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Zurich Herald, 1931-07-02, Page 1
;L�i?�sua+iFt'r l�ICara JULal2 1931 Chester L. Smith, 1 1 lr.Ix to X1,25 a year, U.S ;1.50 fn: Advaaveee! poen 1N .seteee tts, se 144Y $$ 4H IJNiiiS/0 Let the Herald know about all tour Sommer Visits and Visitors Decoration. Day was observed: in Exeter, on Sunday;. Jane 21„ in the afternoon when. the: Legion and other veterans, headed, by the Clinton: Ell - tie , band, paraded; to the cenotaph. Bev.. A. L. Vivian, Me., • a returned man, gave an address., The Last. Post' was sounded by bugles and was fol- lowed by trumpeters. The veterans motored to the cemetery and decor a ed the :graven of. :former veterans. •--• Postage Rates Increased postage rates will go in- to effect July 1st, or Wednesday this week. The rtewrates call for postage of tw.o cents for: the first ounce and one cent for each additional ounce for letters mailed in and destined Within the :city or town. Letters go- • o•d•••••b@•****lD*******0+4i••• **i*4••.4QrGcRn******** *„, • ••i• i#GiJ1� t"ra Etc.1 • ;. IF YOU' HAVE, BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW 1 PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND I CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS 'FOR THE POPULAR SHE,,OCK MANNING LINE. • .. ito .ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE z•, WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING RAGS, VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos FRE L'HONE IO2. iffr •s~••••••••••4>••4444440444144.0•••••••••.•••••• THIEL 6 ZWIOH p • 4 • • 4 6 • e m 4 0 4 0 + • • • a • • i • e • 4, 4, • • • • • •4•••••`• s•se•o••• eg+ os s jThree ea 01161/1661111641418414aletkeelbili epreserttative l� FROM THREE DEPTS., MEN'S. WOMEN'S,, CHILDREN'S WOMEN'S Be. tER. SO1fF, SPORT !OMPS Finest of patent, newest of patterns, also in Sun. ".Carr Calf, Brown Croele Kits, Beige Calf,..' hite'Elk Sport: Oxfords. Special Display in Women's Window at $2.95 to $4.95 MEN'S SQUARE 'TOES, _A -VENUE OXFORDS Here are all the Leather's Nen are •'weaning, Patents; Brwwns, Tan and Blacks in. Qualities that make the price most unusual, shown this: wee1c- nt! iia Metes Wince. .,AU at one price $5.5.0 CHILDREN litIA 1SHOXFORDS DAINTY STRAPS Many exclusive Betimes shown for the .first time. Low shoes that are just as fashionable .as .t i se .for ,gruw:n• .nes- And experaseetted in. Children's Dept. Prices from 85c to P.95. WHERE YOUR 11l (14J iI3.0 Y'S 3110.11. REPAMRING NEATLY DONE oat Shop WINDOW ION DISPLAY • • • • t 1 i • • i 1 • •• 3 • • • • 0 ♦ee••••800t40000.0 ,44.•e^a4.96®o••• ••••d•••a•t+•©••e••• Mad uits or • This 0 ergo of • • • • • 4 m • • • A 0.. • s • • a • • • • • Overcoals- • • • o .'y fors nort bine • • , Son. • off i IB D€ CTOliS ing outside the area for anywhere ill'' . \ Canada will cost three cents for the ' z~' first Ounce and one cent for eaelfwr- additional ounce. The sante scale, wild$ apply to letters for Great Britian i and . other parts of the Empire.' Fre nee and all parts of North and.Soutll America. To all other countries Eli postage. will be five';cents for one ow ce abov;e . that weight.. No change i; made in the amount of stamps- re; quires on :post eard�• M'• Gerald Bedard of the Toronto Mr. "and' Mrs. -Eldon. Snell of De taching staff is spending his holt- • troit are spending a+;few weeks wit' tys at his' home here. her parents near Bayfield. They al Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner and so called on his another in town o1 arse day E. -last Snider week. motored to London :-Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke and -tinily of Windsor are visiting relati- s in town. A number from the village attend - Tuesday. Where; to Get Shelter To seek shelter under an oak trot big strawberry social at Grand during a•thunder storm as alt??lost And on Monday evening. dangerous as to search for?, giasolinAllr• and Mrs. Herb. Mousseau, Mr. g ; Mrs. E. E. Weida motored to with a lighted match. Of all tx�ar, the oak is most susceptible to hghtiir derfch last Friday evening. ing. So says a bulletin issued ,by 'thteMisses Edith and Betty Rice of Sea Davey Institute of Tree $urger. eth were visitors the past week whir.:' has been studying the phc;r ,ettli their aunt, Mrs. C. Ei]ber. mea of lightning in relation to tree.; Mr. Elmer Oesch who spent the If you mist get under a tree, seee ; t few weeks at Grand Bend, has the Davey Institute, find a beech, re urnecl to his home in town, ,yee ,£l,•s,.g+ ...;,.++++ . „1ers,Me i.,i„fee-l-4..4.,I,s-.;.++.irA..I,.I„l44 it is rarely ever the victim of ing. • The ratio of the oak to the ,•` ,t`�unday visitors at the home of • , Watch and Clock Repairing WE BELIEVE WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK. REPAIRS, WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE. Special Attention to Mailed in Wat- ches. Hess, The Jeweler Yes!You will Find DIFFERENCE IF YOU EU Prices" now at Roc Bottom' low for tla. Season` STOCK UP NOW WITH T. GENUINE ANTHRACITE l or Cash Payment a Disectunt c::f • per Ton wil be Allowed. „ W C Carltelcam, Phone IOw or 1.OJ HENSAU., Q . ech in being struck by an electric 1 and Mrs. Isiah Witmer, Goshen 4. bolt is GO to 1, according to:obsery h+1ne south, were: Mr. and Mrs Gord- 4. ions made over a period of yeiq,u Winner and son James; Mrs. Roy The roots of a tree tap the' electr-�I eik]ns and son Junior and Miss Col- 4• field of the ground. When a stdt of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. Hy. ' cloud is overhead the positive elexc nk of Crediton. ity in it is attracted by the negatiai~ A number of horseshoe tossers of .f. electricity in the earth, and hghtnx ran na,•. are in the villag e last Friday M , ) .played with the locals. kine of the biggest enthus- °arna is loon other than Mr. onnell, who is known as oyer of this popular game. follows. Trees, such as the 'oats, ich have a large root area natur, have larger electrical fields than ers. Ooks also have "tap" rQet ich go farther into the ground bring up large quantities :of wate the tree, which serves as another traction for electical bolts. The t, advice of the Davey Institute 1t5'"' avoid trees altogether when iigllflitlin Wail'as it .vni;.lal ba o teliriefeetr+,j.'Itte 14iiiztn 'LIT 1“f4E entfic selection in time of emergeu. cy. Better to keep in th open spaces ti `, ore 50 what more could we if no house is near, and get thorou to sat. Mr. and Mrs. Rader gailg wet than to offer yourself as;.r �I know how to .pull off an event target for lightning. .' tails kind. $cliool closed on Monday, after usual promotion examinations, at this time the scholars usually rry up of what progress they have de::during the year's study. We derstand that the trustees of Zur- sehool have re-engaged the for - teaching staff, which has done ,ir work very efficiently during the et' year, and owing to the depres- ;n of times x five per cent cut in ax"' has been. accepted by the {17a.e! teachers. nd Mrs. Louis H. Rader of eon., Hay Township opened and home on Friday even - entertained the inO'ni r' e•. .. s•4.rt .nxoek beautiful strawberry social. eerybody had lots to eat and SCHOOL REPORT Of. 'C. S. S. No. 1, Hay and Stan ley for the June Promotion Examia ations. Sr. III to Jr. IV: Total 700, pass 420 -Lawrence Ayotte 522; Frank- lin Corriveau 507, Reama Denornrne 4556. Jr. III to Sr. III: Total 700, pass 420-Rosella Corriveau 5001 Unaj cane Aubin 498; Emma D'enornxne William G. Hess is Called 439, Geraldine Geoffrey • (on trial); Louis Denomme 400, Tommy Deno mme 255. • II to Jr. III. Total 600, pass 3'o- , l' -Vera Sreenan 459 (Hon) ; Ma• 00°1 urich and community was shock - learn on Monday morning that taper of death has added anoth- er= popular citizens to his toll Farrel 430, Alexine Ayotte 424, .r2ig� ei'son of Mr. Welham George red Denomme 404; Regis Aubin 3f•, ,t q;, who .was favorably known and Clarence Geoffrey (on triai). \ d by all, at the. age of 59 years I to II. Doris Ayotte, Arn.olda goyiths and 5 days.. Mr. Hess has Aubin, Charles Sreenan, Arnold Dr the past few months not been en- nomme, Teddy • Geoffrey, Patrick ing his usual good health and af- Aubin, Grace Snider; Loftus Deno-e.;consulting several specialists en - lime, Irving Snider. +'fid that he was suffering cancer Pr. to 1 -Andrew Denomme, Ava , the stomach and has recently be - on Denomme, Alvin Ayotte, E1da,x, taking special treatments from a Denonune: 5. ,cialist- at Detroit, but regardless Pruners: Jean Sreenan, „ oe Dell ; what medical aid and good care omme, Made Geoffrey. over- 4oulil `do, the disease finally NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE OFFERED SUCH Quality at Such L©w Prices `i 4. On Men's Women's and Boys' Footwear 14 *1‘ HERE ARE A FEW OF THE ;MANY SPECIALS WE HAVE T€1< M OFFER YOU, COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES WITH. MAIL *- + ORDER HOUSES, ETC., AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT YOU • • CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR FOOTWEAR HERE.. ti MEN' STAN WORD. SHOES, W4114 Fi3Lt EATHF. DIM Zeee a„ Bey; ,r '¢ . 6 wS?'E3aQ7eS, 7Lx�33a��. Y ,. • ,,. �--i:-+•.....i.,..nri-e.n .,. ,*n•m . 4.MEN'S BLACK MENNONITE 13LUC. WITHT OUTSIDE COUNTER ,, And Sturdy Built with Leather Insoles •and heavy Leather or Panto • Soles, Guaranteed the Best, $2.75 and $3.00 Pair. •. BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS IN A COMFORTABLE AND GOOD ,q, FITTING LAST, SIZES 1 to 5? , Reg. $3.50 Now $2.50' *BOYS" WORK SHOES, BLACK OR TAN SOLID LEATHER„ t 4.' Last year we sold these at $3.00, to -day only $2.25 'FOnly $2.50 to $2:75 per_ E WOMEN'S PAT STRAPS, Gores and Satins, + WOMEN'S' BLACK CANVAS 1 STRAP HOUSE SLIPPERS 'WITH. t 3'• Leather Soles and Rubber Heels, Reg. $1-25, Now $L00 a Pair - CHILDREN'S' PAT STRAP SLIPPERS, SIZES 8 TO IOt:• Reg. $2.25 To -day. $1.30 Misses Sizes 11 to 2 only $1.5E . I + MEN'S SUNDAY BOOTS, HIGH TOPS, ONLY PAIR $2.7Sete MEN'S OXFORDS, PRICER AT .$2.95, $3.50, $3.75,. $6r4Ii• 4 CANVAS FOOTWEAR, WITH RUBBER SOLES, 65c, 75c.., $LOI 4. Childs', Boys', and Men's Included.eV + 0 FRITZ SON ,p MEMBEgS OF Pd.UT13r'>q SHttE STORES 4• The Largest Group of Exch,sive Fcnaon'ear Merchants in Canatta. . ,. 4 Phone 82 or 115 + + L. E. Rose, Teatheeelehle, the strength of the body and Ir fess was called. upon to, depart "Ins' life early 1Vlonday morning. He 5'555 pis born, raised and having spent all A mual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the SOUTH HURON CONSERVATIVES Will be . held in the. TOWN HALL, HENSALL On VGEDNESDA'.Y Afternoon, .JULY 8th At 2 o'clock, p.m. • The Hon. Thomas L. Kennedy, Ont ario Minister of Agriculture and Mx. George Spotton, M. P., for North Huron, will address the meeting. Ladies are cordially invited: to attend GOD SAVE THE KING Col. H. B. Bombe, Robt Higgins, President,, , Secret:xy. is •li:ire;, in Zurich. Departed was a bn of the late Mr. and Mrs. George sse'Who was a popular wateh and maker of Zurich, and was al - veru handy at this work, lithe 4 -Mg. Hess is survived besides his 'owing widow by one daughter, T. Trevethick of Br'insley; two es, Harry G. and Albert Hess both Zurich two brothers, Fred W. less of Hensel.' and a half brother, IN Christian. B. Hess, of Moore - ad, _ Iowa: also three grandchildren; bl others and one sister having e,deceased; besides nvuiy other rel- I,,le.-es . and , friends who mourn the Iss of such a valued and highly re- elected citizen, as Mr. Hess always. moved himself to be. The funeral is leing held on Wednesday, July 1st, ,vise at the home at 2 o'clock, p.m. nd thence to the Lutheran cemetery • r interment. The bereft family have c a n pithy of a large circle they riends far the loss aa? Sorry y re pa:ssir'g through, Zurick •*I+•1F+4*4••P ••F•I••F•F+•U++4.4444lk0-4.4.4- 3r ••b++ih+•!••t•++4 ^ C•a^ ' +- daw.f...o.wa...oesorcra7m.errommei...notamegma...serAll Superior is Xa;alit Sim We ire now offering a full line {f Spring and Summer Goods at Rock Bottom Prices WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR B'ARG1-IM IN GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS, t YARD WIDE PRINTS AT .life A YARD. COTTONS AT U AND 15e. A YARD. SEE OUR OVERALLS AT $1.50 A. PAIR. GARDEN AND RODT SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. 1-IARNESS REPAIRS, SI4CMS PAINTS, OILS, ETC., E.T Fet4. DOUGLAS GENERAL ME1x' HAPIT PHONE it 7 BL. K