Zurich Herald, 1931-06-25, Page 5OU,SIN .ss cla. 'DIIXTEi.HOLM S I I BI OS•TER, SOLICITOR, NOT. T. ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, .rust off the Square, GODhlitl!CH, Ontario. TENDERS WANTED 'Wants, For Solo, L.ost, mays Y0178 Founds Notice, Etc. Ads Mx. and ;Mrs. Garnet j1c be and sora. Laird of the Parr Line, nit Miss Pearl Pfile were Wednesda visitors. IN TWA ..YM Special Attention to, Councel and Court Waris. i1i+Ix. Holmes nay be consulted at Goderich b, Phone, and none carges reversed. L. I3, S. D.,D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEM BL ?CK= --Z 311OR 'iyery Thursday, Friday,. $att rda,ry At 11ARTLEIB'S BL OL, DASH"WO Every Monday, Tuesday and ednesdaay OSCAR KLOPP 'Graduate Carey M. Jones Natio/MI School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock; (All Breeds.) 'Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. W ill trek'. anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed AliCtioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TOCO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regadl ese as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business,and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. S RVI'" Why. We have the Better Class of Customers 'HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work done to Micrometer Settings,cars Hallo at guess work. Watch the STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. Sr. DASHWOOD ONTARIO 000E9't➢S aMsadE9a's' ®Qd®Im see u •iChS' Popular MEAT M RKE '. ANNOUNCING TEAT WE HAVE PURCHASED :-'Jrr'iwr t T1 I'IEM QF YLTIi GBi U I ,Ik DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED ]HEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATiONAGE 1 Sealed tenders will . be received up until Tune ZTtle.. 1931, for 77ui1dieg walls under two school houses in St- anley Township. Also putting in new floors in both schools. Tendons may be ma. • outt do u forboth sc oils y o h or for each separately. Plans of the work May be seen at the secretary's. Tenders must be addressed to: Merino S. Steekle, Secy-Treas, S. S. No. 4, Stanley. Or address R, IL No. 2, Zurich. LOST Between Mflne Rader's 14th con. and the lake, by way of S. Hendrick's sideroad, a, menfe gold watch. Finder kindly return. to owner and receive reward. Lloyd Wolper, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE The desirable dwelling property in Zurich, consisting of one acre of land good brick house, stone foundation barn, abundance of hard and soft water, fruit trees and bushes, house wired for hydro. Fine location, will be sold very reasonable. For further particulars apply to: John and Robert McBride, Executors, Zurich, Ont. For Sale That fine Brick house, good stable also three acres of land, will be sold at a bargain for quick sale- Apply to John Gellman, Sr. MOTOR REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVID FUSS, Zurich — Phone 89 r1 t-4 NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. William IEi a Brown1. A. S. P. i IlminatPd AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Toe.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office--S.eafortle, Ont. . yuvigblut & Sou Se 00904E4000 0 000 itobeeeD 00 All 1 1 .,L]• nn OUB 3,l e e en �,' SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Banton oal ' o e Alberta Coal and soft Coal 'S.PECIAL DISCOUNT OF VD Cts. Ter Ton will be allowed for Mash. Dram. Early as prices Zv'sy1 ms'ae:artee en June 11.53b. C e & Son Phone 33 HENSALL L I VE POU LT }�R Y Y� �f' A IN T E 1) tifaken every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m, Do net feed Fowl carne morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices -CASH POR— Cream OR_Greem and .. E _age W. O'Brien earwig MIL tiara 040 Zur,*•r. New or i OME IN AND SEE THE IV'EW SONORA MODEL$. to London.. IVlr. and Mrs. Josiah HO berger of Dunville, visited with hie rother- in-law in Zurich, Mr. Albe ' Ritten- house the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, O°I3reii• acorn- 3 by Mr. and Mrs, R. O', rein of the West motored to Lo kiwi on Wednesday. Mr. Garfield Witmer, who r cent a few weeks with friends at reston, has returned to his home on. t 1'- Bab- ylon Line. A number of our local.. � i 'rods have enjoyed some real pew j k hing at the lake at St. Joseph du ''' the warm and calm days last e ><<: and some real old time catches , ex- perienced. The annual Children's Day''` ,tival of the Evangelical church willl(i field on the coming Sunday, whet, ectal programa have been prepar+t for the occasion. The public is co wally invited to attend these service + ' J. Cooney, .of Clinton, had car overturned on Monday night la a- bout midnight between Zuricl anti Brucefield. In attempting to ss s. car he got one wheel over tl1F .,edge of the road, and the car upsct4• No one was hurt. In last week's issue we made. en - tion of Mr. and Mrs. Frank x. tter• and daughter Audry and son Clue of Burlington, as being visitors in ,.+own,- where it should have stated they4vere visitors at the home of Mr. and'i'frs. Roy Merner, of the 14th con. �'44} Miss Myrtle Weber who issestufiying Commercial Art at Toronto, has re- turned to her home on the Br nson Line for the summer vacation. :She has now completed the third y' ar's work and has succeeded in p sing these examinations. Monday of this Week, was the ong est day of the year, and from nr 7 on the days will gradually become ort- er, it also marked the beginnii ,; of of summer, but the weather; di:: not feel like it on that day. Hot icier a few d»ve last week when the , ,1er- cury was around 95 in the side, we though we were near the equ .or. The Department of Agriculture ave issued a poster giving the names of noxious weeds, and advise how !' to control them. These posters haveilie' en distributed throughout the teen - ship, each school being supplied *ith , at present one cannot help but ad- e. ane and also posted up in other '& - mire the splendid crops that are ad- lic places. a I orning the fields of our fair country ; + at {present, wheat in full heads tall + Mr. Milne Rennie of Soaforth, eal- led in the village on Tuesday. .• 'Mr. Harold Walker was a week- end visitor at his home at Walkerton. Messrs Ward . Fritz and Earnest Bane are on a business trip to Wind- sor. Mrs. C. Eilber, who has been visit- ing at Seaforth, returned to her home here. Mr. awl Mrs. Wm, O'Erein and family attended a gathering at Port tturon Park on Sunday. Mrs. Dan, Faust Mary Miss M y England of Dashwood; were visitor, the past week at the home , of their sister-in-law, Mrs. John England. In the School report of the Zurich Continuation School, last week the _lame of Ruth Church was at the last of the class, but Ruth 'ranked third in standing in her class. The many Zurich friends of Mr. Q. N. Taggart, of South Bend, Ind., re- gret very much to know that Mr. Taggart has recently had an operat- ion performed, and is still confined to, his becl, though slowly improving. One of the special attractions at the Fall Fair this fall will be the Boys Band of Forest, who will furn- ish the music, and it is said they have lets of it, and of a vo ygood brand at that. Come out and hear them. Mr. R. T. Dunlop of. "endlon Falls, Ont., a town of a thousand population north of Peterboro, called on Zurich friends .an Tuesday. Mr. Dunlop was a -former manager of the Moll tons Bank in Zurich and left here a- bout twelve years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb and fam- ily of the Babylon Line, and Mrs. Hugh Love of Grand Bend were re- cent visitors to Kinde, Mich. Mrs. S. Greb, who was visiting at Kinde, returning with them. Mr. and Mrs. C. Erb and Mrs. A. Cascho of the Bronson, Mr. Peter Brennerman of Blake, and Rev. C. Schrag of Zurich, motored to London on Wednesday to visit Mrs. Brenner - man, who is convalscent after her re- cent operation. Beginning Wednesday morning the pupils who have prepared themselves to write their Entrance exams, have commenced on this rather anxious time of their life. The principal of the Hensall school has charge of this work at Zurich, while Miss 1+'. Kalb- -• ileisch takes the Heusall school. Poi 04041c1401004444,09004moctosopowno#4040000001100000. vnitZ At Cost Nla SALE On new Farm Machine:3 while they last ONE 2 FURROW PLOW DIAMOND _. , MOND 4 SIaC7.ION HARROW FLEURY No: 21 WALKING PLOW • s fJJ ONE LEVER . lARRO W 1 CULTIVATOR 1 SC Th'F'LFR 'QUEBEC SULKY PLOW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR SPECIALS! SPECIALS! • e McCORMICK-DEERING No. 21 PLOW AT $17:00 ® GOOD RIDING PLOW AT $6.00 WHEELBARROW AT $4.50 ACT QUICK FOR THESE BARGAINS ALL THESE MACHINES AT SACFIFICE PRICES. NO REAS. ONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY OF THESE MACHINES TO CLEAR WHILE THEY LAST s s s p General Garage, Gas, Oils, Etc. L. A. Prang & Son Zurich a•� .�x.�, g.g ...3q..t•.•..t.S........s ..x ,._...._. .............r 4. 4. ET 1NCT The very latest. in .1.npaiiited �r 4; i j,fY A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE FOR END OF CHET,. FLOWER STAND OR MANY OTHER USES. ONLY $1.75. CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK THEM OVER A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EACH $8.75, C. K PHONE 69 LBFLEISCJ: ZURICH 4, :• 1,7 +.714 •g.•i'•'1•.g••'i.ht i,•i,.§••.'• i•4.4r4.4+ 4,pit +4..i. +.:..;'i• ;• j i•++ y^-`rs.i•.:.• •.:••g,+++1••4 t S h++4.+++++++++++++++++++++, ' ;see •o+ ++•e : teee•eeee ,,eeee_ . ;.•r•§-•;• � ,r- MasseyHarris Jmplernents When driving through the co entry @ I�Seesrs Leeland Surerus and ug nti ,-traight, and even, the hay or T. ene Xalbfleisch who were up m 1 grass crop is good, with the farmers @ thorn Ontario for some .months re. HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD +' our a lithe mow.sing already. The nod to these parts during the., 'ant SHAPLEY MOIR CO., OF BRAN TO .c-a.OD; CT._, •u ., „E stunmei emits looking: ideal well Y. _ `�.,-., .-t rxr nt,.Vlvt�=POINU1+�7E" PRODUCTS, WE week We, U d ensta.Ta.d�.....aaae ea k,„ � . r:rrc Ecol»: r}Y1 na-cutra `ay•we' e. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM- PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO I' LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU f A CALL r and PUMS rantford some hunting. and trapping, a'Id 1•, e ;,lessed with nice showers which rouged it somewhat by living closer �,,;.o needed, and it greatly is helping - to nature. An -outing or' this kind i. Things along. No signs of famine t,tarvation in this fair Ontario of ours;'itruly the producer does not get 'Ant as much for as his products, but '45;. -little patience and time will cycle r,o "ons around again. certainly .a good physical tonic, and a good builder to the body. Mr. Wm. Reith has purchasednd had moved on his lot at the rear` of his bakery, the building at the Drys- dale corner, from Mr. Harty Rose which was first intended for a se'v- ice station. The building was bro- ught up on two wagons and pared,(;,`e' with the oil truck. Mr. Reith wilt use, it as a garage for his cars. ;' .,;egi Messrs. Henry Howald and H. I: Neeb, who were the census enumer- ators for the two Zurich polls, haver i and after July 1st, the people nada will again be callen upon ach a three cent stamp to and rs they are sending out. We well remember as a boy when it three cents to send a letter, but ter years the governments have coIIectin_g only two cents, but when it seems all the harder to now completed their• rounds and nese( r' money, we are being called up- handed in their doe,;t tents to Mr. on..to pay the extra cent, and it pro - Wm. Consitt, at Hensall, from whence •.baHy will be some time before the trey will be conveyed on to Ottawa; rite will be again lowered to the two 0So much for another ten years when cent rate. Also after July 1st, all another census will be tarsen accord cheques issued will be required to ing to law, bear a two cent stamp, regardless of TWO ` the value of the cheque, previously it A tournament was held at the local was free at ten dollars and under, but horseshoe court last Tuesday even- now it is the some for one dollar as it is for a thousand dollars. . SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS .x 4% ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. •c 4- BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT t MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- t .t.• LOW THEIR VALUE. e- + Good used Deering Binder, 6 ft. Cut• 2 13 -tooth M. -H. Cultivators t One used M. -H. Manure Spreader M. -H. 514. -ft. cut mower x 4. Also a team of good work horses. Young milk cow with calf at foot 4 Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! + SNE sieau011 s Agent, Zurich ++++.1.4-444.44+++++++++++++++ 40,41.4-!4++ •4••4+4.•F'•k•I.e•e...i-++444. 4. WWWMAII MODEL 36 at ...... a, a».... $132.00 MODEL 35 A, at ..... ...:.. $169.50 E. Oesch - Zurich British Columbia schoolboy has in vnted vision which causes aim to vrrite backwards. But that's nothing. a'he: country is full taf glooiwsters wig ! ien;.cd vision which. eauses them to .e,fir backwards,. ing, which created much interest. Each member threw two shoes for 15 ends and the highest score, 43, was mule by Mr. Claire wurert's, wliii won a. tie donated by W. 14. Iloffman & Son. On Saturday evening of this weeks a simile r event be str. r'-' whenithee prizes will be riven for the_ best thrower in 1(1 throws. This houlc1 create considerable interest. . The annual business meeting_ of the - Evangelical choir was conducted by Rev. W. Y. Dreier before the regu- Inr lrr.'aetiie on Friday even-eg. Af- ter the reading of the secretary and treasurer's reports the election of officere was held which resulted as follows: President, Euloine Geiger;. Secretary, Lylyan Martin; Treasurer; Mouno Oeseh; Librarian, Delbert Ge- iger. The following social committee was also appointed: Mrs. G. Jacobe,+ convenor, Garfield Witmer, Mrs. 'A. Melick, Mrs. Dreier, Pearl Pfile, Mr.', Gabel, Mrs. L. Holtman. Mr. Louis Schumacher, of Dash- wood, the popular Weed Inspector of Hay Township, is busily engaged arranging his program for the 'sum- mer. We notice that weeds, .as'vtrell es other crops, are showing a .wond- erful growth so far thi year, and if this official conies around and finds that the law is not observed . as it should be, kindly work with him in- itead of against him, as a very few 'lave shown themselves the past year. We feel confident that Mr. Schumach- ^r will have much better co-operation this year than last, as the rural corn - enmity is becoming educaaed along this line. t BORN Rader—At Goshen Line, Hay Town- ship, to Mr. and Mrs. rihr,arlore Rader, a daughter, (Margaret Anna.) Kuntz—At Bronson Line, Hay Town- ship; to Mr. and Mrs.Atnold Kuntz a son. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a change ing World" Friday, 8h:—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m: --German Service. ,,11.15 a. ni.—Sunday School,. 7.30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome t� all Services. • E. Turkheim, Pastor ATTENTION! PLEASE! TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS -)f Zurich and surrounding district. es 1 have recently opened the Art. l!;dighoffer Garage, and many know of my quick service on Motors, also • body, fender and radiator sc.iarrrnl, and all other services. ,Gas, Oil and Accessories.. Girt us a call for suick Service. .. d'." i .ipping's Garage,. Phone 13.8 1 Zurich Drug Sto We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supp1ie's @4.0@4.4.44,41,®.a•At 4,4“0 .00,01. -• :a All authorized Text Books lieht in Stock Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military Brushes �4'0A@@4•AO@®@@@®01AC9@5•d®��®CA Perfumes Toilet Waters an Perfurizer's,, Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND MUMS wr. A. J. MacKiimor, ;,�-