HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-02, Page 6C ;:fH a vti, --SC�•� This week the Lone Scouts of On- the use of a hut on the plain street of Undo have received a cupy of the that 'town, which they have made Special Birthda3' Nurttber of their very comfortable and where many ood times are spend. file "Bull- dogs encu pager `On gone Scant Trails" dogs at Portsmouth have a ilea ina which is published monthly. This room at the Patrol Leaders home number .eommeneerrttes the fact that where they meet each Friday n::„int the Lone Scout Department, in thls and the "Elks” at Maple also have a province has been organized for a but, in that village for their meeting period of two years, and has grown place. from a small. group of sixteen boyo. Two very unique Patrols are lout - united in one Troop, to its present ell at Laketielcl and are comprised of total of four troops comprising some boys who attend "The Grove" Pre - 250 boys. paratory School. The leader there Asa special birthday "Good Turn' is Patrol Leader John Langley, who the Lonies have been asked to each is a very keen Seoul. These Lonies recruit a new member into the or- were recently visited at the School ganization, and thus it is hoped to by Assistant Provincial Contmis<; double the uumber of Lone Scouts sioner F. C. Irwin who was accom- .iu Ontario. Already quite a large named by the CommlE8loner for number of new members have been ' Lone Scouts, and a Very enjoyable enrolled, and more applications are time was spent renewing old ac- coming. in ' to Headquarters every quaintances and greeting new mem- ;de e. bees. The honor of forming the first In addition to these Lone Patrols., Lone Scout Patrol in Ontario belongs of course, there are a• large number to Patrol Leader Howard Caine of of isolated Lone Scents who are de- Vanderf, who organized the. Buffalo ing sterling work all by themselves Patrol in 1928 and he was closely and who are living up to. the ideals followed by Patrol Leader Melvin ' set by the Knight, of Chivalry of Prine of Paris, whose patrol, the olden days. They lire in out of =he "'Wolves", became the nucleus of way places and they learn from our what is now a very fine Troop int feathered and furry friends who are existence in that town. This was their companions and who can teach the first group of Lone Scouts to us so much if' we only have tate will sever their connection with the to learn. Lollies in order to form a troop of And speaking of birds reminds us their own. 'Since that tune. regular that now is the time to prepare a troops have also been established at', welcome for those that twill soon Vienna Chefs Dance (Co-1✓ds of Today Better Hillaloe, Beamsville„ Cobalt and Sault • be returning from soethern climates, Ste. ?ilarie by the efforts of the Love 'Every Lane Scout should In • Imperial PalaceThan Fifty ,Years Ago make and p Scouts in those centres, r erect several bird houses so that he Vienna—Tile Vienna sisasc 1ng," I Ashland, O.—The co -eel of 1931 is a There are note twenty Lone Patrols may study the occupants if he is o1• carnival, has provided this 3"ear better girl physically than the co-ed In the province, and several more, fortunate enoughto have his pauses one striking example of howthe new 1 of 50, tears ago. She weighs more, r that Utrcls order has established itself in 11tgh is taller, and has a greater lung Canadian Column ltveiled The Canadian column is shown veiled oil the right foreground at New Delhi, India, where its unveiling.: ceremony was attended by Lord Irwin, viceroy of India, and Lady:Irwin recently. Present Century Canada's Golden Age of Opportunity Thirty yeeee,, is commonly regarded as being tlte'lehngth of one generatioe, and it is more than probable that Canadians will some day look back up- on the last. ,generation—the first thirty years of , thia c.ent:Hey--es the golden age of expansion in Canadian forest industry. It would be almost too much to expect that the Dominion should in any future generation repeat, or even approach, the growth that has taken place; since 1900 in the export of forest products. 1f the present trade can be maintained, that in itself will be a real achievement. During the first ten years of this Century Canada's exports of wood, wood products and paper aggregated roundly $431,000,000. The second cle- are in the process of formation. The tenanted, F.eulembe t one to report itself to Lone will only locate in hntses that re - places The chef's ball was held in capacity and chest girth. the gorgeous halls of the old imperial 1 This was `revealed recently by Dr. carte 'saw tine figure more than daub - led rising to $967,000,000; and in the v last ten ears 1421-30 it ai'.ot up to the colossal sural of $2,645,000,009.Taking the whole thirty-year period, 1901.30, the value of Canada's exports of wood, wood products and paper ex- ceeded the almost unbelievable sural of $4,000,000,000, 'Canada inay, right now, have reach- ed the zenith of her careen' as an ex- porter of forest products. Whether that be so or not, it is amply clear that the Canadian people, of all peoples, cannot permit the appeal for forest eonsezvation—however hackneyed it may sometimes seem --to fall . upon deaf ears. For Canada, forest pro- tection is trade protectiou of the most vital order. Why Did Prosperity Fall? By SIR THOMAS WHITE in Wall Street Journal Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty got a great fall. Ali kiorgall's money and Henry Ford's men Can't put Humpty Dumpty together again. What made Humpty Dumpty fall? Nobody knows for certaiu at all; Some say the cause was the stock market crash, And the call which the brokers sent out for more cash, While. others say Humpty had start- ed to fall, Before the crash and before the call, But nobody knows for certain at all. University to Test Sleep -.Inducers Dr. Ronald A. Laird and his as- sociates in the psychological' labora- tory of College University, already well known for their investigations • of sleep, have asked the help of the medical profession in malting an actual test of supposed sleep produce ers like a warm bath before retiring, a warm. drink or a brisk walk in the open air. 'Physicians are• iuvited to recommend to the Colgate laboratory patients wia are not suffering frown actual insomnia or any similar , ells order requiring medical treatment but who often find themselves rest- less and unable to fall asleep easily. People who drop to sleep the mom- ent that they go to bed and sleep soundly all night would be useless for the experiment. Nothing will 'keep them awake. Persons with actual insomnia are similarly unsuit- • Some think Hunhpty was filled up able for test, as the majority of with gas, them may be taken as suffering came to pass,from some mental or bodily disorder. And thus it was that 1t The vast intermediate group of nor - Inflated with credit, high prices and mal, healthy people who find, never - rent, nerves ria] pasting places, theless, that they sometimes sleep Scout Headquarters is at Ridgeway seinble then ma cut of Ash And call loan interest at twenty per less soundly than they ought to do in the Niagara Peninsular, These and build accordingly, flrt;t nhaking un palace, the Hofburg, and the master Edet'in E. Jacobs, mesa i cent., are the ones desired for the expert - Owls" call themselves the "Lane ;your mind as to the sora of bird you of ceremonies, Herr ,Speck, was the ,laud College, who dlriiug the last 10 With watered stock and no-par meat. A selected number of these Owls and we understand that they ' wish to aurae,. game of former chef de cuisine to the T9mper• ! years, has studied the physical meas- shares, persons referred to the laboratory Up al'e a very keen bunch of Lonies. And so the wonderful ' rah a or Karl Half his lite was spent in uremt zits taken of 6,000 girls in five Aud bull propaganda that frightened their physicians will be asked to keep These Lone Patrols meet together' t "Lane Scouting" .cars 011' Isn't it the palace where he received his institutions of higher' learning din'• the boars, regular sleep records on a definite regularly aud nhostoftlhem have seine great fun to be a Scout? Ityougttesus with imperial Courtesy, i11g the last Italeuz' were ape proxi- ��'ith Uigh-pressura selling through- number of nights when they bathe "Den" «•here they. help Etre not vet a member of ant Meat Strauss tits old imperial melody mak of the uta measuredout the whole nation, before going to bed, on other nighte when they, drink a, warm. drink, ou still other nights when they take a before -bedtime 'walk and finally, fox purposes of comparison. on a eerie= S01 t of a , • each ether anti work out their pro- ' brotherhood why not write to Plea? .err teas replaced by Herr 'Walter, mately 18 or 19 years. Instalment -plan buying aud goods The Patrol t EIenSall quarters and #incl out more about it, 1 't at the Hotel Bristol and Die Jacobs' analysis indicated that saturation, aScout Depart I tm rot ement has been Steady. ill all this iu- grammes. ie a heat waiter • meet iu a barn, where they tiara rig• The address is Lone s, n itiioss ' 111 .private life a composer wit's) has the pRumpty, they say, tt h ged up a gymnasium. and the "Betty- meat, The Street. i' nto. A. c already attracted- attention. Hie • He •gaicl that the cause+ 'for int- flation • M- ere" at li'enelon fall, Have procured R:;O Bay Toronto. ed t • •1 ay Hort be cool- --• played far the g . e w waltz, "Wiener Leckerbis- cieagecl vigor perhaps, are: Just naturally burst and fell from first I -^College it s m of evenings when they do none a: t rani much was i 3lig Irons a different stratum of sec- • the all = these things Canada to Participate England and 'Wales Grow t.inhe at the ball aud dance by mem bigiety than formerly. i But nobody knows for certain at all. In Polar Expeditions: n opta a 'on apt i cess previous inlpror ed g school Some s1c that PIntnpty had lived far 1Y I P l tl Rapidly 1 of the opera Ballet, loosed great i h 1 1 Diver to Seek Fortune entlhusz stent r"rtervQca'-••'cuas .tea,_-tU� Izlntte) On the wonderful parquet Mea 'effect. f physical education may too high of $4,000,000 Undersea i auc p ever , • 4,000,000 cargo of gold,. sit• Loudon—Figures of the English where t Of restrtr aosr ,tea,. ally a Toronto, will .be represented enine5'bi't:"`"i hiigs alrf7� lf"" i <i• '- ,' international 'solar expecli-• vealecl the population of England aristocracy. danced with' restrained , In the irate 1 than art y :te•a On Good Time's cake and Prosperity New York—A dive to the lowest , .,� 7e •a t"aalYA c litlous of taster 1 l phe, ocean depth reached by man ti 4,1 are better than formerly. rut ntans materialize, it was learned had r lowest death chars_ and waiters, s, pa recently chamheruiaict•t of the Hort Z 2 hv5hcal vigor of this part of i is Improving, . with a ,$ :.. may also be tligi; •the gen• Had too much to spend and too much ons, Projected for 1933 33. if Pres and Wales is increashzi„ .as , ;elegance only a few 'years ago, the a vier maids and Last year the owe;; r. � T ha `;pto• eat,. ver and jewels as a reward, is plan- • ieuna re Causing surplus production of cotton 1 ned off the Virginia coast in the Celebrating the 50th aura 11e11 2 , cafe the ri: erd in the two 1 itiOitribs 1 the population I anti wheat, y editiO8 when 12 :and increase iu pul)ulatioit by 4.. welled until the small hours. At "6—Or it may be that more vigor- Spring. n the poen, . er,execs of births over deaths was 194: r any moment a stentorian shout of oris and cit girls are setting out r- Of silver and capper and sugar and FI L. 7lowdoin, president of the. nations sent y ex poditions into the meat, av ar to study meteora- G6 . It was rice ciec•rease in the I •'�ij'uitri�' might have left 90 per cent. college rather than the weaker Sub Ocean Salvage Corporation, ex• Arctic, for . e death rate than an increase in the, of women. without partner, but for - logical conditions, e more eeben.ziwe nrde�rtakin has been launched by birth rate wh:c'r made for Increase tuntttels- it was never uttered. i g 1n population, the birth rate beiu€; the International a[e:eorologirai �.;- P 1 sociatioit, ,John Patterson, bead of the same as in 1929, 1G:.", a thottsanci,' Plan to Count Big the Meteorological Service of ('an- which was the lowest' ever recorded. h rate ways 11 .4, or two be Rei 1'i29 a d . below 19 and for The ,e a e tt. a. a Game By Plane i explained. '2•' 1 1926, Vcrinnipeg, Man.—.k census of Amerl- Next year, expeditions will be sail lee ;z . into the Arctic, and, it is hoped. the which represented the previous low- call .hisan by means ot photographs is U:. all the nations est figures. The infant. morality to he taken by a group of five mem- which I, ranch railways have fasten So far all efforts have been in .vain, Antarctic as well rate was bit a thousand, also the law bers of the Royal Canadian Air Force. ed on their new sell -propelled cars. Pet everybody is tieing his best, t ah,nwd the Polar regions; and others est figure ever reccrrdo 1, The fliers will take photographs from The automatric.e is really a she, President Hoover and all the rest, in ^rested- the air in the country between the Captains of industry, financiers, Two• major purpa�es are entertain- cylinder motor bus on rails. It has ell by file International (;ontter ion Use Canadian Cil'oWn Grains react' River aud Lake Claire, to the the appearance of a street car, con- Doctors, lawyers and engineers, --rite preparation of authoritative For Poultry Talo herds which are now on the Preachers, professors, economists, wast ot Lake Athabasca, of the but - tains thirty -tour seats and can aver -'?Official's and Journalists, Efficiency experts aud psychologists, To work ;she baffling puzzle o it co e i ones, for there can be no doubt but Of things to see and Bear and drive pests to leave here May 1 for Cape that•modern college life appeals more rata. mere to the vigorous girl." Radios and motor . cars—sakes alive! Charles, Vote to attempt salvage of ".lovas little wonder he- didn't thrive the cargo of the Merida, which sank And so got sick and tell trout the 11 years ago en route from ;Mexico wall, after a collision with ,the Admiral But .1, knows for certain at all. Farragut. Mr. Bowdoin will use a steel diving suit lie has inveuted awe Can Humpty be pat together again? which he claims will permit his cies scent to a depth lower than an ever readied. French Motor Bus on Rails Supplants Passenger Trains Paris—Automatrice is the name age about fifty miles an hour. The railways •are. using the new tion the Pon ry Division. l oc . c 'conveyances to link up cities and en ttr y zttiuiou .xpertmeih a during to whiter And they'll succeed without a doubt, published showing the number of Being equipped with metrtrmealt.' made a study ot the suitability of faire a count Uy photograph. The anti- towns on secondary lines, where tree I But when they'll get 111111 back on the applicants for enrolment in the Royal of i egular trains is not justified b3' the grasees on the open prairie in the suet apparatus far improved over Canadian grovel grains for poultry vials during this .time are. feeding oth 'the Passenger business, wall, this fart lfonnteci Police. indicate Nobody knows for certain at all. this colorfal scarps maintains its cos Ford Gets aid Mail Wagon . British Airline Report u•+aleer maps and net' inagnetic To mi et the prrseut acute feed situa range. chart; for the. polar regions, parts- It I)i i of the Do- The) 11 11 and habits of the herd 1 1 to aid aerial navigation. Experimental 1 I''trrus have 1 6` infer male it possible Co Young Canadians Ardent Admirers of "Mounties" Ottawa -•-One brant:, of Canada's public service at least suffers from no lack of recruits, and figures just that of 50 years ago, when tlhe form' feeding. With the use ot suitable sttb e 'expeditions were undertaken, the stitches in the form of cod liver ail original data collected will 1:e much and gratin feeds barley is found every vented but lir. Patterson point- 1 yellow corn for egg pro neighborhood of the salt pixies. at tgi . bit as l.;onc a5 3 0 e . out, it oras intpossbile to predict duction. In a special pamphlet (No, London Abandons what discoveries tcoald be made 128 --New Series), just off the press, Split Holiday ween theca was such concerted ac- complete instruction ht the use of do Loudon—Le-Luton's schema of sl?iit- tion in ova area. ' meetic grains for pouliry feeding i given. There is nn charge for this ting the school holidays into two" --------" periods did not work out well and. Mail Pla time. - Toronto: -.-• Route direction radio of the 1)epartuten,t, of Ottaw.l. traction for the robust and adven Reports turous youth of the nation, F'at Belleiontaiue, Ohio.—An autiquat' Expanding Activities 156 places vacated through retire] eel mail wagon that was used before Imperial Airways reports that about stent and so forth to the Royal the advent o3. the ` automobile for 10,000 letters a week are Using carried Mounted last year, young en rural deliveries liaa beau purchased by air between England and India. offered themselves. This was air by Henry Ford from Amos Reed, of More air freight is geirtg carried as increase of about 600 aspirants over North Lewisburg, near herr,. the service becomes known. Items ( the numbers seeking enrolment iu range from automobile parts needed 1929. in a hurry to theatrical make-up and -------4----- eggs for hatchiu . Canadian Hockey Sticks The airways system is following The wood used in Ike 23 establish Ameerican design practice in the equipmants speciaiiziug in sporting goods meat it asks for the Cape, Town Ser - nes To Use pamphlet, which may be obtained on next 18'at•'r1 vacations will be given, wagon has a hl,lt box, set on four Radio Beacon Guide applicatdon 1tr the Publications Branch all at 4)118 t wheels beacon systems, enabling an air ' it 1 1 i9 deviat Aviatrix Now Adds plane Pilot to to when . to Speed to Altitude j Mg from his course in bad weather or at night merely by looking at a Washington. --- Spurred by official small instrnhnent on his centred word that she hat�"i brokeu the W013.1ea's ravel, are beim:; installed on Can- altitude record, Miss Muth Nichols, , tides main. all mail and established society aviatrix, recently added a 200-i 4.,111n1arcial air routes, it eras report- mile -an -hour, record -equaling flight; ed receutly by Lieut, -Col. W. Arthur between New York and Washington to Steele, of Ottawa, 'chief of the radio her. roster of accohnpliShments, el' vislon of the Canadian Signal She tools off on a return flight to Cori:s. ing the trip between ,Jersey City air- Ile- delivered a paper on the use Need fork late in the day, after mak- of radio on e ta1lielred air route at port and the Auacostia, naval air sta- a rccertt session of the aeronautics tint lher in 1 lhoitr and 5 minutes. This • division and Ontario section of the time varied only a few seconds from' American Society of Mechanical En- ihe unofficial record held by Capt. giiaaer•s, frank ISI.hawks. It will be checked The session wax onto addressed, by by. lite War T)epar3ntent• She return G. 14. Burge, of Prospectors' Athways, eel ie 1 hoer and 20 minutes, .;.. �. Ltd: Hail eyhnry, who auflin etl the methods and benefits of mining Quick Way to Write 1)10 1100 103' in . (°anada, and the ex Chinese invented tint of its tlevelopnlent. to simplify the 30,000 ideographs, cotta 1 8tituting the Chinese written language, 1 Kansas City Star: e11 Illinois wo- has Ueeu made in the introduction of 11111. bought sortie pictures for $500 •"I:itlx;raphy," ashorthand system Jo use as "nice interior elecoratione." based ort phonetics, and. the pictures tttrnecl out to be The inventor, Lin Ttsuelee a n. huhenses worth • $50,000. Which claims tttat this new ttr.cictr enables r ICSIIY rtt111et1 t11ent for (entree Bract person to write 180 characters per Hard Luck! . ` Nanking Chine .---•.1n0thor attempt Hiro interior tieroratiotls minute, It is said teat anyone know- eee"Capitalyis the Seed Porn of the 1 lug the Chinese latluuage esti le lova It next harvestS's—Lord incitea,pe, [ within three 170111.118. PSIS well-lcncct•a reee,,;i Leg ioti, lint; laid aside tlutugit attention to runners at Oh'i borne h1s favi i•!tes with low d 0' i..;;0 i alta": ,ti tl,e:':�, ,I 1 r.'r iii-' ta1 Park, Havana, 'Cube. He cheers 1 wig; in Canada in 192'3, according to the vice, Armstrong Whitworth is build- Bureau of Statistics, was chiefly ing foarenotored, high -tying mono - sawn softwood lumber amounting to ' planes wire cruising speed of 115 1,372 thousand foot board measure, Writes an hour and a top speed of 145 valued at $76,576: 756 thousand feet *miles an hoar.. Armstrong Stddeley hardWoori lumber at $67,609; 841 iotors will be used, cords of hardwood bolts at $4,38:L. and A `.`racegoers' slher het for the Grand and plywood valued at:$1,640, 'eternal operated between London 7 he more important items among :ill Aintree this year. the principal products were hockey °d sticks, numbering 632,306 and valued Canada .and the Soviets at $1107,852; tennis racquets trout New York evening Post: The Can- boring 48,750 and valued, at $2.13,861. . linins have inherited the system of S. itish law in which the rights ot New Record 1••. individltal-are paramount and in •• ;licit 1110 will of the average ratan Tokio.----A world endurance record .r the basis of goverutuent. Their is cialtnecl for a Japanese semi-rigid ':ilosophy of politics hi not yet naval "dirigible, which remained aloft •; c,it rar.rml)ted by the sort of send- sixty lrottrs withoat refuelling. The previens record was' held by the di- rigible Norge; in which Tloald Aninnd- seu, general Umberto Nobile and Lincoln Ellswortir mewed the North Pole in 1926. • -----4..---- Town T.t.Town Builds Road in 5 Days iontalism that has left Great Britain- ' ex ritain-'.::x i:ant int the face of flamboyant 1riet aggression, Their Order•in- . c cuneil frankly recognizes that the ssian Soviet is seeking to divide '•o world and to destroy the economic eels of 'Western civilization. Be- :. •use of this conviction, and not CorbesaSsi, Ttaty,--•This community f• wn any concern about details of built a mountain road In five days •uttrn'ttional trade the Cn0atllalt without to11(11'11g the town teeaetlry, yetaimedmost .• • 411'Russian plan, for a arr;i `200 intentt.r•nc•ers ricrac# Out have struts]: - .. the rue at powerful blow T eild ,where d'sn '.od the right', of way 1010 101111180'I tt•or'l d, 1e'lt'.1 pleat, shovels end team%