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Zurich Herald, 1931-04-16, Page 5
stray, Aprir 16tl'i, T9 1J. iv"2;I>rd BUSXN '' i1tN I iitALi '' .D 7'DLEYE.HOLMES IARR1STER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel a Court Work,, Mr. .Holmes may be consulted Goderich by .Phone, and Phone charges reversed. rid. Wants, For Sale, Loot, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads LV IN Plan CO .11113. la FOR SALE Ford Coupe in good condition. a t Car of late C. Either. Apply to A. Cr, Edigboffer, Zurl'cii., ... a. ��_.-.,.�...�....� ...1814 Dr. 11. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SU'.GEON At DEITZ BLOCK -ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTL1 1B'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday,. Tuesday and Wednesday A► -U -C -T -I -0 -N -E=E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for ]Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) "ernes in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms far Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. 'Phone 18-9+3, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- hict any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell_ I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will :snake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER -Dashwood Fhone 13-57. siE STORAGE BATTERIES SEE US FOR NEW LOW PRICES 4QN THESE BATTERIES ' OFF i' "'''QUALITY"' ' • DASHWOOD - ONTARIO easervaesaaceadaeoetalweesataiMatillie . uricbs' Popular IAT MAI1(E l' ANNOUNC INC +T IA.T WE HAVE PURCHASED) ,OM THE mina OF YUNGBLUT ;31t DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB L1SHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE EL Yunghlut & Sou OOAL 1931 Announcen1ent SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coll (elti. e Alberta Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. Order Early as prices will advance on June lana. Case & ' Son Phone one 35 HfENSALL LIVE P O U L T R 3 WANTE D Taken every Day till $ o'clock, p.m. o not feed Fowl same morning when brought Ina. Highest Cash 'Prices -CASH. FOR -- ream and, , ggs W. O'Brien l.n...r FOR SALE A limited quantity of Wild Goose Wheat Seed, for quick sale. Apply to -Wm. Koehler, Zurich. • For Sale House and lot in Blake. Property formerly owned by Jacob Kennel. Priced right to close an estate. Apply 'to Lorne D. Manson.. DASHWOOD PLANING MILL We now carry a eomplete stock on hand and can serve the public at very reasonable prices. Our many lines include: Doors, Sask, Frames, Floor- ing; Ceiling and all kinds of Building Material. Delivery can be made promptly. Thos. 1Zlumpp, Proprietor MILLINERY Any one in need of Spring Millin- ery, we wish to advise that I am re- ceiving a full new shipment of Lad- ies, and Children's Hats and will op- en for business on Saturday, March 28th, in Hoist's block, Be sure and give us a call. Also Dressmaking in connection. ANNA RATERS, ZURICH EGGS FOR HATCHING And baby chicks, White Leghorns. If you want disease free chicks this is the place to get your eggs for hat- ching., The low price et grain has enabled us to reduce prices accord- ingly. tf-36 Twinmaples, Bruce J. Klopp. NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the• public that they, are still ;in the :same business with prices as" usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. \Val liar H. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tiz*.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office-Seaforth, Ont. ew n fe ne COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. ;MODEL d3�6 at way.... .. 1818 $132.00 MODEL.86,A,at i,r-...y:a.4 $168.80, LOCAL NEWS Mr. Ward Fritz is away to Oahe. to bring back a new Chevrolet. Miss Ida Routledge is spending week with friends at Hamilton.: Messrs Jacob Kipfer and Dan Ga cho motored to Kitchener, New Hai' burg and Stratford on Sunday. Mr. John Deiehert was on a mote trip to London, Kitchener andl othe points the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Aulerich, it Detroit, were recent visitors at thl home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis:Prang. Mr. Oliver Johnson. of Goderitl spent Sunday at the home of his br ther, Mr: Thomas Johnson. Miss R. Rumble of Thorndale, vi ited with friends on the 1184th con last. week. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Geiger and family of Preston, visited with relat ives in town one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Gid. Koehler wer Sunday visitors with relatives in Lon don. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender of Blyth were Saturday visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brand of Lon- don, were Sunday visitors with Miss Anna Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gascho and fam- ily of Harriston, .were Sunday visitors with relatives in town, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McConnell, of v arna were Sunday visitors at the Fioxne of Mr. Wm. Lamont. Mre. S. Gottschalic of Seaforth was tia visitor with his sister, firs. fly. Lipphardt on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 'nos, Trevethick, and family of l3rinsley, were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. G. Hess. Rev.. and Mrs, W. Y. Dreier are away to the annual Conference of. the Evangelical Church held at El- mira this week, cornnlencing at Wed- nesday noon. Mrs. II. Lipphardt who spent the winter months with her daughter, -Mrs. Geo. Fee at Hensall, has return- ed to her home in Zurich for the sum - on is. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piellusch and:: family of Kitchener were visitors ata" Wear a TRUE LOVE Diamond ring the lune of Mr: and Mrs. Herb Tera=, it adds to your charming beauty and eget, gaiety, a TRUE LOVE diamond hews exquisite taste and is admired y :all, see them at Hess the Jeweller .:Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Homer and Miss Melvina Schade of London, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Schade, of the Blue Water Highway. Messrs. Calvin and Robert family were Sunday visitors at El - d_ trrir^a. Their eldest daughter, Miss liams, Miss Ethel Williams and Mrs,.; W. C. Wagner motored to London on School at thatwplace, is attending remainedHigh Wednesday. School at to at Mr. Robt Williams and Lawrencetend to her studies. Ilowald made a recent motor trip to ,i The play put on by the young pee - Detroit, and on their way home they kle of Centralia United Church last took in Jack Miner's bird sanstuary ,. hursday evening in the Zurich Town i at Kingsville. Mali, was very much enjoyed by all (1 present, and was full of Irish whit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Routledge and land humor, and well worth the admis-' family of Hamilton, were recent vis Sten price charged. There was a fair- itors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Joe.' -"good attendance considering cond- Routiedge of town. i '' Seeding operations are In full swing at present, the weather is ideal the land works up nice, and as" a consequence good progress is being made. • NIr. and Mrs. E. E. Weide and•da-• ughter Dorothy motored to Goderich' on Sunda_ Mrs. F. Turner and still Grant, who spent the past week with ; , - 4s -total of 12,430 post offices op- e.ted in Canada last year according to- the annual report of the Post 9filc9 Department, showing a decre- dsEef948 accounted for by the estab- lunent of rural free deliveries. Arose. revenue of this department showed an increase of $1,321,437 over the previous year, but $683,44(i rvTr_ and Mrs. Weido returning with ; menti to rural postmasters, af. it was absorbed by increased pay - them to their home in Goderich, Mr. Samuel Ropp of Hay Township i t recently purchased a 100-i re farm. from Mr. Hugh McMurtrie,}djoining :'L B L A K E or near his own farm on the 4th con- cession of Hay Township._ Miss A. Laidlaw, who spent the winter with her sister and brother -in iVIrs. Thomas Meyers and daugbt-; ax', Mr..and Mrs. W. J. Tough, left ers Dorris and Alpha have returnedt Saturday for her..honie at Blyth.' home after.. srRendn .. a - a.� days vi•;fih r ~ as Qit. ^N. Douglas and daughter Mrs: Meycr'd sister, Mrs. Enunersond on friends in Sea - Smith a Kipper. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Trueniner and son Keith of Flint, Mich., spent the week -end with their relatives, Mr. William and Conrad Trueinner of tie 14th con.. and M..e. W. richade of the Blue Water Highway. 31, f +t Miss Myrtle Weber and her friend Miss Dorothy Bunt from Toronto, who have been holidaying on the Bronson Line, returned to the city on Wednesday. Sorry to report that* Miss Maggie Sparks, of the Bronson Line north, had a painful accident the other day ''ry tripping on some oil cloth in the kitchen floor and in falling injured her hip_ At a recent congregational meeting of the Zion Evangelical church, at Crediton, the pastor, Rev. W. M. Sippell, who has been their pastor for the past four years, was given a hearty invitation to remain with the congregation for another year. Mr. C. J. Salmon wishes to advise the public that he is leaving the end of this week for the Ingersoll district where he will buy up a load of calves and will dispose of the same in the Zurich vicinity. Anyone interested to purchase some calves should get in touch with Mr. Salmon at once and place their order. .Barrister Dudley E. Holmes of Goderich received official notification of his appointment to the offce of crown attorney for the County of Huron. Mr. Holmes succeeds his father, Dudley Holmes, who was re- cently appointed judge of the County of Sincoe. The new crown attorney was born in Goderich and when quite young moved to Wingham with his Barents. in 1924 he received the appointment of solicitor of the 'town of Goderich, which position he still holds. The dutch sett onion business has been quite a problem this year as well as many other things. The merchants of town have been going very careful in buying the sone for resale, yet a large number of sets have one way or another been ship- ped out of` here, although the price was low, yet it was better than to dump them. We have been advised that some of the large seed houses ZURICH - ONT. whostock a large supply of sets "A Changeless Christ for a chas.g- each winter, and who paid a good ht World" price for them last fall, are now ex- Friday, 811; ---].tither League. perieneing a big problem to dispose Saturday -Choir Practice. of them so as to not lose money, SUNDAY SERVICES and a large number will likely be 10 a. m:-Geriitian Service. .lumped at the end of the season, as 11.15 a, in. -,Sunday School. )pions are not like beans that you 7.80 p. m. --English Service. b i an hold them till another year for Everybody Welcome to all Services; 1Ee � �>r + better places. . E. Tuukhheitu, Pastor forth and Brucefield last Thursday. Miss Isobel Manson of Detroit, k:: pent Sunday at her home on the Goshen Line. Mr. Ed. Douglas and son Allan, of Hyde Park, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr, awl Mrs. Gordon Manson and family of Dunday called on friends on the (Ahen Line last week. The _lisses Margaret Tough and Margaret Douglas left for their scho- ols after spending the holidays at their respective homes. litrBobbie Hess and sister Ruth, accompanied by Miss Jean Car- nie, returned to Hensall on Sunday, after spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carrie. Mr,.; Harold Johnston of Zurich, spent the week -end at his hone in the village. Mr. G. Freckleton and son Ray- mond of Lucan, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Boyes and son Robert of Huntsville, called on fri- ends in the village on Friday. FOR SALE A Ford Coupe, 1927 model, in First Cies* condition. Tires good. Apply to --John Decker, Sr., Zurich FOR SALE OR RENT Pasture Tai xn, For Sale or Rent. Write or Pian:" to: W. C. ,. ;earce, Exeter, Ont. FOUND A pair of Men's driving Mitts. Owner can have same at Herald Office by paying for this adv. iviorthit REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVID FUSS, Zurich Phone 89 ri t-4 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church Spring PAM Mil cods We hive a good supply of all clover e and grass seeds 01 hand. Choice geed Barley and a goo d supply of all Garden Seeds POULTRY FOODS Try our Chick Start ers, Cheek. Feeds,, Laying Mash, Etc. eeee®geWeee See us about COAL and Fertilizer i1 e So WW v CS °d u,IbCJiwl' 0ii w,,m4t:°_. Lich Drug Store We have a fuJi Line of all l the requirements of School Supplies 000046066.0 • 4,494660+0600©6.6 A11 authorized Text Books LOA in Stock 40ire v o®a.ae .00vOaaaa0a0+t0•®O Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military is;rushes •4000©0000 AO4466004000.90000 Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfumizers. V'ii'i Fine Stationery and Fountain' Pens. KODAKS AND FIL.IMS br, A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich &141MNIMANINRRFAWkr' mwr Nyvw pAmmmmA# ' v@ODA4.►0000d 4.440044044 0444' '4000.040404444+44)440+A0a64, O 0 • ZURILJ HERALD'S 1931 Clubbing List 0 • •• 0 • 4 4, 4. • • ••s ••49 D Toronto Daily Gl b $5 10 • 0 ® HERALD Sat. Mail Empire 1818$3.25 •• • HERALD Toronto Weekly •$6.UO • • m 4 • •• • 4 • s • • • 6 4. D m• 0 4. 4 4A • 4. 4. • 4 • 4. 6 6 d 4. 4 �4+044444l44.44444+f Ro*iv 44414464 4.4406l44444GQ,4414 44 HERALD and Kitchener DailyRecord - . HERALD� R A andoron o ai y a e $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 andToronto a . M ar andm ' HERALD and Toronto Dail Star andoron o eek y Star $6.00 HERALD and London Free Press ... , $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser $6.00 HERALD and London Farmer's Advocate $2.25 HERALD and Farm and Dairy $2.75 HERALD and Farmers' Sun $2.50 HERALD and .Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 HERALD and Family Herald for 3 yrs$3.00 HERALD and Canadian Countryman $2.25 HERALD and Weekly Witness $3.15 HERALD and Farmers Magazine $2.50 HERALD and Youth's Companion 3.25 HERALD and Huron Expositor, Seaforth $3.25 HERALD and Ontario Journal $2.75 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada .. $3 15 0 0 b 4- 0 - a ro -a 4. s' a s m b A 4 •1 0 a 0 0 a 4, 0 0 P .y • And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money on the most of them. RENEW ALL YOUR PAPERS AND MAGAZINES AT OUR OFFICE AND SAVE TROUBLE, AND BE- SIDES YOU ARE DEALING WITH PEOPLE YOU .KNOW, AND WILL DO THE SQUARE THING WITH YOU. HERALD OFFICE Zurich