HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-05-14, Page 5siy,IIF: M10'1'11►P apstiitSs 1)cacth*YE.HoLivrims ,ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC. ETC;, .1'FICE-4larailton Street, ,rust of the Squaire, GODERICH, Ontario. $pecial Attention .to• Councel and Court Vika*. ;$fz, Holmes may be constilted at Cider ch by Phone; and Fieene charges reversed, • Dr. IL II. COWEN IA,• D. S. D. DS. :DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCJ—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday £b:1 ARTTLRIB' S BLOCH, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ! ! 'AI,* L Wants, For Solop Lo tr I Found, Notice, Etc. Ads is =re COMM OSCAR ICLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of AAuctioneering. Try me for (Registered Live Stock, (AIS Breeds.) Terns in keeping with prevailing prises. Choice Farms for Sale. Will aeill anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit pour business, and if not satisfied will wake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood phone 13-57. SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and MechanicalWark done to Micrometer Settings, No l gauss works. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. 'Wein DASHWOOD — ONTARIO Zurichs' Popular EAT MARKET . ANNOUNCING THAT 'WE HAVE PURCHASED MOM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT F BE CHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB L,1SHE1Il). MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yunghlut & Son RwNpfRN116OASMeN111116 cos► COAL 1931 Announ cement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR _ Soranton Goal 'oke Alberta,COal and Soft Coal .& SPECIAL DISCOUNT' OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be *Hewed for cash. Oiler Early as prices will advance on Jena 1Stb. Case & Son Phone 36 HEEN$ALL LIVE POULTRY WANTED !koro, every Day till 3 o'clock, Do not feed Fowl setae morning when brought in. :Highest Cash' Prices —CASH FOR— ream and F ggs W,14. " + A x.� Root- omit, r Et, Oesch FOR SALE OR RENT i,'asture Farm, For- Sale or Rent. Wyatt' or phone to.: W.. G. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. MOTOR REPAIRING Service- to alt Makes of Cars, Trucks, • and Tractors. DAVID; FUSS, Zurich — Phone 89 r1 t-4 FOR SALE A used mattress in fair condition at bargain.. Apply at Herald Office FARMERS! Who are thinking of building a concrete Silo. Have your work done by cametient Builders, with years of experience. Get our prices for 1931. Campbell & Co., Silo Builders, Russel - dale, Ont. Successors to Roger Bros. Phone 1(irktoi 10 r 2. NOTICE Of Registration of By -Law NOTICE is hereby given that a by - lay was passed by the Council of the Totivnship of Hay on the 16th day of April 1931, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $2013.50 for the purpose of paying for the cost of Telephone extensions to Hay Municipal Telephone System, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Office for the Regis- try Division of the County of Huron at Goderich, on the 29th day of Ap- ril, 1931, as number 520. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months a:Ler the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated this 4th day of May, 1931. A. F. AESS, Clerk, Township of Hay. NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be muds,'appreciated. , Phone 94-16. • William B. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. New Sonora Radio COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. MODEL 36 at.....e $132.00 MODEL 35 A, at .-.. $169.50, was suing for. The Judge gave his C1rl c decision in :favor of the plaintiff. IJ Mrs. H, G. Hess and Mrs, P. (O'Dwyer motored to London on We rtesdayy, Pleased to report that 1Vlias held Schwalm at St. Joseph's Hospital London, is improving as well as ca be expected. I Mn and Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kit• chener spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ,Johnson. Sorry to report that Mr. Aserick !Brisson of the 14th con., is suffering, from a severe stroke and is seriously 'i11. His family was called home to his bedside. Mrs. Christ. Eilber, who spent the winter in California, returned to her home in Zurich era Tuesday evening of this week, ant' her many friends• are pleased to se iVirs. Eilber back in Zurich again. Mr. Elmer Oe,ch, who recently underwent an op‘ration at St. Jos= eph's Hospital, Lc :rdon for appendic- itis, was brought back to his home here last Wednes lay, and his many friends here are pleased to learn tha •Mr. Oesch is irnproviing nicely. The House of Commons has de cided that hereafter Armistice Da and Thanksgiviing Day will be ob served separately. The former will', be known as Remembrance Day and' will be observed on November 11th.: This is in accordance with the requ est of the Canadian Legion. The fishermen at St. Joseph are now doing their bit, as they have two nets in and making progress in put - Ung in the third. The few lifts they have made have resulted in a fine assortment of good fresh fish that have found a ready market. Here's haping for a big season. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon made a Pro- fessional visit to London on Wednes- day. Mr. Alex. Aubin of near Blake, who had been taking treatments at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and who returned recently, took a change for the worse and Dr. MacKinnon took him back to the same hospital for more treatments. Mr. Norman Lever of Clinton, joins with the publisher of the Her- ald in extending congratulations to. Mr. N. A. Cantin of St. Joseph up- on his recent trip to Montreal, his father presented him with a fine, Graham -Page sedan, as well as many other valuable gifts, and upon Mr. Cantin's return home Mrs. Cantin presented him with a fine baby girl. New Driving Rules Amendments to the Highway Traf- fic Act. included in the 1931 statutes just off the press, make it compulsory for a motorist to signal with his< hand to the driver behind hint his intention to turn or stop:" The:*.Ac also has a clause covering 'slow tru- ing". The new book was prepared within thirty days of the closing of the Legislature, which constitutes a record. Low Priced Milk in Goderich Goderich dairymen are the lowest for their product among fifteen towns and cities in Ontario, according to a computation by the Mayor of Guelph For comparison the following prices of milk per quart in the various larg- er centres- Listed as: Goderich, 8 c; London 9c., Chatham, Owen Sound, Peterboro, St. Thomas, all 10c; Wind- sor 10 to 12e; Brantford, Hamilton, Kitchener, Oshawa, Kingston llc; Guelph, Toronto and Neagara Falls, 12 cents. Mr. Galvin Williams Ws as e trip to Toronto the past week, Police Magistrate C. A. Reid, Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes, and Pov. Constable A. Whitesides of'. Goderich, and Traffic Officer N.Lever` of Clinton, held Police Court in the Zurich Town Hall on Tuesday morn- ing when a case that has been hang- ing for some time, was disposed off. A Mr. Thayer of London, who a few Sundays ago had a bad wreck at the Blue Water Highway, at the farm of Mr. Albert Hendrick, was charged with wreckless driving and racing, and pleaded guilty to the charges. Magistrate Reid assessed Mr. Thayer $50.00 and costs, as they costs were $45.00, the total amount-' ed to $95.40. Besides Mr. Thayer advised the court that it cost him: over $400.00 to have his car repaired. in running condition. Driving an auto hi a wreekless way at present can soon relieve .one of ' his spare change in his trousers. ' Judge D. Holmes of Goderich pre- sided at the Division Court in the Town Hall last Thursday morning and a Iarge gathering was present. The first case was Moulton vs Geiser for wages of 1930. The plaintiff claimed his services were warth 221/2 cents an hour, while the defendant thought his services were worth 20c an hour. The Judge gave dicision in favor of the plaintiff. The second case: Merner vs Masse, created a good deal of entertainment, as both the plaintiff and defendant were very eloquent in explaining their side of the ease, probably the defendant was the Ioudest, and the judge warned that the court was no place to argue any disputes out, it was a place only to give evidence. The plaintiff's claim, was for $15, for two cows that the defendant had purchased, and in the fall returned the cows again, but the plaintiff claimed-' that the cows had depreciated in value the $15 he Mrs, Mitchell of /lensed, is the guest of Mrs. C, Silber. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eilber of De- troit are visiting with Zurich friends. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm and ns Gordon and Karl and daughter y motored to. London on Sunday. Mr. Frank Siebert and Miss Nora 3eebert, R. N. of Detroit, were week- d visitors under the parental roof. Mothers' Day was appropriately observed in the Evangelical on Sun - The Ladies' Aid had charge of tie program in the evening service and they did it up nice. The railways have announced sp- lcial week -end rates for the summer, and the Toronto Star adds: if the churches want to compete they will giave to advertise: "No collection taken during June and July." Mr. Norman Lever, Huron County Traffic Officer was in town on Sun- day and again on Tuesday, and is checking up on all violaters of the traffic laws, and some prosecutions will soon follow if people are not ob- edient to the law. All commercial vehicles, trailers, etc., MUST be *quipped at the rear with the red `mirror, and must bear the 1931 lic- te#ise. plates. Mr. Lever states that he has given sufficient warning both in person and through the press, that any violaters in future will be prose- cuted, and be sure that you have and carry your driver's permit with you when in charge of a ..motor veh- icle. Alfred C. Baeker Passes Alfred C. Baeker, who was Warden of Huron County in 1930, and who was born and raised at Zurich be- fore the family moved to brussels, where he lived since. He was strick- en with a heart affection about a year ago, from which he failed to recover. He had the unique distinction of hav- ing been elected reeve of Brussels for ten successive years without a contest. He had an inherent love for civic affairs. A successful busin- ess man himself, he was a strong fin- ancial executive and brought a we- alth of valuable experience to the warden's office. On taking office he Instituted a" rigid policy of economy alit succeeded in materially reducing l th county debt. He was frank of, speech and had no difficulty in saying yes or no. He was of a genial dispo 1 rtion and his friends are legion thy- qughout the county. He will indeed ti be .missed in Brussels as well as in the county council. P41 .4 1-4,1..!Y IM1.1-1.4 y d.-l�, . 0' -;•*;- !t,! :„lltt,l�. 4.+ y y �p �q�4,01 f- y y t �� ! 1 ! ! k it' ! ♦ , R "i•�����'Y'���i"� It�`it��'}•'{'^fi'�*i'�'T �'R�� 't SOMETHING NESP The very latest in Unpainted Furniture A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE FOR END OF CHESTERFIELD FLOWER STAND OR MANY OTHER USES. ONLY $I.75. CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK THEM OVER A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EACH $8.75, 'i' • C. KALBFLEJSCIT P 1 PHONE 69 - ZURICH t. d- A � 3•��r�rJr i t �✓r g ✓,..g t .;,.;,a� �r ..;..:, +++ f- a-Ief l.elea>o+ : +00%.or.Y..,aror.g.'i.^o riMMAtiliWANAWAMANWAAMMIWYMINVNNI Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements af School Supplies `lis Old -Age Pension on Basis of Government Annuities The Old Age Pensions payments are coming to the basis of Governm- ent annuities. That is if an appli- ::ant has property sufficient to pur- thase a Government annuity which will yield'• him the equivalent of the pension he does not get the pension, or if he has enough to pay for an an- nuity equal to part part of the pen- sion the pension payment is reduced by the amount of the annuity his property will purchase. Another change is that the property of both husband and wife is taken into ac- count in determining on the award of a pension. For instance if one of the couple had sufficient property to pur- chase an annuity for both, neither would be considered eligible for the pension. At a recent meeting of the county Old Age Pension committee 18 new names were approved by the committee and are sent on to the Board for approval. There were 656 on the pay roll in the county; 85 of these have died, reducing the num- ber to 571, and the 18 new ones will bring the roll of pensioners up to 589. 1.931 SEASON 1931 • ICTERE (Imp.) (1610) (80614) '.Enrolment No. 706. Passed Form I Black Percheron Stallion, foaled Mar. *, 1908, bred by M. Harmond, Dunn - as Department of Loir-et-char, France Dam—Margot (50272), Mignonne (41409), Finette (31714), Petite Perigouard., Sire—Souak 2nd (46965), Num- tro (18789), Bucephale (19911), Desire (1946). Will make the season of 1931 at li}s owner's farm, 11i mile south of rich. TERMS—$6.00 to insure living Foal Theo. Steinbach, Owner, Zurich, Ont. R. R. 3 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h:—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—German Service-. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday S'chool'. 7,30 p. Service.. Everybody Welcome' to all Services. E. Turkheism•, Pastor •••••••••••••••00.1940 +4,400041 1• All authorized Text Books ke;t in Stock •+oot000•soe�+s0000e000000eot Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military Brushes 111t4,44a0o0o0o•000®,Q00®a44+a Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfumizers. Fine Stationery and Fountains- Pens. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich 4,4410101WRIMW lkW fV G'li'1SMMARMPAMARk a For These REASONS use GYPROC when Building or Remodelling GYPROC is a fire-resistant wallboard used for making inside walls, ceilings and partitions. It is made from gypsum rock and comes in sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and / of an inch thick. 1. It does riot burn. 2. It is inexpensive. 3. Its ivory colour requires no decoration when panelled. 4. It is an excellent base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. 5. It is structurally strong. 6. It has insulation value. 7. It is draught and vermin -proof. 8. It is easy to install. 9. It saves time in new construction. For further information ask your nearest dealer for a direction sheet or write us for FREE book- let, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc". 375 GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario fiheNEW °r/OW For Sale By Fred C. Kalbilelsch • • Zuliic 01171 o R .