HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-05-28, Page 614MfM.„I LO 11 F;I{Itked;''b+1111Iat11NIIIllillllilnn11Il 111111IIIMIIIIIII1111111 f {III IlIf111111aillll 111111111111111111111 • ens IIII{ IIIIIIN1.ntl111111111111111111111111111111111 STOP! at Joe's Place, Drysdale For Gas, Oil, Etc., for your Car AND FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF FOLLOWING GOODS WHICH ARE KEPT IN STOCK AND SOLD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES: Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Curtain Materials, Table Oils, Ladies`. aTad Children's Underwear and Hosiery, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, Fine Shirts, Ties, Sox, and all Underwear Fresh Groceries and Fruits, Chick Feeds, Flour, Salt, Garden Seeds, Mengel and Turnip Seed, Seed Corn, Soft Drinks and Ice • Cream in Season, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco of all kinds. GIVE TJS A CALL, WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS, AND ASSURE YOU THAT JOE WILL SERVE YOU PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY J. Gascho & Son, Props. J. S. Bedard, Manager tw :{;e11111111111111111111111111111NItl111111111111111111111111tlI111111111111111II11111111111111111111111111ll111111l11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII111111Ilii11111111111a, 11-1-44.9+++++++++++++++++++++41+++++++++++++++++++++++44 p..E••p•€.•F•1.3•+3••D•++F•t+•W Hassey -Harris Implements WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM- PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND ' WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU A CALL Brantford Windmills and Pumps HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD .SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR EXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS .LINE AND CAN ALWAYS ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. • BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OTJR GOOD USED AND REBUILT MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- LOW THEIR VALUE. N. E. Siernon, Agent, Zurich Good used Deering Binder, 6 ft. Cut. 2 13 -tooth M. -H. Cultivators One used M. -H. Manure Spreader M. -H. 5',a, -ft. cut mower Also a team of good work horses. Young milk cow with calf at foot Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Sam Oesch has moved the ho- e purchased from D. J. Stephen - non, to .his farm on Goshen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Palmer and daughters Roxio and Adelene of Ham MUM, and Mr. Cecil Wiley of Detroit, 'were -visitors at the home of . Mr. and MYs. Will Reid on Sunday. Miss Margery Gascho of Zurich, pent the week -end with her friend, Margaret Robinson. a token of our affection and our good wishes in the work you are under- taking our sessions wish you to ac - cep this Hymnary as a reminder of our continued interest in you. Signed on behalf of the Session's of Hillsgreen and Kippen--Rev. R. R. Connor, J. B. McLean, D. F. Ander- son. Mr. Love then thanked them for their kind wishes and gift. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love and family, spent a day recently with friends in and around Centralia. Mr Josiah Geiger of Zurich very Miss Mary Hagan of London, spent :acceptably taught the Bible class at the week -end with her mother, Mrs, finosben Sunday School on Sunday, and he and Mrs. Geiger were guests rat the home of Mr. John Armstrong. Rev. E. A. Poulter of Varna has Seen giving a stries of special serm- ;enns, Next Sunday, May 31st his sub- ject will be "Out into the Night, or Ithe Saddest Story Ever Told." Fon ewing the address, a solo will be giv- len by Mr. Geo. Poulter in keeping with the subject. This is the last :sermon of the series and promises to Zile a good one. Come and hear it, at when, Blake or Varna. HILLSGREEN Mr. R. Keith Love delivered a very fine sermon to a large congregation ani the HiIlsgren United church on Sundae afternoon. After the service Mr•. Jas. B. McLean read an address vas follows: To Mr. Keith Love—The congre- gations of Hillsgreen and Kippen ,:consider it a great honor to have young man from their midst go into the ministry of the United Church o' Canada, so the sessions of both con- gregations felt they would like to teL lion how much pleasure it has afford- ed us to follow you in your work up be graduation. We are glad you we - nn able to win the Sanford Gold Medal. You have done splendid work throughout your College Course. We 'are glad when a young man of your ',calibre takes the ministry as a life ;work To -day as never before, the tehurch needs men of Christlike char- xter to help solve the problems with 'which it is confronted. The ministry wild challenge the best in a young'. anan and there may be many differ - ant •difficulties to face and obstacles tko ovoreome, bue we pray that God 'dill bless you and give you courage and wisdom, strength of body and of •xniiid to do the work He has planned Lor you to do. We enjoyed you: .riesrever your lot is cast. A:. Anne Hagan. Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane of Clinton spent a few days with their sisters, Mrs, H. Fuss and Mrs. J. G. Forrest. Miss Lettie Love of London Nor- mal spent the holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Love. Mrs. L. Troyer spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman of near Seaforth. Mr. Lawrence Brightmore of Lon- don, spent the week -end at the home of 1VIr. and Mrs. J. W. Cochrane. Mrs. J. Cochrane spent the week- end with friends in Goderich. Mr. and 'Mr's. Alfred Reichert cel- ebrated their 25th anniversary of their wedding on Friday night. Mrs. E. Sheffer of Hensail, called on friends in this vicinity recently, The Y. P. Anniversary of the Hills - green United Church will be held on Sunday evening, June 14th at 1.30. Rev. Stewart; of Staffs. will conduct the service. The afternoon service will be withdrawn on that day. BLAKE Mr, and Mrs. Jack Nichol anc i;..ughter of Parkhill spent Sunday ai ::e home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Dou- nass. They also attended the specie. %rvice in the Blake United church :hien is being held each Sunday dur :g the month of May. Rev. 112r. Poulter will take for hi: :bjcct next Sunday, May 31st "Gut to •the Night", Oe the Saddest sto.yiy or told. Your presence will be ap ;radiated. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard, ac- .:fpanied by Mrs, Murray of Exeter +nt Sunday with friends in this vice Mr. and Mrs. D, Brown of Zurich ..et Sunday with friends in' thi;, sage. he Misses Gwendoline and Mary of onezen: _ �• . 1 under the parental roof. Miss Margaret Tough of Shakes- peare spent the holiday at her home on the Bronson Line. Mrs. Peter Brennerman, who has been quite ill was taken to the hos- pital in London on Monday for fur- ther treatments. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brennerman of Detroit spent a few days with friends in this vicinity. 1VIr. John Thirsk, accompanied by Mr. Jim Johnston and Mrs. E. Clark and daughters, spent Monday with friends in London and Springbank. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hough and fam- ily of Brucefield called on friends in this vicinity on Sunday. Mrs. McKee of Toronto spent the week -end at her former home on the Bronson Line. Mrs. R. N. Douglas and daughter Margaret spent the week -end with friends in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner and son Grant of Goderich, spent the holiday with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Wm. Finlay and family spent Monday with friends near Kincard- ine. Mr. and Mrs. Koehler and daughter of near Hensall, spent Sunday with. friends in this vicinity. Miss Emma Dinsmore of London, spent the week -end under the parent- al roof. • The monthly meeting of the W.M. S. of Blake United Church, was held in the church on Wednesday, May 20th. Mrs. R. N. Douglas presided. The meeting was opened by singing Hymn 485 followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. W. Carnie, read the Scripture Lesson from Pslm. 24. Mrs. R. Lamont read the min- utes of the last meeting which were adopted. Hymn 263 was then sung and Miss Alberta Finlay gave ; the topic from the book on Japan. Mrs. R. Lamont offered prayer and Miss Mary Johnston gave the reporn of the Presbyterial held at Hensall on April 28th. The meeting was closed with singing Hymn 270 and prayer by Mrs Poulter. DASHWOOD Mrs. Jacob Kellerman is spending a few days in Toronto with Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Broughton. Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Oestreicher were: Mr. and 1VIrs. Win. May, Miss Matilda Ehlers and Mr. Henry Karrow of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Graham of Kincar- dine. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and daughter Lily of. London, visited with friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin and dau- ghter Lylyan of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener spent the meek -end with her parents` Mr. and Mrs.. Miss Anna Tiernan of MacDonald Hall spent the week -end with her par- entsMr. and Mrs. D. Tieman. Miss L. Brown of Kitchener was a guest with Mr. and Mrs. H. Becker Jr., Leonard Birk, B.S.A., of Guelph visited' his father' over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Schade of Lond- on spent the week-nd with relatives. Messrs Edmund and Rudolph Be- cker, Leonard and Gordon Bender and Eben Wiegand spent the 24th in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile and Harry Hoffman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding of Exeter, when they entertained the Huron Male Chorus on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Wm. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Por- ter and Mrs. D. McNaughton of Bay- .,etu visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid on Sunday. Mr. Ira Tiernan of Hamilton sp- ent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. Mr. Czar Steinhagen of Guelph, was the guest of his parents over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schroeder,Miss M. Allemang and Mr. G. Keeler sp- ent the week -end in Windsor and De- troit. Inspector E. C. Beacom paid a vis- it to our school on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Smith of Lon- don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs R. Baker. Mr. Harold Weber and Miss Edna Fisher visited in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Restemeyer spent the holiday in Mitchell. 111r. and Mrs. E. Bender are corn- ,nrtably settled in their new home. Mrs. A. Hooper of London, is vis- iting with her daughter, Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mcisaac and family of Windsor are spending their acation with Mr. and Mrs. P. Me - Isaac. .:q.riss Ida Link of Brantford visited her mother on Thursday of last weelc •l gc::m l:lelnan 0i Western University is home for the summer catio:l. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jacobs of Oak Grove, Mich., and Mrs. John Jacob, Clinton, spent Tuesday at the come of Mrs. J. Link. Little Hazel Moulton had the alis gime 4o fall and break her arm. Mr. Alfred Cunningham of Guelph At a recent meeting of the Evan- ;elical Ladies Aid, it was decided to utertain the delegates at the Sunda;, .lchool Convention to be held Here en June. The following committee is n champ ,os a :gereei;ts: Mrs, 1). 'Ionian, Mrs. A. 1,V. Sauer, Mrs, 11 :laugh and 'Mrs. R.II• Taylor. Plans were made for Strawberry Festival to be u June and the following committee was appointed to arrange nge for its Mrs. J. Wildfong, Mrs. R. Willert, Mrs. L. Morenz, Mrs. W. Snell and Mrs. Neeb. Mrs. R. H. Taylor and Mrs. A. E. Oestreieher were appointed de- legates to the W.M.S. Convention in Mildmay on May 26, 27 and 28th. , HENSALL Geiger & Sons are again sowing quite a large acreage of flax in this district. The many friends of W. J. El- der are glad to hear that he is im- proving after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanan of Mit- chell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Dayman. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Horton of De- troit, were recent visitors with fri- ends here• Anniversary services will be held in the Carmel Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, June 14th. Rev. Goodwill of Blyth will have charge of the ser- vices. - John Sheppard is improving his pr- operty on King st., by having a new garage built. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson were in Eg- mondville Sat. last attending the fun- eral oftheir father, the late William Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin motor- ed to Niagara Falls on Sunday ,last, where they spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White spent a few days with their daughter at Col- lingwood. Anniversary services of the United Church will be held on Sunday, May 31st, and will be conducted by the Rev. Mr. Lane of Seaforth. Mrs. F. Smallacombe of Guelph, who spent some weeks here with her sister, Miss ..Mattie Ellis during her recent illness, has returned to her home. Lizzie Slavin returned home after a couple of weeks with her brother in Stanley. Ed . McQueen is assisting in the store of W. J. White while the latter is on vacation. The Hensall Manufacturing Co. un- der the able management of G. W. Davis and W. 0. Goodwin, is kept busy with all machines and are turn- ing out garments that meet with good demand and are well made up and their patronage is increasing from year to year. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian Church manse, when Pearl Catherine Willert, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Willert of -Township, was united 'in inar- •'riage "to Bruce Koehler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Koehler, the Rev., Dr. Mcillroy officiating. The bride was becomingly gowned in white silk cre- pe with accessories to match. Miss Greta Koehler, sister of the groom, was the only attendant. • Sotdan has the fohndation laid for th ere.bu•iiding of what was known. in past years Of the Wilson Willow Hall Farm, on the London Road, just •north pi the. village 'and- 'the brick .work wlil• soon be undor way by C. Wolf and stmt, = ' Lawrence Ford, ;son bif Ed- H.Ford of l Orth Dakota, droppen in on his uncles an daunts ,yin ensall and vic- inity He had:been _visiting relatives in .Pennsylvania and from there tho he thought he would visit his relati- ves in. Huron County before return- ing home. Wm- Consitt, Census Commission- er ommissioner for S. Huron, has been holding instruction courses for the enumer- ators, two days each at Exeter, Clin- ton and Seaforth. Robt. Higgins will be enumerator for Hensel!. All the enumerators passed in their examin- ations and Mr. Consitt will have a very callable class of men to take the census for South Huron. 4 COUNTY NEWS Kincardine has nearly p10,000 of 1930 taxes still unpaid. - The day set aside for Huron Co. people to pisit the Agricultural] College at Guelph is Monday, June the 15th. Chas Anderson, agent for the Met- ropolitian Life Insurance Co., is be- ing transferred from Exeter to Sar- nia and will leave shortly, for his new position. The nomination meeting to select a Reeve for Brussels will be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday May 26, If an election is necessary it will be held on Tuesday, June 3rd. Howard Carey and Gordon Russel of Clinton, two more of the party) which were securing black bass at. Sharpe's Creek, were fined $25 each and costs The charge was of having black bass in their possession out of season. The Dominion Road Machinery Co. of. Goderich, has a big power road maintianer ready for shipment to Fergus. It has 40x8 dual pneumatic tires on the rear wheels and 36x6 on the front. The Company has two other big machines ready to go to British Columbia and another for a northern point. For failure to produce his liquor' permit when called upon by a patina) officer to do so", Charles Kent was , fined $50 and costs in Goderich Pol- ice Court the other day.. The Exeter Creamery hes installed a new churn of an improved type a greater capacity for quicker and better work. It looks as. if rhe concern will still go ahead. Records were broken at Alexandra hospital, Goderich in • the past fort night when two sets of twins were .born in that institution within a per- iod of eleven days. Carl Morlock of Credion, Medical student, at Western University, von second prize in the Medical History 1 exams. recently, the subject on which he wrote being ._•tho Philosophy of r r l$th, 1931: Capital Theatre �atre DERIC Va `1LSt., Moe -4T'. GUIt .northern ' Electric sound,' .System Now Playing—Geo. Bancroft in ',Derelict" Mors., Tues., and Wednesday CONSTANCE BENNETT ' . ERIC VON S1ROHEIM .ANTHONY BUSHELL In an .absorbing drama of the Eur- opean'Spy System. Three Faces East Tluar's., Friday and Saturday MARY ,ASTOR GRANT WITHERS REGIS TOOMEY Will give you thrill upon thrill in this great railroad melodrama. The Steel Highway CC Ing "Sloppy „ Matinees Wed and Sat at 3 p.rn. LOCAL BIARKET:i• Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Ib 25 Eggs per doz. 10-15 ...... .65e: Wheat ... w- — Oats .... •... 1.0... ..... ••• 1 Barley - , 30 FIour 2.00 3.00 Shorts '.....:.............. ... 22.00 Hens 7.5f, z I to Hunter, the famous SCottMlj' zuMCpn. One of the Big Arrow Line buses on_ the Stratford to Goderich run carne to grief the other day when a-• bout half way wetween Clinton and: the; County Town on the afternoon trip west. The driver, who was ae lone in the bus, ,claimed that the sten erin, gears became locked and he. could not control .the big vehicle. The - car swerved to the side of the road and struck a hydro pole, snapped it off. at the ground and throwiing it over the fence. The front of the car was considerably damaged, the driver, escape d without injury. One of the oldest residents of toe' cotnmuuityr ;passed away in Egmond- ville on May 14th in the person of William Hudson, at the age of 95 years, fiillowving an illness of just a month. On the Uth of June he wo- mb' have reached his 96th birthday_ He 'was born in Southern Ontario,and When. 20 years of age came to Tucker smith 'where he spent many years. Ass 'Viten formerly Eliza Smith, pre- decease d hint by 7 years at Hensall.* Four sons and one daughter survive: J'as: Hudson of Eginondville; John Hudson of 'Tuckersmith; Colin Hud- son of Hensall and Thos. Hudson of Hensall; and Mrs. Robt. Strong of. Egmondvil.le. The Census of Canada 1931 In the opening weeks- of Tune every tawny and EveryInane in Canada-wiltheyvisite lay a repre- sentativeoftlie,Government 13or &eventnational purpose of taking, the se enth census of Canada. The censusris,really a stactrating. That is, it provides the infornxatiorn to em fele Govern- ment and others interested in the development of the country to formulate progiessive policies for the happiness, comfort and prosperity of our people. All the information supplied is strictly confidential, ;axed' the .officers of the Government are subject to severe penalty if they disclose any of the information which is given to them • by residents in the country, to any other than the Government. Furthermore, it has nothing whatever to•do with to a1 on,,or voalitary service, or compulsory school attendance,, or immigration, or any such matter;, and the .Government itself cannotuse: it except for statistical 'totals. The Government representative will put the same croaStioms to all,' and it is your duty as a resident of this country to answer promptly and truthfully. The Government is very anxious to avoid foram anyone to answer these questions, but it is empowered to do so in the few cases where individuals may refuse,. Issued by HON. 11.1I. STEVEN, S, Mi nister DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE—OTTAWA •