HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-05-21, Page 1... __. _.x.1...0'4...1,---w.-.- XXXi Noy 47 ZURICH, THURSDAY !t �I ublicity io t Business Men Nat Agree& The Wednesday half holiday isnot having a very good start in: Clinton. Several of the merchants; -wished to have the holiday from May .to Seg- tember inclusive,: others would not consent to close during May and. Sept. and stilt othersNririsbecl only to have the holiday during July ;and August. e Greatest F STEPHEN COUNCIL The Connell of the Township . of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Monday„ May 4th, at 1 p.m. All members were present. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted:. The following motions were pas- 4 O.*•'344"0•ea, deo,4.0W5+44'Q*8+CP,*4*.• •444Cr.re .,'04rt4.43O V►B,&•is�+^r�•a • • ••• • •• •t • • • 4 4� 4� 4r Harness, Etc WE HAVE. A LARGE :STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC 4T VERY ATTaACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES AS WE AREF YOUR HO ME, BE SURE AND AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR CONSULT US„ S;tIERLOCK MANNING LINE.. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE FRED THIEL ZUR1011 • PHONE . 102. 0 4. • • 4 6 0 e 6 a 6 4 r, 8 .o S 0 e • •0 ••O e A 4. • •• elosemsesess1 ssae f eeseacesese esseeeeearssee ' Seee 1630(01 'Step e et - , his Spring BiiOWNS SIItEB e$h a 5c:.il¢ Is Shoe Style • • • 0 • 8 0 • • • 2 • MAKE YOU STET OUT AMBITIOUS, READY TO G.O. EVERY • GOOD STYLE FOR. SPRING 15 HERE. SPORTS. A GREAT COLLECTION OF NEW ARRIVALS. ASIDE FROM GENUINE PLEASURE OF INSPECTING THESE NEW GOODS FIRST„ IS THE ADVANTAGE OF EARLY SELECTION. AND YOU'LL CHOSE FROM THE FINEST VARIETY" OF EX- CLUSIVE SHOE MODELS FOR MEN,.WOMEN AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE BLACKS, BROWNS,egi CHILDREN 5E,t, OUR tarria s tWA An w r WINDE;HVv DISPLAY • 4. a Si e 0 • • 0 0 4. • tiese u0.ste eesseeA�'t R `ivase4G<A<r+, •a.e60,: rr�• ? 4r s9�.^i'.lbedo43sses eee .4004D44h�iP-0,61i�:*44,04,4P-s e,.rr•y�.gIs4.494 5d+..a,o t asp AT 4141,14,45, �,q) OS, 4:'DQ+aG�� ur No matter a There you look Find: NO S19 LL* STYLES. P> O• I TER COMFORT. KO SURER SERVICE 14 O BETTER 'VALUES! UES! 0 0 0 4. m m i 0 4 9 llybi � e • • • b •a Yoal1. e• a • d • 0 • • • a DE.RFUL RANGE 'IIF 'MEWS, '. li MADE 0 Man 031 • SUITS AND c$i ER:AL :ISSI e^ " 6 MAY 211931. Chester L. Snaith„, Pre e} -t e: m•,. $1.25 a year, U.S. $1,5101 in Advereork 41.50 INARREARS, $2 MAY 13$ creelvanrt tor in Homy Merchanthsing sed: That By-law No. 452 to empower and authorize the Treasuttr of the? Township of Stephen to de ?osit the net rebate received from Trp asur. .er of. the Township of i eGilli-u'ray'' with of, to the Aux 5.eublc Rif' er Drain in the Canadian Bank o Commerce, Crediton, and use tl 4 same to pay the Debentures s:9 they mature on April 1, 1932 and April 1, 1933, having been read three tint 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey of De- es, be passed and signed by the Rev tx•oit, were recent " visitors with the erre and Clerk and the Seal of th former's mother in town.t Corporation attached thereto. ••Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of Cros- Geo. Eilber, Drainage Inspector, well, Mich., were week -end visitors at filed his report in which he said that tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O' he had inspected that part of • the 11t'einn. and Mrs. Jos. Wickens of In- Gaiser Drain in dispute and that the ' Contractor had completed the work gersoll, are spending a few weeks, to his satisfaction and he recommend 'with relatives here. ed payment of the balance due on the Miss Hazel Uttley spent the latter contract price. part. of the week at Toronto taking That his report be accepted andjtratments for her eyes at one of the that Thomas Chambers, Contractor of ,Sp,•ialists at that city. the Gaiser Drain, be paid the $250.00 Mrs. D. Herford and daughter balance due him on the contract. and'e'Beulah and Mr. Ernie Motz were we - that a by-law be prepared to rebate: :ek-end visitors with the former's par - the surplus money in the Bank to the entt, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallman, Sr. persons and municipalities assessed. for the construction of the Drain. That the assessment Roll .for the year 1931 as filed with the Clerk be' spent Sunday at the home of Mr. -received and the Assessor be paid his Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doxey and .family and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Toll - :man and little son Laird of Stratford and Mrs. E, Gabel. ' salary. That the Court of Revision to hear Mr. and Mrs.. J. Brenner and son and determine appeals against the Clarence motored to Kitchener on Assessment Roll for 1931 be held in Sunday. Mrs: Brenner remaining o - the Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday, ver •for the funeral of the Iate Mrs. May 26th at 2 p.m. C. Brisson. The matter of the claim of Merritt Thompson as a result of an upset' on, .. Owing to Victoria Day 'falling on the town line between Townships of. Sunday, the following day, Monday, Stephen and McGillivray, was read:gal' 25th, will be observed through - and considered. It was decided to grout Canada as a general holiday, and lay the same over until the next Co -,'all places of business will be closed until meeting. en that day in the towns and villages Letters were read from the Ministc Mrs. Chas. Greb of Kitchener er of Railways and Canals and Th McMillan, M.P., _acknowiedgr4" petition il 'the ceipt of the pet on froz ship Council regarding frieight rage on farm commodites. The following Road Lists and ord- ers were passed: • W. Sanders, Rd. 2, $11.55; G. Hirtz- el, rd 4, 11.00; H. Schenk rd i;, 15.60 A. Baker rd 5, 10.40; R. Gower rd 7 4.20; 0. Willert rd 12, 21.45; R. Ratz in Wellesley, the daughter of Mr. and rd. 13, 4.00; W. England rd 14, 14.- Mrs. John B. Mayer, and who immi- 10; W. Becker rd 10, 10.80; J. Houl-bated to this country from Germany. ahan rd 15, 2.75; E. Lamport rd 16, 5.50; W. Isaacs rd 17, 2.75; W. J. Lovie rd 19, 11.60; M. Madden rd 1.1, 11.00; R. Hodgins 22, 16.00; F. • Passes .lVlrs. Caroline Agatha Greb, belov- .ed wife of Mr. Charles Greb, now an Alderman and a former Mayor of Kitchener passed away at her hone in that city at 64 Mansion street, on Thursday morning, May 14th at 8 o'clock. The deceased, who was born The late Mrs. Greb was 67 years, 5 months and 14 days of age, and was confined to her bed for only about two weeks. She spent her early Triebner rd 27, 13.65; W. Schwartz childhood in New Hamburg and upon rd 8, 8.00; A. Regier rd 9, 16.00; G. her marriage to Mr. Greb in Sept- Eilber, Supt, salary 56.40; N. Baker ember, 1883, they moved to Zurich, 1 S.B. 3.60; ditto rd 1, 4.00; ditto where they resided until 1909 when Station St. 2.40; ditto rd 23, 2.40; they took up residence in Kitchener. W. P. Lovie rd 20, 13.85; W. Baker Besides her husband, Mr. Charles rd 21, 8.90; A. Latta rd 18, 5.6b. Greb she is survived by one son, Can. Bank of Coin., commission 1.85; Ervin C. Greb of Kitchener. One G. Eilber, inspecting Gaiser drain daughter, Mrs. William Dumart, pre - 5.00; Thos. Chambers, bal. contract deceased her two years ago. One re Gaiser drn. 250.00; Steward, Ont. sister, Mrs. J. Hill of Detroit and Hospital, Woodstock re Alma Wil- three grandsons and one granddau- liams 19.50; Matt. England, sheep ghter also survive. The funeral was killed by dogs 5.00; Prov. Treas. hall held on Monday morning to the R.G. license 3.00; Jos. Guinan salary as cemetery at Kitchener. The many Asssur and Truant Officer 150.00. friends of Zurich sympathize with The Council adjourned to meet a- the bereft ones. . gain at the Town Hall, Crediton, on May 26th, 1931 at 1 pan. Henry Eilber, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late Aserick Brisson wish to greatly thank their neighbors and friends for the assistance and kindness shown during the illness and death of the departed. Liberals The Annual meeting of the L;beral Associations' of South Huron; will be Held in the Town Hall CLINTON' On Wednesday, June 3rd, at 2.p.nn. For the election of officers and such other business as may come before the meeting. The meeting will be addressed bf Myr Thomas McMillan, M. P. • and Mr. Mitchell F. Hepburn, M. P. Provincial Liberal Leader GOD SAVE THE K1NG1 Federal Officers -Dr. J. W. Shaw, President; J. A. McEwen, Secretary of which faith the departed was all Provincial Officers -G. Stanbury, Prs his life. Rev. Father L. Marchand ybeing in charge of the ceremony, 11fi. i ovenleek, Sect. True Love Diamonds CHOSEN BY EXPERTS CANADA'S Yes! You will Find a: DIFFERENCE IF YOU BUR MONEY TIGHT YOU SAY Tighten up then on that Fuel 11111 Burning Our Semet Solway Coke, or No. 3. Sense GREATEST LINE OF Pocahontas and Bank that furneret DIAMONDS with our Small Pea Coal. We carepe in stock Nine Different Variieizies el! NEW STYLES NEW MOUNTINGS Fuel. Come in and Iet us takk mew your Fuel Problems with you., For Cash Payment a Discount of Oa per Ton wil be AllowerL . „gym.. C aza.t' is r -t. Phone lOw or 10J HENSALL., CF1'4 FROM $20.00 UPWARDS ss, The Is eller Aserick Brisson Passes What seemed to most of us as an untimely departure took place on Thursday morning, May 14th, when Mr. Aserick Brisson -of the 14th con. Hay Township was called to his eter- nal reward, having been ill only a short time with a stroke, which prov- ed fatal and he passed away aged 68 years, 5 months and 4 days. For some time Mr. Brisson had sense heart trouble which his friends teoulht he would soon overcome, but Provi- dence would not have it thus. He Was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Brisson pioneers of the French Settlement, and was always a real man in daily life, straight forward, and of noble character, and he will indeed be missed by his many friends Surviving him is his bereft widow and one son with the second marriage while from the first marriage, two sons, Louis and Edward Brisson of Windsor, and one daughter, Mrs. Charles Bedard of the Blue Water Highway, north of Drysdale survive, two children, Dr. S. Brissonn and one daughter of the fist marriage having predecea"sed their father. Mr. Bris- son will indeed be greatly missed in the immediate community in which he had lived, and the many friends sympathise with the bereft. The funeral took place on Saturday morn- ing'to the Drysdale R. C. Cemetery : eel•+++9++++++++444++•!+,F, +++{ :..p..+':•44•+++++4+44#-41 z. � 4. •• 4 4 • We have a number of Used Cars in 4 •i' 4. 4.4 •3• • 4 4 + 1927 FORD COACH, ALL NEW TIRES, FINEST UPHOLSTERING LIKE NEW. ONE OF THE BEST CARS OF.THIS.MOIi r IN THESE PARTS. SEE THIS CAR IF YOU WANT A • REAL GOOD CAR CHEAP. 1925 FORD'COACH, TIRES ALMOST NEW, MOTOR OVER- + HAULED, FULL BALOON TIRES, LICENSE„ ETC., PRICED LOW, ONLY $1.15 4 CHEVROLET TOURING WITH NEW LICENSE, 2' NEW DOM- INION ROYAL CORD TIRES, AND OTHERS A.S. GOOD AS. NEW. WOULD MAKE A GOOD 4 -WHEEL TRAILER. R'CN' �• THIS CAR HOME FOR ONLY $22.00 .s. n 1923 FORD 1 TON TRUCK AT A BARGAIN 4' 1922 FORD TOURING, NEW LICENSE $25.00 1923 LIGHT DELIVERY FORD + 1 COUPE IN GOOD CONDITION, ONLY $25.00 'Ig• 1 FORD ROADSTER, AT' $35.00 + 1929 FORD MODEL, A COAG I IN GOOD CONDITION;' 4 4 4 Phone 82 or 115 -Used Car Bar ai az, S at very attractive prices. See these before buying and save money. TERMS TO SUIT NO EXTRA FINANCING CHARGES 1927 FORD '4 -DOOR SEDAN, STEEL SPOKE WHEELS,, AND 4. IN EXTRA GOOD CONDITION 4- 1 0 F ITZ & SON CHEVROLET DEALERS 4 47.. . 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 431- „t 4, 4~ Zuric1i •;••F+•II••4••i••±+.1. er•tri •I•+,i+•i ++++++44+444 £ •i•++•I••SN•4•+444414444444 c&+ 4 IN GINGHAMS, BROADCii:.OTHS, 1 YARD WIDE PRINTS AT Zee.. A YARD. COTTONS AT 10e AND 15c..A YARD SEE OUR OVERALLS AT $1.50 A PAIR.. GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS OF ALL KINDS_ HARNESS REPAIRS, Sk OE„S„ PAINTS„ OILS, E.TC..,, ETC, ,, We are now offering a Spring and Sum er Goods at .ock Bottoms. Prices WE ASIC YOU TO CALL AND ,SEE SOME OF OUR BARG/4.1 `BS tor fall line of LAE GENERAL MERCHA a T +.,. PHONE 11 °""BLAKE tl