HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-06-18, Page 1V0I. XXXI No.,151 HER ZURICH, THURSDAY MO NINO, JUNE 181931, Chester L. Smith, rabibillasats V25 a year, U.S. $1.46 lee Arb1101411. $1.50 IN ARREA.R3,$2 ILLY BM Cilliatellaf Publicity is the Greatest .aintrirab*••••••••.." Pass Examinatiens Mr. E. D. Howie, Exeter, lhas been . successful in passing his third Year • examinations he PhilasupTrye nd History at the linivetsity of Tor- onto. Mr. Newell Geiger, a Zurich who is in his thirdar, Iia s been • granted his =great staseding..-.Exe- , • eter TimeseAdvocal Damages Awarded Miss Annie McTaggart, of Tucker smith. Township, was awarded $250. in damages by Judge Wearing, in her $2.,000 cival action against Samuel Rennie, liensalL merchant,. but her brother, Martin. McTaggart, named as third. 'Arty to the suite most pay half the amount The case was heard at the Middle.sex Comity sessions of the ' •••••••••• •110414.0•4114 .494 ••••• 00000000000000000 000.o.000 o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11, Harness, Etc. WE HAVE A, LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS. VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM,,AND ARE OFFERING. THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO ME PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE FRED THIEL - ZURICH PHONE 102. tor in. Home Merchandising peace, Miss McTaggart was suing fo injuries she received on January 14t 1931, when she was thrown from he brother's horsedrawn cutter when was struck by Rennie's autoinebil , Judge Wearing found that the Moto - j 1st and McTaggart were equaDy. . blame for the accident. , He tourOt that the cutter did not have a re%vji, light. Miss McTaggart ariginal12.ye A , entered suit against Rennie, who turn named her brother as third pale/ edrs. C. Eilber is spending the htlf ty to the suit and claimed he wakkeeek with friends at Seaforth. responsible. The accident occureekk D. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen have on the pavement known as the Long 4fered to their summer home at the on Roadbetween Hensall and Exeteeee McTaggaris were proceeding noAtha when Rennie crashed into them frOne the rear. • 4-4 Jurors Again Disagree „e 4,l As a result of the four days tirkeel iatives in. town.' v. •Howard Stavanus, of Kitch- f conducted services in the Men - e Church on Sunday. e. and M. Daniel K9ehler, 9t Ighener, were Sunday visitors with which ended on Friday night Je;ene..3,,..le eaz, tull" S.R.Knechtel, and • ev. a virs. • of the McNeil Brothers who were • lie' ., IfreE. Rennie of Kitchener visited • la.st week, this being their secen4ii. ?,deetheir sister, Mrs. L. Geiger one • tried for the second time at Gode ril. kiANSt week. 2 trial of being accused of robbing tie 'te eet: el.j , w ,^ • Bank of Nova Scotia at Brussels Iirn* s Florence Freid, of California, fall. The twelve jurors handed kint about the same verdict as at the pirie;:. vious trial last winter, when ten .d4t the jurors found the prisoners. gui/inr" and two found them not guiltY. Tlikle new county judge Costello was eki; flieeC. Fritz, at their summer home the bench, and at the conclusion 4•44 At'Ond Bend. the verdict given out ordered aeleele e ee the McNeil brothers be tried atg:Itt.::'t PI at the fall assizes at Goderich r November. ' '.:2•'*"..',, 44/1 are indeed pleased to learn many friends of Mr. Elmer has improved sufficient to be 4---4-1. around again, County Rate Down Half Mill' •F'V,Ze 0 Ed. Brenner and Mrs. H. At the recent June meeting ofill4; „le * . e and daughter Helen of Kitch- . Huron County Council the coeeereal% e"" • pent the week -end with the .,-, tax rate for 1931 was fixed at literrs parents, Mr. and Mrs. John f,1 mille, a reduction of one-half mill e a • • e has been visiting with her aunt, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••44 •••••••••••••••••••••••' • lmmielmoommisemboosso•••••• ••••••••••••osibesse• On Sale: New Shoes. For Friday. and Satarday Specials! OVER 300 PAIRS BRAND NEW SPRING SHOP.S AT VERY I SPECIAL1LOW IPRICES. $2.95 EVERY CONCEIVEABLE 'NEW tSTYLE FOE SPRING AND I FOR MEN AWDINOrtiM,ANY :SHOE IN1111E. 'WINDOW AT:. SUMMER, STRAPS,. TKO/PS, "Ii)X.ROIIDS AND TIES, SPOT: SHOES, BLACK. 11.1%14 .COLORED, TRIM PATIENTS AlD 2 INS; HIGH AND IOW JEIrERES A _MARVELOUS SELECTION. * A REMe FRIDAY AND 'SATURDAY HARGAIN. • REPAIRTNG *NEATLY DONE • BRIM OUR • Brown's Boot Shop WINDOW DISPLAY I 11401,000600200•601111110.0460011•4091110801104,410964,0110000040 i11404140.44444641.40.04i0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DISCOUNT CON L. C. Fritz, left last week for Lon - :.and Mrs. A, Moritz of Guelph, ze Sunday visitors with Mr. and ner. compared with 1930. This red4 ion was effeced by cutting the rate e Mrs. David Gingerich of county roads account from two e and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich 11/2 mills. Here is how the .393i eo anclefei• er of the Goshen South, Rev. antr, -7 7rs:.- accolnit ... 3.5 mill beral of the late Jacob Meyer' at Old .Age pensions ......,. ,6 lls New Hamburg on Sunday. Rev. Mr. County Highways .. , „ 1,5,riejee Schrag being in charge of the funeral Provincial Highways e 1 mill services:., 6.5 mills The council discussed the report of the good roads commission ar, consid- erable length. The half -mill reduction amounts to $22,000, which with the $11,000 Provincial subsidy which that expenditure would earn means that $33,000 less will be spent on county roads this year than was ex- pended last year. But even so, jud- ging from the discussion, many of the council believe that with strict econ- omy the sum of $66,000 which will be raised for county roads this year will go as far, or nearly so, as did $88,000, the amount spent last year. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT ZURICH CONTINUATION SCHOOL FINAL REPORT, JUNE 1931 .. The following pupils have obtained a pass in all Departmental subjects. Form I-Quimbe Hess; Beatrice Gascho, Hazel Uttley, Grace Gelinas, Margaret Haberer, Ruth Church. Form II -Ruby Church, Marie La- porte, Ellen Turkheim, Claude Gelin- as, Leonard Denomme, Byron Dueh- arme, Margery Gascho, Viola Sreen- an, Albert Heideman, Earl Flaxboard Albert Deichert, Gordon Bloch. The following have obtained part- ial pass: Form I -Alice Decker, Rosa Zet- tel. Note: Names are not completely arranged in order of merit. A. P. 'Rowe, Principal. Made mz To- Meas e • Suits Of earn& This Offergonly for short time 1,1 E..nott=4st $oul ALM ALRLORM. LORECRNES • • • Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the SOUTH HURON CONSERVATIVES Will be held in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL On MONDAY, JUNE 29th, at 2 p.m. Officers will be elected for the emu- ing year and other business transact- ed. ' Several prominent Speakers will be present to 'address the meeting Ladies are cordially inv.ited to attend G01) SAVE THE RING Col. H. 13. Bombe, tobt Higgins, Arm(' ivaat. Secretary,. • e A meeting in the interest of or- ganizing a baseball Club for 1931 in Zurich. ie being called at Hoffman's shop on Monday, June 22nd at 8 p.m. Everybody is requested to be present and boost to have another ball team in Zurich. We understand there is quite a balance of credit in the local bank for the ball team, and with this surplus on hand, the boys should' be off to a good start and be all set for a good team bya nother year. Be sure and be present. Mr. C. Fritz is relieving the unem- ployment considerable this summer by "painting up". At the residence he has at present the staff of Mr. H. Eickmeier, who are making a good showing at the house, while at the down town shoe shop and garage the established firm of Uttley & Gascho who consider themselves" efficient painters and decorators, are doing this work, and when completed will add greatly to the appearance of these buildings Former Hay Township Resident Passes at New Hamburg. Death summoned New Hamburg's oldest resident last Thursday, June llth in the person of Jacob Meyer, who passed away at the home of his daughter Mrs. Menne, Gascho at 2 p.m., being sick only two days. The Tate Mr. Meyer was born in France 92 years ago and at the age of 17 thigrated to Canada. At the age of 20 he started farming in Huron Co - linty where he lievd for 56 years re- tiring and calming to New Hamburg to live With his daughter, Mrs. Menno Gascho, Bleam's Road. He was mar- ried in Wilmot Township on March 1858 to Barbar Brenerman, who pre deceased him eleven years ago at the, age of 87 years. He is survived by seven children, three sons and fotir daughters, Tacob and John Meyer of Kitchener; Menno of Baden; Mrs. Menno Sehwartzentruber, Kitchener; Mrs. Menno Gascho of New Ham- burg, Mrs. Joe E. Schwartzentruber of Eaden, Mrs. David G. Gingerich of Zurich. Twenty-one grand chil- dren and 88 great grandchildren al- so survive'. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mono Gascho, at New Hamburg, thenee to Geiger's Mennonite church for serv- ices. Interment taking place in the Wilmot Centre cemetery. Rev, C. &brag of Zurich conducted the inn- eral service, assisted by Bishop Creasman. Watch and Clock Repairing WE BELIEVE WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY • BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES FUSTIMMORE WE CAN GIVE" YOU PROMPT SERVICE. Special Attention to Mailed in Wat- ches, • Hess, The Jeweller Yes! You wilt Find' at, DIFFERENCE. IF YOU BURN DL&W HE STANDARD ARTHRAC SCRANTON Prices, rtwir at Rvick Bottom how for thw Seasoli. STOCK UP NO -W WITH THIS GENUINE .ANTHEACITEI For Oa sla Pei t kktiewhi Mtta per Tetiwi beA..„ea_ CtelCta. Phone 10W or 10 SALL.ditr. 4. HAVE WE OFFERED ,SUCH NEVER BEFORE q.. i Quality at Such Low Prices t On Men's Women's and Boys' Footweart • HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS WE RAVE TO ft OFFER YOU. COMPARE' QUALITY AND PRICES WITH MAIL. eiw ORDER HOUSES, ETC., AND SEEepQR.YOUsestarev wereper..an • cAn_s,AyE.14Qxvt-rvie-otrr1NG. YOUR FOOTWEAR LIERE MEN'S TAN''':WORK SHOES, WITH FULL LEATHER MEDDLE SOLES AND PANCO OUTSOLES, RUBBER, BRIMS SPECIAL PRICE $2.35 MEN'S BLACK MENNONITE BLUC. WITHT OUTSIDE COUNTER And Sturdy Built with Leather Insoles and heavy Leather or rearm. •E -,- Soles, Guaranteed the Best, $2.75 and $3.00 Pair. BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS IN A COMFORTABT.R AND GIgOn • FITTING LAST, SIZES 1 to 5%, Reg. ;3-50 Now $2.501 BOYS' WORK SHOES, BLACK OR TAN SOLID LEATHER, Te Last year we sold. these at $3.00, to -day only $2.25 WOMEN'S PAT STRAPS, Gores and Satins, Only $2.50 to WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS 1 STRAP HOUSE SLIPPERS WITH * Leather Soles and Rubber Heels, Reg. $1.25, Now $1.00 a Pair '7 Reg. $2.25 To -day- $1.30 Misses Sizes 11 ta 2 only, $1.510„,.„ ete CHILDRENS' PAT STRAP SLIPPERS, SIZES 8 TO IR% MEN'S SUNDAY BOOTS, HIGH TOPS, ONLY PAIR $2.2S MEN'S OXFORDS, PRICER AT $1.05. $3.50, $3.751„ $6,00 CANVAS FOOTWEAR, WITH RUBBER SOLES, 05a, Mae, $1.00, Childs', Boys', and liezei Included. .ritt 0 FRITZ & SON •rte, The Largest Group o f Exclusive Footwear Merchants yrt Carmeral MEMBERS OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES 1 Phone 82 or 115 Zurich r.. ++.1.444.44++++++++.144÷44444444,4444.4.4-0++-1.: Superior Quality Store We are now offering a full line of Spring and Summer Goods at Bock Bottom Prices •WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR BARGAINS IN GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS, I YARD WIDE PRINTS AT 2fitac A YARD. COTTONS AT bi.1c. AND 15c.A YARD. SEE OUR OVERALLS AT $1.50 A AUL GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. HARNESS REPAIRS, SHOES, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ETC R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL, MERCHANT PHONE 11 97' ISLA X=agQrreeetmoveidae:11101erteet.lelg r the Itna=eaeanzoneleaseastellIk--