HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-02, Page 5";dir dsty, A grid, 1.931 aaa*'R$' $USINESS CARP DuminirEellomas 4BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Iiamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICE, Ontario. Special Attention to Conncel and Court Work, Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. H. C O W E N L. D. S. D. D S. ,DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Eyery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At IiARTLEIB' S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday aasld Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try rte for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Plume 18-93, or write. Zurich. :licensed Auctioneer TOR HURON & MIDDLESEX I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - .duct any Auction Sale, regardless ms to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if xtot satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren - tiered. ARTHUR WEBER Dashwood Phone 13-57. • SEE US FOR NEW LOW PRICES ON THESE BATTERIES OF "QUALITY" octi Wants., For Soto" Lost:, Found„ Notice, Etc. Ado nt (MIME. FOR SALE=' 4 White Blpssom Sweet Clover, Grade .No. 1, Price .$3.00 per bushel, also Dwarf Essex (fine stens) a new- er ewer variety, making excellent pasture, and hay. Grade 2, Price ;5.00. Early. Win. Alexander, R. R. 2, Hen- sa11. MILLINERY Any one in need of Spring Millin- ery, we -wish to advise that 1 am re- ceiving a full new shipment of Lad- ies„ and Children's Hats and will op- en for business on Saturday, March 28th, in Heist's block, Be sure and 'give us a- eall. Alsre Dressmaking in .connection.. ANNA. DAT11RS, ZURICH For Sale Comb Foundation, 6Oc a pound. 10 pounds and over 55c. Customer's wax made into foundation at 15e ib. Bring your wax immediately. J_ l-Eaberer & Sons, Zurich. EGGS FOR HATCHING And baby ehicks, White Leghorns. If you want disease free chicks this is the place to get your eggs for hat- ching. The low pricer of grain has enabled us to reduce prices aecord- ingly, • tf-36 Twin naples, Bruce J. lam,. FOR SALE A number of good horses at var- ious ages for safe, including a spanof 2-yr._old Clydesdale colts. Apply to J. Hey, Jr. -24 NOTICE J. C. Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they p, are still in the same business, with Vanprices as usual.. Your order will be • nisch. ;appreciiaterlo.. • .;done 94-16 Salmon ,DASHWOOD — ONTARIO Zurichs' Popular MEAT MAI.3KET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED :p`ROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAii LISTED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE - A .Yungbiut, & Son COAL 1931 IMOMICeme1lt Ne illifLr 1.1. Brown S. P. Graduated rut Siieciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Se. (To?'.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate; Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office.—Seaforth, Ont. SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT Radio FOR • Scranton Coal COME IN AND SEE THE TWO (die 1� ,9 l b e r t a C o ai e: NEW SONORA 1VIODIELS. end Soft Coal SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Tran will be allowed for cash. "8hr4ler Early as price will advance on June 95th. Case & Son it.cone 35 11E.NSAL1. LIVE. POU LT RN WANTED :Waken every Day till 3 o'clock, lain. .. Do not feed Fowl sstnie morning when brought in.. .highest Cask Prices CASH Fes— Craarn and Eggs W. O'Brien ibmwoak. pm Uric .$xirroi• W :1fODEL 36 at ,.. $132.00 e.IODEL 35 .A, at ...., .. $169.60 uric LOC 1VIessrs. Elmore .arced 3Gloyd. are to Toronto on''a business Mr. and Mrs. T. L, Williar ored'to London on Sunday. Mr. Ezra Tiernan • of Das , 'ed, called on Zurich friends on T ,t� ay, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. smith vie;at Exeter on business on Friday. f.a' Wednesday' of this week was wail 1st, known. as All Foil's -Day, and did you get "fooled?" •;, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach of London were week -end visitors with their parents in town. ot- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin D. Smith,+- of Hamilton were recent visitors at. the home of the former's brothers, "iWlr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. ;Mr. Earnest Diane, who has een ;in Detroit for the past few. yeah ;lies returned to this district and has 1.en- gaged with Mr. Lorne Manson I;4r;the summer season. Mr. Thee.1VLeAdains of the'Aron- son Line is holding an auction;, sale of Farm Stock and some Implements on Friday, April 10th, Mr !.Mc- Adams advises us that his stock is altogether 'too large .for. the .coning summer and is taking this way o:, re- ducing the same. Be sure to attend Exnanuei E in gelical church, on . Sunday evening, April 5th, and hieing your fr'pends with you. An Easter pageant, t`4The Makers of the Cross", will be 1.'exid c red by the church choir. An Offer- ing will be received to flow into the ehoir treasury. In renewing his subscription to the Herald, Mr. A. G. Lehman,, :-of Stouffville gives us the following 'in- couraging message: "The Herald comes to me every week as a rule on Friday morning, and 1 appreciate it very, much, as -1 get all the news:from the old Burg and surrounding co- untry. It does one geed.' When you • step forth' on' Easter Morning shod lie Brown's Shoes, .it is literally true that head to foo, is' cor- rectly attired for the occasion. The am. Brown', Boot Shop `has :keen eloeeIy linked with Men's, w oi;re a's, and Children's shoes ,for a number of years. So muca so that it has becntee synonymous v.'ith fine quality, : and still finer workmanship. iso matter how well dressed you may he in of a re. ' . L. Williams is spending the week with friends at London, Rev. Father•L. Power motored to London on Friday last. Mrs, Hy, Steinbach who spent two weeks at London, has returned to her home in Zurich. On Sunday evening, April 5th the Choir of Emanuel Evangelical church Will Present an • Easter pageant entit- led "The Makers of the Cross." This promises to ue a real treat. Don't miss it. A silver collection will be re- coil*. ecoivd. The fine showers of rain we recei- ved last week were well reeeived by practically everybody, as a `goodly aitimber of cisterns were dry as well as some farmers had a shortage of water. The condition . of the roads have unproved considerably the past week and we still notice no soft places in the roads like some years, if we had a few real warm days to take away the few ,ice banks, the roads would be soon in ship shape for motoring. On Friday of this week is the be- ginning of Easter known as Good Friday, when a great many churches observe the day with special services, and is -.also known as a general holi- day by many. The business places in. Zurich will be closed on Friday. In Police Court • • Two :Blyth residents, William Nes hitt and James Doherty, who were I arrested ten days ago in connection with the theft of three bags of flax seed from Jas. Cutt's warehouse at Blyth, appeared in Police Court last Tuesday and were give another we- ek's remand. When Joim r,lajouski of :Colborne Tp., appeared in Police Court to answer the charge of hav- ing in his possession in December last .spirits unlayfully,,manufactureci eon- trary to the Excise Act, he elected trial 'by� judge. He was admitted to bail of $2,000. Murdock McLeod, of Clinton, was arrested and arrai- gned before Magistrate Reid charged with an offence against a young girl He was remanded to jail for a week. This is one year when the Mouth ree of March came in like a lion and also went out in much the same way, as we experienced some real wintry we- ather over the week -end which faired, :--10 up nicely on Tuesday. Last week we sure had a lot of dreary and dark weather, with the sue practic- ally not shining for a whole week." But as this is easter week, we look er iV for much nicer and warmer after east respects, unless your shoes are,.ri;ytt, this. But we are not to become too I cor.,:n:uy styled, the effect of yen: entire appearance is spoiled. '. ou will receive the professional sheen st- ting and Guaranteed Foot .Slee; at 'Brown's Boot Shore.. Advf t SAS 1010100 1,•61100.40111. �arn� Seeds We breve a good huppl3 of all clover and grass seeds ou hand. Choice seed Barley and a good supply of all Garden Seeds POULTRY FOODS Try our Chick Starters, Chick Feeds, Laying Mash, Etc, See us about COAL and Fertilizer L. Sane ee Son secosoei3e+5 asibaolopoot w m t owb oa r.dee,reetuteaasio same odoseea Piaui ig- win 'ItO011'ern The Goderich, planing mil o;• bria road, which was parches( d centiy by Fred C. Kalbfieisc h, of Zurich, was reopened the pat we Geo. Westbrook of find rich tee general manager. It is the hie -11U= of the firm to conduct a retail lumb- er business and Co cern- ' , sleek lumber, doors, interior finish, lhde, gyproc, cement, etc., at all times to meet the requirements rof the people of. Goderich and vicinity. A number of improvements 'have been made to the plant. Mr. Earl Westbrook will. be 'associated with his father in the business.—Goderich Signal. anxious, as the summer weather will only be ushered in gradually es the sun becomes warmer and the season xrrogresses. We often become too ! anxious and expect the warm summer 3..1 Perniahrerrlky - et.. - §V011." aa. ewer - get spring. A large number of the sumnu.re birds are nere and at time ; are rather uncomfortable at that, practically all the snow is now gone with the exception of a few banks, but with no stuff it goes slowly. Two Men Drown at Goderich Highway. Accidents On Tuesday evening on the [sigh, way near Exeter a aeollision'took plata When Miss Luella hteckles of Lond- on was driving north, and anothep car was going south, but just before the cars met Miss Steckles came up-. on a buggy that horse andwhend on a horse anu buggy that carried no; light, and in trying to avoid hitting., the buggy Miss Steekles swung out; and with the other oncoming car, as' rived too late as they had already usual, a collision took place., While left in the boat. Jenner immediately no one was seriously injured, they rushed back .and took out a motor cars suffered considerable damages,. launch, but arrived too late as the Mr Norman Lever, the County Traffic two young men soon became fatigued Officer was called on the scene, . and •in -the cold, icy water, and could not :.advises us that the accident was caused purely by the buggy nothav- ing a light as called for by the xegu- tations of the Department of High- ways. Mr. Lever gives specsar warn- ing to all vehicles to have a red light displayed to the rear, or some prose- cutions will take place where there is absolutely no accident. It is law and for your own protection for good- ness sake hang a light somewhere' on your rig. We have recently 'noticed in our streets at nights of horse drawnvehicles at night travelling a- round with absolutely no ,:light ex red mirror of any kind, and the .pub- lic is warned to this effect, and also all trucks beside their red light must display a red mirror at the rear, also all trailers. It is indeed : regretable that the public us"so eareless.•in obser- ving these new regulations ,A truck owned by the Dominion Bread Co. of Stratford was completely .destroyed by fire about three miles west of Clin- ton the other night. The driver, Nel- son Longhorn, and a passenger, Geo. Stone, .both of Stratford, juiriped front the vehicle when they noticed the flames, and'" after travelling a. bout a hundred fet it turned over County Traffic Officer Norman Lever was called at 2.30 in the inorning; and got into touch with Traffic. Officer. Poxton of Mitr.hell, who laid charges against the driver for reckless driving J:,.ci the owner for running the vehic- le in improper condition. A double drowning fatality occur - ed at Goderich about 8.30 on Sun- day anorning, when two Goderich youths, Leonard McDonald, aged 17, and William Mallough, age 21 years, lost their lives in Lake 1-luron, The accident occurred between the north pierarid the outside breakwater when their boat, a small skiff, cap- sized in some unknown manner. They left the harbor -to lift their nets, wh- ich were set about 200 feet from the breakwater directly- west of the mouth` of the River Maitland. ,& strong southwest wind was blowing at the time and the water was quite rough. The • only eye witness 4 was .Eric Jenner, a 16 -year old lad, who was supposed to accompany the .• other two in the boat but 'luckily ar- 1 '+WW/Miiir➢tlbii.�C0i1Y6{ FACiSilo6V\IM119IklW. SL�C��a Zurioh Dr Store We have a frill Line of all the requirements of School Supplies A11 autllorizep Text Books 1; ebt in Stock 9/06.44a#4.4 o,o6*(1 0 9 Toilet -Sets, Manicure Set, usles d4lea ••••••4,6s••••a•o0e4o•pe a Perfumes Toilet Waters and 'Perfumizers, Fine Stationery and Fountain- Pens. KC)fAKS A1'JT' F'ILIIAQ Dr, A, J. MacKinnon, Zurichl ,404voinkmvmmvimmvekmtpwwwwwipARA Xiang on to the capsized boat. A great. deal of effort is being made to •locate the bodies, but of recent re- 4ports no trace of the bodies have as yet been found, MOTOR REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVID FUSS, Zurich --- Phone 89 i'1, tel FOR SALE • n aged mare, works good -both single and double. Vary Cheap, for gliick sale. ' A iply to Joseph Gascho, Zurich, ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONT, Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 811:—Luther League. Saturday --Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10.a, nL;---German Service. 11.15 a. in. --Sunday Schoet 7.80 p. m.—English Service. Eve`ruyl,ody Welcome to e:1i Services 4 Pastor E, Ji"111r;1{IaC►gxa b4D 3 a 4 • • r 0 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 • • 0 4 • 4' 0 4 4 4 • 0 4' 4 A 0 4, • 4' 0 • as 4 • • 4' s 0 4 1► 0 r 4 0 4 H 44++••••••••A•040044•••44.0.4044+04.4.••••••••••••4444. • • • • • 4 • 4 4 a • • • • •4 4 • ,• ,4 4 • ZLAiI,H UEBAIJDTS 19&1 Clubbing List HERALD and Kitchener Daily Record .... ... .$5.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Sat. Mail and Empire $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star $6,00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 HERALD and London Free Press $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser $6.00 HERALD and London Farmer's Advocate $2,25 HERALD and Farm and Dairy $2.75 HERALD and Farmers' Sun - $2.50 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 HERALD and Family Herald for 3 yrs. $3.00 HERALD and Canadian Countryman ... .$2.25 I•IEII,ALD and Weekly Witness $3.15 HERALD and Farmers Magazine $2.50 HERALD and Youth's Companion 3.25 HERALD and Huron Expositor, Seaforth $3.25 HERALD and Ontario Journal , .. $2.75 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada ...... , . $3.15 And.a great tetany more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine . in Canada and the United States, and can save you money on the most of them. RENEW ALL YOUR PAPERS AND MAGAZINES AT OUR OFFICIE AND SAViE TROUBLE, AND BE. SIDES YOU ARE DEALING WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW, AND WILL DO THE SQUARE THING WITH YOU. HERALD OFFICE, Zurich • • • • • 4' .r • 4 • • 4 4 4 4 • • • s • 4 • 4 4 A • 4 4 • • • 4 4 4 4 • • • • 4 • • • • • 4 s 41M1+1040404440*****Al*W •••••••••••••••••••••••••11401