HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-05-14, Page 2Saimaa Ora ge Pekoe has a most fascinating flavour 1129-• :‘ r: : • Is • 74: S r s ORANGE; PEKOE BEND ..4r 11 fro the Pard se 163 THE KESTREL HOUSE IVINSTE*Y By T. C. H. JACOBS I. 61 • ; : ‘Wt!.,:ittit SYNOPSIS., tion of the house became visible. Pre- sently Eyecroft and Flack reached the edge of the plantation and halted in. the shadows to survey the scene. A ragged lawn fringed the front of the house, a large, study -looking struc- ture, built in the local granite, but with a neglected, depressing appear- ance, enhanced by the heavy, dark cur- tains which covered the lower win- dows. The massive oak door was closed, and a lorig strand of ivy hung down from the porch, almost reaching to the steps. Flack was on the point of expressing bis opinion that the place was desert- ed, when a light shone out from the room on the ground floor facing them. Henry Holt and his ward, Muriel Mainwg ring, are staying at a Dartmoor Varna. Holt has a friend at Kestrel House, Moineau. who has a nephew, and Holt is anxious that Muriel marry this neplaew, Hayden Mercer. Percival Pye- croft comes to the farm where Holt Is living; he takes a walk on the moor and is murderously assaulted. Later he finds Muriel and, Hayden Mercer in an alter- cation and intervenes. Several Perseus have mysteriously disappeared, and Chief Inspector Barnard is investigating. Pye- croft's chauffeur and valet, Flack, comes down from London and Pyecroft tells him he is going to turn a locket which he found on the moor and which evidenv- ly belonged to Mona Page, one of the missing persons, over to Barnard. CHAPTER VII.—(Cont'd.) A hunched yards higher up, the trees thinned considerably, and a per - Special Trade-in Sale on PRESSURE GAS STOVES Starts Next Week S -QUALITY. Latest models. Brand new. The famous Coleman Stoves that make and birn their own gas. And while this aale lasts, you cap: 'trade int your old atm:re on a new Coleman, and we will allow you 'UP TO $ For Your Old Stove Your dealer will take in old stoves (any kind) allowing from $5.00 to $20.00 each on new Coleman Pressure Gas Stove, according to the model you select. Many styles to choose from. Three and four burner types, low oven and cabinet models full porce- lain ranges. Equipped with Coleman &as Starter which lights instantly. No installation expense. These modem stoves are ready to give you clean hot gas service for cooking no matter where you live. Easy terms if desired. Moad..1471).-- .304 ' ea. Low Oven Model. Gas Sauna lights instantly tact strike si match and tarn a Irak,* Hardware arid General Store dealers sell Coleman stoves, Irons, lamps and lanterns, gee them at youe dealers or write us for more Informatloi and colored folder. Address The Coleman Lamp & Stove Co. Ltd. Dept W. L Toronto Canada, • • • • "Blinley!" he muttered, ‘,,electr me of satisfaction escaped him, it light!" a '' a& just what he had hoped Caatiously, he moved along a fe .0r but scarcely dared to expect. l' paees until he was able to see late th rcorn, but before he had time, to dVIII ie( tinguish the oce.ipant the 1444w * . CHAPTER . switched off. • alai* cm his hands and knees ne- Pyecroft beekoned to him, al1 :side bin), had seen it also, "We'll make a circuit, of the bu' ' ''truthi" he shuddered, crawling ing before it gets too lark," he w p. back into a position less precarious, pered. "Wet a (elmet:I hole!" Keeping well into the pla n, rYecroit pocketed his torch and they waked their way aro * , e joined liim under the wall, lower side until they were abl ,,„, J. "Think •you can lear that ditch?" tain a view of the back premises. e he asked, the !rant, they presented a peeul ly "Wot, jump acrost ,here, climean, deserted appearance. Flea ey it gov'nor?" • with professional interest not in aa "Yes, it looks wore than it really ed with contempt. is, X think," "Ain't much to stop us here, a Flea% measured the distance with nor," lie murmured. hi poised himself and a moment Pyecroft did not aalSwer; he A later ; ad dropped lightly on the oppo- listening intently. Presently he e site bank. down and placed his ear to e "It ain't any too firm over here," he ground, Glancing up he motifA celled across in a stage whisper, a Flack to do likewise. " - , "There'e some loose stuff along the "Well?" he demanded, as they a edge you gotta look out for." up again. "All' eight, I'm coming," returned rie7nbhaet'sproniliaecuhnieneedr.y working, g - Pyecroft, and leaped. He 1 ncled heavily and immediately "Dynamo?" felt the ground giving beneath lear. Flack loolced doubtful.' rgleaele grabbed his coat collar and "There'l more than a dynamo we ,1,,letauledlhim to safety as a large stone ing," he said, at last, "but it's li flied iteelf from .the side and went stuff. Queer, ain't a-, to have mac). 'easei ling into the gorge carrying un ery working underground in a siI, avalapph of emaller stones and earth house like this?" •. , ‘-a with. i -Dismal echoes came up from "So queer, my dear Flack," resp -' anal blackness. ed Pyecroft, "that I feel a most. , glaesnor, you was near:y erful urge to inspect it, *le ,darethecl Flack, -Wiping his &lad, hosv, that's the rub. As you, * NV .'611 an extremely soiled hand - aptly put it, there ain't much to s ehief. us here, but once in, would we ' ' below?" „ e 'aft flicked ,he dirt from his smiled: "Sure, gov'nor, why not? We a you, old scout, I'm still met a oor wot' beat es yet." , get on with the good Pyecroft smiled. Ho shared with the e got to find the way other a pride in that compact li tunnel and it must be bag of tools, but it wasn't of Jocks the car is parked some - bolts that he was thinking. Presen entrance." he voiced some of his thoughts. big idea in keeping a It's that damned car that's troti; udder secret?" asked le ing me. There ought to be a gar ea Wide muss see the thing here, and there is not. What is meet, zometimes." there is not a single trace of wla4 ' ?'d& true," agreed Pyecroft. marks anywhere." Tastable Ford has probably seen it Flack looked surpeised, but Iii.ea .ra' , number of times. The idea, as 1 no comment. He failed to undereten ndeestand it, is to conceal the Men- the significance or the connection with tity of the owners." the matter in hand. "Some of the gang up at the house being known in -the village and some ain't, eh, gov'nor? The ones wot ain't known do dale body snatching and if ee Pyecroft turned' on his heel,d'alid commenced to walk slowly througli tie plantation towards the river. EVery few yards he knelt; down. and plada the car by a. bit of bad luck is recog- r his ear to the grouna. , Understands razed, well eten, there's no connection ing began to dawn in' Flack's mind with the heAse, nobody up there own - He followed after himitlistening Va. ,, ing a car teaever had one on the pram - "Get the idea?" asked layeerbtnia ises, as cartaeasily be proved." a whisper. . . • "That's about the size of it, some- . "Sure, gov'nor, here, there's a back them cellars." "Good lad. It remains now bit find it." Five minutes later they reached the7 edge of the plantation, climbed ti' wall and found themselves on the bang. allow uffaeei ,thing of the sort, anyway." 'taance 'intp,, "But wot's the body snatching for, gov'nor? If it was all women it would be pretty easy to get, but they got a fancy for men z..s well." . Pyecroft shrugged his shoulders "At the moment I haven't the re- 'niotest metier.," he said, "It's up to of a deep gorge through 'which the. Xs to fiatt out, and the quickest way river swirled in an angry torrent rft..fip do it is to take a stab at finding hundred feet. or more below. So n the secret entrance," 'ow was it ,that the „teeCee'-'itbaaletla, rucek nodded. Past experience had was' less than eight feet. - In the 'that the gov'nor e had a time in the dim ages the river must very good reason for everything ae have been of considerable volume, for the walls of the ravine overhung to form a lofty arch. Pyecroft, lying ADVIS-NTUM-S of kJ& I .4)0‘7100Y eiridhk Dog SCOTTIE- camefore; After many adven- tures flying over the war zone in China. Captain Jimmy and Scottie get lost in the dark and land inenemy territory. A. freight train leaves SUPPlies at a siding, and they are cautiously approaehing, When iraterrUpted.....—:-. Quietly we approached the freight train. The food and gasoline which we needed so badly would soon be ours, Then, right out of the ground leapeci a dark form. A heavy blow landed on my 'head, and I knew no more. • Gradually I 'became conscious. Jolt — jolt ee jolt! I tried to put my hands to my head but they were securely bound. Someone had tied me on the back ot bnrvo, and just ahead the Colonel and Fu Hsu were securely bound on two more. Num- berless other donkeys loaded with bundles and boxes moved in single file along a narrow rocky path, and leading each, strode a Wicked look- ing ruffian, armed to the teeth. Chinese bandits had captured us. Jolt—jolt—jolt! Through the hills we went, while a great blazing sun scorched us with stifling heat, The bandits had plenty of water, but for never a drop. Between drinks they would grin at us, and pat their stomachs, seeming to enjoy our misery. Of Scottie I knew nothing, and became very anxious as to his fate. Everything must end sometime. Toward nightfall we came in sight of a rift in the, mountains, where the sheer cliffs rose for hundreds of feet into the air. Here, indeed, was an ideal spot for a bandit camp. A few men could hold the defile rgainst an army. Below stretched a beautiful valley, green and fresh as a moun- tain paradise. The burros, scenting the sweet grass, rushed down toward the bandit camp in a regular stampede. As we approached, a miserable looking mob of men; women and children, swarm- ed out of the tents. They were a hard-bitten crowd, every one of them. They jeered at did, and he had never regretted the day when he had joined forces with him. But the other was still as big flat, peered into the dark shadows, but, a puzzle to him as ever; he could not though the roar of the water filled his ears he could not see, it. From his pocket he took a powerful% 'eleetric torch; carefully directing its -beam into the gorge he swept the walls, Immediately he perceived a large ap- erture gaping black and grim about midway up the opposite beak. A mur- convenience for women. Big pi! Easy pleasant work in selling s can be made in your own MS J Every Lady — Attentin : Write J. W. Bridger & Co.. 148 wonderful new patented all-Cs.na g St. W., Toronto. Get That Extra Money '{o Need—Quickly- eat understand his game, though he fol- lowed h:indly where his master led and asked no questions. He knew he was no ordinary crook andesuspected that he was a master -mind for the most part playing a lone hand. That he reaped a rich harvest was clear f.170111 the standard of living and the generot' treatment of those 'ho served him. Flack knew, that he was in' his confidence to a limited extent only, but the knowledge roused in him no ill -feeling, indeed, be would have been surprised had it been otherwise : thoroughly approved of the lone, and owed his liberty at the pres- Moment to the fact that ee had never taken another into his confi-; „lence. And the gov'nor had no nse . for women, that was another point on ' which Flack was in the most hearty agreement. Womer in the crook game meant ruin, he knew, he'd been very nearly bitten himself, and had no in- t 1.1 of repeating the experiment. ' croft's voice broke in upon his We'll walk down towards the idge; the area is restricted, and it ht _dot to take us long." • aIn which he proved to be correat, for some ten minutes later they des- cended into the bed of a gully and dis- eeed wheei-marks in a patch of marshy ground. As they progressed the gully narrowed, the rugged walls towering above them grim and anenac- Tetg. By the light of the tomk they examined the ground, but no further tracks were visible until amending a bend they fdend themselves at a dead end. • Flack glanced earound in the dark and shivered. Drawing close to Pye- croft, he whispered: "Nix doing here, gov'nor, it's a blooming cul-de-sac," ,• Pyecroft shook his head: "There's an entralce here, some- where," he said, "but it's too dark to see it So there is nothing else to be done but to explore the whole hese of the cliffs, 1 vote that we try the far end first, that's the niest likely p la c e s" Itas Flack who ultimately found it 'cunningly concealed beneath thick strands of creeper which Ming -n pro- fusion down the cliff face. "Here y'ame, gov'nor," be whisper- ed, "wot's this?" Pyecroft directed his light upon the spot where the ether was holding back a great bunch of ern*, and saw a portion of a wooden door ed to reseinble the gra/ rock on either side of it. US, and the children pelted ne wJ Lh soft mud, But (Wally any turu came, Suddenly 1 dug 'my tees into that burro and charged the mob, He bowled Several elver, find in a mem.- Mit the Vamp Wail in an uproar. Oleo fat follow stood in lily wey, but that donkey Jest hatted him in the belt, and ho lenthencorpinnk on the side of a tont. after thab we galloped off in to tliu ulgliL bete re aliyone could saddle a horse. Dp the valley, I forted a cliff with sharp edged reeks. Working close to it, I began to rub the ropes which bound my wrists, on the rough sur - taco, Then lights began to twinkle here and there in the valley, as the bandits set out to hunt for me with torches. Five minutes, ten, fifteen, I rubbed those toueli ropes, while til' lights oame nearer, then, just as 3 had given up hope—they snapped and I was free! ally arms were so numb that I was almost as helpless as a baby. Up and down tbe valley bobbed the torches—and each torch was carried by a man -hunter. I edged close into the cliff, while the feeling gradually came back into my hands. Fortunately for me, noon e came near my hidieg place Whenever a bandit's torch went out,. lie would make a dash for camp, so as not ,to be 'eft aloe in the darkness. Prob- ably be was afraid of a dragon jump. lug on his back, and flying away with him to its den. Anyhow, the torches went out oue by oue, and the search ended for the time. 500131 ?,e,t;•. the tamp quiet ed down. Sen. teles paced to " %,/ aaaa and fro, but as the night wore on, even these huddled close to the dying camp fires, and dozed in the fitful light. Just the idea. time for a raid! No one would ever expect a prisoner to suddenly attack a camp full of arm- ed men.. Cautiously I set out to- ward the tents. (To be continued.) •••••••.••...0 Choca!ate Ma ted The health -giving, delicious drink for children and grown- ups. - - Pound and Half Pound tins at your grocers. ."How the devil did you spot that?" exclednied. Flack grinned: "Bit of luck it was," he confessed. "Y. tripped over this here vine stuff and found mihand resting on wood." "By gad 1" murmured Pyecroft ad- miringly, "they've concealed that jolly well. It would take mighty keen eyes to discover it it daylight, practically impossible in the dark, I should think, It's locked of course?" "Aye, it's locked, hut I'll have it open in a twink nith the twirlers." (To be c( ntinued ) ell NDURANCE alumin Mower isiwentypoun s lighter than any iron mower and far more durable . . Runs easier . Cuts with razor -like keenness The finest mower purchase you can make . . Ask your hardware man. CANADA FOUNDRIES & FORGINGS LIMITED James Smart Plant Brockville - Ontario 24 ISSUE No. 19--23i - • - Best for You ,,,,a Baby too When 9rarkri.y. ( wa s youns ,.. -p.-... :;t'f" 41.5.A she used: • ,'7 ,, BA TS OWN SOAP Then as Now -the leading Canadian Soap for Toilet and Nursery. 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In addition, it's so economical that now you can afford to serve tasty salads often. A large 12 ounce jar sells for only 25 cents, one-half the price you're used to paying for this standard of quality. Try some to -day. Your grocer can supply you. KRAFT 09d alga:owl, Boiled Salad Dressing Made in Canada by the Makers of Ktaft Cheese and Velveeta