HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-06-18, Page 5BUSINESS CAMPS LEYE.HOLMES 17 RISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. AIR PUBLIC, ETC,. TiCE-.—Hamilton Street, And off the Square, GODE1?ICI1, Ontario. masa Attention to Cos set and Court Woos,.. Vii., Holmes may be coneulte4 at iC.oderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. H. C O W E N L: D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON d1t DEITZ BLOOK—ZAIRICEI Every Thursday, ' Friday, ;Saturday £t BARTLEIB'S BLOKE, DASHWOOD Story Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A U -C T-I:O-N-EU f OSCAR _ KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National X001 of Auetioneeriiig. Try me for ;laegistered Live Steck, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing dices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Zurich. Phone 18-93, or write. licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON- duct any Auction Sale, regardless 1 solicit John'and Reheat. McBride, Executors, Mr. Milne Rennie , of Seaforth, Mr. as to sine article to sell.Zurich, Ont. and Mrs. Frank McCutcheon and'da- -your businesea s, and if not satisfied will _ ughter, Marion, of London, called /0 ice ns, charges for Services Ren -the home of Mrs. Lydia Geiger,called/0 dlered. For Sale ARTHUR WEBS -Dash That fine Brick house, good stable Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trevetluek?: -- d Rhona 13,57. also three acres of land, will be sold anthe homey, were Sundayrents, sitor.,a d -- at a bargain for quick sale. Apply Mrs. W.G. Hess. Su --'�"^ John Gellman, Sr. SEiv BVI0 E ""` Mr. Allan Schrag has taken, out V 1 i111(pTpR REFAI�NG licezise to operate a repair garage Jail Population Increases B0i@i and has opened a shop on his father's The county jail population was in - Why Y�iC hav0 — Service to all Makes. of Cars, Trucks, farm, Goshen Line, north. ,ko creased by one last week and the off- UsO�T and Tractors. CL SS O C DAVID FUSS, Miss Ruth Turkheinn, who has beet•` ender will do seven days for driving GOODS, U. S 1- Phone 89 x1 t-4 taking a course in the Stratfe_ In .a car while intoxicated. He went from 'HIGH CLASSMAR_ Zurich iness College, has now coal- m iiia Lyth to Goderich and had purchased. MOBILE OIL, g r h'A.z 'ii r^ ,S BATTERIES, GOODYEAR TIRES studies and has returned to hGr, bei?; �e - - Sw ni-F.LUBE OIL, in Zurich_ • ; .� d r D TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION 1 Party, Hohning and Mechanical Work N 0 T 1 C E none to Micrometer Settings, No J C Salmon & Son, Teamsters, a work. Watch the cars that wish to advise the public that with STOPS fC7P at WEIN'S, rhes are a.I11i1GH are still in the sarne business' CLIENTELE- prices as usual. Your order will Phone l6.e — CLASS much appreciated.. n.s. ern DASHW'OOD -- ONTARIO •00001,00.0N00O�f00 ,urichst popular -EAT MARKET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED ROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT ak DEICHFRT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE . yungblut & Sou 000•••0•••000A•0001004014 1931i New. COjth Radio Sonora vs won 'NM*nts, Fir** *vie, Lest, Founds, Notice, Etc. Ad iP inns IGOVU w. • FOUND Owner can A Bim, fogging cha" have same by proving property and paying a' Gasohol,n Zurich.. NOTICE The Farmers,' Club of the 14th Conreession, Hay Township, will hold their next meeting on the evening of Friday, June 19th, 'for the pur- pose pose e,f errdhr>ng binder twine. farmers interested) be sure and attend Meeting welt be held in No. 12 School House - Al Heck, Secretary. LARGE SALE OF HATS I am shortly moving from present quarters and ams clearing out all the newest Spring and Summer Hats at $2.85- Children's Hats at 98c. About 20 hats to clear at $1 -00 - Do not fail to attend this sale if you are in need of a summer hat. Anna S. Datars, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE The desirable dwelling property in Zurich, consisting of one acre of land good brick house, stone foundation barn, abundance of hard and soft water, fruit trees and bushes, house wired for hydro. Fine location, will be sold very reasonable. For further particulars apply to: Miss Anna. Ovelliolt spent a week with relatives in Ueapler. Sorry to report that Mrs. Ed, .Art is quite ill at present. Kr. awl. Mrs. Fred. Hess, of ' en - sail, were Monday visitors in to . Mr. Oliver Johnson of God rich, visited his brother, Mr. Thomas On - son on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Art of De roit, were week -end visitors with the x'n er's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ioehleo of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with friends in town. Mr. Elmer Oesch is the gue t of Dr. and Mrs.. i3. H. Cowen at and Bend, this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick an ..son Gladwin and Mr. Lloyd Walper ere Sunday visitors at the hoime of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merner, 14th con Mr. Harold Thiel, who spent ,'. co- uple of weeks in Detroit, return+d to her home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gotts balk of Seaforth were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Heb`; Sr. BORN In Crediton, at the gime of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron' • Wein, on Sunday, June .14th, a baby Irl. (Arliss June.) : s Mr. and Mrs. Ffank Utter and nen Clarence and daughter Audrey,. of Burlington, Ont., were visitors a in town. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Meidinger of Dresden, were week -end.. visitors with the former's parents, Mr.'and ),tri Mrs. Mich. Meidinger. rife;• Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey 'etch family, who spent some time' a tae home of the former's mother, len '`bx n Thursday for their home in Detroit. .Mr, and Mrs. Elmer R. KIopp mots ored to Chatham on Monday. Bev, A. W. Sauer of Dashwood, called on Zurich friends on Tuesday. Mrs. Kaiser of London, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Axt. Mr. A. Melick returned last Wed- nesday from a business trip to. the States. Mr. and Mrs, Gid. Koehler were' recent visitors with friends at Kitch- ener and Baden. Miss Gladys Guenther, R. N. of Kitchener, visited with her aunt, Mrs. Lydia Geiger one evening last week Messrs. Urban Pfile and Milne. Rader of the 14th con., were on a business trip to Toronto early in the week.. Our local fire brigade had a call to Blake on Thursday, when oneof the large transport trucks of Epps at Varna took fire at Blake and was beyond control. However, with the aid of the fire engine, the motor of the truck was kept cool and escaped damage to that member of the truck. Mr. Wm. O'Brein and sons Lloyd and Leroy of town, and a brother, Mr. Frank O'Brein, of Staffa, mot- ored to Flint, Mich., on Sunday, wh- ere they paid a farewell visit to the former's mother, Mrs. R. O'Brcin,' who is leaving for her home in the Canadian West. Mrs. O'Brein Sr. is some ninety years of age, and it is remarkable that she could conte to the east this spring and visit her re- latives and friends. Mr. A. P. Rowe, principal of the Zurich Continuation School, has com- pleted the year's work, and he, ae-- companied by his father, Mr. Rowe, left on Tuesday morning for their home in Manitulin Island. As nav- igation is not open from Tubormory to the Island, till July first, the two gentlemen are obliged to make the trip by motor by North Bay, a dis- tance ` of nearly six hundred miles. Mr. Rowe is to be congratulated on the fine year's work he has just fin- ished in the Zurich school, and we think the school board done well in engaging him for another year's ac- tivity. William 11 . Brown A, S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. AICCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate. Member Engineering Canada, Office—Seaforth, Ont. unounCe�e `t H?R1NG, PRICES NOW IN EFFECT 17018. �Scranton Coal �J1 iia► Coke Alberta Coal and Sat Coal A _SPECIAL. DISCOUNT OF 561 Cts. Per Toni Will be allowed for enab• . meter Early as pr'icoa aril navnm¢e en. ,Turco 15t1�. i�. Son Case ;+:r I.L. Mona 36 LIVE 0UL'llRYWANTE COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. �sakkeit every Day t 3 o'clock, pan. Do not feed Fowl same morning When brought in. o Molest Cash him --CASH !MR- - Cream and Egg,- W. ggs W. O'Brien Owen 191. , 3,• l Moe: MODEL Sin at . a Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pitt and.(tau- ed a ;: ed Prov. Constable Whiteside on the highway. It was evident that he had not yet recovered from the first gal- lon. He pleaded guilty. I Last Wednesday night, shortly af- teic midnight a fire alarm was given two gallons of native wine in 48 hours. It was while returning with his second gallon that he encounter -1 SOMETHING The very latest in Unpainted Furniture. ,A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE FOR END OF CHESTERFIELD FLOWER STAND OR MANY OTHER USES. ONLY $L75. CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND - LOOK THEM OVER A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EACH $8.15. 1' s PHONE 69 f rot+as_sf L FLEISC fa • ZURICH ....1:++++++++÷+÷++÷÷.++++++++++++++++÷.+4.+++++++41, 44. riwimmilimaiwamihmwiwmvamomew Zurich Drug Store We have a full Zine of all the requirements of School Supplies ghter from Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dale and son from Wilton Grove, Mr. Earl Edwards, Miss Alma and Milford Koch, Mr. C. Tucker all from Detroit; Miss ' Rose Koch, of d M d Mrs Geo Itch of 1 1 •••••••••••••0•••••••O•••• All authorized Text Books kebt in Stock ••••`••♦••0.00.0•••000.0.0 Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military Brushes 000.0000•••0.0.00000000000 Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perf umizers. Fine Win s oo' r. an m, • � .Dashwood spent Sunday wiz' Mr. to wliicJ;t, the .local -brigade ; respoa&c:cL• tl soon had things under control. Mr. Lloyd O'Brein t our enter unfortunate looser of some prising citizen, joined the happy Bath sixty young chicks of the rather de and Mrs. Elmore Thiel very promptly, and1 s� 'nom Mr. William Lannon , was the - I fleAmplyMMIIIMMIAlkp fV i Stationery and KODAKS Fountain°Pens. AND FILIMS A J® MacKinnon, Zurich ering at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont, of Staniey Town- ship, on Sunday, when they entertain- ed Mr. Thomas McMillan, M. P. for South Huron, and who had as his. guest, Mr. Thomas Reid of the New Westminster, B. C. constituency. Mr. Reid had never been in Western On- tario, and Mr. McMillan showed him around a little which was indeed much appreciated by the Western M. P. The picnic of Zurich Public and Continuation School held at Grand Bend last Wednesday afternoon, was in every way a decided success, the weatherman, which usually plays a big part in making an event :of this kind a success, surely favored us this time, and consequently there was a large turnout and the scholars all, partook wonderfully in the different array of sports run oft. The lunch hour, as usual, is a big factor with the hungry youngsters, but this was amply provided for and some to spare, summing up, it was one of the finest picnics ever held. $13'2.00 MODEL 35 A, at d . y. • • $169.56 l 4 Oesck stinguished breed of Golden Camp - Ines, which is indeed a very admir- able bird to look upon, and as these young chicks were in a colony house between the house and barn, and Mr. O'Brein had a small coal fire to keep the place warm. At about el- even o'clock Mr. O'Brein visited the colony house and put everything in good shape for the night, and how possibly a fire could have ignited is a complete mystery, but the flames were soaring high when first seen, 'and a few buckets of water soon put out the blaze, but the loss of these fine young chicks, which were Mr. O'Brein's delight and truly he had reasons to be proud of these fine birds. Last Wednesday evening just at dusk when a number of our young people were returning from the Bend where they attended the picnic, just before arriving in town they noticed coining out of Mr. Volland's bush a nice large deer jump across a few fences and graze quietly in the field. In the press we notice at Galt a deer was seen the other day, and then at Walton a Kitchener traveller was go- ing along on the road, when all of a sudden a deer leaped out from some bushes at the roadside, and leapen on the side of his auto which was in motion 'at the time, and the force of the impact was too much for Mr. Deer and he soon died as a result. The game and fisheries ex- perts cannot account for these Ani- mals of the wild roaming about in civilization, and just why they are out -of their order we would like to know. Probably they are seeing how comfortable our domesticated anim- als are going through life and are gradually coining into the farm barn- yard and soon be a member of the same, then probably owing to the stringent laws that prohibit the sho- oting of these rather mocxest creat- ures, they are overcoming the fear of the hunter and hie, gun Anyway, no one should object of sting a nice little deer family harbor in his b tch fifty acre lot, supposing they do take TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received up until June 27th, 1931, for building walls under two school houses in St- anley Township. Also putting in new floors in both schools. Tenders may be made out for both schools or for each separately. Plans of the work may be seen at the secretary's. Tenders must be addressed to: Menne S. Steckle, Secy-Treas, S. S. No. 4, Stanley. Or address R. R. No. 2, Zurich. ELL; l• iiibt hs, row and then at thcsea eon s erops.. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h:—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. ni:—German Service. 11.15 a. m. ---Sunday School. 7,30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Turkheim, Pastor ATTENTION! PLEASE! TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS - Of Zurich and surrounding district. As I have recently opened the Art. Edighoffer Garage, and many know of my quick service on Motors, also body, fender and radiator serairing end all other services. Gas, Oil and Accessories. .Gino us a call for snick' Service. 3. Kipping's Garage, Phone, 138. Re - surface old walls and ceilings with Gyproc HERE is a wallboard that does not burn, made from gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and /g of an inch thick. It is used for interior walls, ceilings and partitions. As well as being fire-resistant, it has structural strength, insulation value and is draught and vermin -proof. Use Gyproc Joint Filler for seal- ing the joints between the tall, broad sheets of wallboard. When you are "doing over" any room in the house or adding new ones in the attic or base- ment, use Gyproc for walls and ceilings because you cannail it directly over the old surface. Gyproc is also an excellent base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. Gyproc is Canada's pioneer non -burning gypsum 'wallboard. Ask your nearest dealer for full details and a Gyproc direction sheet. Or write us for the FREE booklet, "Building and Re- modelling with Gyproc". sad GYPSUM, LIME and ALAI3ASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario eihel4EW OVGQsl7 Y• For Sale By C. Kalbfleisch' d w Zurich, Orsi ,.�,