something Er tirely New _ In Advertising. We Repair Wagons, Buggies,. Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. E -HESS, the Repair Man. ..._ m NamituilimmiUflNiilNlli fN(1[IINItIIIIIIL`tollil11111H1UIlI1N etatig1ntligA ;",'t!wf agABIECIlIIiiHRIBIltiltlll',Innint!rt!tttslim nn! unwmm;u: anus Off' 1"1 E STORE WITH THE STOOK educed Prices ON Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs FOR QUICK CLEARANCE 9x � Congoleuin, Reg. $9.50 for.. $7.50 9:: i ;2,,` Congoleum, Reg. $11.25 for $8.75 9)..L., Congoleum, Reg. $12.75, for $10.00 9xi31,s Congoleum, Reg. $14.15, for $11.90 9 ; ,, Congoleum, Reg $15.75, for $12.50 3,2x1.3% Linoleum,: Reg. $21.00 for :.. , $17.50 12:.1.+3 Linoleum, Reg, $20.00 for ,..$16.75 71.:.:9 Feltol Rug, Special at $5.00 9. .9 t'eltol Rugs, Special at . , .... , . $6.00 9::' 0 3,2 Feltol Rugs, Special at $7.50 912 Feltol Rugs, Special ' $8.00 Overalls Overalls DO NOT MISS THIS! FIVE DOZEN ONLY, MEN'S PLAIN BLUE C' rIRALLS, RED BACK DENIM, AN EXCELLENT WEARING CLOTH IN ALL 'SIZES FROM 34 TO 44 AT ONLY $1.25 A PR. GOOD ROOMY SIZES, WELL MADE Men's Shirts Pl in White Broadcloth Shirts at Each $1. P1..' .i Straw Hats, at Eech ............. Wo4': Sox, 2 pr. for Ec Fine Shirts, at each • ERYTHING IN GROCERIES, FRUITS, SEEDS, AT RIGHT ............'15c 35c 75c PRICES GA•SCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Save Money by SAFE DRIVING Auto Insurance reducedfor careful Drivers 20% REDUCTION FOR. 4 YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT 15% REDUCTION FOR THREE YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDEN1 .D.%-_R,KDUCTION FOR TWO YEARS DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT THE REDUCTIONS APPLY TO PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND COLLISION PREMIUMS FOR PRIVATE PAS- SENGER CARS ONLY. PROTECT YOURSELF! INSURE NOW! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 Seeds Seeds 1 MI -laving made some Changes in Prices WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOVER SEEDS. SUCH AS: ONTARIO RED CLOVER, IMPORTED NORTHERN RED CLOVER rr ALSIKE, ALFALFA, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET e CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. FROST FENCING ANNOUNCING FROST ZINC BONDED FENCE, A SPECIALLY GALVANIZED AND IMPROVED FROST FENCE FOR LESS MONEY. THIS NEW FROST ZINC. BONDED FENCE SUR- PASSES EVERY FORMER ACHIEVEMENT IN FENCE HICTORY ZINC BONDED MAKES IT 1VMORE FLEXIBLE, ALSO RUST RE- SISTING AND LONGER LIFE. SEE THIS FIRST. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN FENCING SUPPLIES. GATES, BARB WIRE AND STEEL POSTS. Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin - W i 1Hams Paints, Goodyear Tires, Etc. FUTRNITURE! F'tJRNITUB ! s STARE WEI ZURICH - ONT. WE SELL THE BEST SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY*. OR LESS Y AND SATURDAY' Matches, 2 pkgs. for .. . .. . ............ ........... ........15c Infant's Delight Soap, 5 calleea for ... , .. M., ..•.. ,.. , ,25c Fancy Pink Salmon, 2 Tins ...,. ........ .25c Libby's Pork and Beans, large Tin. .. ...19e Peanut Butter, Pint Jars • 23c Family Blend Tea, per lb, . 39e Family Blend Coffee, per lb. ....... ,;.f..• , 39c Best Rice, 3 lbs. for 25c 25c DRY GOODS; DEPART NT Newest Dress Voiles, Reg. 59c at. ,yd. 7... ........W .43c Newest Dress Voiles, Reg. 39c at yd .29c Newest Dress Voiles, Reg. 25c a Flowered Dress . Rayons, Reg. 49er at .... ..... - .29c Children's Rayon Hose, Reg. 50c at Children's Cotton Hose, Black or• sand, 25c, at +~ -19c• Children's Socks, at .25c, 35e.;, 39c Me.P.NER. YELLOW FRONT Plume MO STORE._._ ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST 1W rte n Farmers' Mutual :it 14Ir. and Mrs. John Pmeter of Kitt . `ea er Insurance Co chener, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. •0 WOODSTOCIC Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Haugh of , " Dashwood, were• Sunday visitor. F '`'f'le e -L rgest Business of any the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. pu> sSze; merman. <tnsal, inituala an Company doing Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis of I Ines 121 Ontario.- Holmesville, were Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Amotrrct .Iaastuanee at Risk on Dec. Mrs. Sylv. Witmer, of the Babyl• vr; ,. R * , 192$, $22,206,275. Line. - The readers of the Herald will Total• 'ash.in..Bank and Bonds $16,878.74 this week receive their copy some -l rte"' -'I 56 per $3,.7 for 3yeara. what earlier, this is due to Wednes its of i y,,t, to press Tuesday afternoon Lard � er'-x,.. day being Dominion Day and we. go ` that I ieu... ®p�--Z 11 ch Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger, Mrs al d all soler in Lidsitaarsd Rods Blake Horner, and. Mr. and Mrs ` l 'ent:n Owen Geiger of 13ensall attend + .- rk • , : , lis of fire f ace the funeral of the late John Geiger ''''1 1 at Pigeon, Mich., on Saturday. s --� Mr. and Mrs. John Gosche anentss , LocAL mARKETs. childred Margery and Allan, and- ,eiv.'oEracfed evary Wednesday)Mrs. 0. Fisher motored to Pigeon," e4 Mich., over the week -end where they'tatier'1'lr. . .,, 25 attended the funeral of Mrs. Gascho'stlzgg,s , ;:ii_,10-13-16 father, the late John Geiger. Mrs. wh ,'t] . � w � ... 3 .15 Gascho remaining over for a week ori oats ,4 . „ .„ .25 Barley ,,. 30 Flour ..:1...... " .... 2.00 3.00 utiful grounds of Scott Memorial Sh .,„.1..,.-.....,.... • , 212.00 Hospital, Seaforth presented ful scene upon the occasion o eAirp'Ian'0 • . k • •-• ... • 7.50 graduating exercises of the 193'ver ma"— of ssof nurses. The decorations throw recery' out were in the hospital colors cVVjci School Rien�rt green and gold. A large gatherin +mates, po seated upon chairs placed on the 1 tunei'+t for,S. S. No. 8, Ray. June promot- witnessed the proceedings which'. we '1ti,> is�xams: re carried out upon a special platform o c a 1V to Sr. IV—Hon. 600, Pass on the terrace of the hospital. The -i'1' It-1lerbert Miller 606; Donald 1931 class of nurses is: Annie G. Ind aid er 601, Elgin Rader 528, Downey, St. Columbian; rdla m.1 c•A, •lard Miller 517, Lorne Rader Roulston, Toronto; Mona Ross Mc- , Greggor, Kippen; ESther Thout, St- *.11 to Jr, IV Hon. 525, Pass ratford; Isobel McLaughlin, Norval �,st-Glenn Walper 454, Elfreda ;Jec. & 14.1, Vernon Schwartzentru- so in Pigeon. Last Wednesday afternoon the bea On June 13th the home of ivIr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Exeter was the scene of a very happy gathering who. helped them to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their wedding day. Many of those present were at . the wedding 25 years ago when Rev. Mr. Godwin, pastor of Main. St. Method- ist church performed the ceremony in the home of the bride's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Northcott in the Township of Hay. The happy coupe lived for a number of years on the groom's farm near Iona, afterwards moving to a farm in the neighborhood of Hensell whence they came to Ex- eter a few years ago, when Mr. Pe- arce took up life incurance. Judging Competition. The fifth annual Huron County Live Stock and Household Science Judging Competition will be held in Clinton on Thursday, July 2nd, con- mencing at 9.00 a..m, The boys will lire. required to judge ten classes Of live stock and oral reasons will be taken on five classes.' The girls will be required to judge classes in Nntri- lion, lE-louse Furnishings And Clothing. From the high boys and girls in this competition, will be chosen the team Lo represent the County at the Inter - County competitions ae Toroneo and Guelph this fall. Huron c;ouneyr made an excellent showing in the In- .e r -County competition last; year and `:he success of the teams this Aar de- pends largely upon a well patronized competition. ler 397E Harold Schwartzentruber I (4bsen0• Sr. 'Ito Jr. Di --Eunice Oestreich- er 33?, Pass; Kenneth Weber 304, Ms.' 'Jr. II o Sr. II—Elmore Rader 237,. pass; Carl Oestreicher' 189 pass. Sr. Pto Jr. II,--Orien Schwartzen- truber 183; Esther Price 147, Hilda. Rader 139, Jr. lst to Sr. 1—Jackie Weber 256, Hfda Becker 238; Martha Mil- ler 21 6. Miillr, Louise F. No. .n Ro11-24 H. W. Brokenshire, Teacher StEPHEN COUNCIL A siieciaa1 meeting of the Council was held in the, Clerk's Office, Cred- iton, oft Saturdy, June 20th at 8 p.m. All 'members were present.The following orders and pay sheets were passed Municipal Worlds supplies, §2.50; i,`mpti 'daises, sheep ::31pd by Uoga, 733.50; Geo. Hirtzel rd• '4, 2.75; O. Willett rd 12, 4.00; F. Thiebner, rd 27, 9.15; W Selrwartz rd 8, 247..2.5; J. Rou han rd 15, 2.75; Ed, Lampbrt rd ].6,. 162:15; Hy. Schenk' rd 6 19h:oQ It. Cower, rd 7, 128.50; P. Eiserikidri{, rd 26, 28.15; G. Eilber, Supt. ya.IarSr, 113.20; M. • Madden 11 11.45; :W. White Gravel 26.00; Jas Patterson gravel 14.25. • The•°Council adjourned to meet a- gain fr}r the next reiular Meeting to be held in: the Town MTV Cretlitonn on Monday, July 6th, ;at 1 pont. " Iinr I+allb CI leo 4 +*44. #+ '&+++++++++4 ++ ' '!F** 4++++444 '110' our Hard aj�.i. + + + We can supply the Public with Seasonable Hardware at Moderate Plias t • Let Us Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITTEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, Good supply of Smoke Cure on hand Furniture RecTud. We are offering our Entire Stock of Furn- iture at Greatly Reduced Prices, which will move ft out rapidly. Be sure and get your requirements at these I:. w prices WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY Com., Jcr]into ' Ibfieioi Hardware & Furniture. 'Phone 63 ++++ ••i++++++•1 Q•+<!~°Pi•++4•'314444-11•r+ •)'b• +++++ .1q 4.•II..>i4.14+1411+t'r'.. 6$• & 44.1 1.44+E+++dr++44+++ +.1tA's4 4.1 £•+ £ ++++++•g'+++++++++. • ZURICH ` GARAGE ATTENTION! • TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD ARD GRArIE'OF GASOLENE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCES AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALU.. MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERT REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREASES • 11. Mouseau Zurich :esseesseemposetoosseeeestsfsasemesseesetaseammegiellet, Spring � r We have a good su.pply of best quaff-- • ity seeds as follows: Corn, SorghA eum, Mangold, Turnip, SugarBae Carrots, Millet, all Garden. Seeds �. - A' OULTRY FOODS 1 Try our Chick Starters, Chick f 1 . Feeds.. La:Y ing Mash, Etc. a i I, See us about COAL and. rerti i er., wr s .e & Son I `Mt W • a kS .44 • • K 4.