HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-16, Page 2Such delicacy of flavour is not found in... other. teas T E KESTRE N7511 1 H ~d9 Us 3�Y got mel Did Connsstabletnal tell you i about that chappie?" "He did not." "Then, my dear old's , get him to. spin that yarn, it's aoatit,mee your flair positively eraVii you "Were you able to fiel tin impres- sion as to the situatiora,'the house?" cut in Barnard quxc1d Ie was And- ing Mr. Pyecroft a lit uffioult. "None whatever; a . utely not a point of the compass 4 But I'll say this much, it's a gt1"ah way, in; fact a heck of a wa'j� "Your conclusio�as ai ?ar'rived at i from the length of tiy.t01 judged yourself to be txncon3'Seli? By T. C. $-i. JACOBS SYNOPSIS. Henry Holt and his ward I'Iuriel Mainwaring are staying at .a Dartmoor farm. A series ,f disappearances have been alarming the locality, the latest victim being Moria Page. the local vic- ar's daughter. Percival 'Pyecroft conies to Devon in search of health and be- comes a boarder at the farm. A few days later he is kidnapped in mistake for someone else, and then thrown over byCChiefr�Insoe tordBarnard, questioned CHAPTER IV.—(Cont'd.) ost k "But surely, sir, you x H u�,v where you recovered consciousness," that you were in deadly peril? Inspector Barnard protested. Pyecroft grinned broadly, and "Oh, bless you, yes," grinned Pye- reached out for the bottle. croft. "When I opened my little lamps "By ginger, old top," he said, "1 I was all tucked up on a nice, comfy n_ust have another after that. `Gad, couch or some uelarticles 3Ohave positively Modern furnishing. ThtdChi npBarnard turned er who e name Darky and the ogimes, were having a away he stood looking out pond the feel , committee meeting as to the best me- of the moor. But piee aw none heatherof and golden beauty thod of dumping poor Percy." "Yes.... and then?" gorse. His mind was occupied with "And then? Well, it was like this• Pyecroft, a perfect medley of thoughts, Just as I was deciding that I could ideas and s spiccioas thehat ganme juas s not possibly agree with their sugges- he playing? tions,"along came the dark gentleman drink -sodden fool, or was he a re - and plonked an aderti°f the and tai that he had seen him before feltr? He some - tare before slapn.y off I went again. So I father gather where, but he could not recall the t..'ne that back wecar?"snt againearna d.ar," thator litewas ina his official apac ty, zy memory snappedhad met him. "The one they took me along in, that he nto. the we rdr He shot rswift and ,w � .. naziflo irlalsrr - ' a coact.. o-1 -.,::, .d Baunard s oyes "But if you did not recover con- faced young man gulping anodisef sciousness until you were on the couch drink.- how rink.-Raw how did you know they carried you by"H le !"the muttered. this "lion oftndy by car?" he demanded. e Pyecroft shrugged his shoulders. morning!" With a shrug of his shoul- "Well, ask yourself, dear lad, ders he turned towards the bed, his •Percy's a tidy weight, and they took mind madee in pruer Pyecroftahe addressedctedhe me back by car,. so... ." "Quite," broke in. Bofnfallin over determined him in toe o Le patient with a fool. recollections have y "Well, now, Mr. Pyecroft," Barnard the dish?" "H -in, beastly recollections. I sort said, "there are one or two little 'dlties- of half woke up when they lugged me tions I would like to ask and then 1 out of the car, but they turfed your won't trouble you further." little pal over the long drop before he "Oh, no trouble, no trouble, I assure could blink an eyelid. After a thou- you. Have a spot of tonic?" sand years or so I felt strong enough "No, thank you, I am a teetotaller." to toddle home, but I mightn't have "Lord!" exclaimedrt Pyecroft, the e managed it if that shepherd lad hadn't most oniplete g flipped along and lent a supporting dawning on his face, "You astonish hand. Bright boy that, not one of the me!" world's great talkers, but a sound "Now, sir, why dict you refer to sportsman, all the same. Now, tell your assailants as Darky and James?" me, Mr. Farmyard, what are you go- The inspector sat down by the bed and ing to do about it? Something ought rested his hands onhis knees, endeav- to be done, you know!" oring without much success to Look He looked enquiringly at the inspec- pleasant. tar who rose from his chair and "That's othe, I think.what they But don'ttakea an - that for gospel truth, I was pretty thick in the bean remember." "Quite. I'm not forgetting that." The inspector's voice was a little grim and Pyecroft shot a swift glance at him. "Did you obtain a sight of thein at any time?" "Well .. er .. no. Only a hazy of your physique should have allowed himself to be so mishandled without making the slightest attempt to defend himself." "Ah! cease, you forget the dope, in- spector," admonished Pyecroft, beam- ing pleasantly upon• the frowning policeman, and wagging a finger in reproof. "Remember that Percy was not his usual bright little self." "Yo..r attitude, sir, astounds me," snapped Barnard. "Do you realize Pyecroft beamed "Spoken like a ,thou: grinned. "Were you able to the make or size of t1 tied Barnard. "No, but I pulled;; cushion when they prior to doing the dx.t funny about that tool` to sit up and take n been heaved o stand, I found beastly little button. brother. It's in my` There, the right -hat, left? One of theme "I'll see it in a InO, ard. "Now, when house did you hear "Sounds?" repeat cantly. "Yes, sounds, ones;'; you to suppose that house or a small on a house at all?" "Oh bless you, it was a house," emphatically. "Why are you "Well, I sore, was the ease. I electric lights, one finds in a "Ah l" Tutor measured tones of interest. _ Il little bright "And. ho sir, when y scions the Pyecroft's •. .der,,rho , as idea of r?" contln- on of a me out . Awfully n I began r er.I had a tinder - lug' that °41ong-lost eket over it the (.71Pe ADV -NT Cx1 • Of cip$1:4P4 40 t4ftY - 114 /10,00 54e, There is a race of men who are born rival armies less than a hundred milea with a gift of roving, and a thought away. I asked Scottie if Ile, would be that all lands are home. They'll bang interested in going to the front, and • their hats in an Eseuimaux Igloo, or he wagged his tail and danced about. a ohinese Emperor's palace, and is black I like etmuxsthe confess that very well tlat didn't flst. tle down as complacently as a a A LIGHTER, easier run- ning and longer lasting mower. Aluminum Drive Wheels and Side Plates. • Barium Metal self -aligning bearings, steel drive Wheel Axles and Steel Drive Wheel bushings. At your hardware dealer's. CANADA FOUNDRIES & FORGINGS LIMITED James Smart Plant Brockville - Ontario alight lead a large erhaps not old laddie, Pyecroft, hat such is and thing 1'diw,' to, a rd. 11 hat, y uncon- eelanded. ir4a took on an air of rug .,, ,szal ion - as he winked kno ingly, at Bi hard. "You forget, ireatieleee I was not unconscious all tleeThiee, , When my two little friendOeteee4is_cussing the best means 'ef di casing of the. body, I was somewhat] •ecovered and took quite a lively inlest in the matter. Then it was that I•' eek stock of my bearings." Barnard nodded siderably puzzled cat on a warm Once he had been captured by Chine hearth rug. Give ese bandits, and since then had care them a stout old vied a grudge against the entire race, pair of shoes and He mixed with them Just as a lighted a new highway, or'. match mixes with a keg of gunpowder. an old boat ands a 1 Knowing the grouch Scottie carried salt wind to push' L shouldn't have taken him with me the sail, and tltey'111 when I went to see General Lu to ask find their way into for a pass tothfront, in a pal• the queerest places 1 General was ce —with absolute surety that all will `in a s allthe room sleeted us with ing i dignity', come out right in the and. they Il shaking hands with himself in the If you asked well, theye men why I Chinese fashion. General Lu was an get along is st might tell havyoue immense man—very tall and stout, that this is just because they have 1 and gorgeously dressed in silks. He found that folks are much the same impressive to me— anywlxere. They would tell youathat) was tshe didn't ;impress Scottie a bit. •itis black boys in Africa and the 1Imagine in y, dismay, when; right' in the midst of the, bow, Scottie growled, and e tearing the, leash from my hand, made a False Spring 'Cruel with all its ancient 'cruelty Spring comes again, too soon, too beautiful: This slumbrous month meant to be More than an interlude, an Heartless as beauty itself, light draws Too eager life up slowly: Ile was con- s to the reason for Pyecroft't fan tx' ty, when he mint have known that Via• R as. in a serious eases- i eeee irlcent.' uI di ye :, and doubtless ��; eellent account 'of •llimsea . if it had come to a fight• Perhapshe was too rotten with darink, though, and his fuddled brain did;itot appreciate the danger.'Barnard. had :til nRconafort- able feeling that Precxoftteas.dcliber- ately obstructing aim, and .he, wonder- ed how 'Bide% of the tale was true. Some of it ; s, he knew, .Qr' The other hand it wet.; more than ;r the man *` "'snore or ieee he started ' for the vast'. Sequent a Ch'±s would be was never roots - 0 kindness out pause Betraying flowers, mar fruits! strolled to the foot of the bed, where he rested his elbows on the back and subjected the other to a prolonged and searching gaze, Pyecroft met the steady gaze with an amiable grin. Presently the inspector spoke: "Frankly, Mr. Pyecroft, had it not been for the fact that I have evidence to support your storyI should have believed you to be thvictim of your j impression. Lord! -alien they first seta imagination. I an amazed that a man c,n me I thought the Hell Hound had from the of the it brown boys in India --yes, and the yel- low boys in China—like to play at the eI same kind of games as you do, that Big Folks are just Little Folks grown up. there are In China, for instance, about 400,000,000 people, mostly Chin-; �rr ese. Some are wise and learnecle)! icy lull. the sun - dormant season, destroying gentle sum - Let the earth sleep awhile; no Joy can spring From snow -born ,;loon that snow will kill once more; Let .the grief sleep that all awaken- ings bring, The quiet sorrow frozen at the core. Too soon. thea'earth must open arnxs The ice-bound.`hoax^i• ii?i t "etteatal' sheath again. —Louise Owen. From The Yale Review.) .ole that ulalc when and r,ub- nf"used in Gl others are poor and ignorant. Som alis,;"" jump at him. are kind and honest --others danger- ous and wicked. There are,; other I The GeInstralinctively WI he rtl d o_ rate thiugs, too, in Chiva. There are- great 1 angry. ward off bamboo forests full of tigers, bears i velvet slippered t of to terrier was Scall t ote and wild animals. There are shady, tie's attack, rivers where pirate junk ships lie in1 ready for such a move. He dodgethe d—. w wait for plunder. There are gilded, andped quierikchis as a fllash, he c aaught nd tug temples with the funniest little 1 and turrets, and there are frowning, I ging, and pulling for all he was worth talus, ies away ep tiw the ma —There are times whemaking off n whatever one tains, where the bravest data not go. !says it is the wrong tiling, so I waited One bright morning Seottie and I for the next move. I glanced up, ex - talked it over, and decided. to- go to s pectin„ to see the General order us' China and meet with new adventures. i put out, or what not, and much to nay Inside of a week we were on hoard a surprise he was sniffling. The situ.. - steamer bound for Shanghai, and our tion was so ludicrous that it bad ap- good plane safely crated. Talk about pealed to his sense of humor. your rough weather. hatches and sh t allscrewed the apologized fluent y for Scottie's short t down the portholes, while great black seas' comings. General Lu stood and smiled crashed over the ship, driven before and liidn' roto d r tandeaan ordt of itin the blast of a screaming east I nthe Landing in Shanghai, we began to Chinese. SI ddde toilGeenesx Ln spode. assemble our plane.. dust as the job sharply. was finisxed, repents came in that much depended e out sans) swer fighting' had broken out between two his nand ;;Ire decided tv. .,anion the intervierjeltd try soil taxer time, when he ac an opport;n;"�o survey the tr:rund ,. "I'm very much obliged to you, sir," he said; rising from his 'Affair. "1 -I -m. I'll take that button." "Certainly, certainly, ivlr.,.Bonnard, take it by all moans," replied. Pye- croft. Chief Inspector Barnard crossed the room to where the coat was thrown carelessly serest a.cha_r. As his hands explored the pockets it came in contact, with something which caused a sudden quickening of his;l>ulse. By a casual movement he turned so that his back was towards the bed and one swift glance et -the object assured him that he had not been mistaken. The pupils of his grey eyes became as pin -points and hetnaittaA,alinett imperceptibly as he extMeMnIle button which wet in the same pocket. "I'll keep the button," he .said. Then • pjeking Up his hat lie walked slowly , , or.. "Good-bye, Mr. Pyecr reed croft "Ver 44 .04 iiWir4/40 104 t ¢ ,, g' y, . ti , fw.iko h/ Sri w/ p k/k /Nigs' ()ace you have tasted Shortbread. like the Christie Bakers Make, you'll agree you never knew before how very delicious really fresh shortbread could be. Sold by the pound or in children's packages. A BONNIE RICH tri in ' ,fir/✓'. 41 tery,n,/r sefa DRAPERIES MADE NEW When we month become resumed housekeeping a ago I found my draperies had creased from packing. I hung them out on the line, hoping to remove the creases. Then I forgot them. The result was they became badly faded and suit -spotted. "I was heartsick until the happy thought struck me to dye them. I just dyed them •a deeper green, and as I used Diamond Dyes they Iook gorgeous and new. I have never seen easier dyes to use than Diamond Dyes. They give the most beautiful colors- -when used either for tinting or dye- ing—and never take the life out of cloth as other dyes do." • Mrs. J.F.T., Montreal. °rite lteal't4 ups. et you will soon toy," grinned Pye- perhaps." Mr, Pyecroft," Laid ChociAte eta ri inti, :delicious, drink for children and igrown- Pound and Half Pouiid tins at:youb gtocerso, Unique Library Sheffield, Eng: A new library, con- taining 16,000 volumes,' opened Isere by Lord Ponsouby, embodies several features new to Sheffield. In the en ar hal]glasscase exhibits` Lindbergh, America's en- trance a larg • rle•l:man received 1,943 gifts after his °• r would give him an elementary known ledge of such studies as literature,.,, - art, architecture, discovery, an music. .�4 famous open books that would form suita introductions to the beginner wish- ing to master any particular subject. In this way the student eau see at a dance the type of book which fa.gtous solo flight across the Atlantic in May, 1927. Most of these took the form of medals, plaques, and other "mementoes." • German Dog Shields Bird In Pigeon Hawk's Attack' An unusual story of animal intern- I geuce comes from Germany, says "The San li`rancisco Chronicle." Adolf Schmidt and his pet shepherd, dog, Nora, were taking a typically German walk, leisurely and systemati- cally, along the shores of the Tel - tow Canal, and the master was teach- ing Nora to retrieve, when suddenly a pigeon, wearing a red ring on its foot, fiuttered ..down at the lose of the dog. Schmidt, thinking the bird was in - Barnard in his slow, measured voice, Jured, ran nearer and babel(' a which somehow held a hint of menace. I strange sight. Nora, instead ofttiof As the inspector closed the door the snapping at the pigeon, grin vanished from Pyecroft's face. lay clown, rolled herself into a ball For several,hn springing til lightly sned out sn-, around of head was the v sibl.e,pigeon andthat proceeded its bend h, thea ed' inger bed he stuped noiselessly across the lick and nuzzle the bird most reas- room to pia' coat. His hand dived into suringly. the pocks ' and a muttered curse 1 Then the strangellantics mit sof the aw eanilmals. A• escaped from his open lips as lie dls• covered the object which had so inter. ested Barnard}. "Danns,!" h'e repeated withinereas- ed emphasis, "ten thousand damns; what the devil made ine forget that?" .(To be continued.) e a dark shadow over the s and a pigeon hawk circled low and lower. The lag growled. PATIENCE There, is no such thing as preach- ing patience into :people, unless the sernian is SO log that they have to , practise it while they hear. No ram an can learn patience except by going out into., • the hurly-bnr1Y world, and taking life .just as it blows. Pati- ece is bttt - lying to, and riding out the gale. -11. W. Beecher. In science, rend, by preference the 7eweet works; in literature, the old- est. The classics are aiweys modern. -Lard I,Yttore 70,000 Wanted 50,000 Spring usitrats HIGHEST PRICE PAID S. SHAPIRO fat (e LIMITED 113.5 KING T. EAST TORONTO, ONT. ry this saia Gressmg kee s or weeks! KRAFT Salad Dressing is so thoroughly blended, it will keep for weeks. It stays good right down to the last tangy spoonful. Best of all, it costs just one -halt the price you're used to paying. A generous 12 ounce jar sells for only 2.5 coots. Get some today. Made in Cau abyncl he Makers of Kraft sst 2 -...._ _. ISSUE No i •µ--' 31 " This famous Rect'ile Book cantatas nearly 20e prize recipes chosen frolic 75,000 received from alt parts of Canada. 'rites ate endorsed by ono of Canada's foremost food experts. be sure to enclose,• 10 cents In st1tnpS or Coin to cover mailing costs.' 1 Msn,e eteeee ace' Address The CANADA STARCH CO., tired ed MONTREAL ;What #� thou We pia 3'l'e pl ;1✓ire •p1 isle pl, a Got ;Tonle. Gat) dantie ing ori .and of eats I grows under der•a' It in may too g: ill' yo desist 'uses %TO WI Cud and l eibie large lion it gc well divot all t of le targe whit, tblsp taste boils: over well ';tot 1 bowl eggs TI and ever time grog sugl l,o abo� out 'der xrif 0F'e Out An fir, Ito stir be th, on mix lae eh Ill• sh �cl ml cc c, di 1 0.