HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-30, Page 5Thurssiay, r, 10311.. 1 i RI1tIM1 t " elm BTSI —SCARDS 'DUDLEY E. Uoi u s 'lPAR ISTER, SOLICITOR, NO?. ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OPFXCE=llamdton Street, Just off 'the Square, GODI3RIClI, Ontario. Special Attention to C'ouneel and Court Work. Di veva Want*, For Saleo Loot, Found, Notice, Etc. Ade TSU*$ comsat LOCAL NEWS Mr. Wm. G. Hess of town is spend- ing a few days at Detroit. Next Mop.day, May 4th, is the diate of the next meeting of the I ay N 0 T I C E' .* township Council. l by wish 'notify the, people Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Samar): orf of Zurich and Hay Township, that Kitchener were week -end visitoxs with relatives here. , Mrs. C. Fritz spent a few days with her sister, Mrs, T, K,eller/nen at Dashwood. Miss Geraldine sur eras of Kiteb- ener spent the week -end with, parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Surerus Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gescho and sons Joel and Edwin were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ravelle, Grand Bend. Pleased to report that Mr. Elmer Oesc1., who underwent an operatiOn FOR SALE for appendicitis trouble, at London A good McCormick Deering bean hospital, is improving nicely. cultivator, for quick sale, apply to Brussels merchants will start the Sol. Cingerirh, Zurich. usual Thursday half -holidays starting on April 30th and continue till ist;of November. The members of the Evangelical church choir are having a sale of home made Candy on Saturday after- noon and evening, May 9th in the, little shop next to C. Fritz's shoe Store. Don't forget the date, I4?;;i 9th. In renewing.his subscription to the Herald, Mr. A. Fassold of Detroit, advises us: "I am glad to say that the Herald reaces our home almost to the day every week, and I always find some interesting news in every edition." The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute are having their mon- thly meeting in the Council Chamb- er, iVtonday evening, May 4th. Com- mittee in. charge are Mrs. Wm. Hey, Miss G. Pepper, Mrs. C. Eilber, Mrs. Bassow, and Mrs. MacKinnon. Ur. Holmes may be consulted at after May lst I will • xriake my an- Goderrich by Phone, and Phone nual rounds in the capacity of Health charges reversed. Inspector, and ask every citizen of .,..,� - ...,.. -• . the community to have all their yards outhouses, stables, etc., cleaned and in a good condition to pass the sani- tary laws, and also that people are to have all ashes removed, and refrain from. throwing broken glass of any kind on the roads_ By Order. Jul_ Block, Inspector. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. :DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOO --Zlil IOEI 1yery Thursday, Friday, . Saturday At 13ABTLL+SIB'S BLOCK, DASIIW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday Wednesday sad OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey 1VI. Jones National eboo1 of Auctioneering. Try pie for Registered Live..Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will aell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer TOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TOCON- duct ,duct any Auction Sale, regardless us to size or article to sell:. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will :make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 18,4 ti SEE US FOR NEW LOW PRICES ON THESE BATTERIES OF "QUALITY', nal u ONTARIO DASHWOOD Z'11r1.ch5' Popular MEAT MMAABKET ANNOUNCING WHAT WE HAVE PURCHASED ' ROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICHEI2'P, THIS WELL ESTAB B I.,ISHED MEAT BUSINESS, ND SOLICIT YOUR 'PATRONAG'E E. -Yung -Rut & Sou 7� ����lgs®k3z9��SC4�tP��:,.6a �3054'IiQD @ dBW COAL 1931 *mom PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR BorafltO11 Goal. col e Alberta Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will bee will advance mile „ Order Early r+u P l June 15th. Case & Son HV4SALL Them, :3S LIVE ' '°` 0 L T R WANTED /Taken every Day tili 3 o'clock, p.nt. Do not feed, Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices 1 —CASH FOR -- ream and Eggs W. O'Brien.. Inotone.RA& ea FOR SALE Ford Coupe in good condition. Car of late C. Eilber. Apply to—A. G. Edighoffer, Zurich. For Sale House and lot in Blake. Property formerly owned by Jacob Kennel. Priced right to close an estate. Apply to Lorne D. Manson. DASHWOOD PLANING MILL We now carry a complete stock on hand and can serve the public at very reasonable prices. Our many lines include: Doors, Sask, Frames, Floor- ing, Ceiling and all kinds of Building Material. Delivery can be made promptly. Thos. Klumpp, Proprietor EGGS FOR HATCHING And baby chicks, White Leghorn. If you want disease free chicks this is the place to get your eggs o hat- ching. The low price of grain has enabled us to reduce prices accord- ingly. T winxnaples, Bruce J. Klopp NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. WWilliam. 111. drown A. S.- P. GradhatEd Feet Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop The town of Goderich has disposed of $42,000 5%local improvement de- bentures to Cochrane & Co., Toronto at a price of 102.80 which will yield $4.80%. This is the best price ever secured by the town fee its debent- 4nres. Mere were 16 tenders. Word has been rceived here that Mr. Newell Geiger, whose home is in Zurich, but who is attending Toronto University, and who last week suffer- ed a pervious breakdown, that New- ell's health is improving nicely, for which his many Zurich friends are in- deed pleased to learn. CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate. Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. e } SGn1ra tdio COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. MODEL 36, at ... MODEL 85 A, at a Oesch r't I. ♦ V $132.00 $169.50 - Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and family of Detroit, visited with their parents here over the week -end. Mr. For Sale Witmer is an employee in the Dodge Motor Shops, and advises that they Grey Dort motor and ehasis, will are at present working overtime in make good second repairs. Apply to order to keep the demand supplied. Jacob Gingerich, R. R. 3, Zurich. Surele times ,are...Sfitting belts,;..xvs*rxi, t' -- WARNING Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farr bf Riding bicycles on the sidewalks Miama; Florida, were visitors at the in the village is prohibited by By -Law home of Mr.the h and Mrs. William S. The provisions of the By-law will be the Johnston beginning of the week. ! strictly enforced after May lst. Mrs. Parr and Mrs. Johnston were formerly very intimate friends while Police Trustees, Zurich. both were following the profession as nurse in Toronto, and the gather- ing in Zurich was indeed a happy one. It is calculated that out of every dollar spent by out-of-town visitors in the city, seventeen cents goes to hotels, twenty-seven cents to the retail stores, twenty cents to restur- ants, and ten to transportation. Henry Ford estimates that with his employees thirty-two per cent, of their income is spent for food, twelve p.n. cent. se.. ^'othing and twenty- vo per cent for housing. The fine spell of summer weather we enjoyed for about two weeks was. greatly changed the past week with much rain, snow and rough we- aches, while Sunday afternoon and evening was yrobably the climax, as there was a very heavy fall of snow not so much aroung Zurich, but to the north and south of us we notice quite a fall of snow, as around Ex- eter district cars became snow bound on Sunday evening and on Monday some. had to be pollen out. We sure have a great deal of variety in the extremes of the weather man this spring. True enough we had an early seeding, but little . growth has taken place the past week. Charge is Laid A charge of being intoxicated win ile in charge of an automobile has been preferred by the Provincial police against Carl C. Thayer, of London, who figured in an accidient four miles north of Grand Bend, on the Blue Water Highway, on Sunday afternoon last. The ease was to be heard at Zurich on Tuesday of this week, but was postponed for another week, owing to the illness of Miss Vera Lane, who was a passenger on the car, and was taken to Victoria Hospital, London,.,for treatments. Bodies of Drowned Men Found Last Thursday morning the body of Wm. Mallough, who drowned the other. Sunday morning off the pier at Goderich, when in the act of taking ap their fishing nets when their boat tapsized froth the waves and were ,frowned. The parents of the two young men had at no time given tip 'lopes of locating the bodies, but on l'hursday following the heavy storm; she lake gave up their remains. Leon . rd. IVlacDonald was the other victim Ind his body was found in the after - loon, about 1000 feet from where lie body of Mallough was found. On `?riday the double funeral was held :'rent lzno.. church,, Goderich en 3 0' - PAI Mr. Herb. Mousseau motored to London: on business on Wednesday. Mrs. 3. J. Schwartz and daughter Eunice of Detroit, were visitors with her another, Mrs. John Fuss. A number from the village at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs A. I%raercher on the Bronson Line Ev- angelical cemetery on Monday after - Thousands of. (True Love) diam- ends adorn the fingers of Canadians every day the number increases, The perfect blue white diamonds and the beautiful mountings, archieve supre- macy in beauty and durability. -- Hess Hess the Jeweller. Mr. Harry G. Hess of Zurich, Mr. W. E. Doerr of Exeter and Mr. B. L. Bolsch of London, were on a mot- or trip to Northern Michigan over the week -end. And report a most pleasant outing. Not long ago a woman was arrest- ed for driving against the street sig- nals; she excused herself because she was lighting a cigarette. A man took his hands off the wheel of his auto to light his pipe; his car ended in the ditch and there was a dead woman in the back seat. Another man took time to brush the cigarette ashes off his coat; his ear landed in the ditch with the wheels in the air. Mr. Ezra Bender of Blyth, and for- merly of the 14th con. Hay, and then of Dashwood, has purchased the resi- dence property in Dashwood occup- ied by Mr. Jacob Kellerman, from the owner, Mrs. Chas. Fritz, of this vil- lage, possession to be given on May 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Bender will move back to Dashwood after residing in Blyth for only a few years, where he conducted a mercantile business until a few weeks ago, when fire de- stroyed the store and stock, which he occupied. Their many friends in Dashwood and vicinity are pleased of their returning to the village. r NOTICE The dump ground purchased by the Village of Zurich a few years ago was secured for use of the residents of Zurich only, and not as a general dump for the western portion of Hay Township. Persons not residents of Zurich are requested not to use the dump ground unless they are willing to take the consequences of the law, provided for trespassers. Police Trustees, Zurich. anal was indeed u sad affair. 1931 SEASON 193/ ICTERE (Imp.) (1610) (80614) Enrolment No. 706. Passed Foam 1 Black Percheron Stallion, foaled Mar. 2, 1908, bred by M. Harmond, Dum- as Department of Loir-et-cher, France Dam Margot (50272), Mignonne (41409), Finette (31714), Petite Perigouard. Sire—Souak 2nd (46965), Num- tro (18789), Buccphale (113911), Desire (1946). Will make the season of 1931 at his owner's farm, 11% mile south of Zurich. TERMS—$6.00 to insure living FoaT Theo. Steinbach, Owner, Zurich, Ont. R. R. 3 FOR SALE A•, Ford Coupe, 1927 model, in First Class condition. Tires good. Apply to—John Decker, Sr., Zurich FOR SALE OR RENT Pasture Farm, For Sale or Rent. Write or Phone to: W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOUND .A pair of Men's driving Mitts. Owner can have same at Herald Office by.paying for this adv. MOTOR REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVID FUSS, Zurich Phone 89 ri t-4 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" l+ riday, 8h:—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SIINDkY S D RVICES 10 a. m:-,Gerinan Service. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—English Service. I everybody Welcome to all Services. B..Turldieiee . Pastor .',.,;.. a.*..',•*i".•+.••i ,+a•t� ••* : +rti ❖«+ « :.,,�.:,•:•r'i��+?i'Or�`�'�.°k'•�"�'f�'h,�E•',,FJi«i'�°"f"+�..�:<,,.a«..,..�..�..p.,�jc'i a:NE The very latest in Unpainted Furniture ;}; A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE FOR END OF CHESTERFIELD FLOWER STAND OR MANY OTHER (USES. ONLY $1.75. CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK THEM OVER A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EACH $8.75. (CL KALBFLETS PHONE 6g ZURIC1I pi.pi Fs.: •e•; g•::^3• n• •..•'r... .. ,. ; l.. oraev✓ Io se WWWWWWWMINVIMAMMINAVAWMIANW,Vt Zurich Drug Store 1 We have a full Line of all I, the requirements of Sehool :E Supplies sa.oletse00e.04.434oe®aeo4wa All authorized Text Rooks Deal. in Stock OcL4,0404)4•4.5 4.444. 4Y0•A,Y.4oC®60 Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military Brushes Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perf umizerse Fine Stationery and Fountain` Pei s. KODAKS AND FILMS Dr, A J1 MacKinnon, Zurich w,1RAAAARAMPARTIA SRM NTAMIIMW 15 A' PM Pg Fire, to h , XPROC Wallboard that does not burn is the way of least expense when you desire to make alterations in your home, store, fac- tory or on the farm. Use it for all walls, ceilings and partitions. Gyproc is made from gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and / of an inch thick. It nails and cuts as easily as lumber with a minimum of waste or muss. Gyproc is fire-resistant, easily and quickly erected, structurally strong and has insulation. value. It is draught and vermin -proof as well as fire -safe. Because it is ivory -coloured, it does not require decoration (when panelled) yet it is also a suit- able base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. Consult your nearest dealer to -clay. He will gladly supply you with a direction sheet on Gyproc. Or write for the interesting, free booklet, "Building and Remodelling with GYPROC". 373 GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario For Sale By re+d C. I atbfieisch ,. Zurich, Onto ....