HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-05-14, Page 1RI Vol. XXXI r+14.1.,16 ZURICH, TH U RSD4 HERAL ',NLNG, MAY 141931.11 Chester L, Smith, >t'r;tlzl3 11.25 a year, U.S, $1.50 in ' $L50 LN IA a&EARS, $2 MAY JSOG maoneat'1I11P Publicity is the Greatest':: In Manitoba a baby lay 'was Imam ilk an aeroplane 4,0 feat. abase giventhe earth. WiII his birth E • its heaven? ' The announcement, Is; rade that the 1L'arnege Foundafiimr, will make no More grants for 1 brar'iea aCanaa►k. But if Canadia'xts illi react which the Carnegie fund i,as already placed in Canada they will keep busy enough without asking far more. It is reported that the wolf bounty in Ontario is. to be raised, a step that will be welcomed by every hunter who is aware of the ravages of the wolf packs. •00004,4,040000+0/41040000 40++1••+•1rP••♦0000*••o•••vty. • • llarness, Etc, ••• • WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS. TRUNKS, • TRAVELLING BAGS. `IALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND • • ARE OFFERING. THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY • ATTRACTIVE PRICES. _ • • • • • Pianos Pianos - • IF YOU HAVI BEET THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND • '� PIANO TO 'F!<IE. PLEASURES • CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR • SHERLOCK MANNING LINE_ • ▪ ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE •• FRED THIEL ZURICH ••• • 3 PHONE 1•t. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••° A writer states that'Sb maids are more popular;! es. Of course the erode far to fall. for in Home Merchandising There is a. Canadian sioner in Egypt now a busy seeking to disco: we can buy from ' E. `. what she will be willii from us. A despatch from that Robert H. Coats, Dotn istician, has been select$d ls' ague of Nations to! i,"ti oaig mittee of internati.o m.'scarce ordinate the statist,, journey,' Mr. Coats is not re[lres an but has been chos,, and 0,1 in recognition of Liter ttm bility. Mr. Coats td in rear ; William Coats, cot Goderich. 1.a load o;,r • ^.k thr4y; New Job for Agrieu, Representativek G. R. Patterson, a .forms#. •••••••NM••••••••••••••I 1 Shoe Style With a Smile MAKE YOU STEP AUT'AMBITIOUS, DY TO GO.. EVERY GOOD STYLE FOR SPRING IS HERE. BLACKS, BROWNS, SPORTS. AGREAT' ACTION OF NEW ARRIVALS. ASIDE i FROM GENURIE- PLEASURE OF INSPECTING THESE NEW (GOODS FIRST. LS THE ADVANTAGE OF EARLY SELECTION. AND YOU'LL CSE FROM THE FINEST VAR ETT OF EX- OFKI ISIIYE: SHOE AIODIELS FOR MEN, - WOMEN AND CHILDREN ATWIRY LOW PRICES. RgOBRING NEATLY DONE +� BBB OUR Brawl's Boot Shop WINDOW DISPLAY 3 S • • • • • • • • • • • .0 •e••0000•!0•••••••••i•••sa•0•a►••g0+4k•+e•e•0o•s•ve4• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • S E E Our Na,e4o-'Measlir Suits 00 No matter where you look YoAl1 Find: NO SMARTEN STYRIES. ;lam GREATER. R '.I MFOA`'I . NO SURER SERVICE 24E `,RIEDCI'.+31 VA UES! \WaE HAVE A WO . RANGE OF .!MEWS otrAwy MADE surrs • • • • • • • • •• i • • • • • • • • • • fe Son I • AND WORM& SISSECIORS • •w ultural Representative of Foal# linty, has joined th Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch of Dash- wood were in the village on Monday. Solicitor George Morley of Exeter was on official duties in town on Thursday last. Mr. George Kellerman of Dash- wood called in the village on Mon- day. Miss May Schwalm of Stratford, spent the week -end at her home on. the Blind Line, Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Snider and Mrs. FROM $20.00 UPWARDS Wm. Trueniner, of Colborne, visited with friends here last Thursday. e erre er True Love Diamonds CHOSEN BY EXPERTS LINE OF CANADA'S GREATEST DIAMONDS NEW STYLES NEW MOUNTINGS jor of Toronto, S$ Th 1 tl 1 were Sun ay visa ors vn° Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs. Ma zxc-. d it with her parents NO SS a mar of the Ontario Department ofMiss Leila Witmer of Kitchener, k1gn- culture and is in charge ofded N u spent the week -end at her home on fertilizer distribution. t'..;'. the Babylon. Looking for' Work r Some indication of the ment situation was :realized'`-` day last when the ,contractcie new pavement began Opelatb . ;qc of Exeter. It is safe to say 'G tat- v eral hundred men made •apgation for work but only a. few nien4,ictere taken on. Some of• The out from London on',Sunda3' at Centralia over • night wi hopes of employment on Mon' ly to be disappointed:, All cia day there- was a steady std• men looking for wotek : A Real Hurolf Mr. R. Keith Lo' ainley,awuashipy.•;., degree in ' Western, U verstty;' alta a four year's course, li'a.been .award ed the Sanford Gold Medal in Divma ity (General Proficiency in B. D. Course), also Gener.l 'Proficiency Scholarship of First Class and Ron- al] Scholarship, (Church History; .second, and took second, place. in Or- atory, which when we consialer the age of the student, twenty-four, goes to prove that our rural students are not behind in intelligence anti ambit- ion. oy- k the kith dyed }.the ',on- on - of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kemp of Forest, visited at the home of Mr. Thomas Johnson on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Datars Sr., Mr. Clarenco Datars and Miss Anna were recent visitors to Desboro. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman, and Mr. Clayton Hoffman of Galt spent aide week -end with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brand of Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hauch and daughter Evelyn of Toronto, were Saturday visitors at the home of Miss Anna Hess. Mr. Napoleon A. Cantin of St. Joseph, was .called to Montreal the paIf wiek'"to'' attend the funeral • o sister, Miss Madeline Cantin, who as,ed away at the Cantin home in that city. The many friends of Miss Cantin in this vicinity will regret very much to learn of her rather early departure. The concert put on by the young people of Stratford in the Town Hall, and under the auspices of the local Luther League was in every way a decided success as there was a good turnout, and the play was all that could be looked for, full of fun laughter and ending up with a good moral thought. The "Ever Ready" Orchestra which accompanied the play rendered some very appreciative numbers which were received with great applause. Another Huron Boy Outstanding Herbert Karl Kalbfleisch, of Zurich !has. been appointed full time instr- uctor in German at the University of 'Western Ontario, according to an announcement made recently by Dr. A Real Judge Those who were fortunate enough to be present at the 10th Division Court on Thursday Morning las saw some real action on the part a t the Judge, as Judge D. Holmes„ the rtb'ty- ly appointed Judge for SimeOe cdiairty presided, and most certainly`"had1fed the position in a masterful way,' as there was no "reserved decisj e,or postponements with him, as ,soon as the evidences were given Judge Holmes was ready with his decision, and the reasons for the same. It 'Ii. P. R. Neville, dean and university is indeed gratifying to have justiet:` ire •,istrar. He will become a member meeted out as Judge Holmes proved , faculty at the opening of the himself here, and the `;regret is m' ••: text school term in September. The general Countyt this being � ailed d? ,first graduate of Western to be ap- Huron is being cadled?upon elsewhere to render his va?trued' sere- .po>sd full time instructor in the Gernrian department of University .! Yes! You will Find a. DIFFERENCE IF YOU BURN MONEY TIGHT YOU SAY Tighten up then on that Fuld BIB V Burning Our Semet Solway Coke, or No. 3 Seams Pocahontas and Bank that furnace? with our Small Pea CoaL We Barry in stock Nine Different Vsrietieo of Fuel. Come in mail let us italic owe view Fuel Problems with you. ' For Cash Payment a Discount of 5Ef per Ton wil be A teNve . p..A._ Cara.teiorx Phone lOw or 103 HENSALL, ONT. ices, -and could not remain: as y Judge• for Huron instead of Simcoe county. Diamond Wedding!• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johns '�fi..,of this village celebrated the iixtYth i- niversary of their wedding on'Mon- day, on- day, May llth. A presentatia was made by their family of four t,'a.ugh- ters, Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kitchener,. Misses Matilda, Alice and Susie John- son at home. Also a beautiful bou- quet of flowers was received from the Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran eburch. Mr. Johnson was born at Haysville, Ont., eighty-five years ago; Mrs. Johnson in Baden, Ont., eighty-two years ago. They were marrtad in the New Hamburg Lutheran ''aturch• They have lived most of tiler time in Zurich.' Mr. 'Johnson being an ac- tive business man being in the wool- len mills industry, also conducted a furniture" store for many years. He took great interest in the public life of the -village, being one of the first Village. Trustees, and was also Tre- asurer of Hay Township for nineteen years. About twelve years ago he retired from business. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are both enjoying good health. They left the same day for a trip to Kitchener and other points. The Herald joins their many friends in extending congratulations, and it as our most Sincere wishes that ilii. :Ind Mrs. Johnson ,may enjoy many nitore years of life to tkter.., +4•++++4444+++++++44+44••4414++:144:4;1444+444;4444•44r' s+ SHOES on SALE SAT + BANKRUPT PRICES 1 Having purchased the Shoe Stock of Joe f ' Bedard's, Drysdale, we have found our 1 4. I Stock overloaded, and have decided to • reduce our surplus stock at prices away + 4 t SOME TIME AGO WE INSTALLED A BARGAIN :COUNTER., +1. ALSO A BARGAIN RACK. HERE YOU WILL FIND BARGAINS 3 + +' • GALORE THAT WILL CUT $ $ $ OFF YOUR SHOE BILLS THIS YEAR IF YOU CONSULT THIS BARGAIN RACK. dolor wholesale. • College of Arts. Mr. Kalbfleisch ob- tained his secondary education in Huron. County, and was graduated from. Waterloo College in 1928. At the present time he is completing a course leading to the degree of doct- or oaf philosophy at Washington Squ- are College, New York. Late Samuel Geiger Word was received here by Mr. Moses, Geiger of town that his son, Mr., Samuel Geiger, of Miacam, Sask., had. passed away on Saturday, May Oth, after an illness of two months, in his 49th year. It is about twenty- five years since the departed went to the Canadian West, and up till re- cently conducted a general store in Semans, Sask., when his health failed lvm, them selling out. Mr. Geiger was. indeed beloved by all who knew him, as he was of such a cheerful and jolly disposition, and his early demise is regretted by his many fri- ends. The funeral was held on Wednesday. Surviving him is his widow, Mrs. Geiger, and an adapted daughter; his father, Mr. Moses Gei- ger of town; three brothers, Rev. Roy M. Geiger of Preston„ Roland and Josiah of Zurich; also two sis- ters; Mrs. E, MclVlurtie o> Somans, Sask., and Mrs. E. Blake Horner of Lae 14th Orn.; Ilay, Ml of whom have the sympathy, o,: their many fri- ends., HERE ARE .,A FEW SPECIALS: BOY'S WK SHOES, SIZES .�g I 4 to 215 PANCO OR LEATHER. SOLES, Reg_ -519, now..L• � . • MISSES FINE PAT. STRAPS, TIES & OXPOEDS, REG. $3.00, SIZES 11 TO 2 • INFANTS, Soft Soles Slippers and Button Shores at pr.... • . - 45e MEN'S WRK �g SOLES, Reg. $4 550,TSAPRICEI� LEATJ1111i - - L.15 La CHILD PATENT OXFORDS, TIES AND STRAP SLIP- • r •" PERS, SIZE 8, 9, 10, 102h, OUR PRICE �• MEN'S FINE TAN AND BLACK CALF OXFORD: 3.06 CHILD'S CALF BALS. SIZES 8 and 9, Pr. .1001 MANY OTHER LINES AT REDUCED DICES Zurich +++++0•+++E+++++++44•4+++4++44*+++++ +•••f•••••••• ++t C FRITZ & SON Phone 82 or 115 • • Superior Quality Store -re are now offering ,. full line of and Summer Goods at' Rock Spring Bottom Prices WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE SONE OF OUR BARGAINS 1N GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS, I YARD WIDE PRINT& AT 2.1.1 A YARD. COTTONS AT ID= AND 1Ss A YARDS.. • SEE OUR OVERALLS AT $1..54 A PAIR., # GARDEN AND ROOT WS OF ALL K1N'DS.:, HARNESS REPAIRS, SHOES,, 'PAINTS, OILS, ETC.,, -..ETC. R. N. EX)LIGLAS GENERAL MOOCH A,INT ` PHONE 11 -97 BLAKE