HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-07-02, Page 4it rug s***LL STOP! at Joe's Place, Drysdale For Gas, Oil, Etc., for your Car AND FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF FOLLOWING GOODS WHICH ArRE 14...EFT IN STOCK AND SOLD AT WWEST POSSIBLE PRICES: Prints, Ciodhams, Shirtings, Cure:item, Materials, Table Oils, 'Ladies' and Children's Underwear ,and Hoitery, Men's Overalls„ `Wails Shirt*, Fine Shirts, Ties, Sass, and all Underwear Preali Groceries and Fruits, Chia -Feeds, ,Flour, Salt, 'Ogaden Seeds, Mengel and Twain Seed, Seed Corn, Soft Drinks alen 'Ice Cream in Season, Cigars, age -entices and Tobacco of eV -kinds. OVERALLS!! OVERALLS! Exiiera Special in Men's plain clue Overalls, red Va.& denim. An excellent wearing cloth. Sizes from 34 to 44; roomy cut, two hip -plackets, elastic suspenders.. Well made throughout for only $1.26 a pair- Do not miss this. J. Gascho & Son, Props. J. S. Bedard, Manager RIIHI 11111111111111111111M1M1111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111HIMMIMIMM111211111111111111111111111111=1111E Massareteeenaoseaseent A$3 state f,,r what the arage tan spends on cigartettes For a few cents set aside each day - no more than the average man spends on cigarettes - you can create an estate of $3000.00 - as a fund for your later years or payable to your family immediately in event of your death. At 35 years of age the cost is 22 cents a day. No Medical Examination For healthy men between the ages of 15 and 45 no medical examination is required. Write, phone or see the Branch Managerfor full particulars c.oncern- mg this National Automatic Endowment Policy. HEAD OFFICE ASSURANCE Cr o Canada K. A. ROUTLEDGE TORONTO DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE ZURICH. ONT. 40.47—NratItC=ar444-4=1:=1Ctra====lail3=12r...ifit Nunn & Erie Debentures ;are a legal investment for xcutors and trustees. Safe for estates funds. Safe .for the hard earned savings Ter annum is paid half - :yearly upon $100 and over ...bar 1 to 5 years. appiieationg are accepted by ANDREW F. HESS, Zurich BLAKE The Women's Missionary Society Ard Blake United Church held their emonthly meeting in the church on Wednesday, June 17th. The Home ntelpers had tharge of the meeting Miss Mary Johnston, Secretary of the sHome Helpers, presiding. The meet- ing was opened by singing hymn 488 rafter which• Mrs. Hey led in prayer. ,Mra. S. McBride read the Scripture emon from Psalm 42. The Roll 'erase then called and Hymn 405 was • 4.'airt,g. Miss Mary Johnston offered Nyer after which. Miss. J, Tough tga.ve a reading entitled: "The Worry •Habit and its Terrible Toll," The opic from the fook on Jnpan was r'Ay MSS Jean 110. The meet-, •ing- was closed by singing hynni 493 • and repeating the Lord's nrayer in tomisort. A lunch was then served • and a execial hour was eujoeed. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, Miss Annie Cochrane and Miss Annie Jar- rott attended graduation of Miss Ed- na Cochrane at the Riverdale Lstolat- ! ion Hospital in Toronto on Thursday last. Mr. Norman Jones and Miss Alma i Kelly of Londonespent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane land other friends. i\Iiss Mary Hagan of London is a guest at the home of her mother Mrs Anne Hagan. Mrs, Lorne Eiler and children of !Goshen Northern Ontario, are spend- ' ing their vacation at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love were visit- ed by friends from Howiek on Sun- day. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Decoration Services at the Union Cemetery in Hensall, on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Wm. Jarrott and daughter Annie spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Isaac Jarrott. Communion Services were held in the Ininpe.n Church on Sunday morn- ing last. Quite a number from Hills - green congregation attended the ser- vices. Miss Robinson of the Goshen Line, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Helen Anderson. HILLSCREEN um. F., Farquhar of lIenSalI, sp- a few days at the home of her spalante, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cochrane. Rev -L Love B. A. ILD., conduct- •' enif the ereening cervices in Empress .4.alentne Church, London on Sunday DASHWOOD Miss Alice Willert who recently graduated from the Fort Wayne Lu. therm) Hospital and IViiss Lucile Win kit of Birmingham, Mich., are spen ding their ,vacation with their pan ents,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willert. . r. and 'Mrs. Wm. May of Kitch ener spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam. -Oestreicher. Mr and Mrs. J. Procter and Mis$ Fanny In -octet- and Miss Myrta Hof. moan &l of Kitchener, were Sunda niters with Mr. and .Mrs. 1 -Ty. Hoff neat Mr. M. W. Schenk 'attended: the ',meal of his uncle in Stratford on elonday. • nn's. Cunningham and daughter IS- abell ei (Guelph are visitors with Ma and Mect, L. Monne, Mrs. Witeel spent the Week-eni with Mr. and M's, J. Triebner of EX over the London, Harem an dBruce eleaa. •and through our village, the two Miss Rosie Willert spent a fee trains being timed as fellows: one days with .he' brother in Starq,ffrom the south arriving here at 11,13 last week, Mrs. Filekbeiner and Cathern returned home after spending a vrn 1 ton, M14will . .„ . . ,, ll lee the speaners, toole place on Tuesday afternoon of , Cominencing on Monday, june 29 lest 'week from his home, interment there will be only two trains passing in the Reasall Union cemetery. am, and the one from the north at 2.39 p.m. Hensall residents were shocked to it with .friends in Sarnia.;-, „'earn of the death in Toronto of a Miss Gladys Guenther returned iii former resident of the village in the Kitchener after spending a few weelareperson of Mrs. Alex. Thompson, for - with her brother, Mr. and Mrs, 'Eel nnerly Janet Delgaty, daughter of the R. Guenther. • '• 4ate Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Delgaty of Miss Grace Guenther, of Stratfor Stanley Township. The deceased visited in town on Sunda.y. ' . was born in Scotland and came to this Miss Martinson of Elmira has bee country with her parenss when a • small child, settling first on the . Br- onson line. She was in her 80th yr. and was very active for her age, de - his vacation with his parents in D ..atli occurring after a short illness. troit. let'tShe is survived by her bereaved has - Miss Verna Kraft of London is yrs tband and 5 daughters. iting her mother, Mrs. T. Kraft. ..• ii M. Harry Howard is erecting a Miss Elizabeth Hartleib returneannew garage on his property on. S. to Kitchener on Monday aften spear:Richmond, St. ing a few weeks with relativen T.' A number of friends and relatives Considerable interest is being tan< f Mrs. Wm. Henry gatherea at the en in the horse races north ,of now*. .:orne of Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. McQueen. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hotchkisan. ,ni celebrate Mrs. Henry's 8'Zth birth, Mrs. Hotchkiss, Sr., of -Detroit, epenOlaa. Mrs. Henry, although getting Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. /Win. 'Kleii :.omewhat frail, enjoyed the occasion .. stiver. - 4ammensely and all present wished her '. Mrs. Hotchkiss Sr. remaining here many happy returns of the day. Miss and will spend a week with her braGreta Lammie, who was one of those ther, Mr. Louis Klenastiver. . ' . tPresent gave •a number of selections Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stadelbauer 0/ "on the piano and violin. London were Sunday visitors witljl'' The death occured at the home of Mr. and Mrs, P. Kraft. , inister, Mrs. -Alfred Hunkin of Exeter, Miss Verde, Baker is spending nee Of Miss Margaret Anderson in her 81 vacation with her parents, Mr. andemar and a former well known resi- I' Mrs. R. Baker. • . d • ent of Hensall. She Was of a quiet Wednesday afternoon is being onntand friendly disposition and beloved served as half -holiday by the busitby all who knew her and a consistent ess people of town during July, Augtamember of the 'United Church. ust and September. Miss Helen Dadiger is viSiting i The death occurred of one of Hen - Elmira. -_---4.11's oldest and highly respected re- esidents in the person of Richard On Saturday Rev. and Mrs. Saue eWelsh in bis 85th year. He was born entertained the catechism class to an 'a Devonshire, Eng., and came to ice-cream social. After a snort gram consisting 'oftvocal solos, read 131.42." siCanada with his family 51 years ago nd has, been a resident of Hensall ings, piano solos and an accordie .;a -tor that time. He was a carpenter solo- by Rev. Sauer. The hostess air -by trade and some of the finest ho- sisted by Gertrude Hoffman seryeditt ,pees in the village were built by him very dainty lunch consisting of ca. and ice cream. During theni - , eved his son. He was very fond of Lois Geiser was thee ;gardening and each summer nad one engaged as teacher in room II for th coming year. • Master Willis McIcaas is .spendin recipient of handsome present from Rev. and M4., Of , the finest gardens, for a man of Sauer for being present at eVen , e' "'fie. age was very active until a year meeting. e ago when he begin to fail. Was a Lorne Tiem.an was successfn ''..10ealinle.l' in polities. the United Church, a Re- Mr.politics. Besides the berea- in passing his examintaions at Medin• Eng - al School, obtaining thirtee en 's ar e Ydd widow' who he married in two B's. We congratulate rile o making such a good stands . At the League meeting ta, Thur hasday evening, Miss ninlitellernan and 62years ago, he leaves to mo- urn his loss three sons: Thomas and William of Hensall; and John of Alb; false eight daughters. The funeral a 4a, was presented with a selveztcene trayneese Miss Allemang who has be neach4;•, ing in the local school has'agnea her position and has .accepted pose ition as teacher., near hest home nee st_- S1 . Clemens. On Friday evening Ma and Mrs. J. Schroeder enteatain- ed a number of friends in her honer. Rev. Ness and Mr. Louis, Sdna- macher are the local delegates 0 - pointed to attend the annual Sy& which will take place at Permian* in the Ottawa 'Valley. district :00 year. They will make he trip by gay. The Synod will convene from Ju1nti6 to 13th. Mr. Schumacher being ',We Layman of the local Lutheran Con- gregation. The strawberry Social under „the auspices of the Ladies' Aid and W. S., of the Evangelical church on Aye day evening was a decided', stieC'ep The weather was ideal and a Was crowd turned out to partake of.nla' dainties served by the Dii;TiO4 ladies, After supper a splered-A-nab- grain was given in the church. bYe the Huronia Male Chorus which adasisa . ed of choruees, quartettes, readings, duets, violin solos and a com.biieatisb of mouth organ and en -utter. Thelpto. ceeds amounted to $130.00. •ele.' HENSALL t .41 Alex Neeb and Silas Green of ge; phen and Grand Bend were friends in town. • i Mildred McDonell of Guelph is .81S-'' ending holidays at her home here. Mrs. P. Fisher, and daughten. El- eanore, Mrs. A. McMurtie and Mr. and IVIrs.Milton Love attended the Love picnic at Grand Bend. Dr. G. Smith, wife and children of St. Marys, and Mr. Lorne Seett7and family of Toronto, visited at the' home of G. C. Petty and Mrs, Scott. A friendly game of baseball was played on the diamond last Monday evening between Crediton and Hen- an., the home players being the win- ners. Mr. and Mrs. Collyer, Mr. and Mrs. Talbot of London, visited with D. and Mrs. Collyer. Mrs. Jas Sparks has retained to herl, :iome here after spending the last a Oa. months with her daughters at Brant- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henry aido :amity of Cass City, Mich., are vis - 'ting relatives in and around Hera salL Miss Margaret Slavin, who spent couple of months at London, is vis- iting at her home here. The entrance examinations were in progress here the past week with Mr: Kaeller of, Dashwood in charge ,A goodly number tried this exam. The Conservatives of South Huron have postponed their annual meeting nt Hensall from June 29th, to Wed- nesday afternoon, July 8th, Hon, Thos. L. Kennedy,. Ontario Minister of Agriculture, and Er. Gee. Spot - • COUNTY NEWS The new pavement from Exeter south has been opened to traffic. Highway No. 4 is now complete frora London to Goderich. Gordoo Stonehoase received a nas.- ty gash in the head at the Exeter Canning Factory when he was struek by some falling boxes. The rural Hydro line is being built south from. Vaena three aud trree- quarter miles on the Parr line. Ten homes have been wird up and. will be connected - A great many will go to Clinton on. July Int. The Ontario' West Firemen are putting on a big cele- bration, at that town. Eeally Wednesday morning last fire destroyed between 125,00 and 150,- 000 feet of lumber in the yards af F. G. Gadke, Fordwich. The origin of the -fire is unknown. Wesley Ryckman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ryckman, Fasetea; suff- ered. a badly crushed anIde the other day, wheit he and his brother were in the act of rolling the lawn. In a playful mood thlad attempted to stop the roller with his feet while lying on his back when the roller turned the foot back entailing the ankle bon- es. There died in Flint, Mich, on the 17th a man who aesined for a number of years near Xippen inthe person of William Boa. He was born. in Quebec in 1855 and at the time of death was 76 years old, he came to the Kippers district 'with his parents 62 years ago and grew to manhood. Some years ago. he moved -to Michigan and resided. near Carsonville. A pretty wedding was solemnized. in. St. James IL C. Church, Seaforth, on. June 22, when Lucy Theresa Eck- ert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert, was united • in marriage to Charles P. Sills, second son of Mr. and Mrs_ A. Sills. Rev. G. L. Blond officiated. High =rinds mass was celebrated by Rev. J. M.. Eckert, un- cle of the bride. Fred Brown. of Stratford pleaded guilty and paid the fines amounting to $40 to Magistrate Andrews, Clin- ton, on three charges—reckless driv- ing, using profane language and re- fusing to stop when Constable J. Pe- asse signalled him. to on Sunday last. Constable Pease is checking up those who abuse the traffic rules in the a;if „1.7'enl, 1931.. *roes: .• , Capital Theatre Ws Sl, Phone 47o GOMM Now Playing—Lottery Bride .with Joe E. Brown and Jeanette Mace Nome Tads-, and Wednesday /3erniaa Claire, Walter Pidgeon, June Collyer and Edward Everett Horton, in the most entrancing of all :musical Ramancesn'' KISS ME AGAIN Masie by Victor Herbert, all' Tec- nicolor. Thutna., Friday and Satutday Ken's Angels JEAN HARLOW, BEN LYON and JAMES HALL A thrilling Spectacle of the air by HOWARD HUGHES Corning—East Lynne. 4•10•1111•1•111113111•0=11111•01=1.10.0 distidt. Where his motorcycle sideslippedin loose gravel at the foot of Dunlop, hill, Guelerich the other night, Frank. Stahl was thrown into the ditch un- der his machine and sustained a fra- ctured left leg just above the aiakle, Mrs. Stahlaato was astride the tan- dem seat, was Chown clear of the machine and escaped with bruises and. a shaking up. _ Ken. Branded, Bayfield, eldest sore of N. H. Brandon had a narrow es- • cape when he fell oft a horse which he was riding. It was thought at first- thathe might be seriously injured but. fortunately he was only stunned and was able to be up the following day« Geo.. Hegg of Mcinillop Tp., met - with a serious accident the other day' when he was -working in the barn and stepping on a loose board and fell: through to the stable below, alighting; on his head on the cement floor„ een Complin, Exeter, has rented the residence of the late Mrs. Mollard and will move in this month. Mr. F.. W. Glacknan of the firm of Glaciman Stanbury, who has spent the past few years in London is again return- ing to Exeter and will occupy his re- sidence on Albert .st. vacated by Ma R. Complin. pass a car on a hill...or curve Experienced drivers of motor cars have learned that there is one rule of the road which cannot be violated without danger to life and limb . . these seasoned drivers always keep lin line -when the road ahead is obscured. Hill tops and curves are blind spots on the highway. YOU can't see what is coming tow'ard you . . . and there's almost always sure to be another car coming around the curve or over the hill. The one safe rule is to stay on your side of the road.. .. the right side. Every time you take a chance that the road ahead. may be clear, - you jeopardize your ONVn safety and the approaching motorist may be made an innocent victim of your carelessness ... surely a heavy price to pay in conscience and cash.. • After all you can observe the "Hill and Curve rule" for a whole • season without losing as much as sixty minutes' time a.11 told .. Why not? ONTARIO DEP.ARTIVIENT of HIGHWAYS GEo. S. HENRY, PREMIER OP °MAIM AND MINISTER OP ItIGHWAYS