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Zurich Herald, 1931-06-25, Page 4
stlhlils'1llitiltllllltlli♦111 tit111111111111 fll II1NI111111IIINI11111Nh!IIIIIllI1111111IIVI1I11I1I11 IIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIpiN111Ll ifll dlilIIIINItIIli iIIl(IIIIIIIIIs'< t ..c ia` vim; Ineee T P! at Joe's Place, Drysdale . ora9 9OILEtc, for yourCar ' 401D FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF FOLLOWING GOODS 'WHICH ARE PT. IN STOCK AND SOLD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES: Prints, Gin,ghams, Slairtings, G nrtain Meterials, Table Oils, Ladies' acid Ciaildrenes Underwear and ''Hosiery, Men's 'Ov walls, Wok Shirts, Fine Shirts, Ties, 'Sox, •and all Underwear h Groceries and Fruits, thick 'Fends, Flour, 'Salt, Garden Seeds, Manned and Turnip Seed, :Seed Corn,, Soft Winks and'1 e Cream In Season, Cigars, Cigarettes Send Tobatrco of all' rads. lvaS excel/en OVERALLS! OVERALLS! Ex peciai in Men's Islain blue Overall, red back denim. An t weaning cloth. Sizes ;frsnn 34 to 4; roomy cut, two lisp ockets, elastic suspenders. Well made throughout is+r only $1.25 a pair. .notnniss tiAis. 1111111111111111111111Ilnlllilli IMI1Nti111111111111I1111111111111tli 1lllilllll 1IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIItUU llElhI1ll111111I1 Ill11IHIIiIHIIIihIHNlllllfllh. rico & So , r J S. Bedard, Manager ps, , 4a f P A as you can bur $3 0 Z x.1..rte h t For 22 cents a day - the price of a gallon of gas - you can create an estate of $3,000.00 which pro- tects your family immediately in case of your untimely death - or assures you of a .comfortable sum for your old age. Cost based on age of 35. No /Medicala iinil i ion For healthy men between the ages of 15 and 45 no' medical examination is required. Write, phone or see the Branch Manager for full particulars concern- ing this National Automatic Endowment Policy. HEAD OFFICE J Co. of Canada TORONTO K. A. ROUTLEDGE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE ZURICH. ONT. Canadians have over 27,000,0000 invested in Huron & Erie debentures. Authorized by law for .executors and trustees. If 210 der annum is paid half - yearly upon $100 and over for 1 to 5 years. :.ppiications are accepted by ANDREW F. HESS, Zurich STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mies Beatrice Gascho of Zurich, prat the week -end with her friend, is! Grace Robinson. 1"fes, E. A. Poulter of Varna, pre- ;achiarl a special Orange Sermon to the Orangemen of Varna and neighbor- ing I..odlee last Sunray odes„ The following pupils have return- ed to their homes for the holiday::: :Myr-vies and Allan Keen from k;ea- frih and Helen Anderson and Grace Robinson. from Clinton. The Stephenson families held their. annual •reunion at Eay .•.•id on Wed- nesday, •June 11th. About 120 were preterit and the weather being ideal :ea 'very pleasant day was spent. .Among those present at the Ste- phenson picnic were: Mr. and Mrs. ` ll'nr. IL Stephenson and Mrs and 3Ir, . Geo. H. Stephenson of Marlette Niels., who spent a day or two visit- ing. troch" friends in this vicinity. I3I1RN ---At St. Joseph's Hospital, ,ondon, on June'0th, to Mr. and Mre tP.w .oil Erratt, of .fabylon Litre, St- matey, t-, Iey, a daughter. 'Mere rye was a very inter eeting she - :p be eeica's meeting sit the borne of I,orrzo Manson re_eent:y, where Vetere was a good attendance and was SteleSesesed by Lionel Sti'w`+i..e,fr, tiro- vincial Zoologist, and some ful information was given. BLAKE Dr. R. R. Ross and Mrs. Seaforth called on friends vicinity last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gaseho and family, accompanied by Mr. Peter Brennerman, spent Sunday with Mrs Brennerman, who is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. Robt. Scarlet of Seaforth, ac- companied by Mr. R. Muldrew, of l3rockville, spent Monday. afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas, and other friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh and fam- ily of Brucefield called on friends in this vicinity last Friday. Mr. and Mee. R. N. Douglas tinct slaughter Margaret, spent Sunday evening with friends in Seaforth. Miss Lydia Gingericli, R. N., of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, spent the week -end under the parent- al- roof. ery help - Ross, of sin this DRYSDALE Mr. and Lir . Leonard Geromett- and family were spending a week'~- '-o i says with their parents, have re- 'in,d to their home in Detroit. Mr. Mardi Laporte, after spending the weekend with his parents, Mr : id ;airs Chas. Laporte, returned to Detroit, with his wife and baba, who had spent the week horn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mem and fanr sly of St. Claire, Mich., were Sunday visitors with Mr. Philip E.Denomnie The many.,, friends of Mrs, C. D. lard aro glad to see her out swab - after a long illness. Me. Lennie Montague, student o' i • Sacred heart Collette, Sudbury :e home for the holidays. Mesers Athanasse and Napoleon, and Mrs. Napoleon .Denoiny and bake Spent Sunday with their parcel.;, Aar and Mrs. Philip L Denomy. The annual pilerir nnp., to t! . shrine- of the Maned Maetyre, . Mlel'wid will. Ulla place on July 2nn Cfie one, 'cowls all, and visit thy: nrost historical spot hi Canada. The re -decoration on the Reinert'? Catholic Church is in full swing and nlidies while the hostess assist - her daughters served lunch. Guenther, another member of. lass has the same birthday. se Annual Children's Day servic- when c+wihpleted the building will be ,zre observed in Calvary Evangel - one of the most beautiful of its kind church on Sunday June 21st. A Miss Valerie Corriveau of St, .petlsS•iaiid program which was given in er's Sexnminafy, London, has return evening;consisted of the follow- ed home to assist her mother, Airs Three choral numbers by the Serphule Corriveau who 'eras on thi't lar'choir and the children choir sick list, rsr tined, vocal solos by Lester v i calk, Mary Molton and Margaret n; duet by Gertrude Hoffman and Witmer and a duet by Alice and trude 'Hoffman; a ehildrens' quar- e by Jack Geiser, Doris Willert, 'garet Wein and Ray Guenther; itals by Keith Wildfong, Shirley rr, Russel Tiernan, Donald Geiser, ce England, Milford Mason, Carl treicher, Jack McLachlan, Doro- Price and Miss Verna Birk. ss exercises were given by Mrs. Li k's class Mrs. V. Schatz c ss; Miss D. Graybeil's Class and 's. Oestreicher's Class. The offer- aniounted to $45, goes to aid reign Mission work. HILLSGREEN ; W.M.S.---The regular monthly i ie� eting of the Women's Missionary So -1 ciety was held at the home of ;kir H. Turner on June 19th with Gladys Stephenson presiding. opened the meeting by singing by a� 255. Mrs.- (Rev.) Connor led e Prayer. The scripture lesson was gift, en by Miss Rena Stephenson.. Senter; ; . n ' ce prayers were given 'by Miseifes Gladys Stephenson and Annie Jeri'. Mrs. R. Stephenson, Mrs, .(Rev. Co'i nor. Hymn 334 was sung, The see etaryi report was read and adopted Kist devotional leaflet was .given by Ire, '' Annie Jareott. ` The study was the, taken by Mrs, R. McAllister, Mi R. Stephenson and Mrs. W. Turn, Hymn 493. The ot£erieg was th taken. The Temp .rance Topics wei,Z then given. ;ars. R. .Stephenson 1i in prayer. Hymn fi62. The russets closed by repeating the mizpale be i ediction. Miss Edna Cochrane of .Tome Isolation Hospital, radio spent i wee+; at the home of her parents, Zrar. arj Airs. J. Cochrane, returned to the city, where she will n graduate o;xi Thursday for her R.: HENSALL The Misses Muriel and Martha Car- e, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. WiI- n Carlyle, hove secured positions in ondon. Frank M. Doyle, who has been con ucting a barber shop here for the est' year, has closed his shop and is ow barbering in Exeter. Jessie Johnston of Clifford, was a ecent visitor in town. Mrs. Collyer, and son Charles, of ontreal, are visiting at the home of r... and Mrs. Collyer. Mrs. W. Reichert has not been e,,'' Miss Eleanor Fisher, A.T.C.M., was joying the best of health these days'; n Clinton trying music exams. We hope she soon will be restored?, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonell and better health. • es Dorothy were in Guelph, attending Mr. and Mrs. W. Weide spent Sae '; the graduation of their daughter day with friends in Dashwood. Mildred, who has been taking a co - Rev. Keith Love .and sister r urse at MacDonald Hall. Grace, spent Sunday .at .the hornp Lois Moffatt of Drucefield is vis - Mr. and Mr;. Milton Love of .I fol J iting her grandmother, Mrs. P. Fish- sa1l. 4 er. Verna Morgan of London is the get est of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mrs. Yungblut of Kitchener is vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mss.. Jas. Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ebby of Colling- wood visited with Mr. and Mrs. W.J. White. Harold Scruton of Port Dover sp- ent the week -end at his home here. Mrs. Win. L. McLaren and babe of Hamilton are visiting at the home of heremore. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pass - Mrs. L. Troyer was visited •zeh".eil ly with friends from North Dakot', Quite a number from i;his vicars .attended the Orangemen's 'Serb, held in the Varna United .Church gilt Sunday Evening last. Mr..and Mrs, H. Turner ,amts ..N14/ Irene, Mrs. W. Turner wean in 401 - don on business recently. -the Alis Lottie Love has finished ,q duties at the London Normal. ,Soteall and is spending her vacation wills l parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lova.` a Dir. A. R. Samuels of Torontpws here on business recently. Quite a number from this viein attended Decoration Services at E eter Cemetery, on Sunday. afternt� Retf.e I'[y.. R»thes lord atf • 1Voodha The Sacrament of the Lords per will be observed at Kippen ch- stage was decorated with a. profusion, '� urch on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. All the members,• of 1ii11s- green church are requested to attend Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker of Pet erboro spent a few days visiting fri- ends in town . The annual recital put on by the , ptipi ' of Miss Greta Laxnmie was gi- ' ,tneetawe- oun >Fri"d-a"y '"ev;; wiles an appreciative :ilief'" this service. • Preparatory : service will be held on Friday evepiii3, at 7.15 in the Hillsgreen Sn gh con ducted by Rev. Poulter oa"l:^ama, 411 DASHWO WO, store Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiean,.` fir inn rn ily, Miss Alice Hoffman �a011?Ijts Emma Tiernan of London,. . ;,ended the Graduation exercises Mac- Donald Hall Guelph, last w , MissAnna Tiernan was a member pu' the graduating class. The annual Sunday School Picnic of the Evangelical church will be ho' on Wednesday July 15th. Mr. Gordon Keeler had the Misfor- tune one evening last week while playing ball to get his singer unjoint- ed. Miss Clara Kraft of London is sp- ending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs I'. Kraft. Mr. and Mr , S. Adams and son Earny of London were Sunday visit- ors with. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. Miss Elizabeth Hartleib of Kitch- ener is spending a few days with re- latives. Harry Hoffman attended the Bell Telephone Convention in London on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, Mercer of Windsor and Mrs. Hartleib of London, ;pent Sunday with relatives. Mr. R. T. Dunlop of Finland Falls renewed acquaintenances in town on Tuesday Airs. Odella Fisher has returned home after spending several weeks in London. Mr. and Mrs. IHeernman Eidt of Ing- ersoll visited in town on Sunday, Mrs, Eidt is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. C. Stade, Miss Mildred Schroeder of I ileh- enei' called on friends in town •on Monday. Mrs. Drown of Parkhill has 'belesi ngaged as teacher in S. S. No. ilkr.' In honor of the birthday of triers. son Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 17e- bee entertained Mrs. A. E, OGa ioi- cher's Sunday School class of. (sl;iglk Ralph is a member, on Saturd.ly by ening. A lively game of croon enjoyed, the teams being c ipta by Alvin 'Willett and Murray Woke: Murray s team being the winners: At the conclusion of the game: they snore invited to the dining room and s. at.. d around a table centred by a lanai. rful-birthday cake ahlezo with eleven of summer flowers, Every number' being well rendered. Miss Vera Hud- son of Seaferth, reader, assisted with the program, her numbers being all well. received. The death occurred in Victoria. Hospital, Loudona after a lengthy ill- ness, of Mrs. H. Aldridge, of Hay Tp. in her 49th year. The deceased, wh- ose maiden name was Annie Tweed, was born in Englannd and came to. this country some years ago. She is survived by her husband, who is a succeccful farmer of Hay Tp. The funeral service was: helm in• fit. Paul's Anglican Church, Rev. M. B. Parkes: rector of the church, having ediarge of the service. Interment ;took place in the Hensall Union Cemetery. COUNTY NEWS Representatives of Seaforth, Winn- gham, Clinton, Exeter and Goderich, posts of the Canadian Legion meet at Clinton when it was decided to hold the annual veterans' picnic at Bay- field ort Wednesday July 22nd. One of the oldest residents of Lu- can passed away recently in the per- son_ of Robert J. McNamee, after an illness of six weeks. On March. 11, last he celebrated his 90th. birthday.. A family of three sons survive. The funeral services was held from his he residence by Rev. Brown. Suddenly stricken with appendic- itis, William Balkwell, Jr., of Exeter, was removed from his home to Dr. Fletcher's hospital, a specialist from London operated on Sunday after- noon. Histore in Goderich motorcycling was made the other evening when the local riders met to form a club to be known as the Goderich Motorcycle Club. F. Bowra was chosen as presi- dent. Club meetings will be held on Friday evenings to plan tours and races. Hill climbing will be held each. Tuesday evening behind Salt - ford, to which the public is invited. There are fourteen motorele es in the town at. present. Mrs. Bedford, of Exeter, on Supe day celebrated her 85th birthday. With the unusual distinction of being the eldest of five generations, all liv- ing, including Mrs. Bedford, her:son, grand -daughter, great granddaughter and a great, greate grand -daughter, the head of the family is in good i health. She recalled that her grand another, Mrs. Stimes, lived to the; age of 102 and at the age of 100 travelled alone from Trenton to Or - Ulla. Drunken driving charges seldom come singly before Magis. Reid. They nearly always come in threes. So it happened during the past few days, in which a. trio pleaded guilty and "Xitortmittv4anO 2$ b{ 1931. Capital Theatre West St, none 47, ,GODERICI` lrmrn► fi"layiag "The Big Trail" A really great aigture ! Mon. and Tues. Leon Janney Lewis Stone and Irene Rich In a great Dad and Son story by Booth, Tarkington FATHER'S SON Wed. said Thurs. Will Rogers Gives you the I240 of your life- with 'a wonder comedy of Chival- rous days and hilarious knights s.A Connecticut Yankee" Fri. and Sat. JEANETT.E MacDON,ALD, JOE E. BROWN and JOHN GARRICK In one of the greatest dramatic stories ever screened. "The Lottery Bride" Matinees: Moat., Wed., and Sat. at 3 p.m. ich has not yet been decided, is at present being organized by J. Nichol- son of Goderich, who states that his venture. is not stock -selling proposit- ion, but that he is forming a local holding company in connection with the gravel deposits between Goderich and Sarnia, and the Joyland, the dredge, which he owns, is being brought to Goderich to undergo ex- tensive alterations. He has been in- vited, into the Sand and Gravel Pro- cess Association, the organization which practically controls the output of these materials for the North Am- erican. continent, with headquarters at Washington, D.C. While returning from Wroxeter the other day Mrs. Ben. Edwards was pitched through the windshield of the car, which was driven by her husband and was badly cut about the neck and shoulder, and after receiv- ing temporary treatment was rushed to Listowel. Hospital. Edwards claims that a tire blew out and the car sw- erved into the ditch where it struck r, telephone pole. Earl Hutchins, of Goderich Tp., et young man of about 22 years, was brought before Magis. Reid. He had been .obtaining money by issuing and cashing cheques, which proved to be worthless. A couple of years ago Hutchins was in court on a similar charge and was let go on suspended sentence at that time. Miss Edna B. Hunt of Goderich, was the winner of the Macdonald In- stitute Alumni prize in the Homemak- er'Class at that place and Miss Har- riet Taylor was the winner of the ook the titre xt,. one for seven days Jean Clark Bradley Memorial Schol- i n wa - eat artr� �'a.• txaduating class. , eAltna `3. i o. W^aa3�xich gars:e22 S $toOCZ A''. A new compact y, the mine of wrh- t Jihad their class. Y t, tau oKtct«trydp t!ONTRRI ECKAAtEIt@D9AiatllHCh HENEVER. you wish to remit small sums of money, use a BANK OF MONTREAL Money Order. There is n© cheaper, safer, er more convenient way. Payable without charge at any chartered bank in Canada (except the Yukon). Money Orders are sold at every branch of tke Bank. Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager.