Zurich Herald, 1931-04-02, Page 41• fnii intitilels'i" f* -444•b+, +++++ 40g ra .44..4rk+•t•+t+•t+++++++444 ns.. 1Vta$sey.MiTariF Implemcuts lace Alit SOLE ACANTS FOR THE CELE -BRA -MD ANta COM - LINE OF i ,ASSEY-HARRIS FIRM IMPLEMENTS, .AND '•' e' Windmills and Puny - ra�n��d � �. oy 19 ADVISE •&NYONE IN NEEDOF ;NEW MAC1'IIINERY TO LET US KNOWe .AND WE WILL BE PLE,X:SED TO `GIVE YOU A CALL feINVING. In CENTI. Y , BEEN APPOINTED ii,` THE. GOULD iSHArLEY' c IVIOIR CO., OF $t+R.Al'Y:l"I+ORD t HANDLE THEIR 3111 OLIISSI'STE LINE QF "SE Ct)NI)-11'O-NONE" PRODUCTS, WE "SOLICIT 'YOUR BUSINESS IN if LINE /1. -ND CAN ALWAYS s4at ASSURE YOU OF BIZ V 1.1.1 FOIL YOUR DOLLARS. is sies 1''AG WE LIST A FEW OF OCR. GOOD IJ SED Alii) REBUILT lkli&Cal.NES WHICH WE ARE OPFERTN' G AT PRICES FAR BE- LOW'THE= •1''ALttlE. aoa1°iused Deering Binder, '0 ft. tut. tba&aliseel M.H. Manure Spreadto Also :a team of good work 'harses. 4 .a4++++++++++++++++++++++4+ +++++++++++4.÷+++++++÷.±÷•:,:-: Be SURE AND '4i'IVE 2 1:3 -tooth M. -H. Cultivators M. -H. 514 -ft. cut mower And manly other articlei• US A CAI`•L! urich ro Si e on Agent. Huron and Erie debentures are issued for •100 aud,ov'er- -for 1 to 5 years, Safety-- with- a •reasonable return of 5% per ;RI3;i73Immi payable I3Ka.1f- G?rly. Applications for debentures;are accepted by AlRE a :MESS, Zurich NE 1 The very latest in Unpainted Furniture A TILT TOP TABLE LII:I EABi ;LLFAR END OF CHESTERFIELD FLOWER STAND eOR ;MANY OTH USES, 4 ONLY $1.75. V.ALL areT OTi.R•OFFICE AND LOOK 1 HEM O A FEW NO1?E a:CrE AR''CHESTS AT EACH;,$a. 5. 1 CKAL HONE 69 FILE'S ZURICH 4 fi 4 4 > ! 3 rt 3. �° • e•�k4� l.•3+.�••i•? •i+ r .1-4-1-4-4-4-44-4-44.4.4-4.4,44,.+++++++++ 4 LOCAL MARKETS- . aCorreetell AIUCE TS- ;orreeted every Wednesday) Dertteer i'h., 35:e Ygggs . ...16 -21 - Oats ..... .... 21 tisa .25 Marley8,9 Moan .....2.75-3.20 s'a'ri ....... 22.00 .r3 live weight 0 00 DASHWOOD Is. and Mrs. Fred Rinker and fan of +:ihedford were Sunday visitors seed& relatives in town., Miss Anna Tiernan of Guelph, is -spending a week with her parents. .Mr. ELial. Mrs. S. Adams of London serisJt relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mr.s. A. Zimmer and son lna+er and Mr. Wen. Zimmer attend- aill the funeral of their brother in inzlfa3o Able week. k special Easter program. will be :given 3:n the Lutheran church on Eas- ter Monday evening. 1. special coI- etetien -will be taken -which will go to .alae chasm.' fund. The. Restalneyer:sale last ,Saturday W:aa Iatgely attended. 1VIr. Edgar', 13ester cyar-purchased the house and Pe Cantata entitled "Christ V otor-`' .: tese" will be given in theFvangelical n:E rth ens Easter ,Sunday eventnl; ae- nsistnd as ,a six piece orchestra. H1LLSf_-BEEN Tan Ellen 'McAllister of Hensalt, ;kpexnt ee few days with hes' sister, Mrs t:st anal Plea. I5. Campbell of Hay "` 'olehsshi Wore recent visitors at the 'smarts of Mee and Mrs. Hugh Love. Ick,:; V..9•, Jarro'tt spent a few day viast Toronto nn business, e'ir• iipd, ' 1rh, W. Weide and fain awel . e.rrc regent vlsi'tar, with Mrs. Ricker of the Blind Line. The W. M. 'S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Stephenson, on Welllawsiday afternoon. April a at2 N0 o's;lnck. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr•s. tetval McClinchey has return- ed from St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- ,ron, where she has been for the past three weeks. IVIr... Edges Smith, who has spent the past month with his aunt, Mrs. Hindes. oaf near Chatham„ returned to his home last week. Mr. Bert Dunn has returned from Simcoe Where he has been for some rnonths and :hue engaged with Mr. W. J. Dowson for the summer. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup per was observed at Goshen and Var- na churches on Sunday. Rev. E. A. Poulter has been giving a series of €ermons on "The Cross", during' the Lenten season. BLAKE Mr. Peter Manson accompanied by Mr. H. Howard of Hensall, spent Saturday with friend., on the Goshen Line Miss Lydia Gingerich, R.N. am' Miss Gladys Douglas of Scott Mem orial hospital, Sealorth, spent Sun day at their respective homey,' Mr. and Mrs. RosQ Johnston :pent a few days with frieads in Cloderich. and Zurich. Mr, Ervin Gingerich, who spent the winter in Kitchener, attending Bible College, ,returned home last week. Miss IVIargaret Sparks who spent the whiter with -her sister he Toronto returned home last wook. Mrs. R. N. Douglas spent, the we ek-end with friend 1.:in Henkel Mr. Thos. Jeh aster;, Jr„ son of Mr. 'rhos. Johnston, xvi 4 of Blake oho spent) Severe:, eeare in J. r lair a 'r -. J end % summer with his PO Mr, and Mrs, Milton Johitat" chbldred .spent a few dal+s 'tva ends in Essex, prior to leas/in tbeir home in New (Mario, ,AUCTION SALE Of Farm . Stock and 1111,p4cense OifLot 17, Brorisan Lite, htni'I ose ship. 114 smiles west end Halt, south of Zurich, on FRIDAY, APRIL 10th, :193' Commencing at 1 o'clock ' sha, HORSES — Chestnut horser'is ing 9 yrs, old; Bay horse rising r..8;S� yrs,old; eus 1tlage'horse rising 1040, • old. LIVE STOCK—Cow 5 yrs. old ' 1tii calf; Fresh cow with calf at 'foj?t; 2 fresh rows; fresh cow"with carte4at foot; 2 yr. old heifer; Roan -.;clow fresh; cow &ie in June. •'1.11u:se =are all good Durham cows; 3 steers iris ixng 3 yrc +gild; 3 steers rising 2' Yi•s. old; 2 Whin urs rising 2 yrs; 4 heifers rising I. n r. old; 4 steers hieing 1, 'P•. old; 2 calves 3 months old; 6 • Ante bred 'York stocker pigs weighing..a- =bona I`21i :lbs. each. 8 ewes with lambs at :toot; 10 ewes'r6iiia laln10. Oxford .Ram; ewes are a11 Oxfor'4 1 Billy <Goat. OTkl]i ARTICLES—Root puipO•, Disc Barrow, cutting box, eoai, ,,iii stone; :3 (Clinton fanning mills, trail- er, carriage, light rig, lo* wagon. Everything will be sold to the highhst bidder 'as the proprietor has sold qale vt7.his'1a'ms of':00 acres. • TERMS—All; scans of $10 and under,, .cash. ',Over that amount •,{ fi months' :credit Will be given by fuxri' idling ;.approved joint notes etraight .off for cash on credit a s, SOarrle Ballaint'ne had the mis pltU014 to slip,' breaking a bone in loot, Her many friends hope for speedy' recovery, Scott Welsh is assisting T. C. Joynt in the anen's department during the 3 ring sales, Mrs. T. Appleton little daughter end son, intend moving to London shortly to reside. Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Peck are both lying seriously ill at'their hone. Mrs. T, 13erry has returned home after spending the winter month, with her sons at Windsor, n1ounra. - Arthur 'Weber, Auctioneer. Wm.: S. Johnston, Clerk. Theo. „McAdams, Proprietor. .74u'ction Sale ©,f ba pertty and Household Effects in the Village of Zurich. on: :SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, 1931 At 1 '.o'clock sharp the following: Kitchen stove burns wood or coal Extension table, small table, full set of .carpenter tools, washing machine,; nearly new; 2 good wash boards, flour; chest, water stand, 5 gal. can, one gal. can, .copper boiler, wood box, lantern, bench, :cellar table, meat saw, coffee grinder, water dish, kitchen utensils; some'.carpets, and mats; water pail.,, 5 kitchen chairs, tea kettle, tea pe sad .irons, electric iron, 2 lamps, ah ries .clock, , small pantry table, 3 bid ner coal ..oil stove and oven, big up11nard, coal sw cuttleneso,gls 4- neaieat , -ptpex rack, couch, table .nearly new with 3 leafs, dish. 3 mirrors, bread box, bed s ings .and .mattress, dressing stand, bed room .carpet 9x9, hall rack, with big mirror nearly new; Singer sew- ing machine, parlor couch, nice cou- elt cover, ,pralQr,table, r2 small parlor stands, lawn mower, big pr. of :cis- eors, 2 cane rockers, big parlor chane, 2 good rocker;;, coal heater also burns' wood, 6 octave organ Bell good as new; armchair, stairway carpet, or- gan stool, a quantity sof pictures and frames, small upstair stand, small high .chair, full bed room .suit, trunk and bed room uaapet,, iron bed and spvings and mattress, 2 .toilet sets, .1 iron bed, .springs and mattress, dres- ser ,sad .stand, parlor rug, Congoleunn rug 9x9., iron bag hoider, small rack, cloth baskets, ringer, pr. .teussels, , . quantity .of Boal, 2 wash tubs, clot, ringer, sugar kettle, 1200 ab..scairs, some lumber, wheelbarrow, etew: :2' step ladders, ,potatoe fork, forks, :s110- vels, axes bucksaw, 8 single C.6axt$ wood beech ,and maple, choice .stuff; harrows, doubletrees, and ninuerous aartieles.. Mr. 'and Mrs•. Harry Abbott are moving to London where he has see- ured' a position at Kingsm.ill's store. Jas. Priest who has been caretak- er of the Hensall Union Cemetery, has resigned and his place is taken by Harry Smith: The Supertest. Oil Co, of London, are building a garage and oil station on the . lot they recently purchased from the W. Pfaff estate, The gar- age and oil station will be run by Joseph and Casey Hudson, The Steel Briggs Co. have a num ber of men at work getting -out the onion sets that have- been stored in their warehouse. The onion sets. nave kept well. Very few have grown. The Rennie Seed Co., are also getting their sets out and are em- ploying several hands. C. Faber, who has been living on the. Robt. Stewart farm, has rented from the John Bell estate, the farm on the 3rd concession of Hay, south of. the Zurich Road. Dr. Moir's hospital and sanitarium is to receive an annual grant under the will of the late Robert McKay of Goderich who died a few weeks ago. This bequest is given as long as Dr. Main conducts a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris of Ailsa Craig spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Fee. John Shephard has sold his farm two miles east of the village to his neighbor, Wm. Slavin, for a good price. Mr. Shephard will Hold an auction sale of stock and implements and will trove to Hensall. MVir. Slav - in who purchased the farm has now 400 acres of splendid land in Tucker - smith Township. F. J. Wickwire, Editor of Hensall Advertiser, on Thursday last collided ivit1i a car at the London Road cor- ner and Main Street, with a minister from Chatham who was on his way to Wingham. Mr. Wickwire was taking the turn but the minister thought he was going on north and .car.The Mr. Wickwiire's minister hit the telephone pole and badly damaged his car, but fortunate- ly neither one of them were serious- ly injured. A quiet wedding was held at the. Trinity Church, Aylmer, on Monday last when Edith M. Appleyard, dans .er of Mr., and Mrs. A. Appleyard `;A'ynesee _w. as united in marriage .Mr, Clarence Barr Munn, son of ...veal Mrs. Alex. Munn of Hensall Rev.: F. H. Hardy, rector of the Tr- inity Church officiated. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Munn left for Toronto and other eastern cities and will reside in Aylmer where the groom runs a hardware store. Property contains a large bri is house with ,attack and kitchen with a big verandah, and ,alao a brick wall stable, a nice hen house, a quantity of fruit trees. 1 acre of land more er less, comprising of Lot 158 on the west side of Hiss -search Avenue,'In Volland's Survey of Bald Village of Zurich. TERMS --Property, of sale, balance in 30 articles, cash. irthur Weber, Aucti earl Weide), Clerk. ,aober't iVIcJridt; and 10% on day days, All other one.er. John 1VIc131:ide, Executors. HENSALL Mattie• Ellis was taken to Clinton: cospital to undergo an operation ller tunny friends hope for a speedy a .over. y.. A. L. Case is making inrprovemertts o the interior of his dwelling oM'S. 'ichmond St. Ethel Murdock was a recent visitor ith friends in Toronto, Greta Gould of Formosa visited t the home of Mr. and M,es. Chas, icDonnell. She has been on`Lar- nigh, is a professional nbr e imd as hrc,n able to do hey missioarary ork combined with.her nttrsing •; Mr, anc�Mrs, Henry eine llwi`c .oved to the ,farm receirtiy pa in - ;ed from i3i,. Moir. wee Sinrnsary, accompanied Ythe7 , of 'Dein,+tfftn even, vat:Y J.ci:ids h%.0, 1 COUNTY NEWS St. Marys will have a tax rate or 49 mills this year, an increase of 2 mills. 21 gallon still was seized In Ellice Township and Alfred Friedman will face two charges in Court. .• , Reg. Mooney, of ivernoss, Quebec, a distance of 500 aaiiea fro here, at a very good figure, The d.x •lt r• 4 L�Ie d �"r I hu I�iaa�gsttara St. Garage, which is ander the management of II, Langford, , Glintoni, was entered on Tuesday ewe: last by two unknown: persons : who stole all the chla ige In she cash register, •$8 or $10. The front doors of -the buildipg were loc- ked ked and entrance was gained' through door at the rear 'while the propriet- ors were hoose at supper. When Mr J'ohnaton returned he notified that 1the till had been enn.ptied, but some ibills at the back of the till were left ,untouched.. • Interment took place i nExeter of Mrs. Clara T. Dyer, whose remains !were taken there for burial beside those of her husband, Edwin E, Dyer whose death took place about six months ago. Mr, and Mrs. Dyer, left Exeter for Brantford when the Ver- ity erity Plow Co. ,moved to that city from Exeter some years ago. The deceas- ed is survived by three sisters, Mrs. D.. Davis of Exeter;, Mrs. Edith Wal- ter, of Brantford, and Miss Carrie: Dyer, of Toronto and two brothers, Daniel. Dyer of Syracuse, N.Y., and Charles Dyar of Toronto. A deputation ,of Goderich, compos- ed of Mayor Lee, Councillor R. C. Hays, with L. Parsons, and J. W. Fraser :interviewed the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa on Friday, to discuss the 1931 program of con- struction and repairs at. Goderich harbor. It is not expected that the present contract of the Detroit River Construction Co., which was under way all of the 1930 season, will take long to finish this year. This will J. P. Bowey, general merchant of Kippen, has sold his store and ' stock to Emerson Kyle,` who takes! possession in a few weeks. • The Boss & Brazier Co. of Lon- don have secured the contract for building the cement road between. Exeter and Centralia. The firm have a aiumber of men in Hensall at pres- ent to open up the gravel pit east of Hensall and get the machine rigged up. Another of the aged residents of Eyeter passed away at her home on Wednesday, March 13th in the per- son of ]Miss Marian Elliott, eldest daughter of the late B. V. Elliott in her 83rd year. The deceased had be- en a resident of Exeter for over 70 years. Her mother predeceased her 16 years ago, Alma. Rata, daughter of Jacob Rate owner of the sawmill at Shipka, has had an unusual operation in . a Lon- don hospital. The young pationt,who attends the Exeter High School, had eye trouble and was taken to the hos- pital for treatment six weeks •ago. It was found necessary to make an incis ion in the eye and close it with two stitches. The stitches have been nes moved and the patient is progressing 'as well as can be expected. - • The Brucefield Manse was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding at high noon on Saturday, Feb. 2Sth, when Miss Marion C. Chapman, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Chap- man, Tuckersrnith, became the bride r of Robert 3, McGregor, of Kippen, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas+ Mc- Gregor. Rev, W. A, Bremner offic- iated. The groom's rated. Oestreicker Bros., of the Clover- dale. Stock Farm, Crediton, have sold a young 14 )months oldd bull, one of. the young bulls they have bred and :shown throughout Huron Co. fall fairs during the past fan, to '.`co Tilarraaaye. k V * 214, MX leave 35 Meet sof the north pier and 200 foot of the south peer to be con - Rioted and the Dominion Government were asked by the •dele;atifin to uY i dertalce the work tins year. Mr, end We, iegrge 1VIeClinehey of Varna; announce the engagement of their eldest ,daughter, Mabel .A., to David Emmerson Kyle, s aloof the late Thos. Kyle and Mrs. Kyles of Clinton, the marriage to take place the ;first plot of April:. 1VIr, and Mrs. Alex. M. McEwen, of .Stanley Ty., announce the engage- ment of their oldest daughter, Mar - ben, !solve „ to ,Oariton B. Laramie of Cottons, younges son of Mr. and Mrs. Frances A. ..amine of Kingsville,the marriage to. 'take •place very puietly early in AarL 'William Campbell, the oldest resie dent of Goderich, in point of both years and of residence, died early on Wednesday morning, last week in his ninety -:seventy year, and was buried on Friday afternoon, with a service at the family home at 2.30 o'elocic, and interment in Maitland cemetery. His. death xiosee a remarkable and • u-nipue career •of businss life and pub- lic service extending over three-qu- artery lz century a recory that • will stand for :many a year. At one :time or other the held almost every municipal office in the gift of his feliowecitizens and he was also fora titni' postmaster of Goderich, and in all these years he gave his time, en- ergetically amid enthusiastically to the. offices he held. Duties to office al -- ways being more inportant than pay. Wks horn at B.uarrie, July 1st, 1834, 33. yeah before Confederation. DON'T FORGET' THE PLAY E NT1TLED: bsent-Minded 'Bridegroom" to be presented by THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION OF THE CENTRALIA UNITED CHURCH ' 1.11 ria TOWN. HALL,. ZURICH — on — Thursday Evening, April 9th UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LEAGUE OF THE ZURICH EVANGELICAL CHURCH Commencing at 8 •o'clock are,;h � Characters; Following caw Timothy Shea—.....The Bridegroom, witiow•er.. _ .. Dick Parker Patrick Routley . , ..... , . His Friend ......... Kenneth Mitchell Jimmie Rowney"Daphnay's" Son a .. _ `George Thompson .Fred Grady His Friend ....... , .... Harold Fishy -n• Slade A jlain-clothes. man ... > » Harvey Godbolt Yonnie . , . A. small colored boy - .. _ .....Gordon Baynham Paphnay Rooney - . , .. The Bride' a widow ........ Hazel Hay lalvra Shea _ - - - .-. . Tina's daughterMabel Hay. Kathlee:ci iC,i`+C+orrnot :bleraFrlendY • T essie Censuses -Mrs. Rooney's Man d - — - - .. 3Vlargaret Hicks Yeaauie and Yannie„ two small girls, ; at t. Thompson, Marion Lewis • Time The morning of a fine day in the month of brides, (June) Place Mrs. Daphney Rooney's house in small town. • - This Capital'Conmedy. of. Irish-Ainerican. life has 'not a dull moment in it Come and enjoy a good laugh. Music between Acte;. ADMISSION: ADULTS 35c., CHILDREN 25e. 111 See the New Ford Cars! Get the New Ford Prices! Ford Prices have dropped three times hi the past fifteen months. This last drop as E u:a as $55.0O on some models. • Now Ford is more t I I ever before "Value Far Above, the Price" Zwichls Show Room and Service at Louis A.Prn s. WUERTH_._ SALESMAN SANDY ELLIOT Ford Dealer •. ZURICH: • AND EXETER E