HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-02, Page 3• j • The Unemployed We pick up•tlhe newspapers day by day nand read with real concern of the privations of. people out of work,' It conies nearer home' when one or two of our owu fled tbeMeelves in„that •uxt- •enviable position as they watch, with Linking feeling, their .hard earned say - ens' gradually clixniuirh with :no pro- eauise oL' employment In the immediate future,. Many have reached the end •of their resources and it has been necessary, in quite a cumber of cases, to avail themselves of the .provision of necessities by relief Workers. The present unemployment situation Is no respecter of persons either. The cru skilled and the unskilled, the laborer, Rover laid down in the ran until he the shade; winter • 1 ; s of jasmine and o though he had on a white shirt all the time, He kept it pretty clean, too; al- though often 7311ly took him dowxr to the river in the summer and they would both splash. and play and ws'ini around in tlto water and have good fun so that when they eame • Met of the water all Rover had to do was . still anti shake himself well. All 'sten( When I got out your deg Wee tryi, g w, to pull hint. Off the road. Titat is some dog, I wouldn't,jn nd having him myself:' By this time 'Billy, who vas in his another's amps, could talk, atter ills big Beare, and he Looked up with. bis big blue eyes and said; "Billy trot die OA the woad any more•--•tlo-•lead Billy —pank Billy, But Mama Lady held hien up close and kissed himm over and .gveat .agzkin on his hair rine. itis ceY ea and hie little hands, She was So 614(1 he was safe. Then she petted PQYee until he wagged his tail nearly off, he was se pleased with himself to think he saved Billy. After that %ants Laxly. always knew Billy was safe if he was. with Roti et•. But Rover looked after more •ihaxi. Billy, and that's .what I'll tell you' April; Son: the that 1! ay" 'School Lesson Lesson II—The s7e Prod gal ke 15: 11.24. •Golden. Text is joy in; the presence. of Is of God over one sinner ei,tetiee-Luke 15: 10. ANALYSIS. L TM... 'PPL IN THi! PARABLE, II. TT'I RODIGAL SON. ' III. '� . o'IING FATHER. ' 'I TI•TF (li;Pt�, IN THE PARABLE. Th µtx')iole parable is in two parts; t •. P San -is the subject of t the.,P' al i'irsi l 't; the 'Ehler' Brother of the the water flew around then, I can ! about next week. second tell you, After he did that he was all _ .,. .lee f dressed and looked so clean. Billy •Bermuda Churchyards story •' , re, This dthtth near or they would have gotten wet (From the English Review) ChriStaai: gospel is the gospel of the from the spray. Billy often thought The palm -tree's plumes springtin ut the C "p ss rond raabo'ut the Mediatort there is ahe e. it would be nice to be a dog', for of 'against blue heaven; But tla stns burns was ready to go home. In the Sweets e+t f rose is ran easily or ualizet all. sufferhomes and the the water in the river was too colli, so t' given can when visualize the druof the every little while he had to have a Till.•drowsy airs more clrealnY still .a niei alien wiles wives and chlclre>Y are en- iho;v When the , knowing lire. in real want, which municipalities bath in the tub of warm water out in are made. his during privations while many et thein. the wood. shed on a nice, sunny, warm new+g "came to the father of the cus- and relief organizations are meeting day. Then he would shake himself Softly these sweet lviucls blow, soft . aeteaSt'that had overtaken his son and outside and came in and' dry himself fall the flowers of ti shame to which he had. brought Of tropic red or far -strayed Eng- lish ns liiins!siEi,was there no Cross in: the' lisp bloom, fath l>l beset? Of this the boy had And softly Pass the long uncounted no,;iaklflang at the time. But when he house aetuas reaelied his father, who cut. Here where' Time's hand 'is stayed hie speech short, and looking into his anon the loom. fathex?s'face he eeelized what his de- i o ai:ture• had .meant to him and still a pion,• the unemployed. he and his mu d The first part has constantly en as the gospel itself. i,tx is quite right,.but the obi• tiah has been raise a • e was careful not to have his clothes seems a somewhat superficial rhe he ltat: to get all dressed while Bibi b It' ret'. flames lvlthni jndgm, t: We speak of the Cross as revea4.t 'g' the Father's'love; in the stori _ 'e father directly reveals his levee' ttd thei'e would be no place for at.Ar • But is there Ito eross in x s character, let him go, when What New York Is Wearin BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON Illustrated Dressmaking LessonFur•. laishecd Ll ;'h. T'1Y5T Pattern 'in a commendable way. The business World is also naturally beside the warm stove. You see, dogs Peeling 'the effects of the depression don't wash themselves plash like cats ant the middle class business pian do, 'w t11 their tongues. Fluffy and with small manufaeturies tis well as Topsy were Always 'washing them - others find their markets unresponsive selves, so they always smelled sweet or tact ing Although not actually and clean. Isn't it funny that dogs. st he washed by people but kitties p moxa -,'.e disgrace to which he. had t't need to be? Aucl gnoclaess, we The red -bird thrills the s[lenee with fallen,: then surely the Cross was. in family must live very sparingly, help- could never wash the- butterfly at all, lug and sharing where he can ae he could we? All its lovely wings would too, catchingea glimpse of the grimunwillingly, be spoiled. I guess bntterfiies all hide to swel of wart., is Ported, ploed ander a big leaf in the. garden when it byo shill the crowd of hue unemploy•ed rains in the. summer. DO. you• think e of his g with .for bites itf that: is what they do? Let's. remeni- tims of his workers far a time until her and watch one *hen sums lertime times improve. Oceasiona.11y we find those who de- comes, shall we? t >hreciat.e the state or affairs existing But want to tell yon about Rover. and quite' often they are the people - fall • loved Billy 1n fact, his chatter; his nietii heart l" He was, as it , were, Chicks -of -the -village, yellow. rogtt-, crucified with his father; • and their isli, small, reconciliation is effected' veritably Call from the bushes; and the ground through a Cross. It is not. really true, doves patter i then, tA' say of this parable that it On coral feat upon the low grey 11. omits:the Cross,' wall. 1 I1. TUE PRODIGAL 'SON. I Further; the parable indicates the Green noes and maideuhair are close nature of true love. A sentimental . ilei aikecticn, on. the•.father's part would Rol er espec y etc xec c c Mama Lady ahvays knew Billy wax 1 On monuments hail sunken in the have' lnreventeci the lad from ever :who are in comfortable circuuiatauce.�. leaving home: It seems that, as the 'The thought of unemployment and dile' safe if Rover was with him for he grass -yeuiager son, he had the right to ex - Pees in and it is so much took su.:h good care of hixn. And blue raps or convolvulus are peat, one-third of hie father's to ale tae.s is <l lose g One time when Billy was just a very threaded possessions at his father's death, but theasier to close their eyes to things as; he h"ad no legal claim upon his patri- ee are,failing to realize the need Little boy and had jest learned to walk Among fresh leaves—cups blue as hhe got out on the road when Mania Birds that macs• Irony n his father's lifetime. His and the opportunity distiey a and wa t. alleys- Laxly was upstairs for a minute, aucihe , father, therefore; might 'properly atT' human istess and taut. relief of found a whole lot of nice stones on Ana springing from stone Walls, from have'I;efused his request. He night The work carried on for the . have eompellecl the boy to live at leas+, the unemployment. situation is truly tee road. When she calve down stairs 1 d adu found flim there she raa and pick- perun1i. dA,el same• histioe each ed him up il: such a hurry and tried owe should feel it to elber her to tell hie. not to ever go there again. poen lesponsibility to brain wherever I know why she didn't want po:: Bible. e'Whale you lie sing and -.�arxn Between your soft white shrew, A worthier one than yon Noy have to walk the streets, tinder a freetiing sky Or through the'sleet and snow. woxthie.' ono„thadefike 4S i,.+-ee a •.» .this tun,e4,.:Maba>?r lkl•'i 7. : • far, Mandan o }i]lly a few mantles so -he vcoultin't go 7�g youo des; st e to be_ ? again' and then she tied the end'of a Veil -homed; ed; relil than �vl;l] fail . loug rope onto him so tie couldn't run A wosear r one th i you -a'• Bine didn't litre that very- well. Maya arch dust bins for bread, While you lie snug and warn(, While you forget the poor, t i hismother's arms rooks, from ledges. outw;tzdly a decent • life, • But the Sprouting in 'thick -leaved vigour all father w*as too strong and brave, too around, truly loving to do that. ;Ole boy must The iti'e-plaut hangs its bells, eter^ go and learn for himself. There is 110 nal pledges, guess you tither -way that l+intl of boy can learn, him to go on, the road. But he was- The life -plant bloolna again lit this Ther}; when the inevitable has hap - so little he couldn't understand why ' quiet ground, relied, his father 'will be ,ready for she didn't want him to play there. , bites end home will be a new place, And mind you, first thing she knew Far, far on some teamed afternoon- Thee? is a Jewish saying, `'when: ly, giving number and sire of such ing that the greater experience and Isra 1 is reduced to the Carob -tree, patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in age of the latter group were largely he was 1dn t there again. Oh! 'Mama, conte stealing, thea ,.,_become the repentant.” eat" The stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap 1esponsible. Typical annual salaries Lady didn't know what to do, and Like f. fry chimes beyond. uziitltxu -„ i M,, which the swine dict are it carefully) for each number, and received were $1,814 for stenogra1711• ROyel' barked, tor he could see llama • bared miles, i.•;; U_pods. The possession of address your order to Wilson Pattern want Bill there. Well, s, e1,100 for typists, $980 for I.ariv didn't y. err , f" ""�'"'�'3'r^tlYe'"caxa �i?'ti. ....�� � , sales - College Women Found . to Prefer Feminine Jobs Columbia Survey Shows Now Enter Men's Occupations; Careers of 900 Studied New York.—Despite the muelt•-her aided entry of wainau into business aatd professional life, ills self -Support: ing woman of to -day eoutiuues to fol- low the traditional occupations of wo- tnan and does not encroach. upon the occupatlonal domain of man, accord- ing to a cation -wide, survey of jobs and salaries of women college graduates' just completed by Dr. Roy N. Ander- son, associate in guidanee and person• nal at Teachers' College, Columbia 'University, results of whish are to be published soon by the National Edu- cation. -Association. From his study of records of abuts 900 women, all of whom were college graduates or former college students, Dr. Anderson reported that college wo- men were nondiscriminating in their choice of an occupation, that most of them turned to education or clerical work, and that attendance at a busi• ness school in addition to regular col- legiate work remained an invaluable. asset in commahlding maximum earn- ings. College women enter a very restrict• ed range of occupations, according to the surrey, which showed that 66 per cent. took up routine clerical occupa- tions, such as stenographer, secretary, typist, telephone operator and book- keeper. The next largest group was home economics, which included about 12' per cent. in such positions as tea- room managers, dietitians, compauious and nurses. Only 5 per ceat. of the Good taste in togs for 2, 4 and year old, must necessarily remain simple. This cute bloomer dress offers in- finite .possibilities for the thrifty mother. It's a smart variation of one-piece styling. • A Mother Hubbard yoke, women • entered education, although that is quite shallow at the front, Dr. Anderson points out that the place - gives it a quaint smartness found meat bureaus were not primarily ton only in the better frocks. cerned with educational positions. The 900 women had entered but twenty-eight occupations out of a total of 538 listed by the census bureau, the The Peter Pan collar, the turn -back sleeve cuffs and knee hands of *he bloomers, provide, a nice trim in con- trasting color or fabric. survey showed, Dr. Anderson account - French A gay blue broadcloth mint in � ed for this by saying that manufactur- paiblue on white ground with lug and domestic jobs were automate plain white and plain bide t:im, iw cally•barred from consideration by col- Stylecnas illustrated. tlege graduates and that "the majority No. 3016 takes but 2% yards of 35 -inch material with % yard of of women who leave college take the 35 -inch contrasting and 1% yards of Mist job that comes their way." bi�uding, for the 4 -year size. Study of the salaries received show• omit sheer chambray, 1 ed that the college graduate received Pique, -dimity, gingham, linen, dotted . swiss, percale highest beginning salaries as teacher, and shantung are pleasing fabrics for its development, HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your 'name and address plain - social worker, or secretary, whale saleswomen received the lowest, Such figures compare unfavorably with sal- aries received by business and profes- sional women, Dr. Anderson said, add. ^• (r 11; E,:, . in sweet Changes and wild' y • � s ..as the eatma of them, Serv] 23 iVAct-A-a° 1-4; 1:4 omen - i xocetae aileeaeles anti $1.508 h> 'rto.eae. .,; . t?RtiaL',Ll• Dealing � � } n, tt• e , e = 1. herefore was 'the lowest . pos- for social workers. To o hill e the dreamers' Or 'tile S ni el5 !a t , ;;t?�le{service to which a • Jew could' ful days that are :viand them, a",e The chances for increasing one's sal Isles. -Phillis ,Rvlr•.ley:' sinll;� If the father had been the- kind! � almost glad they went through such 1 arias in occupations entered by the f at all costs. to keep his son! suterine for the sake of the tin- majority of college women are 'lather limited," according to Dr, Anderson: although earnings showed a tendency _ _ o P�z arl suffering; if he had been con-! speakable preciousness of alit which so when he said he'd he a good boy. I MillianaYres eerned for the family reputation in they have discovered througi' it. 'The in a few days. she took it off, and he wasllington• Despite Lite stock- such a. way as b,: any :means to pt�e• past cannot be wiped out, and sins t aea]h• waw' a Teal good boy. • market Brash, 504, persons 1a the ,-ant dal he would never 'have once committed cannot be undone, but to increase with,age and experience. a scan • , n Nothing is hal•der than the past can be redeeuned, and 'God The income of colt< gra students IAS: { lure, , in ma ler s : flat one day, when slle was vers . United States had incomes in excess , w•oi us son. May be outside your door." busy, he f Ingot icalendar year d to watch while some loved person is able, even out of sin and shame, Plan nineteen years old averaged $970, • Twilight Hour Story—About the Chicks and Other Little Friends .4 that old 1-00(1 rightChanter again. She thought n 01 $1,000,.000 ,:for the ca • away as soon. as 1939, aecarcling to Federal • iueone "goes to the. clogs," but it seems that to being' forth gladness and salvation• that of the group of graduates between there are solve people who can never twenty and twenty-four years was she saw Deny and Rover were gone, fax returns filed from January 3. .10 be saied till they have brought (item- I,0°7, while those over forty-five aver and ran'outside just in tante to hear I August 31. 1930,' the Bti'reau of I•n, 1 selves "to the gutter." .Then „lay IncreasingDIVOTCe Rate 1 $I 500 nrding to Dr. finder .tn'a:vCul make, like a car melees when tertta] Revenue arurotutced in its slip 'away from scanty an Troubles d all the A s agec ..cc. sans tabulation. Peiping,• China.—More than S00 Comparing earnings of those grad - suits for divorce v'ere filed in the elates who had taken only college work Peiping district courts during 1930 with thoe•e who ltad also taken work in and 90 per cent. of then( were iuslit a busiuese school. Dr. Anderson found utecl by women. Canton reported that the business stdtool student eaxxt- nearly, 200 divorces during the same ed rs.21 average of $100 a year more and period. ivbilc. Shanghai averages that "it Pay; finaur..ially for college above eighty divorce suits a month, atudeat5 to .5r•nr5 linsiness school The striking thine about these training." statistics, according• lo accounts in Only 10 ler teat, of the women the native pree-3, •5 that only a small studied were married, while 4 pet proportion of unsatisfactory mar- cent, had been divorced or were w•id• riages reaches the law courts. for the ows, moraine to Dr. Anderson, who governmeui: is still indifferent to explains that "these women were only recently graduated frau( college and have not heel tlio opportunity to man Adds to China' : and Billy were begin- it has to stop real ((nick. "Oh!" she , preliminary' statistics of income. For I restraints and 511 the traditions o Blaine Laity -e quite a family, don't you thongbt, "1 wonder if Billy was on the 19?8, as shown by returns filed' in the borne, but they cannot slip away from thit.t hive quit e '-•' s; see who iliay were, rued. again," And it made.Mama Lady ; first eight months of 19113; .there their place in the Father's heheart. Pr Prodigal thin... Let 1: t ��+•, • .liutnl'c t)117('7i and his three feel sick all.:sver. 'When she got to ware 496 "mitiianafre. ineoDtes. ; is dis� st his filet �senses. brings The disaster, • ttt]e ,. 5 t , g Pinal. figures • for. 1:92 Son o little c'Iirlt, sister: who looked o the road .tc.t'c was a pian( holding. Billy �C. thiol( in f;ur'tlhere#ore, to.which sin and 'folly lead rh alike in their cosy 1 *1,1 bos. i.0 his arms, evening towards her. and ed returns filed in the last o play all be part of the Father's a loving Inn ' Thee there. watt the little gray kitty Rover WUS a•ttnning alongside. 1 months of 1929, showed 511., with shne hair, and its mother, Black' "is this your boy?" he said. i1'o ns•: , the baa•n mit and Flail., the , ` Oh. yea" said Mama Lady. "Is Ile i• Canadian. Platinum . le guinea Pet:>:a11 house cat, ;xnci we 11(111'?" 3 All the Canadian platiingm slid allied mustn't 'forget Madam Putterily with. "No, he is jest 1't-ig'htened. but he metals- are obtained from the treat- s, reat `,atign. i3;r 1, ut:ful wiiuiS, who was very; was very nearly run over. You can meat of the Sudbury •uickel-capper rrnrl n,•Ynt dog �f volll's the s .o,.l t� r of o fat III. TT3E LOVING FATHER. 'a .1 • is not a pu eose. But the Prodigal, though he was .repentant, was not yet tailed. Repentance •is• here a disgusted turn: leg away. from sin end a turning to - verde God, but it is not of. itself sal- tarn;i„rro,,. but .. �-----,. .� along ._---.-- lticel; .in the runny w•indvw. But do that Ile was not run over though. 1 yuccas of platinum obtti]ned, front the Once agaan, ••- • . • haven't said. a thing • was coining along the road and could black sands( of British Columbia, and sentimentalist; he does d t pretend nhat It regards fundamentally as a you ,n, ,• nvo•1 olti Mover, the lag collie nal see tate 51111(1, but 1 slid notice the a small (t entils- produced As au m-,. that _othnl thancilispnow found. IIs family aflalr. Tltvlt=ands of coolies about lhac • dug l „t e; v5 didn't say anything dog atancling on the road barking lit,laure residue in the•retaine.of gold at i5 as "it were, risen .from the dead. are nrartird and divorced without un';il naw because wauC something. of Trail, British o um na', public record of either event. +. .i ie Hues ilrs4, i'or to „et off, but he wouldn't Be-, nelthex. to him 1* ,n rode 'Ful in' in a hurry, I Lent on coming„ ex-, about. himit ' 1 honked my burn for him C i 1 i ed to 1511 ahmtt, the little budge. nor He is' indeed reinstated at home, but to his father will home be what it was before. In the Divorces rtes are untclt more common, tin you know, newer wa tt 1 Canada's 1Vlaple Syrup 11in +lv ]ce It therefore, than the figures alone toil. do:* .ted that nines he (Dolt, pact -lug him to get off. Of coarse 1 The value of the maple syrup and old days he had been unwillingly , 1 wen 11 luclxcate, 11 ax, C.1' I- nt 1 e L' til that belonged tv didn't want to run over the clog' itl � f t i i Canada taus at home• home bad irked he had and IC n * image o ) Billhim a servers tiec'ate that the attnarinn is little t o what really l'at'e Ct everything ng 1 sugar ]11'ln, • aC Liter n even(teddy end linin( 1. cly 111111 he though 1 felt like giving. idea., h Hi 'home t} hld- Idea butlne. e! far more or]! ical than an the other even to't'e ra".. of 1'hrtttl ton it' 41151' scare. Then 1 roti,xd he was pulling about $4,•,11'1 Ou0 per Year. n 15 fathea wtiPs of 111is troubled enuntry. _.�_�._...:.. Il,osst,ssed' him. but now his Paths needed hixn. et something, and 51)1)110(1 the brakes tosse5ses him for ever. He knows lila s off into the ditch. This Artificial Graphite. i 1 r knew nor caul i Well, Rover wee a fine looking dog. quick and ,.hot1 • � .1 elec•trti� Pur_ 'father .as he neither � , "Everything in modern civilization depends on civilization."—Paul 1'vin- leve, 'Oh, dear, Johnny. have you bees. Angry Sltttrellolder: "May 1 ask what fighting again?" "No. mise; we yellow Mitis cams W11:3 :settled in the middleArtlfleiel are phit , at father as hes before, \e utak has happened Slto mar sinking laud?„ moved seslerday, and t moved the 'TP bad a rpt t ihtc his of is ns calve F a:tster Show. ell e .pi that his hair ',.'n:+ white r:f the marl, doubled, over,. playing,I noes nrndnrt. ]s made near, \iatatul 1la;�'iin,e that moth the father and the Chairman; "It sunk•” ' :.n , s sun, as they 1 _ . till are;' h', b;�:'<t :'n h:; looked a, l.lnosa, sa he r.onld hardl1' be ecu, Falls, Ohlurin, lona` b•t•, over the r11'ea� - 1"1 'i ,� NL) JEFF- - ...,.,,.: A 1Vl,miature Golf Course sn isn't roper(y. By BUD FISHER-�.�. _�•.:,�--__ _ ____ ,.. • `(OUR. 1lotang.• z WANA— -'I-tx SUE t•1uTT FOR ELE.JE.N bOLLf\ S HE. 0WC:t slEFF2✓ — ! i b1 o liER, -ft• ER.'L'5 NOIWNG x'D 1.I <G.Berre.1 -1.14?14 -to SLAP A PLAsTere. ala MUTT_ ;NT) MAWG it STicW , • %WE'LL ATTAcl; NiS PRoPE T`1, He's Gar ,a CGLLAR FULL of PRG-AtiAi • It PRoPeRTY, .• THAT A(6rT THA-i`•'s A HANT 4,, :'. t -)s A Lor o; S aCk Its) tTJALL iSo Do 3 At•19i f Z GoT' IT. WC`RC- BOTH NC 0114645 A M1iVllpl`COi`.E �•_. /" GOLF OURS C., L- s) IN MAT CAS.:-"tee'!.l. HAVE. "TO Go r9VGR. To TItE CESILDREN'S COURT ANt. cH+WGE 1tI"'1, U:1 ft{ Mid r Dtri.lNQueNC`(. f. . 1 fse e's,A _loom M'8t 7t