HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-02, Page 7Reindeer Ranches
Proving Successful
Canadian Government Opti-
mistic Over New Indus-
try of the North
By William Bleasdeil Cameron
Three thousand reindeer, the prop-
erty of the Dominion Government
are, at .the present time, being pilot-
ed across the 1,000 -mile stretch that
separates Western Alaska and the
Mackenzie River delta, in Northern
Canada,. If all goes well the goal
will be reached by the fall of 1931,
and with it will end the first stage in
the launching of an ambitious Pro-
ject, Will the venture succeed?
[ts sponsors say "Yes," and if they
are right an enterprise fraught with
possibilities of tremendous expansion
will have made an auspicious start.
A similar step, taken nearly 40 years
ago at the instance of Dr. Sheldon
Jackson, an official of the 'United
States Government, has been the seed
of a development so remarkable, and
an industry of such magnitude, that
it surpasses mining in importance,
and is exceeded only in value of out-
put by one other commercial enter-
prise In the territory of Alaska—its
For centuries the reindeer, as a
source of food, has been the main-
stay of Northern Europe and Asia.
The American Govrernment, having
acquired Alaska and with it respon-
sibility for the wellbeing of its con-
siderable native population, cast
about for a means of ensuring an ade-
quate and dependable food supply.
Seals and walruses, fish and game,
were well enough as far as they went,
'but existing resources were uncer-
tain. At times they were insuffici-
ent, if not unobtainable. Some-
thing, the authorities decided, must
be done to remedy this condition.
Dr. Jackson studied the situation
and concluded that the European
reindeer, if adaptable to the country,
would solve the problem of provid-
ing an ample, always available
means of subsistence for the Eskimo
of the character of which they were
accsistemed. Caribou, a wild species
of the reindeer, roved the country in
enormous herds. If they throve—
as they had done for as far back as
the records ran—Why not their man -
controlled cousin? Dr, Jackson be-
lieved the domesticated branch of. Point Ba.row and Aklavik. As soon
the family would, and convinced the after the fawning season next spring
Government it was worth while to
settle the point. He went to Lapland
to procure the material for his pur-
pose and returned with 1,200 rein-
deer and a number ., of. Lapp herders
co instruct the Eskimos in their
The four -footed immigrants fitted
,into tliemr•..new . environment as if.
born to it: They flourished on the
rich natural fodder everywhere abun-
dant, and their number has increased
from the original 1,200 until there are
today in Alaska almost 1,000,000 rein-
The reindeer is also a dairy -pur-
pose animal. In 'Labrador, where
there are a small number, Dr. Gren-
fell has testified to their many valua-
ble properties, includieg with the
statement that "the fresh mile, of
the does has supplied us with what
1s a vital necessity and one obtain-
able In Labrador in no other way,
while the excellent and easily -made
cheese afford a means of storine the
nutriment in a palatable and assimil-
able form without any outlay for a
preserving plant."
Carcasses dress round 150 pounds
and have a value with the by-prod-
ucts of a ;bout $30. The skins pro -
Vide the Eskimos with clothing and
are converted by 'United States manu-
facturers. into gloees, moccasins and
Science Has Conquet'ed ce
��n rc°� F L �•�k � f f t�`Jrt
'.n. yr<'"j,. s::i2t2: 1�.. ,,,f. v::,1.i�'`•Q':4vavHy'�������.. ... vi::.
'c F %r'iwi:l'ijyYA: y�G.7 ��•T�rt:£sWi�#4. Y' i
What 'will science achieve next? To- more erose -arms on high Pole
day, in building long distance tele- their gleaming miles of coppe
phone lines along main routes be-. the present-day method is t,q
tween big centres of population,the somewhat smaller pole with t'
Bell Telephone Company uses cables suspended from a strong m
containing a hundred or more pairs of
wires.' These tiny wires enclosed in
lead -sheathed cables replace the older
type of open wire so familiar along
highways. Instead of a half-dozen or
other leather goods. Knife -handles
and novelties are . made from the
horns. Phe hair, extremely buoy-
ant, makes excellent filling foe life
preservers, and there has arisen a
demand for the long neck -turfs for
use in making artificial baits by pur-
veyors of fishing tackle. It is esti-
n.ated that Alaska has pasturage for
4,000,000 reindeer and that this figure
will be reached by 1937.
The Dominion Government of
Canada two cr three years ago em-
ployed the Porsild brothers—Daces
born and brought up hi Greenland—
to make a survey of Canada's so-
called Barren Grounds with the view
of determining their suitability or
otherwise for reindeer. ranching. The
brothers made a careful investiga-
tion and their report was so favor-
able that an immediate start was
made. They were sent to Alaska
to obtain the stock necessary for the
experiment, and they purchased the
herd cf 3,000 animals now being
driven along the Arctic coast to the
territory east of the Mackenzie..
With aeroplanes ahead to direct the
course and to find the choicest pas-
turage, and reindeer in sleds hauling
the camp equipage, the caravan left
Alaska in the early summer and is
now wintering somewhere between
For long talks, carried on beans
of wire in long distance cabr the
electric current carrying tilwaves
set up by your voice, must beevived
ao Y,K�
04/moi ,a. set e Yeas y-'%.„ 4 •w
with at defiinite intervals along the route.
Repeater stations, such as the one
at Londou, Ont., illustrated above, are
being erected at several points 1n On-
tario and Quebec. The 'apparatus
housed in these repeater, stations
serves to strengthen the voice cur-
rents on their journey, so that one
may now tslk by telepbone for prac-
tically any distance.•
se a
6f baby has
-Colic! No
" o
e night. ht. C
In CRY i lI ..
o la i
t .est i
n f C
Ouse for ,[art
tai .e -•
handy, rhis pure vegetable prepara-
tion brings quick comfort,, and can.,
never harts, It is the.se.nsible thing
when children are ailing.; Whether it's
the stomach, or the little bowels;
colic or constipation; or diarrhea.
When tiny tongues are coated, or the
breath is bad. Whenever there's need
of gentle regulation. Children love
the taste of Gastoria, and its mildness
makes It safe for frequent use.
Aird a inert; liberal dose 01 Caetoria
is always better for growing children
than strong medicine meant only for
s'elult use
as the young are able to travel, the
trek will be resumed, and by the
autumn the herd should be establish-
upon its permanent feeding
grounds in the vicinity of Iiittigazuit.
How much of the Barren Grounds
may be suited to 'reindeer grazing
has yet to be ascertained—the Por -
sills, Within' the Timted time at their
only could cover on y -a corner
of them—but in the opinion of Ralph
Lomen, a •pioneer in the industry in
the Alaskan field, as quoted some
time ago, "There is room in the Lor-
thern tundra of Canada for 12,000,-
000 reindeer and such a herd would
be worth $50,000,000. Canada, If
she started now,• in a' modest way,
could have such a herd in 50 years"
Fifty years is a long time, but mean-
while Canada might be content with
a less number.
The Governinent had substantial
grounds, even before the Porsild in-
vestigation, for believing that the
reinreer would find themselvetl as
much at home on Cana -la's Arctic
prairies as in Alaska; that enquiry,
though expected to confirm such be-
lief, was undertaken as a measure
of prudence. The strongest guar-
antee lay in the fact that for as far
back as any•.hing was known of the
Barrell Grounds, they had supported
immense herds of wild cariber that
had arranged their sweeping expanses,
coupled with the reports of explor-
ers as to the character and extent
of the vegetation found upon them.
The reindeer, as has been said, Is a
close relative of the caribou, and if
the latter flourished there it was
reasonable to conclude that the rein-
deer would do likewise. These wild
herds have been photographed at
such close range that "wild" seems
a misnomer, and many have seen
pictures—veritable forests of horns
over a living sea., A, recent Govern-
ment report gives their number as
•having been estimated at 30,000,000.
Warburton Pike, an early adventur-
er upon the Barren Grounds, tells of
standing for hours at a stretch with
the caribou streaming past on either
hand, 80 near that he was able to
pick out those in priniest condition
for slaughter. This herd was six
days in passing his camp, and he re-
marks that he could not believe the
buffalo on the plains in the *period of
their greatest abundance were more
nuniemotms than were the c
ariban at
that day on the :Barren Grounds.
The cost of raising reludeer 'is
trilling, estimated at $1 per head. A
handful of herders will look atter a
herd of several t.ltonsand, merely
circling theirs at intervals to prevent
them from straying. They are round-
ed up three times a year—in Fcbru-
ry to collect and segregate the
breeding stock; in Jame to mark the
fawns, and in October to mark out
rand slaughter the animals intended
for market.
Owl Laffs
You can swat an insect pest i.when
it goes to buzzing around you; ut the
law protects a human pest
have to stand for it buzzinl
you until it leaves you of its
;d you
syn ac -
The Philosopher
I saw biro sitting in his door,..
Trembling, as old men do. i
His house was old, his barn was old,
And still his eyes seemed new.
His eyes had seen three times my
And kept a twinkle still;
Tho' they bad looked at b4rth and
And three graves on a bill.
"Let me si'i down with you," . said,
"And you will .make me wise.
Tell me, what is it keeps the:.,joy
Still shining In your eyes?"
Then, like an old -tine orator,
Impressively he rose,
"I make the most of all that conies;
The least of all that goes."
Seawood As Food
Fancied By Indians
Other Peoples in Canada and
Elsewhere Use It for
Food Purposes
Among the foodstuffs taken from
the sea the Indians on the coast of
,British Columbia put seaweed as
worth adding to the menu of an epi-
In earlier years seaweed was
"money" among British Columbia In-
dians in the sense that it was used, .to
a limited extent, as a medium of bar-
ter between tribes in the northern in-
terior part of the province and other
tribes living along the coast. This
barter has now practically disappear -
i,, .,
NM,494144-k. ,14304,0\
rte GOOD
Classified Advertising
Stoneless Peach May
Yet Be Realized
" 246
ir A R 'N
Fresno, Cal. --This. spring may see1I1NI5OR ?r.1;NI 1)I NITTJNG,
the sprouts that will be the forerun- F fit \\•ool," '•sills ane Wtrol."
tier of the seedless peach that was "Old lyme;" nit colors, 75c lb, up,
,ampler free. Stockier- Yarn Mille:
the late Luther Burbank's dream of liept r, Orillia. Ont.
his later years. 3
William H. Henderson, the youth BABY 8ICS14.
whom Burbank took in charge as his 7 l3A}33 c;1 1CTiS-1N Sit VAR-
rotege, on his place just southeast A- ^ lr TUS.3, 10e and up. atalogiie¢
P 1, . a. A. H. Switzer, Granton, Ontario.
of here has planted abnormally small
peach seeds, the discovery and gift
of a Fresno well driller.
The gift pits are about the size of
a cherry stone. From it Henderson
hopes to develop eventually the
peach that was the object of many
plant experiments by Burbank.
Henderson already has many new
plant developments to his credit.
Among them are several varieties of
the hibiscus that will live in a tem-
perate climate. One is of the flam-
ing red color that gave the tropical
plant :ts name, the flaming hibiscus..
Another is orchid and a third is a
subdued, velvety red.
Henderson alreay was pushing de
velopment of some stoneless plums
he had grown when he was given the
diminutive peach stones.
Error of opinion may be tolerated
where reason is left free to combat
eel; but if seaweed is no longer money it.—Thomas Jefferson.
it remains in use as an article of In
dian food.
For food purposes, especially among
the Indians of the northern coast of
British Columbia, the seaweed is
pressed and partially dried, and in this'
form it will apparently remain in a '
satisfactory condition for a consider -
Archibald believes the reason some able length of time. Part of its value 1
is because their ego
girls desire to get ego led in emplanes less due to its content of iodine, an
.rias them con element which research has shown to
viihced no man on earth is good be valuable as preventive of such dis-
eases as goitre.
incidentally, it may be noted that
I from the dietary standpoint is doubt -
enough lar- them.
Farmer (very angrily) —„What're sea fish also contain a considerable
comin?home with your milkr4i1 corp- percentage of iodine, and this is one
ty fel . Didn't the old cow 4 e a y of the reasons why doctors and dieti-
thing? ” "•, ; trans recommend frequent inclusion of
His Son—"Yep. _NuetG z 1 t .;:, iq, t-0ods-in •the -household ,uaenu.
lcich.,,As a matter of fact, of course, cer-
tain seawhisds are eaten by other peo-
A Certain hostess 18 +• t' g- ple besides Indians. For instance num-
limit over the society editor's' tiescrip- bers of people in Canada and else -
tion of her too coarse lunche:n. where like dried ' dulse, a variety of
seaweed, and in 1920 Canadian pro-
Lawyer—"Mr. Peck, your wife has ducers marketed over 100,000 pounds
been arrested and is being held in- of this marine product and received
communicadu. But the police chief is for it over $10,600.
easy, and a little money—" On the Atlantic roast of Canada
Henry Peck—"Fine, fine, end tell some use has been made of seaweed,
him that there's $10 for him for every in combination with fish offal, in pro -
day he can keep her that \way:' during fish meal, which is a valuable
Some folks are too good to be true stock food. So far there has been no
and too cheap be good. continental utilization of seaweeds on
tothe Pacific coast of the Dominion.
Kennedy &
421 College St.,
Harley-Lavidson Distributors
Write at once for our bargain list of
used motorcycles. Terms arranged.
sroc, s UNLISTED ` alloS
i Et.GYN"4135
. R ORGAN;&:,
Client (just acquitted 00 burglary
charge)—"Well good -by. I'll 'drop in
on you some time."
Lawyer—"All right, but make It in.
the day time; please."
Your chances of borrowing money
on securities is far better than; trying
The people never give up their liber-
ties but ander r•.irl^.w. delusion. -h il-
inmid 'nu rl:e.
Kind \Newels never ciie; it` they did,
''v1ierie they would be mere apprecia
.;tctl, ,
to borrow it on nerve.
Foreman — "Now, Murphy , 'what
about carrying some more bricks?"Murpby—"I gin's feelin' welll guv-
uor—I'm tremblin' all. over,"
Foreman—"Well, then, get;. bosy
With the sieve."
internal Revenue
Little Willie is a funny
And eccentric little waif—
Swallowed all This sister's luoliej,`
Sall that he was playing safe{
Charles—"And you are absd:iutely
sure that you love me?"
Irene—"Heavensl Do you think I'd
be sitting here letting you bola ine
like thin 1. I didn't?"
Sincerity is snore important' than
genius or talent.
Father --"Isn't that young imus math-
er fast?"``
Daughter—"Yes, Daddy, but 1 ,fort'
think he'll get away."
cin ,to
ill a
ice, (Ing
tet fadf
The newest
in at the complexion ought to pbpu
larize the bull. To the ladies a chitrat-
iug man is one who makes tihein tbiiik
they are, A grouch shottld neVet be i
nursed lest it soon grow so strobe
that it will run off all one's frieds�
We'd like to suggest a few priza4toryi
those who refrain from Wriitng p 'tits
and such. You can't work in a h tick
and bring home samples. Sons od
has observed that the :\Way to Mil. 4
family is poor is by the cushldr eit;�ttl1
having their tonsils. •
Listed and
Unlisted Stocks
Bought - Sold - Quoted
Thos, B. Kenny & Co.
Dominion Stock: Exchange
45 Richmond St. W.,
Orders Executed on all Exchanges
Time general strike Merely cc ,
apply to the community at Talga'iti
methods of the highwayman of old.aiid
the gangster of today --Lord
'Poptil:y Piano Playing
Twenty lesson course by famous roll
recording artist. Lessons mailed singly.
Personal assistance with each lesson,
rIAN CSTSI loin the popular song hits
:o1 the month club. Book of J. L, C. hot
arrangements obtainable for $2. 'write;
3614 Clinton St., Toronto. Ont.
Atlantic City, New Jersey '
Sends Greetings to its Many
Friends in Canada.
We are quoting such a very tow
American Plan rate that you will
find it cheaper to stay at the
"Homelike Strand" than staying
at home.
Write u:, so we may quote them
to you—so you will know the exact
cost before leaving.
Music—Salt Sea Baths—Compli-
mentary Tea Daily, 4 to 5 p.m.—
We will personally see to your
T. E. .1 4NDDIT, Mgr.
A List of wanted inventions and lull.
information sent free. The Ramsay Com-
pany, World Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank
Street, Ottawa, Canada.
Earn $15,00 a Month
In addition to
Lodging, Food, Uniforms,
Laundry and Text Books
at the
462 Grider St., Buffalo, N.Y.
Put yourself right with nature by'
chewing Feon - a- mint. Works mildly
but effectively in small doses. Modern
— safe — scientific For the family-.
.1 -4;164 4,7%.
j e Chc,ro,g flies,
.� Th
r"or Addis and (tr'lr(rm
4:: ..\\.„.........._. Taste
But the Mint,-
. ..
A ood applireeien of i'vlirr
acs's aCCord t g to dlrpctivin..
just l'hits the spot".,,,You'll
find diet you '
I, t "sett wonderful relief I
tt®�N Vi3aF,e'-vuYCt�..*_'1CR-�1lLYl
JUST a tasteless dose of Philips'
Milk of Magnesia in water. That s
an alkali, effective, yet harmless.
It has been the standard anti -acid
for 50years aiming physicians every-
where. Otte spoonful will neutralize
at once many tunes its volume in
acid, ft is time right way, the quick,
pleasant and efficient way to tall
the excess acid. The stomach be -
conies sweet. the pain departs. You
are happy again in five minutes.
Don't depend ort crude tuetaacls.
Made tis
For Troubles
due to Acid
Employ the best. way yet evolved
in all time years of searching; That
is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia.
13e sure to get the genuine
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia pre-
scribed by physicians for 50 years
in eorruclnig excess acids.
'Remember ---the genuine is al-
ways inlaid. 11 cannot be made in
,.able( tortn. Look for the name
l'bilhis' Itis always on the wrapper
for your protection, Drugstores
everywhere have the 50c bottles.
If you, have never tried I ruschen.—tryi
it now at our expense. We have
distributed a great many special
"GIANT" packages which make it
easy for you to prove our claim for
yourself. Ask your druggist for the
new "GIANT" 75c. Package,
This consists of our regular ;Sc. bottle together
with a separate trial bottle--stt4icient for about
one week. Open the trial bottle first,• put it to
the test, and then, if not eutirely,convtnced that
li ruschea does everything we claim it to do, the
regular bottle is still as good es new. Take it
back. Your druggist is authorised to return
your ?Sc. immediately and nithout question.
Volt have tried Kruschen free, at our t'aoense.
Mat could be fairer? Manufactured by
B. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester. ling.
(Estab. 3755), lniportersi McGillivray Biot.
Lid.. Toronto.
Praises Vegetable
Compound, Blood
Medicine and Liver Pills
ti nt tic4 '-i is
Blmht tn
allni home
n ,.h
on a tali wit 1
from ton"ih
v i i 1gto attend
M. the Change of
Life, l °coamenem•-
vous and run-
down. rite Vega.
table Compoundl
helped my whole
systemAtty nerves
are better, my ap-
petite is good and
1510 able to de
my work 1 have
also takrn the
lflood M(•dicele and the laver. Pills and
thry nrlfled tn: 4 will tii8 •CT bit (TO
rum a"itnt'li ,81110 shout m�utir =cell•
inns ' tIU 11ft;HAIM ClIARIIrnisli.
Hirt111tu\ylls wueL li(7,
I ISSUE o. 13—`31 ,..,