Zurich Herald, 1931-05-28, Page 7MkrsdITY"; SAW IF,1%.19ne BUSI1liEtS3 ic,Arps DunriParE.Iiimarns .amousrta. soucriore, war. AltY PUOILIC, ETC., OFFICE—BuntoneStret, Jost. oft the Square, GODERICII, Ontario; Specie} Attention to Counsel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may - be cowdted at ?Casper. WalPen . Goderiele by Phone, and Phone 1 , ' r "".""'".."‘"""."".""'l FOR SALE " .! We have a limited amount of Fer- Itilizer on hand for itramodflate sale. Apply to S. Grob, Zurich. COURT OF -itErsioN ants, ar sais, Fou Plotietp, Etc. Ade • /101 pX 0016. LOST In Zurich, a suntoftetorte.y. Ender Icimity returitit to the oi4aer, Mr. charges reverse& Dr. II. 11. COWEN: L, D. 8. • DDS. MENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLoot:Lzurticit Every Thursday, Friday, :Saturday At HARTIstIB'S BLOCS, DASIIWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday AX -CT -LO -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX - I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood ?home 13-57. SERVICE Why We have the Bettel Class of Customers HIGH CLASS Goons, U. s. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- WELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work clone to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. •-• " DASHWOOD — ONTAR1O- 1119114110010111011•11001104110000111101110 Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING RAT WE HAVE PURCHASED PROM TIES FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LIMED MEAT BUSINESS, AND souorr YOUR PATRONAGE 11. Yungblut & Sou 1.1101111111110111101•11101110111000004108,0 COAL 1931 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT TSP.' ros Scranton Coal Coke Alberta- Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DiSCDETNT OF ES Cts. Per Ton wiU be allowed for cash. Driller Early as prices will salivaace on Juno Case & Son Mane Mt 14ENSAL1. L I VE POU LT RY WANTED iratten every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. Bo not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Pries TOWNSHIP OF HAY • Court of Revision of the Township of Hay for hearing of appeals against the .Assessment. Roll for the year 1931 will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, June lst 1931, at the hour of one o'clock in the aft- ernoon. All -persons having business at the said Court will please observe this notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. A. F. HESS, Township Clerk, Hay. HOUSE FOR SALE The desirable dwelling property in Zurich, consisting of one acre of land good brick house, stone foundation barn, abundance of hard and soft water, fruit trees and bushes, house wired for hydro. Fine location, will be sold very reasonable. For further particulars apply to: John and Robert McBride, Executors, Zurich, Ont. For Sale That fine Brick house, good stable also three acres of land, will be sold at a bargain for quick sale. Apply to John Gellman, Sr. MOTOR REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVID FUSS, Zurich — Phone 89 r1 FOR SALE t-4 A used mattress in fair condition at a bargain. Apply at Herald Office. NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son; Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will he .Shade and faroD y, of tlio 1111*,, condition. much appreciated. Phone 9446. Highway, Hay Township. Wednesday of next week is June 3rd, and a bank holiday, as it rep- menQuite a number of the local fisher - were at the Pinery on Monday resents the King's birthday. We do not know if the business people of in an effort to do a little pike :fishing town will observe the entire day, but but their success we:3- no:. so good. we do know that in the afternoon As this was at one time a real good all places of business will be closed fishing grounds but of recent years • as it is the first day when the half - it is hke many other places all fished holiday will be ushered in, as it is out. the first Wednesday in June, and the 141r. Sohn•Deiehert Spent Wednes. ..• day in London. Miss Inez Yungblut is spending the iVir. . Fritz was on a business•trip to Thedford on Monday. week with' friends at Kittibener. Mr. Fred Kerr of Orediton ;ailed Mr. Claytus Mittleholtz of Kitch- on Zurich, friends on Saturday, ' • ener. visited Zurich friends over the holiday, Mr. Ward Fritz macie a business trip to Oshawa the beginning of the Mr. and Mrs, W. IL Bender of De - week. • , • troit are visitors at the home of Mr. Mr, and Mm. Major of Toronto, and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. were week -end 'visitors with her par- ents, Mr; and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr. Jaelt Kipping, who is employed in London, spent the week -end at his hoine here: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner and Mr. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener, was a Monday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. H. Yungblut. Mrs.. Sylvanus Witmer of the Bab- ylon Line, has returned from a pleas- ant visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. Jervis, at Hohnesville. • Mr. Austin Rey of Detroit, was a week -end visitor -under the parental roof. Mr. Ed. Kinsman, of the Bank of Montreal staff, was a wee: -end vis- itor at his home at St. Marys. Mrs. W. L. Siebert, as delegate of the local Evangelical congregation, is attending the W. M. S. convention at Mildmay this weak. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier are attending the W. M. S. Convention of the Evangelical Church at Mild- may this week. • The Misses • Ethel and Frances Fowlie of Bayfield, were holiday vis- itors with their sister, Mrs. G. Koeh- ler. Mr. Henry Carro of Kitchener, who was visiting for a few days at son Grant, of •Goderich were week- end F visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido. .;a4s PAM • • :*****+*.sp+++÷÷+÷ttt++÷4-H.+44++++++4,•+++:1+1:44111411i NE Ike very Iatest in Unpainted Furniture e A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE FOR END OF CHESTER1411ELD FLOWER STAND OR MANY OTHER USES. ONLY $1.75. CALL AT OUR' OFFICE AND LOOK 'MEM CiVER A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EA.C11,$8,75. C. K .14 FLEISC 4. $ PHONE 69 se friends the beginning of the week. Mr. Jack Sehaldice, a former. ern- • ployee of the Bank of Montreal„and now at Hyde Park, called on Zurich V ZURICH Rev. C. Schrag and Mr. Stephen +++orieeiree4eee-+++++++++e-ereeeeene++++++++..00000e„n000,..e.e.e.e+4. Peachey of the Town Line, attended the Missionary Conference of • the Mennonite Church at Kitchener, over the week -end. WWWWWelhiaililiWWWWWIWOMAIWiliiiWidi Zurich. Drug Store Mr. Theo. Wagner of Guelpn, and Miss Elslie of Waterloo, were holiday visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C..Wag- ner. .611•11.01311S•ii•MarAneitel• Miss Helen Walker of Walkerton, Walker over the week -end, also We have a full Line of all visited with her brother, Mr. Harold vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mousseau. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich re- turned home Tuesday evening, from the home of Mr. and Mrs. John K. a pleasant motor trip to Kitchener, Ehlers, returned home on Monday. where they attended the Missionary Conference of the Monnonite church. Mr. Milton Bossenberry or Sarnia And also visited with friends at Bad. called in the village on Tuesday. He en and New Hamburg. was on his way to Bayfield where he went to see his uncle Mr. Ed. Bossen- A number of baseball fans were at berry-. Hensall on Monday, when the Ilder- ton boys were up and playea a frien- Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and dly game, the home team winning by Miriam, Mrs. C. Fritz, and Zliss Pearl the score of 5-3. Mr. Ivan Yung- Wurtz, and Mrs. J. Kellerman. of blot of town assisted the Hensall Dashwood are on a motor trip to Tor- nine. onto, where the Doctor is attending the Dental Convention in that city. A fine horshoe pitching contest was staged on Monday afternoon on the Mr. L Erb, Mrs. L. Gies, Mr. and Zurich grounds, when some of the Mrs. E. Bowman and children, all of boys from Dashwood and Hensall we - the Kitchener district, were Monday re here and enjoyed the afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs in this popular sport. Some real go - N. Gascho and. ther relatives in the od thowers were present and already vicinfty. so early in the season showed won - Mr. and Mrs. S. Oestrei*r and derful form. son Carl of Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs, Board of Health Inspector Jul Will May and Miss Ehlers of Kitch- Block, is making his rounds in the ener; Mr. A. Musser of Loncon, were western portion of the township and Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. states that it is indeed gratifying to ; and Mrs. John K. Ehlers. find things in such good condition. And trusts that things will be kept Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scixaae of Lon thus. Mr. Block is this week mak- don, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schade and ing his rounds in Zurich and asks the son John, and Mr. and Mrs. 0, L. Smith and Mae, of Zurich, were Sun- people to co-operate_with him and ave the Village put into a sanitary Sun- day visitors at the home of Mra..fliltra. William 11.13rown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) 0.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Oflice--Seaforth, Ont. New Sonora Radio COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. -CASH FOR— MODEL 36 at .... . $132.00 Cream and Eggs MODEL 35 A., at S169.50 The Police Trustees are having public are requested to bear this in some improvements made to the local mind, and do your shopping other ;sidewalks, as A. Zettel and Wm. Me- hours than Wednesday afternoon. Winger are going the rounds and at Cecil Walker of the 2nd concess- ! plaxes where the walks have been ion of Stephen, Tp., is now certain danerge, d, or heaved up by the growth that he has good neighbors. He has If trees, or otherwise injured, these places are being taken out and new been unwell and his friends gathered at his place, and with cultivators, walks, in proper place are being put in again. discs, harrows and drills, and 30 horses pulling the 11 implements, 25t11 Anniversary cultivated the land and did the spring seeding. Mr. Walkr is more than A very unique event was enjoyed grateful for the timely assistance. last Friday, May 22nd, when Mr. and • Mrs. Alfred Reichert of Hay Town- A quiet wedding was solemnized at ship celebrated the twenty-fifth anni- Grand Bend on April 16th, when Rev versary of their wedded life. About S. J. Mathers united Marjorie, eldest 200 friends and relatives gathered on daughter of Mr. and Mrsfi Albert this occasion to participate in the Morenz, Dashwood, and Mr. Lester good time instore for all who attend- Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ed. A most enjoyable time was sp- Adams, of Stephen. Miss Hazel Mor- ent in dancing, music and singing. enz was bridesmaid and the groom In fact those present are not silent was supported by Jack Corbett, of ef the real "old time" they had. The Hensall. Immediately following the happy and popular couple were the ceremony the happy couple returned recipients of many beautiful gifts, to the home of the bride's parents, besides a Mahogany Westminster. where dbuier was served. chime Clock. After the day was well spent in the night the happy gather- . ing left wishing Mo and Mrs. Reich- ert many more years of continued married life. Monday of this week was known as Victoria Day, and was observed as a public holiday. Just why we shciuld celebrate this as a holiday is a mystery to most of us when our present King's birthday is only a few days later. But the 24th of May is the Queen's Birthday was taught to us in youth and seems hard to just get out of our minds. You may ask what does this holiday all rnean? If you will take a look at the fine por- trait in Mr. W. Brown's show window of his shoe store, you will at once oh - serve what a stately Queen we are commemorating the 24th of May, and the following short biography will also explain for itself: Queen Vic- toria (The Good), Born May 24th, 1819. Became Queen of England age 18. She inherited the Throne June 20th 1837. She was crowned Queen June 28th, 1838. She married Prince Albert in February 1840. She cele- brated her Golden Jubilee 1887 and '.en yearn later the Diamond Jubilee. ,The reigned 64 years. Died January 22nd„. 190/. Aged 81 years, 7 mon- "la" 1°A. '"`44 44' 2174 r4 E °OeschZurichFls and 20 days. WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAY 1931 We, the undersigned business men, of the Village Of Zurich hereby agree to close our respective places of bus- iness at twelve o'clock every Wednes- deo' afternoon during the months of June, July, August and September, 1931. —C. Fritz & Son, A. F. Hess, W. H. Brown, Herb Krueger, Harold Johnston, J. Gascho & Son, W. G. Hess & Son, Wm. O'Brein and Son, Geo. Hess, L. W. Hoffman, Fred Thiel E. Oesch, Stade & Weido, L. Schilbe & Son, Johnston & Kalbfieisch, Dr. H. H. Cowen, J. W. Merner. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a cluteg- ing World" Friday, 8h:—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. no--Gertna,n Service. 11.15 a. no—Sunday School. 7.30 p. no—English Serviee. Everybody Welcome to all Service. • E. Turkheim, Pastor "216 the requirements of School Supplies 09.4.....•••••••••••••••••••O• All authorized Text Books kat in Stock *ales. re e ..• o *so e oe oo e rot e • Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military Brushes ****•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4.6•0 Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfumizers. Fine Stationery and FountainiPens. •KODAKS AND FILMS Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich ,,,,owoRsmpAiwwwwwwpmscpmmmikmmg/04 . • A clew, , airy bedroom where the attic used to be GYPROC makes the change ABIGGER HOUSE inside the same four walls sounds impossible of accomplishment --but it only sounds that way. Gyproc is a fire-resistant wallboard made from gypsum rock. It comes in sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and .3/.8 of an inch thick. It nails and cuts just as easily as lumber and with a minimum of waste. It is used for making inside walls, ceilings and partitions. It has structural strength, insulation value, is draught and vermin -proof and costs very little. Gyproc that does not burn is exactly the material to use for it needs no decoration when panelled yet is an excellent base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. Get a Gyproc direction sheet from your dealer or write us for the FREE booklet, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc". 376 GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED? Paris Ontario elheNEW °VOW For Sala By Pre_ d Kitiblieisoh* tirh ZOnt3 •