HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-16, Page 81 L ,11 ir Prints, Broadcloths, Rayons, Fugi .i.;) Flat Crepes, Peter Pan Cloths, Ging - hams in season's newest colors. Ali at new low prices New Wallpapers V. RS HANDLE REG. N, BOXEWALLPAPER., HAVE 65 I:A •:: GNS TO CHOOSE FROM, PRICED AT 8 CENTS TO 60 CENTS PER SINGLE ROLL. /.7-..T US SHOW YOU OUR SAMPLES, BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS ANC/ COLOURINGS SUITABLE FOR EVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOME Ladies' Dresses A °::•::lIPMENT OF LADIES' SILK AND RAYON DRESSES WILL A!.' 'TE AND BE ON SALE BEGINNING FRIDAY, APRIL 10th, t ONE WEEK ONLY. THEY ARE SEASON'S NEWEST ES WELL MADE, AND _PRICED VERY REASONABLY FROM $7.75 TO $12.50 EACH. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION F'IRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 44.517611.40.1M,Ii .0,11412CRO-0,1.4.049.t.SLY.,VOGMOWYMITIAII.ASPAPHReS, COLLISION WOUR CAR IS A GOOD SERVANT BUT A BAD MASTER. IT IS ERR.ATIC, DIRPUTES THE RIGHT OF WAY WITH OTHER CARS, ARGU.7F "--7ITH TELEPHONE POLES, AND SHOWS A FONDNESS FOR THE DITCH. COLLISION INSURANCE SAFEGUARDS THE OWNER AGAINST DIRECT LOSS OR DAMAGE, TO THE AUCAUSED TOMOBILE o• SOLELY BY ACCIDENTAL. COLLISION WITH ANOTHER OB-• -TT.i:CT, EITHER MOVING OR STATIONARY, OR BY UPSET. DAMAGE TO- YOUR CAR CAUSED THROUGH A FAITLTY SYEERING GEAR, DEFECTIVE BRAKES, SKIDDING ON SLIP- PERY PAVEMENT, COLLIDING WITH ANOTHER CAR OR WITH ANOTHER CAR OR WITH A STATIONARY OBJECT, MEANS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS. WHY NOT PLAY SAFE AND INSURE THIS HAZARD 1931 Rates Reduced. Apply NOW! Antlzew F Hese Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ..^,WeeiX.1.2104,1111.4, C1.112.57.11 -or,..K94,•**TrUisstigt4OgettiforMiteettto6f9a#01.4564f00ekkfretwokomstg,0049c„ro 471 s Seeds gg ZURICN **RALD Thwc1a Ak ii+Tritt.4.+++++++++++++++++14.4.+4...t.1-114+++++++++++++1444.4* t: • r, li xotir B: • • ardware Store WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY RINSO, "WASHES CLOTHES WH/TER, Large Pkg. ... 19c KELLOGG'S ALL BRA_N DATES, 2 LBS AT JUMBO PEAS, No. 2 Tin, at CORN, 2 TINS FOR c MACRONI, 3 LBS. AT 25c 19c 'Tomatoes, Fancy Large Tin, 2 for 25c BISCUITS, WAXTITE PKG. • 15e I We can supply the Public with Seas -onable : .,.:+ ard rare at MoileratA PriPes .1* Of• + t 17e OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITE WAR AT LOWEST ÷1: PREVAILING PRICES. 1.7c Let Us Sh ow Yo WE CARRY A STOCK OF 4 YARD WIDE LINOLEUM, CONGOL- EUM RUGS AND LINOLEUM RUGS ANY SIZE YOU MAY REQUIRE. TO THOSE WISHINd› TO POOL THEIR EGGS AGAIN THIS SEASON, THE TRUCK WILL CALL EVERY MONDAY. HAVE THEM BFRE BY THEN. YELLOW FRONT STORE 1,2[1061,11.9t9.1.1117161•911•220•7 Phone 140 TEMS OP LOCAL INTEREST ivesieni Fanti6s5 Mutual BORN Mousseau---At Zurich, on April 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mousseau, a daughter. Denomme—At Hay Township, sup ly of Snooks Cure on Furiut are Reduced We are offering our Entire Stock of Furn- i inure at Greatly Reduced Prices, which + will move it out rapidly„ Be sure and get your requirements at these low rices WE WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Johnston I Hardware k 4;>, Furniture. Phone 63 fev ither Ansurance Co + +++++++++++++1.+1.1•44(4•444.+*++4.-oto+++++44+++4.4.+4-4,i*.444.p., • bF WOODSTOCK _Jargest Business of a March 30th, to M. and Mr. W s. m 0n Mi-. . Canadian company doi Denomme, a daughter. $.. b in Ontarjcj- Davidson—At Hay Township, on Ap ril 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. William - ' AMount ofInsui'16te at Risk on Dec. Davidson, a daughter. 31st, /928, ,t$22,206,275. Wildfong—At Hay Township, on Ap- ' Total Cash in Bank and Bonds ril 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet $160 378 74 'Wildfong, a son. Rates -44,5e nor 31,000 for 9years. HAY COUNCIL. . ' E. P.,„Ki pp—,Zurich . Adeni,.k.r fieaier inLitAtnind Hods The regular monthly meeting of .. • the Council of, the Township of Hayand all kinds of Fire Insurance met at the Town Hall, Zurich, on . ' Monday forenoon, April 6th, 1931, ly7-41aW, et7;, 20.;(7"--. _ . .--IL--?-- --"—!.--''—' General Accounts with all the members present. The re adopted as read. minutes of the previous meeting we- k.„, .s.a.,::::.,,,*,,,,. sa4ley Township, bai- lment of Public Highways was laid . before the Council showing that the A communication from the Depart- i!t)in.11sea3rt)(i,10:0eR;.0713...itit.411.; j'a,fecii"eic•a.rnR1119e73p0, 135m3.7014; school at- 1 - grant on Township Road expenditure f teigance Of-fic'ok.,„;e.es 1.75; Serving for 1930 amounted to $4743.33 ancr4-laws drains 6.'90; Balance School the treasurer stated that cheque for rollte:Yoin'efoor;e110946 same had been received. In the th The following resolutions were pas_! Ci;uneR beam:le; .`i..c.4.tized as a enure iof .10.wikon. on, the Eacrett Municipatl sed: When the following appeals w That By-law No. 5-1931 providing !porTell''4130sed of: for new regulations governing rent- i ! A. J. Todd, assessed only 68 acres; stem be read three times and filially ers of Hay Municipal Telephone Sy - J. McGrdgor, appeal dismissed; W.R passed. That By-law No. 6-1931 authoriz-IlicI.:aonyisIgtiaa,ittiliza,e9aanol coidis:tis31:isec:Ij.titiDecidalreadySliir W.R. _ ing the issue of debentures providing - oun ng gonnouremsyliameamminimrtermanarprviwanonammrprnpu.,!ffiamaimaintani, WATOILI ."1S SPACE For Something Entirely New fa i '..-ullicipal Telephone System during: Vol lox the cost of extensions to the Hay i cAfols•loisi.ens2sa;lotlwyan4coe arneraedseonto wri%Epoetreit4t. go I '. )/ex. Munn appeal dismissed; 61 f three times and filially passed. gg i 1930. amounting to $2013.50 be read 'Wesley 'Coleman assessonly acres That By-law No. 7-1931 providing on SW14. lot 15, con. 4; F. Corbett for the expenditure of $8700,00, on assoos only 14 acres on Si4 14, COM Township Roads during 1931 be read 4; J & p.Penhale appeal dismissed, three times and filially passed. 1 That ./appeals re Eacrett Drain be That By-law No. 8-1931 providing disposed .as mentioned hereinbefore Tor the separation of Lot number sz. and reductions made to be added to S Concession 10, Harrington Finkhein.- 'Ii:e0WilissbDiPramaisiseisiesocieionst-eda.nd'that Court er, ownee, irom S. S. No. (.3 and no-' ding same to S. S. No. 8, be read I The Council then took up the ap- three times and finally passed. [peals on the Alexander Drain. as a That Bl -law No, 9-1931 providing! Court of Revision when the follow - e for loan from. Bank of lidontre.al, ing appeals were disposed of: Zurich, for funds to eover current Alex. Crearar appeal dismissed; 1. ex penditures be read three thnes and E. Jarrett appeal dismissed; 0. Gei- finally passed. ger appeal dismissed; G. E. Thomson' That the rate of pay for work per- appeal AisMissed; A. Ricker appeal formed on Township Roads during dismissed; 3'. M. Richardson appeal J931, except hauling gravel, be fixed dismissed; A. Reichert appeal disinis- as follows: Man and team, 40c per sed; J. Cochrane appeal dismissed; R. hour; man only 20c per. hour, and H. Dick appeal dismissed;. Sarah Pet - commissioner 25c per hour. All gra- tY and James Petty appeal dismissed; vel houling to be paid at the same W. P. Alexander appeal dismissed. rate as truck hauling would cost. Thai; appealre Alexander Drain Phis reduction will allow the Council ebleosecidi7s ed of as mentioned above to reduce the Township rate m 1931 and tlii'at the Court of Revision- be The folowing accounts were pas- The Couneil then resumed its re - sed: gular Sitting when the following re - Township Roads—Elmore Datars, SolutionS were passed.: pay list Rd. 10 $5.40; A. L. Srccnan That. by-law NO -10-1931 providing (.. 18, $4,90; M. ,M.1Russell, rd. 1, .101' fhq.:,construction of the Eacrett :13.29; C. Aldswarth, rd, 2-13, 4.82. jvlunidipal Drain and the borrowin • lelephone Accounts—Northedn Elec- tric Co., cable, etc., 1282.85; Strom - .:.erg -Carlson Telo. Mfg. Co:, material ,,i.41; G. 3. Thiel cartage 8.00; Zur- ich Central, switching 5 weeks $85• Having made some Changes in Prices WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOVER SEEDS. SUCH AS: r*NTAR!O RED CLOVER, IMPORTED NORTHERN RED CLOVER 11 ALSIKE, ALFALFA, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. FROST FEN )ING ANNOUNCING FROST ZINC BONDED FENCE, A SPECIALLY GALVANIZED AND IMPROVED FROST FENCE FOR LESS MONEY. THIS NEW FROST ZINC, BONDED FENCE SUR - I -ASSES EVERY FORMER ACHIEVEMENT IN FENCE HICTORY ZINC BONDED MAKES IT MORE FLEXIBLE, ALSO RUST RE- SISTING AND LONGER LIFE. SEE THIS FIRST. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN FENCING SUPPLIES: GATES, BARB WIRE. it AND STEEL POSTS. Full Line of Heavy and Shelf I ,Pains, Goodyear Tires, EEC.' : Hardware, Sherwin - Wi 11 lams FURNITURE! FURNITURE! i : STADE ato WEIDOI ZURICH. - ONT. -" 1 of the funds to complete the work be read the third time and finally pas- sed, That By-law No. 11, 1981 provid- ing for: -the construction of the Alex- 1,ept. Highways, trailer license 2.00;.' ander Municipal Drain and the bor- Bell Tele. Co., tolls Jan. and Feb., I rowing of the funds to complete the 62,01; Economical Fire Ins. Co., in,!work 'be read the third time and fin- .erance 8.20; Wm. Uttley, labor $3. 'alb' Iwo IWO•••••••••••••••••••••••••••siesesesessommisema H. G Raili .1- l'• f• .1. + l' .1, iv + + •!.. + 4. + + 4. tir + al* ta + 4. 05. + + + + + + I- .1- fetsaac, alary 3 months 500.00;1_ 1liitthe Council adjourn to meet, i .. s415, -n, , T- . Hess, labor, etc., 96.57; Ontario MondayMay 4th, 1931 at1. 11,30 loale ill . 1 t may .M,& R Board, re debentarei , ocithe aftemoan Ia Advertising. We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. ESS,' the Repair an • & . rep 4' PIP *.'71:4'11:121 I Oil 4' tr• . ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE' IN LARGER QuANTrrits WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE, GAS OILS G-REA.SES lifousseau Juric P*4..g"1".z..11'4"4•I'lf.4"f"'1"$`•9"1,*t',J-`441k**14*11$`1•*+.31-%....4.0.,,,,....4.44.4,‘"*. Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALS() CALLING CARDS, BUS/NESS CARDS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIA_IVI CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR • SIZBS, cArtn PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER, PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH A GOOD .WRITING 'INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN- TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. THAT WE PRINT POSTING 13ILL5, AUCTION SALE POSTERS t MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY 440.4444....4.ftNIINPOSIN4.44 *****44444444.4444........fir