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Zurich Herald, 1931-06-25, Page 8
T tTv /FY rTYTTyy (=W'1' T E STORE WITS THE STOCK uce 'rices ON in leurn and Congoleum Rugs FOR QUICK CLEARANCE 9-:;t Congoleum, Reg. $9.50 for $7.50 9 . r Congoleum, Reg. $11.25 for $8.75 f ', Congolemn, Reg. $12.75, for $10.00 9-.";.;% Congoleum, Reg. $14.15, for $11.90 C.:5 Congoleum, Reg $15,75, for $12.50 t. '.‘..131h, Linoleum, Reg. $21.00 for $:17.50 1 12 Linoleum, Reg. $20.00 for $16.75 :.9 Feltol Rug, Special at $5.00 f.. Feltol Rugs, Special at $6.00 .0. Feltol Rugs, Special at $7.50 6,.1:? Feltol Rugs, Special $8.00 Overalls Overalls NOT MISS THIS! FIVE DOZEN ONLY, MEN'S PLAIN BLUE -e i ,I ALLS, RED BACK:. DENIM, AN EXCELLENT WEARING CLOTH IN ALL, SIZES FROM 34 TO 44 AT ONLY $1.25 A PR. GOOD.ROOMY SIZES, WELL MADE Men's Shirts T' �n White Broadcloth Shirts at Each .......•...........•, ........ $1, 1 t 'Straw Hats, at Eech 150 tiros" Sox, 2 pr. for 35c 1 o, ;a Fine Shirts, at each ........ 75c ' VERYTHING IN GROCERIES, FRUITS, SEEDS, AT RIGHT PRICES gr.& C it 0 PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 �-T Save Money by SAF ' ►RIVING Auto Insurance reduced for careful Drivers 20% ,REDUCTION FOR 4 YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT ' 17,.1'a REDUCTION FOR THREE YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT 10% REDUCTION FOR TWO YEARS. DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT THE REDUCTIONS APPLY TO PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND COLLISION PREMIUMS FOR PRIVATE PAS- SENGER CARS ONLY. ' PROTECT YOURSELF! INSURE NOW? 111 Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 eta tee essivosowesilieskakswo****40041460 See..s Seeds Having made some Changes in Prices WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOVER SEEDS. SUCH AS: ONTARIO RED CLOVER, IMPORTED NORTHERN RED CLOVER ALSIKE, ALFALFA, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. FROST FENCING ANNOUNCING FROST ZINC BONDED FENCE, A SPECIALLY GALVANIZED AND IMPROVED FROST FENCE FOR LESS MONEY. THIS NEW FROST ZINC. BONDED FENCE SUR- PASSES URPASSES EVERY FORMER ACHIEVEMENT IN FENCE HICTORY ZINC BONDED MAKES IT MORE FLEXIBLE, ALSO RUST RE- SISTING AND LONGER LIFE. SEE THIS FIRST. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN FENCING SUPPLIES. GATES, BARB WIRE AND STEEL POSTS. • 1 a • Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin Williams I a�n s Goodyear Tires, ate. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! 1 AD -E Hek ...V.VEi. 1.111E C VI AIL WE SELL THE BES' y; FOR LESS i.; SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, F ilIDA;'Y AND SATURDAY 5 String Brooms, Polished handles, t 'pi 240' Surprise Soap, 10 Cakes for ,; ... ..430' Gold Seal, or Maple Leaf Salmon, lb. ifies ..........29c Standard Peas, No; 4, Sweet•;and Tellijer, 2 Tins ... .15c Kelloggs' Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs.for 4.............. ......... ,•25c Tomatoes, Large Tin„ 2 Tins for ,i , 19e Kraft Salad Dressing, (cheaper than inalkin your own:), Large Bottle ..... ...... g. ... 23c Kraft Tasty Spread, (for sandwiches) lsrge bottle . -..........• 29 Royal York, Orange Pekoe Tea, % lbs • 28e Premium TTea, with Cup and Saucer, ). lb. 59e McCormick's Waxtite Soda Biscuits * 14e Hill Crest Shortening, 2 lbs. for .4 .............. , 25e Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk, 16 64, ........,..., .....--53e House Dresses, Special at .. *..... ........ .... ...8'91 Voile and Baptiste Dresses, at $2.95 Guaranteed Fullfashioned Hose, 'pair M, 95c Ladies' Good Cotton Hose, pair .... - . ............>....,...,.1 MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE P44one 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL i TEREST Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Joy motored 'd London on Saturday. Mr. Jacob Brown was a week -end visitor with his brother, Rev. and Mrs. Geo. F. Brown at Mlidmay. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey Sr. vis ited their son, Mr. and. Mrs. Leon Jef- frey, of Blake. 14Ir. and Mrs. Jno.. Weseloh of Wat- erloo were week -end visitors with re' Iatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, F. Braun and two sons were week -end visitors with relatives in town. Wednesday of next -week is July 1st and a public, holiday. As a con- sequence all places of business will be closed • in town. Mr. and M. E. E. Ruby of Kit- chener were visitors with the forin- er's parentts`;''Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'S. Ruby.. Our local. celery growers now have their planting done for the season, and a nice shower of rain would - eatly help in starting the same. x Western Farmers' Mutuat Weather insurance Co ,,`OF' WOODSTOCK Thr Largest Business of any Cailadian Company doing 'Business in Ontario- A.monnt of Insurance at Risk on Dee. p 81st, 1928, $22,206,275. Taal Cash in Bank and. Bones -1' $160,378.74 Ratio -44,50 per 11,000 for 8year. . F . l0pp Zurich Admits . Iso Dealer in Lidhtnind Ends nod: all kinds o! Fire Insurance LOCAL MATS CCosreeted every Wednesday) Baiter Ib. 25 Ems . , ... , ..,....... 10-13-16 returned to her home after spendisCg Briley • ••• ••• .. • . • • • • • 30 a couple of days with her sister, Mes. Flubs ..... .....................2.00 3.00 Will Wein, Babylon Line. The Misses Florence and Thereby Masse, of the Blue Water Highway South, spent Sunday at the home of Miss Phoebe Gelinas, Goshen Line, north. The many friends of Mr. Elmer Oesch who is convalscent at Grand Bend will be pleased to learn that he has made wonderful improvement the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raegle and son Fred, and friend of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wein, Babylon Line. The Evangelical Ladias Aid and W. M.S. are holding their annual picnic on the lawn. of Mr. A. A. Weber, on the Bronson Line this Wednesday af- ternoon. Mr. E. E. Weido. is improving the appearance of his house by giving it a fresh coat of paint. The new firm of Uttley & Gascho or known as the "Siamese Twins" are doing the work. The woodwork on the Williams home is also receiving a new coat, Mr. John Bre-ruler is handling the brush in this ease. A rather unusual heavy storm swept the coi*itry to the south of us when a heavy fall of rain accomp- anied by hail with a tremendous wind passed over the Crediton district. Mr Wm. O'Brein of town was returning from London and was in the midst of it and advises that it was just a little mose severe than he ever experience( Look At Your Label We desire to direct the attention of our subscribers to the label upon their paper. The Herald's mailing bas been corrected, up to Monday, Tune 22nd and subscribers who have renewed recently are asked to note if the date on the label corresponds with their receipt. Should there be an error kindly notify us at Once. There are still a number who have not re, Hewed for 1931, and we , again urge that they give this matter #:heir p npt attention: Shits ...................... ... 22.00 r13r • n,...• . ..._ ... *mow ..».,. gr.21.00 Hogs .... 7.50 The whole world is in a state of unrest. It is a dull day there is not news of riots and trouble from some protion of the globe. We are for- tunate we live in Canada. Corner Stone Laying in Hayfield An important event in the history of Presbyterianism in Bayfield was irked Thursday afternoon, June 1 th, when the corner stone of the n w Presbyterian church was laid, iii the presence of the moderator, Rev J. B. Rhodes, of Exeter; representat- ives of Huron Presbytery diad a large gathering of people. Presbyterian- ism began in Bayfield with the com- ing of the early Scottish stettlers,who were at the "auld kirk" persuasion. In 1858, during the pastorate of Rev Maid it was decided to build a ch- urch and this edifice stands, although /lot used.. Dr. R. H. Gairdner Don- ald Gordon, Peter Adamson, Jas. Ga- irrdner and Alex. Cameron were the first ministers. The Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society contin- ued to work and soon o congregation • as organized and services held in e town hall under student pastors. or two years Bayfield was connect - ,da with ,Brucefield congregation, un- til the latter disbanded. Various min- isters of the presbytery have also as- sisted in the services, The board of arnanagers at present are. d'. Richard- son, L. Thomason, A. Armstrong, T. Westlake, C. Houson, S. Houston and Jas. H. Reid. Following a short pray- er by the moderator and a scripture reading by Rev. C. E. Dougan, of Clinton, the cornerstone was placed iii position by the masons' jewel and' cutbrush. Various documents were deposited by Murdock Ross and the atone was formal.y laid by Geo. Stan - bury, of Exeter, a native of Bayfield Short addresses were given by Mr. Strang, of Exeter; I&ir. Weir, of God - Atli; Iter'. C. Dolman of Clinton, nd: Geo. Stanbnri of Exeter. . .11h. .11hutiAdfqo aulW tt tl 19314 Your Hardware tore; $ We can supply the Pylic withSeason:able Hardware at ltiloderate prices Get STs Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT .LOWEai' PREVAILING PRICES,, • 4. I Good sorl,ly of Smoke Cure on hand I. Fur; Aura Rethiced. We are offering our Entire Steck ©f Fawn- iture at Greatly Reduced Prihess which will move it out rapidly. Be sure and get your requirements at these low prices WE• ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, Johnton Kalbffeisch Hardware : Furniture. hone 63 +•1•: ••a•• -i~4.• ++•t-•+++• 's•w•++4441,41~•z•+++• +++•+F•i•H÷:•4••a••� > <44•' 11111111111111111i0INl# 1, NIIIIIIIIII(IIVIIIIIIIIi;L IIID'1111N!° IIm+111111UNBItst9l+.l 111111111 "lilllifllL4 ilii` + MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITITilnJlll}$:C?I V.11111110111 .! ± ;itll IZI WATCH THiSSPAOE For Something Entirely New In Advertising. We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. HESS, the Repair Man �+ vagi r r.!!i r '•! rte. ItlI1181iII9flU1U. 1I1111IIlIIh,ari 'aw ._.a��IIIIIiIIiI� sal!nUll urd.' ,motl!IIIIIIHIII(IIimaiiIflM61"111iilii q+l.Ill i?H(IIIII rat M•8d•++•PSE+f+++.1.4•i••E•16+++•@•$••I+4••i rK4+i•44.1•£••¢^Ei•dr•t•f•14•&f'E•!•+++.141.4 ZU IC AGE ATTENTION! . TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND - .ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT te LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY 1} 4. 4, 5. f. •e• t •tr•>t~;b+•r•+++++ i +41;t4"Md+1 tiir•t4•a••6.14+4.4 t •x•0+44-4.1+1.4 11164411000010i6901AAMIKDOWNIVIAOSSOCI*00600400 0606100644111560431 REASONABLE. GAS OILS GRE S H S J f Mousseaii Zurich Spring S w We have a good supply of Fest qual- ity seeds as follows: Corn, Sorgh- eum, Mangold, Turnip, SugarBeet Carrots„ Millet, all Garden Seeds POULTRY POODS Try our Chick Starters, ChickFeeds, Laying Mash, Etc. See us about COAL and Fertilizer', • 4, •• 0 4, 4, • s w iA 4, 4, 0 4, • .0 1 0 1