Zurich Herald, 1931-06-11, Page 8I'rGFTT 'IRE STORE WITH THE STOC • deduced Prices ON Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs FOR QUICK CLEARANCE 9x'; Congoleum, Reg. $9.50 for 9;.1;,',e, Congoleum, Reg. $11.25 for 9x1 ', Congoleum, Reg. 412.75, for 9.1511 Congoleum, Reg. $14.15, for 9x .5 Congoleum, Reg $15.75, for 12x181A Linoleum, Reg. $21..00 for 12x1 Linoleum, Reg. $20.00 for Feltol Rug, Special at 9x9 Feltol Rugs, Special at 9>:t01,f2 Feltol Rugs, Special at 9:.12 Feltol Rugs, Special $7.50 $8.'75 $10.00 $11.90 $12.50 $17.50 $16.75 $5.00 • $6.00 $7,50 $8.00 Overalls Overalls DO NOT MISS THIS! FIVE DOZEN ONLY, MEN'S PLAIN BLUE OVERALLS, RED BACK DENIM, AN EXCELLENT WEARING CLOTH IN ALL SIZES FROM 34 TO 44 AT ONLY $L25 A PR. GOOD ROOMY SIZES, WELL 1VIADE Men's Shirts Plain White Broadcloth Shirts at Each FIa n Straw Hats, at Eech Work Sox, 2 pr. for Boy's Fine Shirts, at each LVERYTHING IN GROCERIES, FRUITS, SEEDS, AT RIGHT PRICES f$1. 15c 35c .75c GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 M110111.BMINIIIMM. 11.111/ Amossomesmille Save Money by SAFE DRIVING Auto Insurance reduced for careful Drivers REDUCTION FOR 4 YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT REDUCTION FOR THREE YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT REDUCTION FOR TWO YEARS DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT THE REDUCTIONS APPLY TO PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND COLLISION PREMIUMS FOR PRIVATE PAS- SENGER CARS ONLY. PROTECT YOURSELF! INSURE NOWI Andrew F. Hiss, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? aft WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Oxydoi (For Laundry) large pkgs. , :. ..18c Kellog's Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. 17c .Del Maize Niblets, a new corn, 2 cans ............ 35c Free Running Salt, 2 cartons .for • 17e Best Pink Salmon, large tins, .2 Tins Premium Tea (With Sugar Bowl Free) per lb, Family Blend Coffee, 1 lb. Family Blend Tea, 1 ib. .. .. New Factory Cheese, per Ib. Fly 'Coils to hang up, 3 for .... Dttes, Golden Hollowi, 2 lbs. : ................... • • 29c 59c 39c 39c 15c 5c 1VLinuite Tapioca, 2 pkgs. .... 25c LADIES' SILK UNDERWEAR, VEST AND BLOOMERS: • Regular $1.25 line, at per Garment ... .......... ..... Regular 75 cent Line, at per Garment ....... • ....... 59c Silk Hose Guaranteed Fullfashioned at pr.. ......... Silk Hose, every pair Guaranteed, Heavy Service, pr....,,...$1.25 J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL MEREST Mrs. F. Mousseau of near Hensall was 'a Sunday visitor at London. Reeve L. H. Rader attended the June sitting of the County Council at Goderiah, last week. Blazed to report that Mr. E. Oesch is gradually improving after his rath- er serious attack. Mr. and Mrs. Pircy• Weston of Bayfield, were Monday visitors in town.. a.' sotio80000*®6®®®®w*ww*I6w*wo8lw***wwsD w w w 1 Seeds Seeds MI -laving made some Changes in Prices WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOVER SEEDS. SUCH AS: ONTARIO RED CLOVER, IMPORTED NORTHERN RED CLOVER ALSIKE, ALFALFA, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. FROST FENCING ANNOUNCING FROST ZINC BONDED FENCE, A SPECIALLY GALVANIZED AND IMPROVED FROST FENCE FOR LESS MONEY. THIS NEW FROST ZINC. BONDED FENCE SUR- PASSES EVERY FORMER ACHIEVEMENT IN FENCE HICTORY ZINC BONDED MAKES IT MORE FLEXIBLE, ALSO RUST RE- SISTING AND LONGER LIFE. SEE THIS FIRST. WE HAVE EVERYTiHING IN FENCING SUPPLIES. GATES, BARB WIRE AND STEEL POSTS. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. ••31st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Mrs. Kaiser, of London, was a Cash in Bank and week -end visitor withher parents, $160,378.74 Mr. and Mrs. E. Axt. Rates -$4.5o per $1',F180 for 3 gears• ',Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwartzen- F. Klopp--Zurich truber of the Bronson attended the• . E. Aleut, Also Dealer in 1Lidhtnind Rods. =1�nd nft Diads oil Fileinsurance, Bonds funeral of a relative at New Ham- burg, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Demock, of Binde, Mich., were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb, Babylon Line. Mr. and Mrs . Paul Jeffrey and family of Detroit, are spending the week with the former's mother, Mrs. C. Ayotte. The streets maintained by the Vil- laye of town last week received their annual treatment of salt, or dust pre- vention, and the application was put on in a practical way beinb supervis- ed by Mr. Ed. Daters, the efficient road superintendent of town. Huron Old Boys' Picnic in Toronto The big Annual Picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor- onto, will be held in Area No. 3, Can- adian National Exhibition grounds, on Saturday, June 13th, at 2 p.m. A full program of games and sports will be carried out, including base ball matches, broom foot ball, and races of every description.for old and yo- ung. As is usual, very valuable pri- zes will be awarded to the success- ful competitors. Supper will be serv- ed in the Transportation Building at 6 p.m. Every Huronite, either in the city, or 'out of the city, is cordially invited to be present and take part in the fun. Strong Position of Bank of Montreal Full Line of Heavy and . Shelf Hardware, Sherwin -W ill Tams Paints, Goodyear Tires, +'tc : • w FURNITURE FURNITURE! STADEWEID ZURICH ON1 r8410,',4une our Hardware Store • We can sapply,the Public wall Seasonable :-. Hardware at Moderate Prices • LOCAL t1KET. (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter lb. 25 Eggs . ,......... , 10-1346 Wheat ... ...... ... :.65c Barley - 30 Flour ...... _............. 200 3.00 Bran ... ......... ...... ...... ... 21.00 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h: -Luther League. gaturday-Chair Practice. SUNDAY • SERVICES 10 a: m: -German Service. 11.15 a. m. -Sunday School. 7.30 p. m. -English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Turkheim. Pastor Let Us Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES., Good supply of Smoke Cure on hand Furniture Reduced. We are offering our Entire Stock of Furn- I iture at Greatly Reduced Prices, which will move it outs rapidly. Be sure and get , your requirements at these low prices WE 5 HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. 4 Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Tit +++++++++++++++++++.++ f.+444 ++++++ +++++41 4 As will be seen on the half -yearly report in this week's issue of the Herald, an increase of over $30,000- 000 in its holdings of Dominion Gov- ernment, Provincial Government and other high-grade securities is one of the outstanding features of the semi- annual statement of the Bank of Mon treal, now going forward to share- holders. As a result this strengthen- ing of the Bank's holdings in thit at- tractive form of investment, the tot- al holdings' in his department now stand at $216,329,624. The state- ment, which is for six months to A. ril 30th, shows total assets of $786,- 897,706, compared with $826,969,- 537 at the end of the fiscal year to October 31st. In fact it is one of the healthiest' , banking institutions in Canada to -day and well worthy of the public's support. South Huron Liberals Meet Dr. J. W. Shaw of Clinton, was re- elected president of South Huron Liberal Association at the annual meeting held in Clinton; on Wednes- day, June 3rd. J. G. Stanbury is President of -the Provincial riding. v :ociation. Mdre than 500 persons,,, many of them, women, crowded ,iia the hall, spare chairs in nearby•onild- t 111111111111111N1N1N11N MIIIill111111111E1llU111121LM111I 1 ilR11111(1p4MIIIIIIIIINNIIIIIIMIIIIIN(I11111111911INIIIIIIINI ililllittii NmininI111ItiniIIIIINuniiiiINlm11( WATCH THIS SPACE For Something Entirely New In Advertising. We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. HESS, the Repair Man soflGarnti 151' failiI11G'llfl haIli#tiil111p11111111111111111111ii M111171I118T.e,1{11?'izi lisifla,[1,s:11111111111NI1ffNINNNIBININIINNiNNNNIu. e Mill many had to remain standing. The•speakers of the day were Mitchel Hepburn, M.P., provincial Liberal leader, and Thomas McMillan, M.P., for' South Huron. The meeting was the largest and most enthusiastic in years. . In addition to Dr. Shaw, oth- er officers named were: Vice-presi- dents, ,O. Geiger, Rensall; Mrs. C. Zwicker, Crediton; Wm. Golding, Se- aforth; Treasurer, C. Fritz, Zurich; Secretary, John A. McEwen, Brace - field. Of the. provincial riding asso- diation, d'. G. Stanbury, Exeter, was re=elected president; 3. M. Govenlock Seaforth, remains as secretary,.. and.: Mr. C. Fritz, is treasurer. The, fol- low executive members far each muni ipality were named: Clinton, Dr, clnnis, Mrs. F. .Axton; Exeter, R. Seldon, Miss Jeckell; Hensall, It. McLaren, 'Mrs. T. Berry;.Seaforth, J. W. Beattie, Miss J. Smith; Goderich Township, J. Sterling; Bayfield, •Mid; .Eldon Yoe; Hay Township, F. C. albfleisch, .Mrs. Gideon .Koehler; Hullett Tp., Wm. Mason, Miss S. .i3righarri;''11'IcICillop Tp., A. A. Cut- hill, Mrs. J. Murray; Stanley Town- • 1xhip, R. Lamont, Mrs. S. Love; Ste- 'p'hen; Tp., T. Collins, M. Fingland, 41 rigs` pl Young, 'Mrs, E. Kerr; 'lade- ei^ern t1i -TN D. F. 1V,IeGreggor lltrs. R A, £teoadfbot; Usbarne '`i „ .A.'h4oe • 11 + + 1 1 ZURICH ' GAILACI-E ATTENTIONI TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. = GAS OILS GREASES H. Mousseau Zurich t e t l+• ++ +++++F+++++++++ it++- -311 4. 84.444-+++.14+44 +++* +fir. t000 ss0000000wowoowwoR w000seoloo wooYdA00000000m000 i • •i We have a good supply of best qual- • • ity seeds as follows: Corn, Sorgh- scums Mangold, Turnip, SugarBeet -�� garrote, Millet, all Garden Seeds POULTRY F00» s 1 Try our Chick 8tar1ers, Chick . Feeds, Laying 'Mash, Ete. • • ee h us about COALand Fertilizer Spring Seeds Ings were press into service!►"eg. Bl. I9, chilbe