HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-04-02, Page 1Vol. XXXI NC4,40j ZLeRICH,, THURSDAY MOI, RA APRIL 21931, t4 • Ptiblitity is' the Gile'atet..1140 OUR CORNER When man's 1oev grows, cold he should put his arm: mixture& her :and warm her up. It is' far better to! be wraeaand Wor- ahipful than to be cliaver and .super- eilious. :•Spring is here Sailors on the great lakes arc... axriving as their boats to Make ready for life on the rolling wave.. William Campbell, the grand old man of Goderich„ has passed away at the age of 97. He had been connect- ed with the life and: the growth ad Goderich sinee pioneer olaats, • 0 •• • 4•44 40404144440044 04 444444444044 .0 • 4,46.-444. 4,00 4 • • • • • • • • WE HAVE A. LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, • • TRAVELLING BAGS,. VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND • • • ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY A.TTRACTIVE PRICES. • Pianos Pianos . • 4 * • • • • • • • • • • • .•••••••••••••••••4004444.44•454•••444411.44.41/44444.4.44.`• ts4 4 • • we* FRED IP PHONE 102. Harness, Etc. IF YOU HAVE BEEN. THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLJEJYESIUISZES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO A.GElaS FOR TRE SINGER SEWING MACHINE THIEL - ZURICH Se INNIANNINISINNADDROMODS epesse•00040000004100000000: One of the most dangerous person: we can produce in the world is the' uneducated specialist. Has not the world's economic ma- chine become too big for man, and is it not running away with him? a—÷ Each. generation revolts against its father and makes friends with its grandfather. Like many another old fellow, IP Man Winter is putting up quite a kick in his last days. +--÷ • An economist says you can $1.25 of anything new for a d The catch is that you have to the buy ollar. have The newspapers all over Canada are telling ofa Toronto motorist be- ing fined- $10 for splashing a pedest- rain's dress. It is true enough, but twenty, thousand other pedestrains have got splashed and nobody was lined. • . It. not often the people of the province question the judgments of the courts of Ontario. However, there is a: strong feeling that the ap- peal tours has not acted wisely, or in the best interests of either justice or humanity, in confirming the sent - enc of five years and 20 lashes upon a 16 -year-old lad. .The law itself ought to be changed so that lashes cannot be applied to anyone so yo- ung.—London Free Press. Canada Faces a Deficit Shoe Sty IN BROWS! SHOES h a Smite MAKE YOU. STEP OUT AMBITIOUS, :READY TO GO. EVERY GOOD STYLE FMEASTER -rs HERE, BLACKS, BOWNS, SPORTS. A GREAT COLLECTION OF NEW ARRIVALS. ASIDE FROM GENUIE. PLEASURE :OF :INSPECTING. THESE NEW • GOODS FIRS.T, IS THE ,ADVANTAGE OF EARLY SELECTION. AND YOU'LL CHOSE FROM THE •FINEST VARIETY OF EX- CLUSIVE SHOE MODELS .FOR MEN, -WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT 'W.ERY :LOIN .PRCES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Bi OUR' set Shop WINDOW DISPLAY ;;11110000epet**B4Wietectvosersettemeemeesteietoestatimeoe .00-e-eaattaataociaaaae.0-0.0416asatial..* 0 0 .00 Oars. 0009 0 .00 4, 0a-te oiresal,at and One Thing we win rI And One Thing we wo 't WE WILL SAVE YOU NIONEY ON YOUR CLOTHES BUT WE WILL NOT SACRIFICE THE CLOTHES TO DO U. EVERY FABRIC MUST BE UP TO.STANDARD. EACH ST1TCH MUST BE 'CONSCIENTIOUSLY DONE. And the Value Mast 13,e Right 0 aaf. EberiALMESNO Ma) ijNEL.fiLlatZ.t10,1 ******110404.0Pefosait***,.0".0ottetIke,04,0,4444,444,44.01* 1 • • • • • • 5. 0 0 430 • gm. Chester L. Smith, pair 111.25 a year, U.S. MOO ha Arbour* *1-6Q 4.RaEARS,ta 31 Air Bit EIMAYR01* in Home Merchandising - 4- 4'1 .• . ,Alex. Foster spent the week- end. th 'friends at Kitchener. Mrs. John Albrecht and daa U:1 Miss Lulu were at London oa grsday last. Mr.Cal Williams who has been at Toro* for some time, has returned to lita,home here. mit:Harold Newcombe of Goderich was '4.tuesday visitor at the home of Mr.'i'n.d Mrs. E. E. Weido, M'. : and Mrs. Lorne Dreier of Kin- caa4jpe ;were week -end visitors at the tonfe of Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. brei Alex. Voisin and a nephew of neaKitchener, called on friends in homerof Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber. sall,aW ere Sunday visitors at the this,440inity this week, 1V,. and Mrs. Roy' We•ber Of Hen - Mr, Tel. L. Wurm, of Toronto xnade,T,a business call in the village the beginning of the week. Mr' Ivan Yungblut, Mr. and Mrs. HerlaaKrueger and Miss Margaret Schilt4 t.pent a pleasant week -end with ititchener friends. Making the trip ,i'amotor. A Bargain For Quick Sale Consol Star Phonographs Like new with Records $20.00 Each ass. The Jeweller 111 -Yes! You will Find DIFFERENCE IF YOU RURV STANDARD Awrita MONEY TIGHT YOU SAY Tighten up then on that Fuel Bill 44.2 Burning Our Semet Solway Coke, or Nit. a seraa. Pocahontas and Bank. that fiamaalag with our Small Pea Coal- We wrizry in stock Nine Different Varietiis Fuel. Come in and Let us. talk: urvilse your Fuel Problems with you- ' For Caat Payment a Discount of EeF 44"Ylwe0- • Car I Phone 10w or 10J HENSAIL&Doz=irr. ..._...,,...._..........,._.,...._............."..........______________...__„. 1:04.4-4444+++++.+++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++++4+0004 4. 4. .r. 4,... 4 SALE! RuB BER and PELT t. .-I. Heab. Mousseau, C. Frita e. aa ire . . a ...a, •Ical Mr. Jos. S. Bedard of •I• .ta,„„,• cia„,a „motor business -ta • • : "tVileOra;"--Cratissik*S is':1"s° ^ %rest.I.ellfiction of nearly 2 On Wednesday. million dollars for the first eieyeta[aa .'d to .report that .Mr. Albert months of the finial year. Add, an- BeilOick; Of the Blue Water High - other month's losses to this, allow .way, and who has been at London for increased expenditures in addit- Bospital, taking treatments, has re- ionto decreased receipts, and it is covered 'sufficiently to return to his easily seen wehre the Govermnent home on Monday. will end the fiscal period at least, • $100,000,000 worse off than a year.. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Amens, who ago. This does not mean a defict:. spent the .past winter in Stratford, of that amount, for it is to be borne; hare moved back into their home at in mind' that the previous year's o, the east end of town and taken up erations produced a surplus of be- , housekeeping. We welcome them tween 40 and 45 millions, but it does back te Zurich again. inean a very large deficit. And the government must not only provide for this, but guard against its re- currence in the coming year. Our Public Schools Complaints are being made and rightly so that there is altogether too much hemework in the junior grades of public schools. Many a parent is worried to death trying to help the little kids with their homewor,when nearly all that work could be done in the school. Parents really •should take a course in teaching, as under the present bug -a -boo system, the taken in church mebership. The Choir ,of Emenuel Evangelical church are rendering a Cantata, "The Makers of the Cross" on Sun- day evoing, :April 5th beginning at 7:80 o'cck. This will be a program of Song'. and Story. Come, and bring others with you. Specia Lenten Services are being conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. Y. Dreier, ita the Evangelical church this :week very evening' excepting Saturday eve. The public are cord- ially invited to attend to these great spi4tua1 refreshments. On Sunday Oaptism rites will be observ- ed and art opportunity given to be parents are expected to know both matter and method of imparting kno- Preentation wledge. If the little ones spent be- tween five and six hours in school A very ;pleasant evening was spent there should be no need of two or at the hot*.ie' of Mr. and Mrs. Menno three or even one hour of homework. Baechler 43n Tiihsclay evening., March By the way that does not mean that :3 t, whIli i'then children and grand we encourage the children running likdidrer 'gathered together to cele - the streets all evening, The Eamiati- brate Mrs. Baeahl er'S ScVIlty-fift11 0 tot) ill earlier grades are a ba- bithay. .The evening was spent in bear. Any teacher, worthy of the singin, 'gter Which dr llinch was served, followed by an address name should he able to tell the st- anding of a pupil after teacing. that read 14' VArEiM inge ell • child for.a shOrt time, but that is not gift, a beautiful pair of blankets and the system in vogue. A child must a pair of Oweds, was presented by pas:, an examination to proceed. from. M18•5 Gertrude naechler, after which one class to another—a mental and Mr. Bilechir 'thanked them with physical strain that no child of ten- " havd no greater joy than to hear der years should be subjected to that nty cl'thidreit walk in. Truth". Exchange. Third episqk of John, verse 4. The Ari,; , Mrs. Metato Baeclifer: Par Gi:uplmother: have gathered here in your homy t.b-night to spend a few OF Very .enOy4ii hours with you On 'OW Occasion of your birthday. You have aways: iiicren a kind mother, and a dear g,rrardluother to us, and We have taken f is wayof showing our ste ern for a. We hope God 11 Tare you elf Moss you with health so that you n' It be With as l'or many more yeam Ve ask you to aCe091. iS littic gUI•t; a token of rememb- rance and wi!' It we wish you God's Richest BlesSii gS. • ' Your Child A :arid Gyamichildron. Aftfr thc .was spent in -ery approP• late way, the heppy .r.therint' retn Oied to their respect., :vo homes, .ishing: Mrs, Bak -Oiler good health fa mny...more iyhtbdays. School Report ZURICH CONTINUATION ,SCHOOL Por January, February and 'March: FORM I—Quimbe Hess 7% av- raic ; Beatrice Gascho 68%, Ruth Church 67, Grace Gallas 65, Hazel Uttity 62, Margaret Haberer 57, Al- ice Decker 50, Rosa Zettel FORM II --Ruby Church 79, Marie 0 • Laporte 79, Claude Gelinas 71, Lc On - 4!. : arti Denomme 70, Margery Gascho • 70' Byron Ducharme 60, Ellen Turk- • beim 69, Earl PlaXbard 56, Viola .-.lreenan 65, Gordon Plocl: W, Mb - i1 Heideman 60, Albert Deicherti 51. 40:1• A. P. Rowe, Principal, A 4" 4. Phoe 82 or 115 a a Sale at less than Cost Prices. Now is the time to secure Footwear at at low prices SEE OUR SOUTH WINDOW FOR A FEW OF THE MANY GEN- UINE BARGAINS WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU., MEN'S SNAG PROOOF HEAVY RUBBERS at BOY'S HEAVY RUBBERS, RED SOLES 1.851 CHILDREN'S LLTIVIBERMEN'S, BLA.C1c. SOLES .. ... an. MEN'S LEATH:ER TOPS, RED SOLES. 12 -in, CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES AT Men's Rubber Boots, all red including insoles Men's Black Boots, Red Soles and Insoles 151 .114,ftiP sa Compare our Rubber Boots Prices with Mail Order Houses FR17 & SON Ala 5. .e••• 454. ”ts 4ki tikis sq' Zurich 1: We are offering a special disco tim_t of 10 to 25 per cent off on all winter goods up to the end of Februray. Watch our remnant counter. This is a real barglin sale. Come in and be convinced R. N. DOUGLAS ae-tv ERAL M�RCHAAVT I PHONE 11 - 97 ElL A KE ---aaat" alailliaaaaaaaaasai