HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-16, Page 4mom 11161111HII II um mum] mm I1111I 11 IIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II 111mII 111 IIIIHIIHItIRU 1 Ep1(1111111111mg1umiiiiI111Ulllllll111111111 ' Cie.. iing Sale Having purchased the Grocery 'and Orygoods Stock of J. S. Bc lard at Drysdale WE HEREBY ANNOUNCE A CLEARIN41 SALE 1'0 BEGIN ON FRIDAY, APRIL 10th, WHEN T1HS STOCK WILL BE OFFERED FORSALE AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. WE ARE ADDING LINES Oa' PRINT'S., GINGHM.1'JS, TOWELINGS, FLANNELETTES, HOSIERY, NM:EN'S OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS, SOX, TIES, I~1`C., ALL AT REAL. MONEY SAVING PRICES. GIVE 1.18 A CALL, • REMEMBER THE PL'ACE: J. S. BEDARD'S OLD STAND, AT DRYSDALE, ONT. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Gasaho Son +1f11i11Il 11111IIIlll111111111111111I ifll IIIIIIIID I1M1111II111M1111111M1111111IIIllllllllllll811111111UI .11111011 111111111111Ill1111li1110111111 1 assey-Harris Implements WE ARE SOLECGENT.'.i FOR T.HEeCELEBRATED AND COM- q: PLETE LINE OF 'MASSE' -HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND - WOULD ADVISE .ANYONE -IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO LET US KNOW, AND aWE WILL 'BE PLEASED TO GIVE 'YOU • A .CALL r and Pumps •x HAVING RECENTLY :BEEN ;APPOINTED BY THE GOULI» 1: SHAPLEY & MOIR 'CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR .;F EXCLUSIVE LINE "OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, 'WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS !IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS ASSURE YOU 3F BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. 2 BELOW WE LIST EW .OFA OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT MACHINES WATCH ¶'WE .ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- -4 VOW 'THEIR VALUE. v Good used Deering Binder, 6 =ft.- Cut. 2 13 -tooth 3L -H. Cultic -eters .4. One used M. -H. Manure :Spreader M. -H. 51e -ft. cut mower Also a team of good wnek horses. Young milk cow with calf at coal Be SURE AND :'GIVE. US A CALL! Agent, Zurich ; tre - . iE. Siemon, ^a -: ; .4++-. •.4-i••3•-i•i•-,L+4-1 1•ii-3•++.''. Alt- • •i*+ : +i..I., .l + ..•: + 4^3.4; BOMETHIIW `e very latest in Unpainted Furniture A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE aROR_END OF CHESTERFIELD FLOWER STAND OR 14 NY ;.OTHER USES. ONLY $1.75. CALL AT OUR OFFICE .AND LOOK 'I HEM OVER ;w A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EACH $8.75. C. KALLYLESCR = r: --P rd••b- ».pc.,»Y,; ; ' r •. sit:.: ti .- ... I»iti i•, . :-F , ;. 1111.11111111114 STANLEY TOW SHIP A former resident of Stanley pas- sed away at Auburn on Sunday, Ap 'nil 12th, in the person of Miss Han aaah Erratt. The early part of her life was spent in Stanley, later mov- ing to London, where with her sister :4'>lse made her home for a number of exam. Since the death of her sis- ter •a few years ago she has made her fiixeme 'with her nieces, Mrs. Robt. Mc- Cli.nekay mf Stanley and Mrs. Wilson. of Auburn with whom she was at the time of her death. She • was a sister of the late Isaac Erratt and the last surviving member of the family. The 'funeral was held on Tuesday to Bay - ;field Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Len Talbot spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Hart'ey Coleman, Parr Line. ates to the .Presbyterial in Hensall on April 28th. The Society are sending a letter of sympathy to the Blake So- _ I ciety in the loss of their president. The devotional leaflet was given by - I Miss Eileen Turner. Mrs. J. Coch- rane then led In prayer. Hymn 540 was sung. Study leaflets on Temper- ance was then given. The study was taken by Mrs. Connor, and Mrs. Coch rane and Mrs. Turner. The meetin closed with prayer, HILLSQRE.EN W.M.S,—The regular monthly me seting of the Women's Missionary So- •rciety was' held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Stephenson on Wednesday :af- af- ternoon, April 8th. The meeting was /resided over by Miss Annie Jarrott. i 'The opening hymn 220 armEire spec- I r b. Easter program was taken includ- ing responsive reading, prayers and Annum After which the secretary's a 'and treasurer's reports were read and adopted. The business was then tak- c alp, Mrs. Chas. Stephenson and Mrs, - • McAllister were appointed' deleg, g The Huron Presbyterial Society will meet in the United Chudch, Hen- sall, on Tuesday, April 28th 1931, at 9.30 a.m. All members of the W. M. S. and Y. U. O. are urged to an tend this meeting. A number from this vicinity at tended the anniversary Services ix: the Presbyterian Church, in Hensel. on Sunday. Mrs. W. Blackwell and son Davit. have returned to their home after melding a few bays with their sol. Will and Mrs. Blackwell of Lansing mien. Miss Lottie Love has returned t resume her duties at London Norma The Schools re -opened again 1. this district on Monday after the Ea: ter holidays. Miss Eileen Turner 1, Ido. 3, stay and Mr. Stewart &attic n No. 7, Stanley. Mr, and 3,Ire. A. Aeliton of Si Thomas spent a recent visit with Mr nd Mrs. J. Richardson. Miss Martha Thiel of Zurich, se nt a few days with little Miss Eld: u.rt. Mr. W. Jarrott slrlil illiugict,:r <',:: l X.V $1*A140 were recent. visitors with Min ► sale :of broken flax straw. They ale Mrs. D. Nickel of liens all; lege that the defendant company cone Mrs, L. Troyer has returned to.f'ir traded to buy 300 tons of green flax - home from .Brigdeaa, where ehe spetl tow at $GQ a ton and they refused.ta the winter months with Mi, and dlift. accept the full amount as specified W. E. Jarrott, Mr. W. E. Jarrq. in the contract. called on friends here recently. Mrs. W. Charters spent a few dao with her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. ,Ali Allister, Mr. and Mrs, W, Dignan were'. { re cent visrteas with Mrs. L. Troyer.' Vries Helen Anderson has return to Clinton High School after holiday; debris, caused from the recent fire ing here, ( in the store oeeupied by Ezra Bender Mr. H. R. Samuels of Toront removed, and is malting preparations spent a day here recently. or'the rebuilding of the block. COUNTY NEWS Dr. Milne, of Blyth, has had th the late John :McDonell and was born besides her husband slae is survived and • edueated at Exeter, where age by three sons; .Or. J. IL Browning of wasma xr tcd to her date husband 43 Exter and P. IL Frowning of Exeter years ago and where he practised. Earl F. Browning of Peterboro and law up to the time of his appointm- three daughters, Mrs. G. A, Hawkes ent to the judgeship at Goderich, of Exeter; :Mrs, 0. Id, Becker, ,of A 75 t ouC.P.R. crane carne with- Newer Hamburg' and Mrs.. 3. Mahaii`e r• in an ace of toppling over the Lankof .Redd Deer, .Sask; three sisters,and of the Maitland. River the other day two brothers, J. E. McDonell of Lon- at Goderich when the ponderous ap- don and Chas. A. McDonell of Hen- paratus suddenly turned over on its salt e side andhungmenacingly over the Provincial Police are probing a edge of the river embankment until mysterious .attack made on John Bar - the arrival of the auxiliary from Tor- ry, 75 year old Centralia farmer, on. onto.. The crane was not righted un- Tuesday night last, when he was ter - til near midnight the same day. ribly beaten and Iert partially un - Some twelve candidates from God- conscious in" his lonely farmhouse erich and vicinity propose writing on near the borderline of Middlesex and the civil service examiinations to be Huron .counties. The aged farmer held at Wiligbani shortly to quali't'y' told the police he was lying in his for positions inthe censusdepartmel bed sick when a man broke into his ent at Ottawa, which is being, augur- house, pulling him from the bed, ented to receive and compile the ten- pounded his head against the floor, sus returns this summer. and jumped up and down on his body A verdict for plaintiff' for $1,800 pounding his knees .into the aged and costs was given in the ease of man's body. Provincial Constables Collyer vs Young, tried at the Walk -,.arrested Charles Godbold, age forty- erton assizes. Jos. Collyer sued James Young , named by Barry as the man who Young for alienation of his wife's af- attacked titin. He was brought to fections, and several Lucknow resid- London and arriagned in Middlesex ents were called as witnesses. Young county police court, -where he was an elderly batchelor, lives close to the remanded to jail for a week, but is Collyer home in Lucknow. The Col- now out ort 5000.00 bail. lyers have a number of children. Frank and Joseph Riley, brothers, Mrs. Thos. Vennor died at her of Hullett Tp., visited Goderich the home at Chiselhurst. Her maiden other evening to report to Provincial name was Susanne Tuffin and. ,she Constable Whitesides detailes of an was 75 years. old. She had been urtusnal accident which occurred a poorly for six months and was ser- few nights previous near Kinburn, in iousiy .ill about a week. . which. two ladies, Mary Cobk, of God - A Chinese laundryman. of Mitchell erica Tp., and ,Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby has been sentenced to six months in of near Kinburn, members of a sleigh. jail and fined $200 and costs for be- riding ,party, were injured by the ing found with a mixture of alchol accidental discharge of a shotgun. and opium which he claimed he wan. Miss Coals., who is a daughter of Mr. using for the relief of rheumatism. and Mrs. George Cook of Bayfield A net operating loss of $2,869.96 Road, Goderich Tp., was the more was experienced by the Goderich Hy-] seriously. injured, several pellets ent dro system duringthe, year 1930;; etiu,g ane of her knees. Mrs. Grim according to the auditor's statement_ eldby was shot in the hip and was This is the first deficit for several ye- allowed to proceed to her home after ars. receiving attention at the hospital There passed away a life long re- The injured ladies were members of sident of the Mollard Line, Stephen, a surprise party composed of 29 in the person of George Lovie,. He adults and children. who has been sick fora nunxber of years was in his 72nd year: He leav- es to mourn his loss a wife, two sous, l 1331. SEASON Wm. and John of the IVlollard Line, I 1931 and four daughters: Mrs. A. Budsoni 1G3?) of McGillivray?- and Mrs. L. Curtis,. Ezu1CnlcrtKEent(lNo.imp.706.(Passed Form(80614) I McGillivray, Mrs. T. Hayter of De- Black Percheron Stallion, foaled Mar. troit, and Miss Della of London.; also L, 1908, bred by M. Harmond, Dunt one brother W. P. Lovie of the Mol- I3eiroaxtzrient of Loir-et-cher, France lard line and one sister. Mrs. Peter Darn—Margot (50272), Mignonne TiieG.regnr of the same line. &4L4a9,), .Finette (31714), Petite L'erigouard. t The barn on the farm of Frank Tyndall, a short distance north. of DASH -WOOD Clinton, was totally destroyer by fire last Wednesday. Electricians were Mr. and Mrs. H. Ziminer and. Mist lust completing the work of wiiring Thecia and Grace Hayter of Windsoikthe barn and it is thought that while were visitors over the week -end. a helper was soldering a connection Mr..Harry Hoffman and son Hairyon the outside of the barn the flame motored to Detroit last Sunda from the blow -torch caught on the Mr. .and Mrs. Herman Eidt of In 'lr`ry iinside. All the stock, with the gersell and Mr. and Mrs. R. Steil ,e;tceptlon of some small pigs, were of Zurich were Sunday visitors wit) removed sefely, as were most of the Mrs. Stade. kirnplements. Mx•. Eearl Witmer has accepted 'a'', An interesting wedding was held position with J. C. Reid & %;o, tat the .Home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Schatz visited ffSidebx•ook Farm, Stanley Township ends ..in Sarna on Sunday. Mr. Mark Brokenshire of Po Franks, spent Sunday in town. Rev. .A. W. Sauer is attendin. Conference in Elmira this week. Mr. J. W. Ortwein of Hensall wa a business visitor in town on Wednes- day. . Little Dorris Willert had the rnisfor, tune to . •fall and sprain the ligaments Valise, at Bayfield, on April 4th, in her leg. Fheri Rev. R. M. Gale, united in mar- 1VIr. and Mrs. E. Bender of 731yth31zage, Sara Elizabeth, only daughter spent Wednesday in.town. sof Mrs. Reid and the late William School opened on Monday` with fi£2` eid, to J. W. Elgin Porter, son of j teen . beginners. n April 4th, by the Rea. E. A, P,oul- w r; when Florence Catherine, second daughter of Mr. and 1VIrs. J. W. John - ton, Sacs 'united in marriage to Mei- n L. 'Webster, youngest son of Mr. W'lid Mrs. R. D. Webster, all of Stan- ey Township. • A' happy matriaanonial event was field at, f t. Andrew's United church 1VIr. and Mrs. A. Oestreicher are'• attending Conference as delegates in: Elmira this week. • afire took place at St. Andrew's .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. E. Porter. o ited church manse, Bayfield, on B.syfielcl spent Sunday evening at: i home •,of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid.': Presentation r. Richard Porter, all of Stanley 7 ilwnship. Another of those heppy wedding ` 4pril' 4th, by the Rev. R. 111. Gale, when 11e united in weddlock Muriel, Edith, elder daughter of Mr. and 1.Mrs. Mason Stirling, of Goderich Tp.,. On Thursday evening the . choir i .l o John W. ... G. Watson of Stanley Zion Lutheran church rnet at'the 0 3isliip. hone of Mr. C. Pfile their director- ' Goderich citizens were shocked last and gave hint a pleasant surpris .i•:: Wrednesday to learn of the sudden being the occasion of his birthda'Yea;• tlst#r in Alexandra hospital of Mrs. .During the evening which was spm Jahet .Sperling McDonell, relict of ent in music and games, Mr. Pfile the rete Judge L. H. Dickson, senior waseiresented with a handsome snok-''judge of Huron county until his de - nig stand, after which a dainty lunch ath in 1922. On Thursday of the pre was served. —J vious week she was taken suddenly) ill and was removed to the hospital The death of Mrs. J. W. Browne and underwent an operation the fol-ing, wife of Dr. J;. W. Browning one The ,address: Dear Mr. Pfile: We, the members of the choir. have, gathered here at your home on. the occasion of your birthday for the purpose of congratulating you on' having reached another milestone in your life, and: of spending• a social evening together. As our choir lead ex ruff have served us long and faith fully, .and ,as ,a token of our appre- ciatien and gratitude for your untir ing efforts we wish to present yon with this email ,gif,t not for its val- ue, but as a renaembranceof the many hours we have spent together. Wishing you God's _richest blessings we all join heartily .in the haat that you will enjoy many more birthdays and continue your good work ,(with us. Signed on behalf ,of, 1p1 o: The coir. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott of Tor- oneo were recent visitors in town. Mrs, R. Nicholson of Wyoming sp- ent a few days at the hone of Misses Emma and Mary Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McMurtie. c Toronto sepnt a week -end with ais mother.. Mrs. Robt. Cameron. was in Varna the past week attending the funeral of her father, the late Alex. Foster. Bobby and Ruth Hess visited the i past week with friends at Blake, Elva Bolton of Kitchener, Victoria of Toronto, Doris and Norma of Lon- don, spent a week -end with their fa- ther in town. Alonzo Ortwein of Detroit, spent the week -end with his parents here. Harry Harmon has returned to town and has resumed his old posit- ion with Cook Bros. Mrs. John Dinsdale, Mrs,_ red Simmons and son Jackie have' rn u ed home after spending the Iter monthse with relatives in Cali ornia. Wen. Geiger of London, spent the holidays with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green of Ex- ster, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey of Zur- .ch, end S. Green of Grand Bend, spent Tuesday last at the home of ,ne. and Mrs. Win. Consitt, Donald Mclainn.on has accepted a aosition selling cars for Jack McDpz1- .Zell. Mattie Ellis, who underwent an op - :ration in the Clinton hospital is re- evering nicely and left last week or Goderich where she will spend a ow weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Meow; Acting aslocal master of the Sup nu„ Court, Judge Joseph Wearing London has set $7,250,05 as the mu login not of damages suffered by Owen eiger 8i Son as the result of an eged breech of agreement by. J..Ij; cuasonald, Ltd., Dundee, Scotland. o Hensall finis is suing the Scot - h manufacturers for the amount d the case will be taken before,a; int in Dundee, Scotland. Geiger Son claim that over $7,000 is ow them under” an agrot'menx for the' g day.She rallied for a time, but took a relapse and passed away. It was only three weeks previous of Ontario's oldest. practing physic- ians and who came to Exeter iin 1808 Sire --Sneak 2nd (46965), . Nume tro (18789), Bucephale (1.a911), took place the other• day_ She had Dere (1945) that Mrs. Dickson attended the fun- not enjoyed the best of health for a SBF snake the season of 1931 at oral of a sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Brown -time, about 10 days n -e:41, s arm 1 ' ilia' at Exeter, and it is articular 3 etcevrous to and/ , '. mile sou .•z of p death she was stricken with fin and r .37rct _ rrzessing that death should twice 1 a family hi so sTior"t a"sjiace ,of other complications spki:auE'"•txa, elle1'1'wri rs es_ " _.. y.' Was born in Exetex•6 •,• ' i no arcs, Q time. Deceased was a daughter of passed away. ,,; . € daughter of the late John: McDonellj •fie. B%inliach, .Owner; rti rch, Ont. R. R. 3. leteneetialeaMeMeetioneollienimemeelenemeepau If You are near a Post Box _ You { re in Touch wi 61. jj {7 nRA ¢A. I Dido t y'_ vt the B 8 • a • B ..1144.44041".5 .* IF it suits you better to do so, you inay do your banking by mail. • Your money is safer in the bank than at horae. ;wend it, in any shape most convenient for you, to a Branch of the Bank of Montreal Cash should be sent by registered mail, Write to any Branch for our booklet "Banking B It may save you matey a ttip to town. i Established i$ 7 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF peck000inao Zurich Branch: C, H. JOY, Manager. IA 1 131 'Orn Pier eeeeel IOW 100 1