HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-05-14, Page 81 v m 3 sIIERMI111113P IERIEN111IIW111MMImN¢illiliIEENIIINiIIIIIIIIMIESZEMISIESIMMwMMIWINIIMMITEIlliuiirariam WATCH THIS SPACE For Something Entirely New In Advertising. We Repair .Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. HESS, the Repair Man ilitA111111 effic0 ltliIAW1.5I.9fdItk11l 11iIIl111111 M1111NII(IIIIIff EENZE '1i1 BITTY 1kIHISIII@.RflMENIENIIIIIiht L41016101 e TTY'7Tyrry roirt 'THE STQBE WITH THE STOCK EW coons Ne :v Prints, Broadcloths, Rayons, Fugi Flat Crepes, Peter Pan Cloths, Ging- hams in season's newest colors.' All at new low prices New Wallpapers WE HANDLE REG. N, BOXERS WALLPAPER.. HAVE 65 DESIGNS TO CHOOSE FROM, PRICED AT 8 CENTS TO 60 CENTS PER SINGLE ROLL. LET US SHOW YOU OUR SAMPLES, BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS AND COLOURINGS SUITABLE FOR EVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOME SEEDS SEEDS A COMPLETE SUPPLY OF FIELD OR GARDEN SEEDS, SUCH AS MANGEL SEED, TURNIP SEED, CARROT, SORGHUM, LAWN GRASS SEED, SWEET CORN, PEAS, BUTTER BEANS. FOP CORN, ALSO EVERYTHING IN PKG. SEEDS FOR YOUR GARDEN, AT NEW LOW PRICES. J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 T Fire and Theft FIRE AND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE INDEMNIFIES THE INSURED AGAINST DIRECT LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE. AUT- OMOBILE INCLUDING ITS EQUIPMENT (But not Rugs, Robes, or Personal belongings) CAUSED BY ACCIDENTAL FIRE OR LIGHTNING THIS PROTECTION ALSO INCLUDES LOSS OR DAMAGE WHILE YOUR CAR IS BEING TRANSPORTED BY RAIL OR II WATER , Theft Insurance indemnifies the Insured against direct loss or damege to the automobile (including its equipment) while in or an the said automobile caused by Theft.. . It is better to have this insurance and not need it, than to need it and not have it. 1931 Rates Reduced. Apply NOW! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WI LL? WE SELL THE BEST POR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND -SATURDAY • Surprise Soap,, a pure Mord Soap, 10 •bat's .:........... ...,....45c LUX Toilet Soap, 3 cakes .. .. ..19c Green Grant Peas, per Tin 99c 5 String Brooms, each ... 39c 5 String Heavy Brooms, each 59c Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk; ] 6 ez, .• 5Te Our Own Blend Tea, Bulk or mixed x/2 1b.. 25c Family Blend Coffee, per lb.... r.......•. 39 Family Blend Tea, Per Th. .: 39c Choice Golden Bantam corn, per tin 15c Pink Salmon %s, 10c 1s. per tin -• -- • • • • • 15ir SPE OUR DRESS VOILE AND RAYONS ALL NEW PATTERNS AND VERY REASONABLY PRICED. GUARANTEED PURE SILK FULL FASHIONED HOSE, REPLAC'- ED IF NOT SATISFACTORY PER: PAIR 95e. J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Order Printing Locally Toronto's mayor recently advised. the city's business men and firms to give no printing jobs to printers out- side of Toronto. When Toronto or any other outside printing funs asks you for a job= .•pe as loyal 'to your home town as Toronto's,mayor' Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. The New Conversion Loan ate, 1928, $22,206,275. Westero Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK he Largest Business of any anadian Company doing Business in Ontario - On the suplement page of this is- sue will be an adv. giving official an- nouncement of the terms of the Do- minion of Canada 1931 Conversion Total Oash in Bank and Ronde $160,378.74 Rates --04.80 per $1400 for "S year& Loan. This issue extends the ppor E. F Klo —Zurich tunity to holders of Dominion of Can p� ado War 'Loan "• and VictoryM io Dcalcr in Liihtnind Rods now approaching =maturity to convert , their holdings into bonds' a 'tending• an all kinds of Fire Insurance over a further period of 15 td 25 years, and marks what may eventual= ly prove to be the greatest financiat operation in 'the history of Canada. The offer does not involve the raising of any,new money.i . Not, a penny will be added to the national dept of Can- ada in consequence of the 1931 Con version Loan. It is entirely a anatter of .exchanging bonds forother bonds of the Dominion. A total of ,.more than one billion dollars of bonds. rea- ches maturity within the next 3% years. Holders of bonds of these is- sues are being given the opportunity of continuing their investment over a longer term in the direct obligationk of the Dominion Government. They e way o interest payments or income tax1'ems' emption by exchanging for bonds of the 1931 Conversion Loan. se••••••••r•••• •rs re Seeds Seeds Having made some Changes in Prices WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOVER SEEDS. SUCH AS: ONTARIO RED CLOVER, IMPORTED NORTHERN RED CLOVER ALSIKE, ALFALFA, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. FROST FENCING ANNOUNCING FROST ZINC BONDED FENCE, A SPECIALLY GALVANIZED AND IMPROVED FROST FENCE FOR LESS MONEY. THIS NEW FROST ZINC. BONDED FENCE SUR- PASSES EVERY FORMER ACHIEVEMENT IN FENCE HICTORY ZINC BONDED MAKES IT MORE FLEXIBLE, ALSO RUST RE- SISTING AND LONGER LIFE. SEE THIS FIRST. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN FENCING SUPPLIES. GATES, BARB WIRE AND STEEL POSTS. Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin - W i 11 iams Paints, Goodyear Tires, +ate. FURNITURE! ' FURNITURE! IETADE & WEID ZURICH.�. pNTs. Your Hardware Store • We c:au supply the Public with Seasonable Hardware at Moderate Prices I. Let. lJs Show You, OUI FPLL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST y PREVAILING PRICES, I Cook supply of Smoke Cure on hand 4 Furniture • Reduced IVe are offering our Entire Stock of Furs- t iture at Greatly Reduced Prices, which i will move it out rapidly. Be sure and get. your" requirements at these low prices UR IVE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, seasons 18,000 barrels were sold in Mime and 50,000 or more could h ve been disposed, of if they had Nen, cash prices .set by the;growers themselves were ob- tained. in every instance. Sow Alfalfa.Seed their seeding program thih year dairy. farmers . particularly 'should not j overlook the fact that there is a large supply of Ontario -grown alfalfa seed available and at the lowest prices of many ;years. A large part of the new seeding, therefore, can be made econ- omically with alfalfa, while a few not lose anything ythin in t g h f pounds of alfalfa seed per acre sho- uld be included in all seeding mix- tures. ixtures. The dry summer was resti'ons- fibre for failure of much of last year's new seeding and th outlook for a. scarcity of good quality next winter. Farm Loans The recently issued report of the Agricultural Development Board sho- wed that since the board was estab- lished in 1922 over $35,000,080 has been loaned, upwards of $6,000,000 has been paid back on capital, and the total amount outstanding at the end• of the fiscal year was $29,454,- 834. 29,454,834. A. big increase in the demands made for services of the Board was. noted in the fail of 1929 and has continued ever since. This was re- fiected in the report for the y year ending Oct. 31. 1930, which showed an increase of over two millions in the aggregate • of loans granted. Attack Pasture Problems Flans for extensive research on the pasture problems of Ontario were made at a conference of representat- ives of the various interested Depart- ments of O.A.C. recently. , The Dep- uty Minister of Agriculture attended and assisted in outlining the project. A committee of Departmental heads was appointed to make a preliminary survey of pasture conditions in the Province. This party,''will start out shortly and will visit a number of sections throughout the Province. Research projects will cover different phases of the problem such as gras- ses, fertilizers, best utilization and management, the control Of weeds, the elimination of insects, parasites, diseases, etc. A number of experi- tnents on pastures aro now under way at the College and in other parts of the Province. These will besupple- mented and new phases of work will 1 Johnston. do Kalbfleisch $ Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68 BUSY FARMER NEWS Farm Underdrainage Profitable It cannot be too often pointed out to the farming public that drainage" is not only immensely beneficial to farm crops, but from a financial st- andpoint may be definitely profitable. Quoting from Bulletin 360, a new publication put out by 0. A. C., we find that "From a financial standpoint' underdrainage can 'be considered as a Iong time investment—and unlike most other long time investments it will often pay dividends sufficient to return the original capital in two or three years." The benefits to be de- rived from underdrainage are enum- erated in full in this bulletin which is exceptionally well illustrated. Full information is given on how to tile and how to construct outlets, tables for calculating the size and number, of tile needed, and the cost of exca,, voting being provided also. The, bul- letin may be obtained by .writing to the Publications Branch, Dept. of Ag- riculture, .Parliament Buildings, Tor- onto. .C Overseas Apple Market Andrew Fulton, overseas represent ative of the Ontario Fruit Growers'" Association, has returned to Toronto after spending seven months in the European markets. This closes his Cecond season in his position. Dar- ing the past winter and spring pro- '+essds of sales made by him amount - Id to $210,000. which represents an be undertaken. It will be readily increase of 300 per cent over last seen threfore,that every effort is be - year's resultS, One of his .chief ob- ing made td secure the best and most iects is to create a Cash: market far•,praif'itable, development of the pwsture: Ontario apples. During The patti lands of Ontario. ZUMOII' GI4IRAGZ ATTENTION! TO FARRIERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITS A €, OOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING, PRICES, WITS QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS 046 ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE,, G,&S OILS GRE SSE S H. 1V(ousseau Zurioli t .i. 44.4444.4444++++++++4,444.44 tai 4 f44+t+444+4+ 4++4444, t eeeme•,N•••••••••••••••OMwpi00NlO••Ns4lONlR• • Spring Seeds ' 1 We have a good supply of best quai- 1 ity seeds as follows. Corn, Sorgh- eum, Mangold, Turnip, Sugar Beet 1 Carrots, Millet, all •Garden Seeds POULTRY FOODS 1 Try our Chick Starters, Chick • LP Feeds, Laying 'Mash Etc. • I. See us 'about COAL and Fertilizer iter Schilbe at Son t i.