HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-02, Page 8ii H FEE STORE WITTHE STOCK NEW GOODS Ne v Prints, Broadcloths, Rayons, Fugi 3) Flat Crepes, Peter Pan Cloths, Ging. hams in season's newest colors. All at new low prices New Wallpapers WE HANDLE REG. N, BOXERS WALLPAPER.. HAVE 65 DESIGNS TO CHOOSE FROM, PRICED AT 8 CENTS TO 60 CENTS PER SINGLE ROLL. LET US SHOW YOU OUR SAMPLES, BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS AND COLOURINGS SUITABLE FOR EVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOME Specials Gilletts' Caustic Soda, in bulk at 5 lbs. for .... . . ... ...... ...70c Erunswiele Sardines, 4 boxes for 25c Cascade Salmon, 2 boxes for Mateironi, 3 lbs. for .29c ..25c. Libby's Beans at each 10c 25c Noodles, per box 10c herring in tomato Sauce, lb. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 '11 .---1. ,E) r ...,_ YOU MAY NOT HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCI- r ...t...... 11=1,11111101 ,.. opey Damage. DENT, 33UT THE OTHER PARTY WILL TRY TO COLLECT DAMAGES FROM YOU. PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE COVERS (SUBJECT TO THE LIMIT OF POLICY) AGAINST ALL LOSS . OR DAMA.GE I; WHICH THE INSURED SHALL BECOME LEGALLY LIABLETb PAY FOR INJURY TO OR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE P1,01 1 PERTY QF ANY PERSON, ,..,. ...+, .. I rr PROVIDES FOR INVESTIGATIQN, lEGAL DEFENSE AND COURT COSTS. ,..„ IT ALSO I1ROVIDES AGAINST CLAIMS FOR LOSS OF USE • MADE BY OTHER PARTY. IT IS WORTH THE PREMIUM COST TO HAVE THE SERVICES • OF AN ,INSURANCE COMPANY WHEN YOU DO DAMAGE TO ANOTHER PERSON'S CAR. 1931 Rates Reduced. Apply NOW! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ... i 11 ee.00.11900•1114604110411.41418tIbearellealnealltnefe819060114484*.osyeev, Seeds. Seeds Having made some Changes in Prices WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOVER SEEDS. SUCH AS: ONTARIO RED CLOVER, IMPORTED NORTHERN RED CLOVER ALSIKE, ALFALFA, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. FROST FENCING ANNOUNCING FROST ZINC BONDED FENCE, A SPECIALLY GALVANIZED AND IMPROVED FROST FENCE FOR LESS MONEY. THIS NEW FROST ZINC. BONDED FENCE SUR- PASSES EVERY FORMER ACHIEVEMENT IN FENCE HICTORY ZINC BONDED MAKES IT MORE FLEXIBLE, ALSO RUST RE- SISTING AND LONGER LIFE. SEE THIS FIRST, WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN FENCING SUPPLIES. GATES, BARB WIRE AND STEEL POSTS. Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin - Wjlliap2is Paints, Goodyear Tires, YURNITUI3E1 FURNITURE! STADE & WEIDO ZUR,CH ONT, oi44•0•4041100011111.00040110611*41•04414040.1600110400•00.111.010111.1.11416 1 0 1 WE SELL THE BESTOR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, Fli$DAY AND SATURDAY Matches, full count, per hem eitaw•••••;:e..•••••••yeenme... Shaker Salt, plain or Todized'i, 2. for Royal York Coffee (Special affer)i Half Princess Soap Flakes (Trial Pkg. free) laTge pkg. ... .17c 2.3e 21c Life Buoy Health Soap, 3 cakes a. • 4044411\ 04044444444 004“21e Many Flowers Toilet Soap, 4 Cakes ... 25c Best Western Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. for ......... — 25c Crosse ez Blackwells Toasted Pork ZET De*, Tin a.* 42.• 10C GET THAT MADE TO MEASURE sur REAL REAL CLOTH, ATA REAL PRICE. NOT A CHEAP SUIT, Bur A GOOD SUIT AT A MODERATE: J. •W. MEgNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL...04 X.EST. 'western -Farms Mutual Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ehnes of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the Williams home. Mr. Wm. Lament made a busines trip to Crediten on Friday last. An while there called on his friend, Mr Henry Eilber, who has been confine te his bed for some time this winter but we all rejoice that Mr. Eilber improving very favorably, and in a very short time will be again be able to attend to his daily duties at -Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK s The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- , s Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. the office in town. Keep the date of Thursday, Eve., April 9th open for the play to be given in the Town Hall, Zurich"' oni that evening. This play "The.Absent Minded Bridegroom" is presented!ume der the auspices of the Sr. League of the Evangelical church by the young peoples' Society of Centralia United Church. Come prepared to laugh! This play is full of humor. Admission 35c and 25c. The annual congregational business meeting of the Evangelical church was held on Monday evening in the church, and was well attended. All the various organizations of the ch- urch gave their annual reports of the year's activities, and they were indeed encouraging, considering the general condition of times, the var- ious treasuries showed up well. Mr. Earl Vireido was appointed Church Trustee for a term of three years in place of Mr. A. 141elick, who resigned after in all serving some sixteen ye- ars in this capacity. Mr. J. C. Sal- mon was reappointed janitor and Mr. J. Eckstein reapointed cemetery and parsonage trustee for three years. Mr. Eearl Weido will also be the new church treasurer in place of Mr. C. Fritz, who held this position for goodly number of years, Our Maple Trees ait1 1928 2 0 1 • • Total Cash in Bank and Bonds • 1160,378.74 Rates $1,000 for 8 years. When Ca] -in Coolidge, in referring to the springtime flow of maple sap, said the "earth is again pouring out her first seasonal bounty", he spoke; poetically liut not adequately, ac- cording to Martin L. Davey, head of the Davey Institute of 'Pre° Surgery. The earth has merely furnished the crude materiale, principally water, Davey expiains. Sager -laden in.aple sap is a product manufactured by the tree in its line:es during the growing season in the previous year. Its first use is as ood .1c.• the tree. The maple tree manufactures more of this food than can- be used during the current season, and ',Stores the bal- ance for use the following spring. When early spring arrives the sap, which was congealed during winter, returns to liquid form, -and fre- ler in Lidhtnind Rods and alflicinds of fire Insurance • for yearsthe United. States has been supplying, is the aim. behind negotat- ions conducted by the Department with growers of the Thedford district IThe suggestion has been that a cool storage plant be established at Thed- ford. Celery requires a special sy- stern of • refrigeration and cooling which is not available at present and which would raise the standardof the product tp enable it to compete on the market. Investigation is proceed- ing in regard to the possibilities in this direction. I • ):4,itish Market For Barley - Steps tci.' secure markets for Ontario barley in Britain are being taken by Hon. T,' L. Kennedy in conjunction with federal authorities. Recent in- , vestigati,:Ons have shown that British i brewers,' and malters annually pur- chase about 12 million bushels of bar ley :froth California. This barley is es- peciallyrsuited for making beer. A variety''Pf bright, hard, six -rowed barley,-Aeveloped at the 0. A. C., is no* being grown here and is equally as goodt. Ontario farmers could pro- duce 100 million bushels of this bar - ler etii'y year if there was a market for it.Oalifornia barley has been br- inging16 cents a bushel on the Eng- lish grin market, while costs of ship- ping isi 15.40 cents a bushel. Ontario could I -hip at about the same cost. Califo*iia farmers have been receiv- ing 54.6 cents for their barley at San *anciseo, while Ontario :farm- , ers reOeive Tess than 40 cents. 13rit- , ish 14Wing interests are reported to be wii4ing to give the Ontario tpro- of ;,:Iii duct trial,'but want to be assured a fficiently steady supply to meet,: teir needs. , 1 •'Y JSuy Quality Seeil Thursday, A,-pril 1.931 " ,................................................ Your Hardware Store,. can supply the Public with Seasonable Ai We OUR FULL UNE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. Hardware at Moderate Pries Let Us Show You I Good supply of Smoke Cure on band it Furniture Reduced We are offering our Entire Stock of FUrift-.- iture at Greatly Reduced Price; which i will move it out rapidly. Be sure and get , I WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR your requirements at these low prices 1 Johnston 80 Kalbfleisch .: Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 • 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++41++++++++++++++++++++++44 SALE VERY CHEAP. 1111111111111111E01111041Pluniglilial11111111111)1i61104EgIRRIOVIIBIIMIlifilletilillililitiBilt1111111111111411661,,'1`.' r'.r""!i.F.1111011N11111111111111111illarEithiit; WATCH THIS SPACE For Something Entirely New I .lit Advertising. We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. IrEss, the Repair Man [Z1711,103 • 0- ATTENTION' TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS or GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM. OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVE HAUL JOBS ON ALL MI.tiKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VER' REASONABLE., GAS a I OILS GRE A_SES ortsseau Zu, fah t 4 F mt," ,• ++++++++ +++4+ +++ +++44. 4" 9 *: itk 9E.* 4. Asinever before in the history of ely. Along comes ingenious -man to farra4 should'care be eXereised in \ tap the tree and obtain its food, to the A clic of seeds for planting be boiled down as syrup and sugar 14110,'• ing„.is the advise of one welt „: e and made into candy for his own de.: ki? t 'aUtbority, who adds that it is light. But even in this man cannot (lo ti Important to niak.e sure that enti rely outwit nature. The 00115 of 11)46 es hove been govere inept - the tree retain a major portion of thie 1,68t0,3a$: a result of Test year's dr-• o i stored -up supply of sap. Man gets ugh ..',' .;'d the 'reduced supply of high oily the smaller part. If he could iqua 1; i; ,. sfeek: He warns against _ g,•1: all of it the tree would not bo, bu5i:, , bargain seeds where price a- ,3,,li-))(1.1, itoo tpitiiiitefwotothotiitsolheuds and leave,,_ ,l'otili,144 , ;,ethuanbolVaYeettssmelettiptidoollngoitverinp,pbroc..- / BUSY FARMER NEWS ,11,r1V °mark celeyy market y.:::, :dver,tisetnantS where seeds are I Api(cl,rayptruni,•ao.riTtotr lOrinttaiologrr9yo_imnrectres %ovflitichlt:. 1.1:,;•,,,;',•,,..' :;''.''tra:1:lc° stipulated % mi: raa ire::: w;;;;;t 4 It would :actually he cheaper 4. • lication as to' their quality or .„i-kbloirerYg.^+It-rr.i-tr.forp-,,r01-401-141,40et-0.*01"7., PIK,* fk.-49,4Rili OFFICE Do You KnowW TH- AT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTINGI ; THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. ,t THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION-. • ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORUM CARDS„ SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. + • THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR t' SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRTSTOLS, CARBON OR TRACH PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES . AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK 'BOTTLE WITH; 'On A ,GOOD WRITING INK FOR 6 CENTS. LARGER OAR. T1TIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. • • THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION smx, POSTERS ltESCANTILE rosTras AND. ALL' fGENEZUL •OUR SMCIALIT. t * 4.46.4444.44.4444444441,114 llet***********41******40404444