HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-05-14, Page 411011 IMP 1 '. `+i ,l':Ill;li► Napa; • �1 b• 110111111 111111111111111111111111111411 I illl IIIIIIUIICIiIIlIIIIIIIA,_ STOP! at Joe's Place, Drysdale For Gas, Oil Etc., fn aur Car AND FOR YOUR SUPPLY, OF FOLLOWING GOODS WHICH ARE KEPT IN STOCK IND SOLD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES: ',Prints, GiWkliains, Shittings, Curtain Materials, TaMe Oils, Ladies', and Chilldtr"eh"s kladerwear and Hosiery, Men's Overall's, Work, Shirts, TFace Shirts, Ties, Se -x, and all Underwear 1F'resh Orvc'tii'ies and Fruits, Clriir:k Feeds, Flour, Stilt, Garden Seeds, :Mang&I.and 'turnip Seed, Seed Corn, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream iii :son, 'Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco sof all kinds. GIS TrS A CALL, WE A'1'PRECTATE YOUR BUSINESS, AND ASSOlit YOU THAT JOE `WILL SERVE YOI'T PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY . Gascho .& Son, Props. J. S. Bedard, Manager ea- ea- RIMIIlli;li11171i1111111111111M111 II1111111111i111111 111111111IIIIli1111i11111111111111111111111111H11111 ll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111WI1i111111111i111 lu • + +4•++1+4.44.3••4•• •i.++•h+•3++ a. a4+++++++++++++++f++ i+++4 ! I,Massey-Harris Irnplements M ▪ WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND 00.113- M• PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND f ' WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED (OF NEW MACHINERY TO 4 - LET • LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU b • A CALL • •4+ Brantforil Windmills and Pumps HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPfiffNTED BY THE GOULD SHAPLEY & MOR CO., OF BRAi�i"ri1 ORD TO HANDLE THEIR I XCLTJSIVE LINE OF "SECOND-TO/NONE" PRODUCTS, WE 4. • SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS 'LINE AND CAN ALW:ATS ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE TOR YOUR DOLLARS. 4. BELOW WT_' 1.IST A FEW OF OUR tail/OD USED AND REBUILT .,14. • MACHINES WB7•'CH WE ARE OFFEgRING AT PRICES FAR BE- LOW THEIR VUE. ▪ •Good used Deering Binder, 6 ft. Cut. 2 13 -tooth M. -H. Cultivators • One used M. -H. 3VIanure Spreader M. -H. 5 %-ft. cut tamer Also a team of good work horses. Young milk cow with calf at font Be SURE AND GIVE WS A CALL! • N. E. Siemon Agent, Zurich •r 8+ •+++++•4 -,+++4+++.+•4•x• -A+•:• +++•4 i +++++++ b•r✓,-•4•+ 4 ..:.+*'r•4••+ • onfidenee The 68 -years -old fluron & Erie can repay to debenture -owners and depositors every dollar of their money and still have lett-- $7 800, -- $7800, 0 Have you $1110 or more to int at 4%0 for 1 to 5 years ? ANDREW F. HESS., ;Zurich HILLS, REEK 'The W. M. S. will be hold eat the ,atogoe of .Mrs. (Rev.) Conner .nn ,Fri - ,r. afternoon, at 2.30 p.m. 'the services in the Hillsgreen mnitrch will be withdrawn owing to diSli pen Y. P. Anniversary, on Sun - y ai)fay 17th at; 11. a.m, and 7.30 The , ervice will be condul ted by :Mrs R. K. Love in the Hillsgreen church „on Sunday afternoon, May 24th at 2.30 p.m. iDYSDALE Mr, and •1)Plars. Edward Laporte and, family of St. Clair, Mich., and Mrd and Mrs. Mareil Laporte of Detroit, ,were Sunday visitors with their par ents, Mr- and .1Vlro. Chas. Laporte. Mr.John Dacliarme who spent a few weeks with friends and relatives 'lin Windsor and fi)c:troit, has return- ed home last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs lillorris Durand accompanying him 'tome, returning to theft home in. De- troit Sunday afternoon: ib -s. Philip Denomme is spending ;n, few days is Detroit. NTrs. Leo '•Corrive u has been on lithe sick list for a week or two. Mrs, Joseph Rau and sons have `cleated thonselnS. to a, rev/ clryro- six sedan, auto.. 1 '1 BLAKE Mother's ]Day Services was held Tian Blake United church last Sunday. The Young People had charge of the program. Each one taking their parts very erditably. There was a good attendance sated quite a number of our formes• •xxre?zrbers and friends present, which. efeete Much appreciated And we hope they Inlay be able to at- tend the other time .special services. Mr, John Thirsk, accompanied by M. Jim. ,Johnston„ ,spent a couple of days. last week with friends in Lucan and London. Miss Maryibel C,aynie spent the week,,nd at the hope of Mr. and Mrs. li;;, N. Douglas. Mrs. V. Meyers who :spent the win- ter with her son and a4ughter-italaw Mr, and ,Mrs. Thos. Meyers, at Zur- ich, returned home last week. Mrs. D. Gasoho of Zurich, who sp- ent some time with her mother,, Mrs. Peter Brennerman,. .who was 'quite seriously ill, returned to her home. .Mrs. P. Brennerman's • many M- ende will be plea ed to know that she is ori the way to .recovery. Miss Gladys Douglass of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, spent Saturday afternoon at her home in the village, Miss Mary Johnston spent a few days last week with friends • in Lond- on and while there she attended the Graduation Exeyeises of the Victovia Hospital nurses, which was held at ';onvocation Hall at the University ,,f Western Ontario, k claw of 4;;1 .ia'.ses receJYt•l Dip10 ji,s John"r ston's niece, Miss Eleanor L ndeniield is one of the graclilatee. DASHWOOD • Rev. and Mrs. Sauer attended the funeral of the late Mrs. P. Miller in Rodney :last week,. • Mr, I,. Chamberlain and Mrs. Kady of Port Huron and MU. Manson and; family* of Zurich weee Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mos. C. Reid. Mrs. Adella Fisher is spending a few Weeks in Loaehot. Miases Anna Tiernan and Betty Willard of McDonald Hall, Guelph, spent the week -E nd. with the form= era parents, Ma. amen Mrs. D. Tiernan Mr. E. R. Guenther is all smiles on the arrival sof at baby girl. .Miss Mynta -EToft'man of Kitchener, spent the weal -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, -H. Hoffman. Mr. Eugene Tiernan of Western Eniversity, , London, Mr. Ira Tiernan of Hamilton, and Miss Cornell of New' Hamburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Zeman. .IkMr-s..H. Hoffman, Harry and Ger- trude, .Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile at- .terade'd :the Musicial Festival at Strat- ford Thursday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ten Eyck of .Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob .Meidinger of Zurich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Becker. -Mrs. C. Fritz and Mrs. H. H. Cow- en .of Zurich, visited with' Mr, and .Mrs. Jacob Kellerman on Sunday. Miss Lucille Willert and Mr. :B•i e:Ike, of Birmingham visited at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willert rover Sunday. Mrs. Willert return- ed with them to visit at Detroit and Fort Wayne where she will attend the graduation of her daughter Miss Alice Willert from the Fort Wayne Lutheran Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Leibold of Sebringville and Rev. W. E. Beese of Tavistock visited with Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Sauer on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Lon- don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs R. Baker. The regular meeting of the Dash- wood Evangelical Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. was held on Thursday after- noon, May 7th, in the. basement of the church. The program was ar- ranged by Mrs. G. Link and Mrs, R. Willert with the lattea, in th:e chair. Mrs. R. Goetz read the scripture les- son and a splendid topic on Mothers Love, outlining the lives of Joli'n Wes- ley and George Washington. Read- ings were given by Mrs. Wm. Snell. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Following the program Mrs. D. Tiernan took charge of the business session. Plans were made for the strawberry social to be held in June. E. Tiernan ez Son, General Merch- ants have become affiliated with the Superior Chain Stores. HENSALL iErank Farquhar has recently been :unable to follow his barbering busin- esseowing to an operation for appen- :dieitis. The firm of t Bonthron and Drysdale .:celebrated their .21st anniversary of being. in business in Hensall, on Tu- esday, last. IMr. and Mrs. A. L.Case spent a sew „days visiting friends , in Detroit. Mr. LCase brought home a new Chry- slerrcoupe that he recently purchas- ed -frons Cook Bros. A . new ladies ready-to-wear store is being opened up in the Murdock Black ;on King Street. .Geo. J. Southerland is able to be jlat .his duties as the local postmast.: - after ,a . recent illness. Wm.. Simpson and Mrs. Lou Simp- son of Detroit, visited with friends to :town. Mr. .and Mrs. Wna. Consitt were recent visitors with friends in Kin- cardine. Mrs. Mbrbelle Miller, or Detroit, is visiting with Mrs. Robt. Bonthron .and ,other friends. Mxs..Ed. ,.Sheffer is visiting with her daughtj, .Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of Port 3trukvaxr. Nathan Peck speent a few days visiting .at the .home of his son,. Bert. Peck sof Stanley Tp. . Mr. and Ars..Stanley Mealy' and. children of .St. John, New Brunswick are visiting at the .home of Mrs. Mea- ly's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Peck and Mrs. Sidney XIeArthur, H. Arnold neeeived word of the death of hie brother, Fred Arnold, who died in a hpspitaI in Buffalo on Tuesdty last. The late Mr. Arnold was well known in Hensall, having conducted a general sstore business at Hensall some 25 years ago. Mrs. J. R. McDonald of the Lond- on Road who has been in a Toronto instutition taking treatinents, has re- turned home and is greatly improved in ,health. The death occurred at her home in Tuckersmith on May 2nd, of Mrs. ivioLean., beloved .wife of John Mc- Lean, in her G2nd year. She had be- = in poor health for some time; and :gradually weakened until she passed away. Her maiden name being• Eli- za Dalrymple and she was a member of the Chiselht,rst; United Church and was highly respected by her friends and neighbors. :Besides her sorrow- ing husband she leaves to mourn her loss, four sons and two daughters. The death occrrreil h , ensr.11 on April 2bth of Eliza A, McKinley, wife" Nathan Peels, in her 73rd yin She as born in Stanley Townships the xaghter• of the late Mr. and Mrs JolutdeKinley and spent her early life +ere, After her marriage to Mr. eek they moved to their farm on b Babylon Line, where they re- st until 1919 when they retired to ensall.. Mrs, Peck was a eonsis- t `;memberof the United. 'Church, v.. a highly respected by all who her. Besides her husband she es to mourn her loss, one son, R; rt M. Peck, of Stanley township, a l her son, the late Dr. J. W, Peek p eceased her six years age'. The ial which was private took place e Bayfield cemetery, her pastor, 'Rev. Arthur Sinclair, having ge of the services. 1 f t 0 Cr 10 Ju de et COUNTY NEWS e Western Canada Flour • Mills at Goderich announce a cut et in wages and salaries effective 1st. e deanery meeting of the rural ry of Huron will be held in Ex - 9n Thursday, June 4th. Tredeie's new soft drink factory at oiierich is nearing completion and th .machinery has arrived. He ex -- p s s to have the factory in operation sa tithe this week. l rmer wardens of Huron Co- .. unto, lain Arthur J. Irwin of W ing- h a .: n lI Alfred C. Baeker, of Bius- se died last Wednesday at their re- sp Live homes. .ha;:"tex rate in .Goderich for 1931 is 9''fiiftls on the dollar for public sc o1 rs'upporters and 511/2 mills for separate school supporters. This is a mil sch hail; pm higher than last year for public 01 supporters and a mill and a more for separate school sup - 10. hn Watt, a well-known and high- lyteernd resident of Walton, died on; April 25tha following a sudden he' attack. Deceased, who was a caftle'buyer, had been a resident of Walton locality practically all his life H` was in his 58th year and. is sur - vi ed by his wife. Robt, Clark, sixty-one years old, o !'ncardine, took his own life the othe morning by hanging himself in his barn. Ho had' been' in ill -health and lout of work during the winter and`no doubt cotnmrtte.dthe. deed in a fiitd f despondency. Al. Magis. G. A. Reid held Police Court°at Wingharn the other day when'Geo. Caake, of Wroxeter, was five.it $10 and costs for. trapping mus- kijitS. without o license. The defend- anti';pleaded guilty, the court pa•oce- edua s;, lasting less than ten minutes. MO McKay, one of Seaforth's oldet*,residents,passed away in Clin- tonTuesday, May 5th, following a'O'err ,short' illness. For many Ye ars s engineer_ at. the Canada Furni rice Factory; and the greater part of his life had. been spent in the town. i He is survived by his widow, three daughters and one son. • Thq other day Huron, County Trea- surer ,Gordon Young received a che- que far $67,963.24 from the Provin- cial Treasurer, representing the co- unty of Huron Provincial subsidy on highway work for 1930.. The cheque was far the full amount of the appli- 'cation' prepared by the county eng- ineer' forthe good roads • commission. Itis a large cheque, the largest to come into the county treasurer's offi- ce .in the course of a year., Rev. Dr. J. E. Hogg, of Willis - Wesley United Church, Clinton, has received and accepted a. call to Main Street' i xrited Church, Strathroy. This church' was formerly a Method- ist church and had absorbed the con- gregation of Frank St. Methodist ch- urch prior to the union of 1925, and at that time a large number of Pres- byterians who favored union joined with the congregation, making it a stream one:, ArrangenutMla have been commpleted. whereby the two United churches o1 Parkhill are to be amalgamated. The. consolidations will take .place on July 1st, and the pastoral charge will. be known as, Parkhill United. Church and: Lieury. Tbe Centenary Church form erly associated fith Jubilee Church, of Parkhill, willbecome a charge by ;itself, lander the superintendency of !the Parlcld11-Liery charge. Wm. Kay, of Strathroy, fozmerly of Usborne and Exeter, passed away 'at his home on April 29th. He was in. .his 64th year, and was ill for several 'weeks, having been at London Hosp- ital a month. The funeral services was held front Ids, home in Strathroy and the remains taken to Exeter for int-- 'ernment in the family plot, The. death. occurred at his home on April 21, after a short illness of Chas. R. G. Routledge, one of the old and highly respected residents of the dis- 'ti•.iet, in his 87th year: Deceased had Iived in the vicinity- since a young man. He was born in England, being the sonof an Anglican Church cler- gyman, and when he came to: this country he took up farming in T.uck- ersmith, in 1913 retiring; to Egmond- ville and a year later moving to Seaford'. The Presbyterian Synod' or Hamil- ton and London are on a three day session, beginning an Monday, at Knox church, Goderich. Nearly two hundred delegates, clergymen, and elders were expected to attend from the various churches in: the two' dist- ricts. Forging hie employer's name to 4 cheques, each for $10, Robt. Redden, agen 24, of Exeter appeared before Magda_ .Reid at Goderich on Saturday last, charged with the offence.. He was employed by F. J. Wickwire, of Ex- eter, in November, and was a printer and until last fall had been employ- ed in the Times -Advocate office. at Exeter. Was arrested at London and brought to Goderich by Constable Gundry, was remanded to jail for a week. Each of the cheques was cashed by different parties. Thos. Hodgins, resident of Lueam for 71 years and widely known inrthe, district, passed away at his residence! in his 95th year. He was born. in Biddulph Tp., when 18 years old he began teaching school which he .fol. lowed for five years, later opening general store in Lucan, from which.' he retired two yeors ago, was an act- ive member of the United Church and taught in: the, Sunday School for many years_ Capital Theatre, West Street—GODER1CH Now PTray.nt W ll Rogers in Moue, Tuelg., au, „ Wednesday EDDIES. CANTOR in one otheyear's eatest girl frrid yeshows 1►. HOOPIE..; ,. , _ ,. Presented by Morena Ziegfeld and Sam. Goldwyn in .full technicolor Times., Friday and Saturday The picture you bave waited for: Africa Speaks Stark Realism, Unsurpassed drama To miss this picture means to be left out of :countless conversations You have seen nothing to equal . -"AFRICA ,SPEAKS" Three changes an our next Program Matinees—Wed. .8c Sat. at 3 p,m. LOCAL (Corrected .every Wednesday) Butter ..-,.._e_- .. 30 Eggs Wheat - .65c Oats .... ....+.+. �.... .25 Barley _ 3D Flour ...... 200 3.00 Shorts . _ ...... •.... ... 22.00 Bran ... _ .. 21.00 Hogs . _ ____ 7,50, - ,, ....... ... 8-10-12 be fixed as per ;schedule hereto at- tached. That By-law No. 15-1931 to re- scind the resolution adopting the pet- ition and fhe resolution finally pass- ing the Hy law affecting the Alexand- er Drain he read three times and fin- ally passed. That accounts covering payments= ;for Telephone, Township Roads and. :Mineral .Accounts be passed as, per vcaxr eers. Township Roads—E. Deters, Sr.,. iZ P. Village, 9.65; E. Erb, pay .list; road. 9, 7.80; P Schade, pay list rd.. 4.1.10; E. J. Stire, pay list rd. 10;,* 3:.211; M. Ilf'_ Russell, pay list rd. 1, 8.041; Grenier, pay list rd. 8, 6.55;, .T. Patine, pay list rd. 1, 7.00; John. Oesch, pay Rist rd. 8, 3.60; S. Martin pay list rd. 6, 4.10; S. Hoffman, pay list rd S, 4.60; J_ Rennie, pay list rd. 6:, ;041; Wm. Ducharme, pay list rd. 16, 26.50; T. Dinsmore, pay list rd. 18, 320; It Miller, pay list rd. 9, 10.00; S. McArthur, pay list road 1 54.00,; Elmore Datars, pay list rd.. f0) 4.00; F E•_ Denomme, pay list rd. 101 4.00; `_ T Wenomme, ,pay list rd.. 1,0a._ 12215; XL H. Walt pay 3-00; Telephone Accounts—Ziarich Hydro, lights central office 3.82; Nor- thern Electric Co., material 178.84; Stromberg-f artson Telo. Mfg. Co.,, material 517; Canadian Telephone' & Supplies, material 10.94; Bell TeIm.. Co:, tolls Feb. to March 85.15; Zur-. ich Centrally switching four weeks. 88.00; Municipal World, supplies 3.08. Bell. Tele. Co., booth 20.00; E. R. 'trenher, cartage 16.37; Bell Telo- Phone Co., :for lines and equipment 222.00; IL G. Hess, labor, etc. 181.95 • General Accounts—Zurich Hydro, lights town hall 2.50; H. Steinbach, fence -viewer 2.00; A. Hendrick ditto 2.00; D. E. l3lacitwelI ditto, 2.00; W - IL Edighoffes, balance salary and, postage 12.80. Proved by Edmund Walper, second=- ed by .Alf. Meliek, that the Council: adjourn to meet again on Monday,, Yam 1s1t, at 11..30 p.m. for regular- monthTy session and as a Court of: Revision of the 1931 Assessment Roll •The farm house of Lloyd Linn at CIandeboye was almost completely destroyed by fire with the exception of the back kitchen the other morning Mr. and Mrs. Linn were just leaving their home to visit some friends,when glancing up the noticed flames "§ho- oting Out of the roof of the dwelling. Practically all of the household eff- ects were saved before the entire str-• ucture was destroyed. Valuable aid: was gived by the Lucan fire brigade, which kept the flames away from a big barn, toward which they were be- ing blown by a high wind: which was prevailing at the time. HAY COUNCIL E>, The regular meeting of' the Coun- cil of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich,, on Monday May 4th, 1931, with all the members present_„ The minutes of the prev- ious meeting were adopted as read.. After dealing with a number of. communications the following; rest lutions were passed: That grants to the various. Town- ship Road divisions for the,year•1931 HOLDERS OF DOMINION OF CANADA. BONDS War Loan 5% Bonds Maturing lst October, 1931 Renewal Loan 5'%% Bonds Maturing 1st November, 1932 Victory Loan 53%a Bonds Maturing 1st November, 1933 Victory Loan 513%. Bonds Maturing, 1st November, 1934 VHE • BANK OF MONTREAL, at any Branch, is prepared to arrange without charge exchange of your bonds for those of the new Dominion of Canada. issue. Ful t deet ail. and information urifl be given gladly at any of our offices. OF MONTREAJJ Estabbs , 4 t8a'7 .10 III