Zurich Herald, 1931-04-23, Page 5;"$ bursd'ay„ April' 23',, 031i BUSINESS CARDS UnLEYE, FiCD►TaMt S IARk1STER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC„ ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERTCH, Ontario. Special Attention to Cornice] and Court Work. lllzlr. Hohnes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and .Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. :DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH ;Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD livery Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A• -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will :Bell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - :duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I 'solicit Your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- •dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 13-57. poi ov1 Wants, For Salo, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads or Tau coma aroaalailaaaa NOTICE 1 hereby Irish to notify the people of Zurich and Hay Township, that after May lst I will make xny an- nual rounds in the capacity of Health Inspector, and ask every citizen of . theunity to have all their yard comm s J outhouses, stables, etc., cleaned and in a -good condition to pass the Sani- tary laws, and also that people are to have all ashes removed, and refrain crom throwing broken glass of any kind on the roads. By Order. Jul. Block, Inspector. FOR SALE A good McCormick -Deering bean cultivator, for quick sale, apply to Sol. Gingerich, Zurich. FOR SALE Ford Coupe in good condition. Car of late C. Eilber. Apply to—A. G. Edighoffer, Zurich. For Sate House and lot in Blake. Property formerly owned by Jacob Kennel. Priced right to close an estate. Apply to Lorne D. Manson. DASHWOOD PLANING MILL We now carry a complete stock on hand and can serve the public at very reasonable prices. Our many lines include: Doors, Sask, Frames, Floor- ing, Ceiling and all kinds of Building Material. Delivery can be made promptly. Thos. Klumpp, Proprietor EGGS FOR HATCHING And baby chicks, White Leghorns. If you want disease free chicks this is the place to get your eggs for hat- ching. The low price of grain has — I enabled us to reduce prices accord- �'!r. ,, ingly. tf-36 Twinmaples., Bruce J. l(lopp. SEE US FO11NEW LOW PRICES ON THESE BATTERIES OF •"Qi7AIATYf' DASHWOOD ONTARIO f neserge0o9fE'ili6809$56.0eiet$0011. Zurichs' Popular NEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB Ii1SHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE 11. Yunghlu t, & Sou 114110411111111101110000410080OA+®®O04D OOATJ 1931 Announcement $PRiNG PRICES NOW IN EFFECT • FOR Soranton Coal ( eke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. Order Early as prices will advance on June 15th. Case & Son Phone 35 I4E'ISA1.I. LIVE POULTRY WANT E D Taken every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. Do not .feed Fowl same morning when brought in. illighest Cask Prices ti CASH FOR— Cream and Eggs MODEL at w. .owBrr JIen •MODEL. 35, A, at NOTICE LOCAL NEWS M�t�e4. assAt! "! Rev. R. M. Geiger of Preston, cal- led on Zurich friends one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber were recent visitors with friends in De- troit. Mr. W. C. Pearce of Exeter, made a business call in the village on Thur- sday last. Mr. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton; called on his brother, C. L. of town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yungbiut we- re Sunday visitors with friends at Auburn. Mr. Harry Weber left for New Dundee, where he will visit with re- latives for a few weeks. r.Ix. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer of the Babylon Line were Sunday visit- ors at Holmesville. Born—At. Blue Water Highway, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jennison, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch of Pig- eon, Mich., visited with his parents on the Goshen, over the week -end. Mrs. John Gingerich of Baden, is visiting with her sister Mrs. Peter Brenneman, at Blake, who is ill. Extra pants with every made to measure suit ordered at Hoffman's on Tuesday, April 28th. Remember the date. One Dai Only. Rev. Mr. Hunsberger of Kitchener, conducted divine services in the local Mennonite church in town on Sun- day. Mr. William Thiel has purchased the property, which he has had rent- ed tiOYli nis father, Mr. Andrew Thiel. The property is located on Edward Street, west of the school grounds. Mr. E.Oesch has moved unto the rear of his property, a garage, or the building formerly used by Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer for an ice house, when Mr Oesch will have it completed, it will make a fine place to keep his garage IVIr. Ted. Wagner of Guelph, was a recent visitor with liis parents here. Mrs. W. C. Wagner, and son Leon- ard motored to Guelph on Sunday. Dr. H, H. Cowen exchanged his Oldsmobile for a new model of the same make of car. IVir. Clarence Datars has taken a position with Mr. Wm. Reith, as salesman on the large bread wagon. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of liitehener, spent the week-nd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John - Messrs. Ward Fritz and Fred Thiel were at Oshawa the beginning of the week, returning with a new Chev. coach which Mr. Thiel is purchasing. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach of London were Sunday visitors with their parents in town. The former's mother, Mrs. Hy. Steinbach, who has been at London, rturning with them. Extra trousers double the life of a suit. Read Hoffman's adv. and take advantage of this sale on Tuesday, April 28th. Mr. Elmer Oesch went to London Hospital the beginning of the week, and was operated on for appendicitis, on Tuesday morning. Probabilities of a drastic reduction in the 'summer training of the non- permanent active Militia is the talk of military circles, at Ottawa, and as a consequence, no summer camps are expected this summer. On Tuesdev'S Free Dress of this week we notice the pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson of Z1,,,ieh , who will on May lith celebrate their sixtyth anniversary of their wedded life the article states, and also that Mr. Johnson has been a continuous 1 reader of that paper for fifty years. Expect Many Changes There will be a very large number of changes in the min§try of the churches in the London Coonference of Mr. J. Hey, Jr., has now on dis- hanteast United Church—more even play a J. I. Case tractor, plow, culti- year was the opinionrof a , prominent member of the church. Al- vator, and other farm machinery, ready many ministers had' indicated which he invites the public to come in their desire for a change, and the and inspect. The show room is lo- rr�ports from the presbyteries fore- cated on Victoria Street. cast a great volume of work settlement committee, which meets in 1 Chatham on June 1 and 2nd to frame the list of exchanges. Will Take Evidence With all possible speed the Ontario ' Government is moving to relieve dis- tress Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier whop among farmers of this province. i ave been attendingthe annual corgi .Agricultural its deliberations ahnd ill, ready begun its deliberations and will ranee of the Evangelical Church] 3ike2 function' . Elmira, returned to Zurich on' hi t' •v oar Miss Elizabeth Dennie, who spent the past winter with her sister, Mrs. F. Southcott, at Venice, Calif., and who is now staying with her sister, Mrs. S. R. Knechtel, at St. Jacobs, called on Zurich friends one day last week, h fe :.,,T, 'Cr.:Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same• business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. William H. Prow] A. S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) O•L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering .Institute of Canada.. Office—Seaforth, Ont New Sonora Radio COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. now w ]A 1 *go Ilnr++•w i ,E.►' Oesa. mit srall fi. t SOMETHING 4. ,,„ ., �: The very latest in Unpainted ",;fl'k3lttii '� ;z A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE FOR END OF CHESTERFIELD' FLOWER STAND OR MANY OTHER USES. ONLY $1.75. CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK THEM OVER .,r A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EACH $8.75. Y 44 Ire 1. P� 6� LEIS , . .g.. ® ZURICH AVAPIOVVVViVVVVVEIVUVVVVViViiiiiiViliVVVViVAtifio .e .••p a,•, e $••'r•'r bhp r i lee -e.:;++++1 Zjh Drub Store We have a full Line, of all therequirementsr�f Sohoo? Supplies 000* ��OO.4.4.0L6L0 L0400.000 All authorized Text Books hez,t 111 Stock 0000&04.4644.Oe.90..41,...4.04.044. Toilet Sets, � IVi�.nic�.�re Set, and Ism MilitaryBrushes .�ru�k�+ oms000r o®s�amoo0�,oa�,e,��,oA6o Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfumjze 's. p unc mon as an evidence -taking , h d Premier Henry has in-. Fine Stationery and Fountain , Pens. Tuesday evening, where they are be- timated that farmers of districts par - ginning their fifth year of labor with titularly hard hit by depression per - the Zurich Congregation. 'iod might be asked to appearKODAKS ANDFILMS s before' New black boards have been placed; a committee to state theis case. Alt in Zurich Public School. The new parties in the House have agreed that e,MacKinnon3 Zurjchboards are of solid slate, and should the relief of agriculture is of para- last a long tune, as they need no re -mount importance. Dewing or refinishing, and are prov- ing- —_ (,'s''4Akfk�`IARNWIV $' i?� ,�1�ip® ii I ign �T a big improvement to the old dilfUlii ► ie1 1a'ry1� type of board. 1931 SEASON 1931 The sad news was received here, ICTEIIE (Imp.) (1610) (80614) last week that Mr. Newell 'Geiger of Enrolment No. 706. Passed Form I Zurich, and who is attending Toronto I Black Percheron Stallion, foaled Mar. University, took unexpectedly iII and 2, 1908, bred by -M. Harmond, Dum- as Department of Loir-et-cher, France Dam Margot (50272), Mignonne (41409), Finette (31714), Petite Perigouard. was taken to the General Hospital suffering a nervious breakdown. We all feel very sorry for this bright youny man, and trust that he will loon be restored to normal health a- �ain. This section was treated to a real nice shower of rain on Tuesday night and Wednesday mornin, not a splashy rain but it soaked in as it came, and was in a wey needed, as it is some v,•ceks since the last one has fallen. We notice a wonderful growth of the grass, as well as other things which are up, and with the continued warm Weather, things will soon be off to a good start. Seeding operations were practic- ally all completed during the past week, and the seeding indeed went in fine, as. the Iand was wonderfully mellow, and with occasional dampness another bumper crop should be har- FOR SALE OR RENT vested. The fall wheat, which is us- ually'a big item, has come through the winter months fine, and is grow- ing splendidly. Sohere's hoping for a good crop, and then better prices this fall, and the wheels of industry will again be turning normally, and 3verybody earning a living. Sire—Souak 2nd (46965), Num- tro (18789), Bucephale (19911), Desire (1946). Will make the season of 1931 at his owner's farm, 1U mile soutr: of Zurich. TERMS—$6.00 to insure living Foal Theo. Steinbach, Owner, Zurich, Ont. R. R. 3 FOR SALE A Ford Coupe, 1927 model, in First Class condition, Tires good. Apply to—John Decker, Sr,, Zurich Pasture Farm, For Sale or Rent. Write or Phone to: W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOUND A pair of Men's driving Mitts. What looked like a bunch of fakirs Owner can have same at Herald Office blew into town on Tuesday near noon by paying for this adv. one on"crutches, and another chap who was supposed to be blind, at least he was being led by the third party, and they were doing the vil- lage in great shape gathering up what loose change they could collect, and wo think they got a few dollars in town. A large sedan car was parked at the roadside at the east end of town of which a lady had charge of. Citizens should not be so easy and give of their means to .every hobo that blows around, as it has a big tendancy to induce others to take up the same line of "easy living." The country is well provided with govern- "A Changeless Christ for a chaeg- ment owned institutions to take care iisg World" of any such disabled and crippled Friday, 8h: --Luther League. pedestrans, and those that come a- Saturday --Choir Practice. $132.00 round collecting, should be given a SUNDAY SERVICES 'wide birth, and the police notified 10 a. nth—German Service.. as to whether they aro actually in 1115 a. ret. -Sunday School: • d, ` are . heir way. But 7.80 p. M.—English Service. nee or fakingt `tl usuall theydo not come around in. Everybody Welcome • to, all S'erviitet. i,.arge. sedan cars_ E. TurItheit e Fluster MOTOR REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVI.D FUSS, Zurich Phone 89 r1 t-4 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONT. $169.50 ere are of t t uses of G r e GYPROC fireproof wallboard is manu- factured from gypsum rock. It comes in sheets that are 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and % of an inch thick. It costs little, nails and cuts like lumber, has structural strength and insulation value. It is Canada's premier material for lining all interior Walls, ceilings and partitions. Ask your dealer for a Gyproc direction sheet, it gives full details. Store ceilings Basements Warehouses Barns Attic rooms Fruit cellars Making old rooms new Store windows Dressing rooms Rest rooms Offices Partitions Garages Under cornice Dairies Summer cottages Factories Kitchens Poultry houses Farm offices Harness rooms Sheathing Ceilings• Walls Sun porches Covering old plaster Picture theatres Approved by Fire Chiefs Approved by Building Inspectors 972 GYPSUM, LIME and ALAfASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario eNEW UVCGW `Oaf. ♦oc .l1bo Por Salo sy Fret" C Kalbfleisch Zurich tw�;