HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-03-26, Page 1Vol. XXXI No.,89 RI H ZURICH. THURSDAY MOB! Publicity is theGreatest Fa OUR CORN Gas is moan are 1%oar I nr , This should mean orated isle an less drinking: Despite the &ark firn fund a. sub- stitute, elbow ouase is sffill1 ';Hina •e s- sential oil of c , :. Gasoline has camedown and the price ‘of 'whiskey has gone ea. It is; hard to draw any lesson front .that because the two should never be, mixed. 4-4 Two young folks set out in an automobile to get maz.ried at Indep- endence, Va.. But, stopping along the route, they got out ,of. ±he scar, • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••t•st•••1e•+ i 13 .• **es 1 • •ARE OFFERING THE VERY TO THE PUBLIC AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos IF YOU AVE.HSEEPS THINKING OF ADDING; A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND -o CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR 41 SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. -e ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINEsit largess, Etc. WE HAVE A LARGE STCtCIE OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRA.VELL.IWG BAGS* VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM„ AND FRED THIEL - ZURICH PHONE WI. '; ;54" • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • i • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • i •••••••••tM••••e.•S••O•••0••••••••••••••••••r••` IST BROW'S SHOE_ The Sprieg !mss and Brown's Shoes I MAKE, YOU STEP OUT AMBITIOUS, READY TO' GO. EVERY GOOD STYLE. MESMERIC IS HERE. 'BLACKS, NEW TANS, SPORTS., A. G/IMAI'•C'CQL LECT1ON'OF NEW ARRIVALS. ASIDE FROM GENUINE PLEASURE tOF INSPECTING. THESE, NEW GOODS FIRST,; ISTHE, ADVAiNTAGE OF ;EARLY SELECTION. • AND YO: LL, CHOSE. :FROM •THE :FINEST • 'VARIETY OF EX- CLUSI;Y'E- SHOE MODELS FOR MEN,.WOMEN .AND CHILDREN AT VERY MOW' IPRICES. • • •• REPAIRING _ NEATLY DONE B&owl's Boot Shop ISM Orta WINDOW DISPLAY 0••ear•+••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••$•••••••.••••.. Ne Suits For Easter April .5 One Thin we will do And One Thing we won't • Y • • ♦• • • • • • • •• • , •1 • • , • 0 WE WILL. SAVE YOU` ` I ONEY ON YOUR ,CLIFTES'ES '( W:E • WILL. tarotr shicsitancE, THE CLOTHES MO DO CI` • • EVERY FABRICIVAISTME UP TCP STAI4[101RD F:Fu!os STITCH MUST' RE CONSCIENTIOUSLY ,DOE.. • •I • • r • noffman:P •f > OIL • ►I j i,. And the Value Must be Melt EMJAALSI1 L% AND AsidwEttoiL fL M]att vllleMS and left the key in the lock. A thieving crow saw the key, picked it. up, and flew away with it; and, the;; wedding party was delayed for about'] four hours while some mechaniee• strove to get the car opened without doing too much damage to it. 4—+ The Prince of Wales has been tele, ling Argentinians that "failure to re- cognize trade as interchange, and obstacles placed in the way of recip- rocal trade, are perhaps the main causes of the world's present troub +—+ Provincial finances are not impro- ving. On the contrary there is an t alarming deficiency in revenue. The two people able to make i hottest for you are a woman wh can't have her own way and a re former who can. t U I am a maid, and one day the mis- tress of the house said: "Sally, I hear you had company yesterday. Who was it?" "Only my aunt Jane." Imagine my embarresment when she said: "Well, when you see her again kindly tell her she left her pipe and tobacco on the sofa,". 4—s A motorist's car had stalled on a country road. The driver looked over his car and saw it was lubrication trouble. Heasked an old lady in a nearby cottage if she had any oil in the house. "Any kind will do", he said, "castor oil if you have it." "I ain's got any castor oil, sir," said the old lady regretfully, "but I can mix you up a dose of salts." +—+ Over the line they are already be- ginning to discuss Presidential possi- bilities.. osse j brhties f *43 " ' T' jirse 1ias the inside track for the Republican nomination and will undoubtedly, receive it—if he wants it, and if the big guns of the party will let him have it. CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late Mrs. William Finlay wish to greatly thank all those who so kindly assisted and sympathized during the illness and departure of the deceased, and also for the many floral tributes and to those who loaded their cars at the funeral. Barnum on Advertising P. T. Barnum, the circus man, once said of advertising: "If you have $10 to put to good use, put up one for :the ;article and the other nine for advertising. I can outalk any man on earth hut the printer. The man that can stick type and the next morning talk to a thousand people, while I am talking to one, is the man I am afraid'—I want hint for a fri- end!" A Real Birthday - •On Thursday, March. 19th was County Clerk Holman's birthday, and in honor of the anniversary he was waited upon at his office by fellow - officials ,of the court house and pre- sented with a handsome black. stiff hat of latest vintage, along with con-' gratulations and good wishes. His Honor Judge Holmes, who headed the birthday party was accompanied by Sheriff Middleton, Co. Court Clerk Johnston, Co. Treasurer Young, Mrs. Reynolds and Miss Schoenhals of the County Court clerk's office, Judge Holines tendered congratulations to Mr. Holman upon passing another milestone and wished him many more years of usefulness in his office. les." Holding Doesn't Pay Holding eggs for a rise in the market doesn't pay, as a recent re- port from Federal Inspectors at Win- nipeg ,clearly shows. It reads: "The majority of receipts are of good qual ity, although some held eggs are in evidence. These invariably grade seconds, showing the fallacy of hold- ing perishable products for any leng- th sof ,thee in anticipation of a higher market," At the time this report was received the spread of extras over seconds was five cents per doz- en. The egg marketing service of the Dcoaiiaaion Department -of Agricul- ture urges fanners to market their eggs in the very best of condition, which 3taturalll is us soon atter lay- ing :as Ieo.ssible so that" they will ;int the. ;laeawilt of official grading. HERALD MARCH 261931. Cher L. Smith, , 'r la 11.26 a year, U.S. cI.gfL 44141111121111 OM iN..RREARS.(r9 NAY JESSIMINUIP `r in Home Merchandising --- ..a_ 1 r�ij Consitt of Hensall, was an Saturday. W. Ortwein of Hensall, was ss visitor in town on Tues - in•'o Mr, bus day .'" Mr• famziai ends WIN . d Mrs. Harry G. Hess and re Sunday visitors with fri- rediton. Oliver Johnson of.Goderieh, yisllte at :the home of his brother, Mr P et as Johnson on Sunday. Mr.id Mrs. Clarence Hoffman, AndLly Clayton Hoffman all of Galt wereSunday visitors with their par- e ntS' ii f town. 'Mrs:;'Eenry Steinbach is spending a •;.w.r{weeks at London, where she 3,s;,talirig treatment in the Fume Bath Iyittit tion for her rheumatic troub- na.. Mr .iferb. Mousseau was to Wind- slt on Tuesday, returning home with t*. net- Ford Coach that Mr. Haiold 1 has purchased from. Mr. E. th, the local Ford Represent - Wilke E VWi alive. Ani uctiorn.'sale of the household effect and•r.eal estate property of the:Mjj ride :Estate will be held in Zirtic Ion Saturday, April 4th. This is ear r a very desirab a property ey nhome. Mrs. E. A. Manson, of the Goshen Line, north, and who has been at London for a week or so owing to the ope>.a,tion .0 her son, Donald, has :Lome. Pleased to sepprt that.:ni3id is improving rap- idly, after,,Ii'is "accent operation. Messrs :E ..Axt, Wm. Rarig, Albert Hess- an -David Fuss left shortly af- ter midnight Tuesday morning and Idrov tp Jack Miner's bird sanctuary ner % Kingelrille, Lake Erie, arriving there•,atilo-ut six o'clock in the mor ling, ji.iSt in the best hour to see a beautixul sights of thousands of wild geest come in off the lake and enjoy their breakfast which was plac- ed there for them in the form of corn on the cob. Thousands of bushels of cord is being fed to these birds every year, and Mr. Miner ,is doing a worthy cause in protecting the wild bird life. Mrs. William Finlay Called Mrs. Minnie Elizabeth Farrell Fin- lay, beloved wife of Mr. William Finlay, of the Town Line, Hay Town- ship, was called to the better world on Friday, March 20th 1931, aged 63 years, 3 months and 2 days, after an illness of only about two 'weeks duration of heart weakness. M.N. Finlay had been quite active, and doing her . daily work, until she was stricken with a stroke from which she at one time reezned to rally, but her constitution finally gave way. Was born in Hungerford Township, Has- tings Couity vizi, 1867, being of Irish parentage. '•She came to Bruce Co- unty when ,quite young, and in 1898 was married to Mr. William Finlay. In 1906, t3', moved to the farm on the Town Line, Hay Township, where they have resided since, Mrs. Finlay was raised in the Methodist church faith, and after the Union merger came on she beearne very active in the Blake United Church, being Presi dent of the W. M. S., at the time of her passing, and was always very ac- tive in general church work, a good bible student, and will be greatly missed in these activities. Besides her bereft husband she is survived by three children: Alberta and Harold at hone and Edgerton Finlay of aan S hton I3 c , � C., two sisters: Mrs. Burnie of Descnto; Mrs. Osborne, Ripley; Three. 'brothers: Albert, Gil- bertand Edgerton Farrell all of Rip- ley. The fiznerh.1 was held on Mon- day afternoon ith Rev. I'oniter of Varna, her pastor officiating. Inter- ment being znadu In hayfield Cemet- ery. Friends fztozrr a distance were: Rev. W. A. Fin v ,' Yarmou'til Centre; ; 'Hiss Doepeof•.ohdon, hiss Finlay r,f x.iiicardiniY, ''rank Iouston, Wes. l'hompson, tlrrrl: ;Miss (i,raltarn all of Ripley, 0j Bargain r Quick Sale 2 Canso' Star Phonographs Like new with Records $20.00 Each Hess, ' The Jeweller Yes! You will Pin DIFFERENCE IF YOU IHII( ' MONEY TIGHT YOU &„W Tighten up then on that boast BM 42 Burnam Our Semet Solway Coke, or Me. S Gam. Pocahontas and Bank that, ft`., with our Small Pea Coal. We e in stock Nine Different Verfertnea .ifs Fuel. Come in and I'et us eru your Fuel Problems with you. For Cash Payment a Diseolult e per Ton wil be Allaweti �.�i.. canteeloxx.. Phone IOw or 10J HENSALL,, EMIL +K..q.+.t..g.'i"I.'I 11"1 rI.'i! +++.tle4'P!'.&'$1 *+'11I'i..!'.3'3'+'I'd ++11.6 tl -Pt SALE! RUBBER and FEL GOLIViT17.121114 On Sale at less 'than Cost Prices., • Now is the time to secure ,quality 4. + T Footwear at low prices 4. SEE OUR SOUTH WINDOW FOR A FEW OF THE MAWIC GEN. - + UINE BARGAINS WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU. '�, �, I. BOY'S HEAVY RUBBERS, RED SOLES - Ri s + CHILDREN'S. LUMBERMEN'S, BLACK SOLES , 4l. MEN'S LEATHER TOPS, RED SOLES, 12 -in.. ofCHILDREN'S OVERSHOES, AT Men's Rubber Boots, all red including insoles' $4 .,.O.€) a iMen's Black Boots, Red. Soles and Insoles?.i I t. Compare our Rubber Boots Prices- with I + Mail Order Houses + C FRITZ & SON Phone 82 or 115 -Zwick • ++++•+++•baa+++++4+44++44•44++44444-+44.4. 4.47.4,44.40.*+4 .MEN'S SNAG PROOOF HEAVY RUBBERS at 125 ...1ST' 4 -- 40, MID -WIN ER BARGAINS We are offering a special diseoutEt of 10 to 25 per cent off on all winter goods up to the end of Feb►rua!-y.,, Watch oiu' remnant counter.. This is a real bargain sale.. Come in and be convinced. R. N. DOUGLAS Gir,lg1A'AERAL A'EMOHAAir PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE • �9