HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-23, Page 4Oft 11aa11111N illi(illilikill11113e1i1111111111 IIIIIl1iIIiII11iHIIIl1111 11111111111111111IIIIII111313 1iOIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIifi tilt ssesI11111IIIID11111I1U'1P le�rn� 51, Raving Purchased the Grocery and Drygoods Stock Y� s Sock of J. S. Bedard at Drysdale WE HEREBY ANNOUNCE A CLEARING SALE TO BEGIN ON FRIDAY, APRIL 10th, WHEN THIS STOCK WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. WE ARE ADDING LINES OF PRINTS, GINGHAM, TOWELINGS;, FLANNELETTES, HOSIERY, MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK £HIRTS, SOX, TIES, ETC., ALL AT REAL MONEY SAVING PRICES. GIVE US A CALL. REMEMBER THE PLACE: J S, BEDARD'S OLD STAND, AT DRYSDALE, ONT. EGGS TAR -RN IN EXCHANGE. J. Gascho & Son tee- eee- r,i/1111151 i11111II111111111I 111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111MIIM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 i@I11I 111111111111111!i111Ha 44..a ++.3.+++++++4++++++ +++.14.44, .4.44,44.4+++4++++++++++++++.0-1 MasseyJiarris Implements WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM- PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND 4' WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU A CALL 4- ▪ rantford Windmills a Pumps HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR EXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE 4 SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. 't. BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF' OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT - MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICESFAR BE - »4t• LOW THEIR VALUE. a. 4. Good used Deering Binder, 6 ft. Cut. 2 13 -tooth lir.-I .. Cultivators 4. 'One used M. -H. Manure Spreader M. -H. cut mower 4. Also a team of good work horses. Young milk cow with calf at foot 4s Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! 4. 4. 3 N. E. Sieron, Agent, Zurich •.44-1-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i. Huron and Erie debentures are issued for $100 and over—for 1 to 5 years. • Safety— with a reasonable return of 45a per annum payable half -yearly. Applications for debentures are accepted by— ANDREW F. HESS, Zurich BLAKE Mir. and Mrs. Currie of Goderich, accompanied by the Misses Gwendo- ayn and Mary Clarke, called on fri- ;ends in the village on Sunday. 3r and Mrs. Ross Johnston, who :spent the week -end with friends in :r'ulfarton and Mitchell, returned on Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Edig- oif'er, Mrs. Johnston's mother. Miss Lydia Gingerich, R. N. of Ssot stnorial Hospital, Seaforth, spent a f.:Ur days with her friends in this vic- inity Airs. J. C. Reid and daugriter Phyl- Ln fit' Dashwood spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. A. Manson and fare - Mr. John Thirsk, accompanied by -Mr. Jim Johnston, and Mrs. E. Clark ';and son, Gus, called on rriends in 4tx+adc. rich. on Sunday. 3Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manson, accom- anic:d by Mr. H. Howard and sister, • Lrs. English and Mr. Geo. Douglas, all of Ilensell, called in this vicinity len Sunday. lair. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield and ‹langhter of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. John- ston, west of Blake. HILLSGREEN - The Huron Presbyterial of the W. . S. will be held in the Unitech ,ai:.urch, Hensall, on Tuesday, April st :e Lt 0.00 a:an. A11 members of s X7 M, S. and Y P. A. are urges' ed to attend this meeting. Mrs. R. S. Longley of West China will be the special speaker. Miss Rena Stephenson spent the week -end with friends in Seaforth. Miss Ruth Laister of Innerkip is a guest with her friend Miss Edna Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parsons were in London Saturday. Their son Fred returning with them.' The Peter families who spent the winter months here have retunred to Wheatley. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane spent a day in London recently and visited Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Saunders. Mr. Norman Jarrett of Toronto, and Mr. Chas. Upshall of St. Marys, called on relatives here recently. The Y. P. S. gave the last set of slides on Japan in the church on Tuesday evening, Plans were also made for the Y. P. Anniversary. The seeding is well on the way in this section. Seine farmers are fin- ished. Miss Greta Forrest and friend are visiting with the fornier's father Mr. J. 13. Forrest. DASHWOOD On Friday evening; April 24th,. Rev. Otto Turk, Institutional Mission- ary ary for Detroit, will deliver a lecture at the Lutheran Church on his work. xlev. 'Turk should have a message to. ate CRe at all or , You. are cordially ..tvited to ettc.ld, neve e_ W111 be a; VS1CM M11Al4:4. Silver collection to defray 140 011 The service begins at 8.39 O'clock The Fun Galore Club held t1 last meeting for the season at benne of Miss Cathern Finkbeine,X Wednesday evening, The even was spent at progressive erokinole ter which the hostess served dal refreshments, The next meeting w be held in September at the home Mrs, R. H. Taylor, Miss Verna B who has been vice-president, will at matically become next season's pre ' dent.. On Thursday evening the Walth League of Dashwood met in the ba ment .of the church to welcome their midst the newly confirmed a .church's urch's youth in general, leaguers were present and about visitors, The meeting was open by the president Miss Mare Allema who officially welcomecl the gathe ing. The program consisted of g mes and contests and also includ an address by Norman Walper wli will represent Dashwood League the Ontario District Oratorical Col test at Elmira. At the conclusion the evening lunch was served. Messrs. Ruben Goetz and Cha Steinhagen spent Friday in Goderic Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther a son Donald of Windsor, spent th week -end with the fornier's parent Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. Mr. M. W. Schenk and sons Leo card and Douglas spent the week -en with friends in Walkerton. Mr. Eugene Tiernan of London, spent the week -end at his home here Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Sunday with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas'of Sarnia spent a few days with friends last week. Rev. John Oestreicher of Rosen- thal, is spending a few days with his parents, also attending Conference in Elmira last week. Miss Laura M. Reid visited friends in Walton on Sunday. Mr. Ezra Bender of Blyth has pur- chased the residence of Mr. Jacob Kellerman. Mr. J. W. Graybeil and Beatrice and Miss W. England attended the funeral of a relative in Fordwich' on Saturday. ,§eR .County Good Roads Systena- , The Clerk stated that he haat re - leis ceived a cheque from the Treasurer the of the Township of McGillivray for on 32630,05 being . a surplus refund of ing .$,1.467,00, accrued bank interest $21.- af- 70, and $1141.35 Provincial Aid duo my the Township of Stephen with refer - ill once to the Aux Salable River Drain,m of That a By-law be prepared e, irk powering and authorizing the Treas..to urer of the Township of Stephen to si- deposit the said rebate, (after ded- ucting the amount advanced and er paid out with interest by the Muni-) se-cipality) .in the Crediton Branch of to the Canadian Bank of Commerce and nd this amount shall be applied by the 22 Council of this Municipality in pay - 20 nient of the rates imposed by it for ed the said Drainage Work. ng That the following pay sheets and r- orders be paid. a- F. J. Wickwire printing $6.50; C. ed G. Morlock, electric work 3.55; Alb. o Gaiser Flour re Dellow 1,60; H.Shenk in Rd. 6, 10.50; A, C. Baker, Schwartz rd. 5 7.65; 1- R. Gower rd 7, 5.90; W. Schwa • LI of rd 8, 7.70; G. Hirtzel rd 4 2.25; A. Regier rd 9, 5.78; N. Baker rd 1,4.20 N, Baker, S.B., 3.60; W. Becker rd 10, 13.61; M. Madden rd 11, 9.41; 3.:Houlahan rd 15 1.50; W. Isaac rd 1T6.05; A. Latta rd 18, 4.68; R. Hod gins rd 22, 22.80; L. Davey rd 3, 9.95; W. Baker rd. 21, 6.05; P. Eis- enbach rd 26, 4.60, W. P. Louie rd 20, 9.50; W. Sanders rd 2, 10.52. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on es onlay, May 4th, 1931 at 1 p.m.Henry Eilber, Clerk. s. h nd e S, n d. HENSALL Pleased to report that William Dougall, Sr., who has been quite ill and confined to his room for several weeks, is now ianproveding nicely. Mrs. Conrad Siemon has returned home after spending. ,a couple of we- eks visiting relatives in Kitchener. Arnold Bell of Toronto spent a few days with friends in town. Phyllis and Kathleen Case of St. Cath ' erm e s were e aecen t visitors: with Mrs. Geo. Hedden. Jno. Tapp spent a few days recent- ly visiting his son in Montreal. Nellie Boyle, R.N., spent 'a few days last week with friends in Tor- onto. Jean Campbell of Toronto, was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs. T. Murdock. Mrs. T. Appleton and son, Eldon, and little daughter have moved to London. James Smith, of IKincardine, was a recent visitor with relatives and fri- nds in Hensall. Mattie Ellis, who recently under - vent an operation at Clinton Hospital s recupertting very nicely at her unt's home in Goderich and . is able o take short walks every day, and s soon expected home -again. Milton Boyle left for Toronto last eek and is going into business, and is many friends wish him success in is new venture. Sshools have again opened wi;h Zrs. Geo. Armstrong still relieving hiss M. Ellis of her duties as teacher. The Oddfellows of the Hensall edge No. 233 intend attending ser- ces in St. Paul's Anglican Church n Sunday, May 4th. The Grand arden of the London Lodge will nduct the e services in the evening. R. Cudmore has returned home af- r spending the winter with relati- s in Toronto. e a t w h n L vi 0 W co te ve STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township. of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Monday, April 6th 1931, at 1 p.m. All members were present. '.The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The Clerk was instructed to notify the Contr- actor ofr the construction of "The Gaiser Drain" to have the same com- pleted pursuant to the Engineer's ..eport by April 18th, 1931, and if i e fails is to do so, the Clerk shall ask the Engineer in charge to have the contract terminated and the drain constructed according to the specifi- cations and contract between the Contractor and Council dated i'Vove1n- ' or 5th, 1929. The Township Treasurer reported wing received the Tax Roll for 080 from the Tax Collector and payment of the balance of Taxes ollectable. There is a balance of 300.17 unpaid taxes. A letter was read from Clyne A. 1lynn of Lucan, asking $60.00 dant^- egos as the result of his cutter up- cctting and .horse running away this past month on the road west of the 'Railway near C Centralia. ' las The letter yas ordered to ie filed and no act- ion taken as- the road was under the COUNTY NEWS Kincardine's tax rate for 1931 has been .fixed at 55 mills. This is a re- duction of one mill from last, year. Dr. W. F. Clark, secretary of the ,Goderich Trotting and Pacing Associ- ation, has received a total of 50 en- tries for the three $1,000 stake races on the civic holiday program. This is a record entry for the Association.. The books of the Township of Ste- phen, Huron County, show that in spite of the general depression there remain unpaid the sum or $304.17 of the total tax roll for 1930 of $65,480.00. In other words over 99 per cent. of the township's taxes have been paid into the treasury. A twelve ton wooden vat filled with brine collapsedandplunged from the top floor to the bottom of the .building about 36 feet at the Goder- ich Salt Company's plant. Workmen who were shifting the tank jumped to safety. Mitchell have commenced laying out a golf course of their own under' Vie direction of Rev. D. Ritchie„, of a' pia.` A small• club house is: already n position and work is progressing eady for the spring drives. The estimates tabled by the goy - =merit in the House of Commons at Ottawa on Monday last, contain no revision for new work at Goderich r e p harbor. The sum of $30,000 is voted to complete, the work started last year under the contract with the Detroit River Construction Co. The Convocation of Victoria Col- lege, Toronto, for theological stud- ents and those taking degrees, will be held Tuesday next, April 21st, at which Rev. J. E. Hogg, B. A. of Wes- ley -Willis United church, Clinton, will have conferred upon him the cagree' of Doctor of Divinity. The Women's Institute of Huron - dale went up the other afternoon and paid a visit to the Huron County Home. A very pleasing program was gi; en of readings, violin music and address by the president. After the program, which the residents or the Home enjoyed very much, a tre- at of oranges, candy and cookies was distributed. The late James McCulloch Ross, formerly of Lucan and Exeter,. one of the oldest and best known merch- ants in Western Ontario, left an es- tate valued at $26.063.28. The wid- ow receives one third of the estate while the remainder is evenly divid- ed amongst one daughter• and two d. • Hunter, who has just comlle- his assessment for the village of ter, reports. an increase of 56 in population during the past year. year lie reported the population 606 and this 'year the roll con - the names of 1662 persons, 17 families have moved into the ge during the past few months. pretty wedding was so.-;ninized e presence of about 40 lmmedi- elatives and friends at the home e bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Northcott, Exeter, at noon on day last when n their. , became the bride of William i n arshall, of near Varna. The ony was performed before a of flowers of various hues l;, C. J, Moorehouse. After the ng dinner a reception was held ater Mr. and Mrs, Marshall left short honeymoon trip after wh- ey will reside on the groom's near Varna, hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. Frank r, of Stephen, wits the scene of aping event, it being the mar - of their youngest daughter L11- thel, to Daniel C. McCurdy, .also. plaeli. Rev. A. V. Robb, past - Centralia United church per:tor- e ceremony in the presence .of 30 guests. The bride was � it . merriage by her father while ins of Lehengrin's., weclail g waw: played: liy; 31"Ib : I3eryi IHiW . The ''rotor Public Utilities Cone - mission have' received from the Ont- ario Hydro Power Commission the annual thirteenth Bower' bill, which gives the local commission a splen- did surplus on ;the year's operation. rhe 13th power bill' this year is a credit note for $1499.10 and brings the profits of 1930 up to $3117.09. The 13th power bill for 1929 was a credit note foz- $772.00 bringing the profits for the year up to $1600.00, so that the net profits in 1930 were almost double what they were in 1929 The first vessel to arrive in Goder- ich harbor this season was the oil; tanker Icolite of the Imperial Oil' fleet, which came in from Sarnia late April 9th, and after unloading a car- load of gasoline cleared early on. Fri- day morning. There was no cerem- ony. Scarcely anyone knew that the boat had arrived and departed, for she was not there at. daylight. Cap- tain Knight wins the hat given for the first arrival, and it will be pres- ented to him by Mayor Lee on his next visit to Goderich, which is ex -1 pected to be in twelve days later than the first ca1L The inquest into the death of Ir- win Patterson, garageman of Tiver- ton, who died as the result of the automobile accident north of Shep pardton on April 5th, was held in Go erich with Coroner Dr. Hunter pres iding, Jas. Sinclair, the mechanic i Patterson's garage, was the chie witness, he being' In the ear at tri time of accident, but could give littl information, cleaning to• be'asleep the time of the accident and rememb ering nothing until he wokeup in the Goderich hospital. He said: Patterson was a careful driver. Sinclair appear ed at the inquest with his head in bandages. John Ferguson, of Blyth, was the first man on.the scene of the accident and gave the injured men what attention he could till' medicaid aid arrived. "Too much speed"' I guess" he said, as the cause of the .mixup. 2 aF- , ,Rprt`l 23, 1,:931 Capital Theatre West Street—•GODERICH Northern Electric Sound System Now .Playing—'The . 'The Spoilers" by TLea Beach Mon., Tues., and Wednesday The atraugest .and most beautiful musical romance ever 1 imed. 'Viennese Nights Entirely in Technicolor 1 true sensation this picture has never dissapointed expectation! ,Siganundl Romberg E. Oscar Ham- merstein U, produced this big hit. Thies, Friday and Saturday d ktere's a lot of fun! Come and see MARK TWAIN'S Immortal story of humor & Truth With Jackie 'Googan-Mitzi Green. TOMSAWYER and Jaekies' Young Brother Coming' Sohn "`Africa Speakerlomoarawatoler �. LOCAL A.RKETS. (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter lb. . 35e - Eggs .. ... . 16- Wleet .. .... ... n Barley .... _. f Flour - e e a A. popular wedding was recently held at Varna, by Rev. E. A. Poulter when Mabel A. McClinehey, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. � McCI- inchey, was united in marriage to David E. Kyle, son of the Tate Thos.1 and Mrs. Kyle, of Clinton. Miss Grace Pepper of Hensall, acted as bridesmaid while Ernest McCli-uchey.�' brother of the bride, acted as grooms- ' man. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome fox fur; to the bri-' desmaid, a silver pierced sandwich basket; and to the best man, a set of ebony brushes. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal par motor- ed to,, the.H. Hotel 1London, w . Iie'te a• ;klz�+i. ptuous lunch was served. Lata young couple left by motor for Nia- gara Falls, Detroit, and other points_ After their return they will reside in Kippen, where the groom has purch- ased the store formerly owned bee Arm. re- i d3owey� sons R ted Exe the Last as 1 tains new villa A in th ate r of th John :Satin Stella 3. M cerem bank Rev. weddi and 1 on a ick th form The Reede a chai Plage sic E. of Ste or of mccl th abort en hi th'stra 30 2.00 3.09, Shorts ... . .. — .. . 22.00 ... 2 2.0 0 Braar .,.. ............. .. 21.00 Hogs . .. 7:50 .Approximately three thousand we-- ekly newspapers in small towns and villages ceased publication in the - United States the last six years. The day seems to have come for the lar- ger weeklies and.ofr•the dailies both. in Canada and the United States. SCHOOL REPORT Report of Easter Exams. held in S. S: Net b.., Hay. Honors 75%. Pass 610%. Sr. IV—Alvin Gingerich 82%, Ol- ive Witmer 65, Martha Foster 62;, Louis Farwell 59, Doris Greb 59. Jr. W—Gladys Gingerich 88; Win, nifred :Battler 77. Sr. DI ----Grace Wein 65, Joseph Hoffman 62_ Jr_ .III --Irene Foster 60, Anthony H'oi an 5'6, Rose Hoffman 54, Fred. Farwell 43. Class—..Arthur Foster 84, Cyril' Gran T 4-.R3M1:3Y :'� b S Leonard , and Hoffman Lennis G' bd 76,. ^�?�'� �70�. Keith Wildfon�-. Nen. Gingeiich 68, Ruth. Witiner.� 62� First "Class --Gerald Gingerich 7.3 Albert .Hoffman :64. Pt'r •klarje Wein. No.. an. Roll 23. Grace E. P epper, Teacher:. J. P s.+i.404849'Q4�.44'roS+v • 40**,4'064 14.0e^0.41$7-0.,. 0 V. C. 01,.; t nti�( .., D 1i ares Etc. .....„,.. • ... 8 WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, r: TRAVELLING BAGS, VALrCE'S;. ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND #+ ARE OFFERING THE SAMETO, THE PUBLIC AT VERY a*►- • • • ATTRACTEVE PRICES. • • • • • • 0 0 0 • Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING; OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE • • • • • •• •- •- 4. •. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE a j FRED THIEL - ZURICH i 3 PHONE 102. •. ,;rP d . 0 +e•♦sti•+•ea••♦•wae•s4e••e4100.4** *****♦e*es**w 000601000®1110004511160.9100AFs a24tsD4Va,� 413 A 00003S3kR119 906091 1 Spring eeds We hive a good supply of all clover and grass seeds on hand. » Choice fg 0 seed Barley and a good od supply 1 >a _ 8 all 'Garden Seeds POULThYto 0 Try our Chicktarters: Feeds Laying. 's Chick 0 Mase Etc. tc. See us about COAL adFertilizer w• . 1 . L - -. 1110IFA406lNI40N.di1A.•A 3. '