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Zurich Herald, 1931-04-23, Page 1
Vol. XXXI No. 43 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APR(L23 1931, Chester L. Smith,, Publistaaial, $1.26 a year, U.S. $1.60 in A&4 ;Lao INARR1 ARS, $2 MAT AR® ReatrD Publicity is the Greatest Factor in Home Merchandising OUR CORNER Two always reifabbe `Iraxl'�ir gTa'S of ;a pring" have made their` appearance —the seed catalogues 'and the new Myles. in woinen's attizet, them." Government supporters tell us pros iperity ss :ore 5l he way. Doubtless it is: but what the people want to know is when it will arrive. The business cycle which brings alternately pros- St•o••••••• es• •aa• 0.00••••••••••••••••••••• ThisSpring Sty IN BROWN'S UOBB Shan Style With a Saila I MAKE YOU STEP OUT AIVIBLTLOUS, READY TO GO. EVERY GOOD STYLE FOR SPRING IS HERE. BLACKS, BROWNS, • SPORTS. A GREAT COLLECTION OF NEW ARRIVALS. ASIDE FROM GENUINE PLEASURE OF INSPECTING THESE NEW GOODS FIRST,IS THE ADVANTAGE OF EARLY SELECTION. AND YOU'LL CHOSE FROM THE FINEST VARIETY OF EX- CLUSIVE SHOE MODELS FOR MEN,_WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT VERY LOW PRICES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE SSS DUE Brown's '® Shop WINDOW DISPLAY A • • • • • • • • 1 • p ate length, but so far in the world's history it has never failed to com- plete the revolution. Supreme Court Case A little over five hours sufficed to clean up the docket of the nonjury spring sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario at the court house, God- erich, last Monday afternoon and evening, the court sitting until 7.30 in the evening in order to get thro- ugh. Mr. Justice Wright presided. Only one case went to trial, that of Robert C. Weir, a farmer residing on the 9th con. of Turnberry, against the municipality of Turnberry, in which the plaintiff asked $5,000 for injuries sustained in an automobile accident is alleged to have been taus- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con. ed by negligence on the part of the Schilbe of town. township. Judgment was reserved, Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith were Sat - a—+ urday visitors at Milverton, and took County Livestock Improvement Asso- in the Evangelical Conference at St. erity and adversity is of indetermin-� Mrs. L. Geiger and daughter oine, are spending the week at Jacobs and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund of Baden are visiting with this vicinity. Mrs. George Kerswell of Grand Rapids, Mich., is visiting at the home Eul- St. Gingerich friends in ,ciation to be Formed At the January session of the Hur- on County Council the necessary by- law was passed establishing Huron • County as a "Better Bull Area" and ©coming into effect on May 1, 1931. In any County or district where this by-law has been passed, any farmer • • • • • • d to • 0 • • 4.4.0 ma. i*,n+.4. sit 4,4:4, 04 06 lit 0.0.Y••t«Ass« b. 4+a.* c.* AW �2 +T •S s6�a44r0� WHAT YOU HAW I BEEN WAITING FOR: •HereBig I • • 4EXT fA 4 a • • With. every Suit at • Cost P QTS no additional • Alt Suits Tailored to Measure is Mr. M. R. PAIIK; HEADS :OFFICE .REPRESENTATIVE AND ..4, STYLE AUTHORITY WILL BE .AT OUR STORE. ON TUESDAY, "'4_. APRIL 2fIti ONS DAY ONLY, .AND 'WILL PERSONALLY MEASURE EVERT MAN ORDERING .A SUIT OR 'TOPCOAT. A r • "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" SUIT AT OUR REGULAR PRICE ,.1, REPRESENTS O LTSTAMING VALUE, 'WITH .AN EXTRA PAIR. '. OF TROUSERS. AT NO ADDFI1ONAL COST, IT IS AN OPPOR- TUNITY' YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MIS& ""a .WOOLLEN AND COMMODITY PRICES HAVE DROPPED DUR- " ING THE LAST' YEAR, AND CONSEQUENTLY' "CLOTHES OF •h • QUALITY' HAVE BEEN ABLE TC) PUT FAR GREATER VALUE, ',;• . WORKMANSHIP IN <QUALITY THAN EVEII BEFORE INTO THEIR GARMENTS. THESUITINGS AND TOPCOATINCS ARE -4 MADE 1tROX BEAUTIFUL ALLWOOL MATERIALS THAT _RE - ; PRESENT THE 'WORLD'S 11'INEST LOOMS, AND ARE MORE a DISTINCTIVE AND A'I'i.NA..GT.LVE THAN AT ANY TIME DIM- 1 NG THE FAST.. . • FIT AND SATFSFkelTION. ARE :_POSITIVELY:GUARANTEED. • SAVE MONEY" BY TAKING .Al3VANTAGE OF THIS OPi i E. • REI IE I ER .THE., DATE Act Now! I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '• • 9 O O • 9 • 9 • • 9 • • 2� 9 v • • • 9 9 • 9 • *'. •p s; One Day. o Toes:. April 28 1.1 •1r 111 • 0 •r nab:Ian SO • k • IIIIRALIAERS AND NI.NOINAL natIREMDAS4. Jacobs, on Sunday. Miss Helen Foster and friend, Mr. Dickerson of Detroit, spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foster. Mr. Ward Fritz and Dr. H. H. Cowen were week -end visitors at buying a pure bred sire the first time L Windsor, where the Doctor purchased is eligible to receive a 20% bonus his new Oldsmobile, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman and Mr. W. L. Siebert motored to Galt, Kitchener from the Government on the purchase price of the animal, provided such animals have passed government in spection and have successfully passed': and Stratford on Sunday, visiting the tuberculin test or are sold subjectj'with relatives and friends. to the test.; Before any bonuses can. be paid it is first necessary to form Messrs Josiah and Roland Geiger, a County Livestock Improvement As and E. Blake Horner motored to Tor- sociation, which shall have as its ob- ento the past week to visit their neph- ject the general improvement of all ,ova, Mr. Newell Geiger, who is i11 at livestock throughout the County. Itt"{:that city is' hrotgupeh ataxaaqptAa}r:4 „H:"`-Edliglhoffer ....•as layman and11ir. Jacob Brown, as g , e. ",liririuses' rri "eonirecon' wrth -tire .,z , uest at - "`Better Bull Area" are granted an•d, tended the sessions of the Evangel - as this by-law comes into effect on ical Conference at Elmira a few days May ist, a meeting of all interested last week, also over Sunday. livestock men is being held in the Agricultural Office, Clinton, on Sat- urday, April 25th at 2.00 p.m. Mr. R. W. Wade, Director of the Ontario Live Stock Branch, will be in attend- ance to outline the policy and ex- improving nicely. Mrs. E. Oesch is spending the week at London. Pleased to report that Mr. E. Oesch, who underwent an operation at that city on Tuesday is Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rau motored to Detroit over the week -end to at- tend on Saturday, the marriage of EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE their daughter Murley, to Mr. Walt - The Sixty -Seventh Session of the ermore W. Heyse, which took place Canada Conference of the Evangel- ical church which was held in the in Detroit. A rather mysterious fire occurred Elmira church the past week was on the farm of Mr George Armstrong brought to a close on Sunday even- of the 4th Concession, Hay Town- ship, When the barn caught fire and was completely demolished by the flames, early on Sunday morning. The Hensall Fire Brigade was at once called and responded immediately but the flames had made such headway that it was beyond control. The loss to Mr. Armstrong will be a big one as he is only partly covered by insur- ing, with all the business activities transacted by Saturday evening. The Conference chairman was Bishop Jar', Dunlap, D. D., of Cleveland, who pre - ,sided throughout the various busin- ess sessions. The many Zurich fri- ends of Rev. S. R. Knechtel, who has been eerving at St. Jacobs, regret to learn that owing to unavoidable cir- cumstances he is retiring from the work for a year. On Saturday even- ing the Bishop read the following re- port of the stationing: , Hamilton District—Attereliffe, N. E. Dahms; Campden, N. Reibling; Hamilton, A. Clemens, Presiding Eld- er; Morriston, J. H. Grenzebach; Pelham, Clayton Heckendorn; Selkirk W. H. Campbell; South Cayuga, K. Gretzenger; Willoughby, CF. H. Corn well. Hanover District—Chesley, S. G. Burn; Elmwood, F. Meyer; Hanover, E. H. Bean, Presiding Elder; Listow- Brown; Milverton, E. Burn; Norman - by N. R, Ernst; Port Elgin, J. D. eaeaer; Wallace, C. R. Kauth. Ottawa District—Arnprior, A. F. Stoltz; Golden Lake L. H. Pletch; Locksley, J. E. Bender; Parry Sound J. N. Wettlaufer; Pembroke, W. 0. Bayne, Presiding Elder; Rockingham J. M. Oestreicher. Stratford District—Crediton, W.M. Sippell; Dashwood, A. W. Sauer • Mc- Killop and Rostock, G. L. dross; Rodney, la. B. Meyer; Sebringville and Fullerton, H. H. Leibold; South Easthope, W. A. Durst; Stratford, J. Hauch, Presiding Elder; Tovistock Waterloo District—Bridgeport, W. J. Zimmerman; Ehnria E. D. Becker; Kitchener Calvary J. B. Dengis; Kit - 'charier Zion, G. la Barthel; New Hamburg, A.. E, Pletch; North Eest- Henrich; St. Jacobs, W. J. Yager; Waterloo, II, A. Kellerman, Presiding Elder. An invitation was tendered by the Kitchener Zion Churoh for to held the 1932 Confeeence, which was readily occepted. A very happY event was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch of town on Tuesday ev- ening when the members of the fam- ily of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang gathered and made somewhat of a surprise party in honor of the silver anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Prang. Among other gifts they were the re- cipients of a beautiful set of dishes. Thwe from a distance who attended were Mr, and Mrs. A. Aulerich and Miss E. Truemner of Detroit. A happy matrimonal event was cel- ebrated at Lendon, on Tuesday of this week when Miss Louisa Masse, Daughter of Mrs. Masse and the late Maxim. Masse was united in holy weddlock to Mr. Fergus jeffrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffrey of the 14th con., Hay Township. 1,11 the afterhoon the briday party journeyed from the bride's home at London, to the bome of the groom's parents, 14th Con. Hay, where th*.e evening was spent in a xnost eejoyable way. The Herald joins their many friends la eatending congratulations. A serious auto accident took place on Sunday afternooli on the Blue Water Highway, at Mr. G. Patter- zon's farm, when n car travelling at a high speed beeame 'unmanageable and took to the ditch, with the re- sult that the occupants were badly hook up, and Dr. A. J. MacKinnon of Zurich Was called, and after giv- ing niedierd attention, on Monday conveYed en injured lady to the London Hospital in his can e company .figuring lae accident x from tendon, and the caa was isaa- True Love Diamonds CHOSEN BY EXPERTS CANADA'S GREATEST LINE DIAMONDS NEW STYLES NEW MOUNTINGS FROM $20.00 UPWARDS OF Hess, The Jeweller Yes! You will Find a DIFFERENCE IF YOU URN MONEY TIGHT YOU SAT Tighten up then on that Fuel HI tor Burning Our Sernet Solway Coke, or No. 3 Sea= Pocahontas and Bank that furnace with our Small Pea Coal. We earry- in stock Nine Different Varieties of Fuel, Come in and let us talk ovev, your Fool ProbJems with you. For Cash Payment a Discount of mrt. per Ton wil be Allowed. Phone lOw or 10J HENSALL, ORM SHOES on SAL PANKRUPT PRIG 3: Having purchased the Shoe Stock of Joe 1: Bedard's, Drysdale, we have found olir 1. --Stock overlo.aded,r-and -have:- decided to 9 • • • reduce our surplus stock at prices away it below wholesale. SOME TIME AGO WE, INSTALLED A BARGAIN COUNTER, ALSO A BARGAIN RACK. HERE YOU WILL FIND BARGAINS GALORE THAT WILL CUT $ $ $ OFF YOUR SHOE BILLS THIS YEAR IF YOU CONSULT THIS BARGAIN RACK. •c4" HERE ARE A FEW SPECIALS: -• BOY'S WORK SHOES, SIZES 1 TO 5, PANCO OR LEATHER SOLES, Reg. $3.50, now..225 to Zia MISSES FINE PAT. STRAPS, TIES & OXFORDS, INFANTS, Soft Soles Slippers and Button Shoes at pr.: 45c. 1: MEN'S WORK BOOTS, PANCO OR LEATHER 2.75 to 150 SOLES, Reg. $4.50, SALE PRICE CHILD PATENT OXFORDS, TIES AND STRAP SLIP- OXFORM. aim to 14.35: MEN'S FINE TAN AND BLACK CALF CHILD'S CALF BALS. SIZES 8 and 9, Pr. 1 OD MANY OTHER LINES AT REDUCED PRICES Zurich ++++++++++++++++++++++4++0++++++++++++++441^Haaaaiaa T.; Phone 82 or 115 Supen r uaiity St r 1Ve_are now offering a full line of Spring and Summer Goods at Rock Bottom Prices WE ASIC YOU TO CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR BARGAINS IN GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS, 1 YARD WIDE PRINTS AT aae SEE OUR OVERALLS NT $1.50 A PAIR. GARDEN AND R,OOT SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. HARNESS REPAIRS, SHOES. PA1NTS„ OILS, ETC., rre,„ R. N. DOUGLAS GEN sit AL 414EROAci ANT PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE