HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-03-19, Page 810 A T T(TTT 1 -TE STORE WITH THE STOCK Sale Prices Ct ntinue i on all lines of Winter Goods, such as: Y-:a;iery, Sweater Coats, Mackinaws, Leather Coats, Underwear of every description See oar Men's Sweaters at $1. each NEW GOODS NOW ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY. LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW PRINTS, GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS, RAYONS, FUGI SILKS, FLAT CREPES, ALL AT NEW LOW PRICES. Specials for Lent P.rnnswick Sardines, 4 for • 25c l.i. ;.y's Beans, at 10c C'acade Salmon, 2 tins for 29c No z ;les, per box at 10c Th ::nut butter, Pint jars, for ]h He cronia, 3 lbs. for IK'pV , rines, per lb. at Ill ; ing in tomatoe sauce, 1 ib. tins for 25c 25c 19c 25c J. GASCHO 81 SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 r�. rum...a,,.. .. . Public Liability IF YOU WERE TO KILL OR INJURE SOMEONE, AND YOU WERE PROVEN "LEGALLY LIABLE", COULD YOU SATISFY -THE JUDGMENT? PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE INDEMNIFIES (Subject to the limits of the policy) AGAINST ALL LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH THE INSURED SHALL BECOME LEGALLY LIABLE TO PAY .. FOR BODILY INJURIES OR DEATH TO PERSONS........ IT PROVIDES INVESTIGATION OF THE ACCIDENT AND FOR THE INSURED'S DEFENSE IF LEGAL ACTION IS BROUGHT AGAINST HIM, PAYS COURT COSTS AND REIMBURSES FOR SUCH SURGICAL RELIEF AS MAY BE IMMERIATELD NEC- ESSARY. IT COSTS LESS TO INSURE THAN TO WIN A LAWSUIT, AND ALSO SAVES YOU NEEDLESS WORRY. 1931 Rates Reduced. Apply NOW! Andrew Fs Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 ego 21141.006.111004104114400011.111006EPCMCMC.114110411MENS0000101: e Lower Prices ON Goodyear Tires, and Tubes Talk about Goodyear Cord. and Saloon Tires and Tubes. TO—THE MAN WHO HASN'T MUCH MONEY TO SPEND ON TIRES, THEY'RE THE CHEAPEST TIRES HE CAN BUY. TO—THE BUYER WHO LOOKS FOR ROAD GRIP. AND BEA- UTY, HE WILL FIND THEM BOTH IN THIS MAKE OF TIRE, TO—THE CUSTOMER WHO GIVES HIS TIRES HARD USAGE, WILL RECOGNIZE THEIR EXTRA WEAR. NO OTHER TIRES APPROACH C;OODYEAR TN APPEARANCE. WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICE. MOUNTED ON YOUR RIM AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. s • Please, Don't forget, whenin need of new Furniture we have • STADE & WEIDO ZURICH -- ONT. # l..ap ��wi�re+r�o4r�►•+I►E►4rt�E>aEhEl�w•e WE SELL THE BEST FA4I'r LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, FRID4Y AND SATURDAY Sunlight Soap, 10 Bars for ....... Peas, No. 2, large size Tin, 3 Tins for Crown Brand Corn Syrup, 5 lb. Tin for; Toddy, a nourishing drink,, 16 -oz. Tin Best Rice 3 lbs for . Posts Bran Flakes and Pep, 2 pkgs. Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs Ready Cut Macroni, 3 lbs. for Premier Tea (cup and saucer or vase, 1 1b Jif Soap Flakes, large Pkg. ....49c 23c 35c 53c ...... 25c 25e 25c 23c .59c 19c OUR NEW WALL PAPERS ARE THE NEWEST UP-TO-DATE PATTERNS, JUST IN, SEE OUR SAMPLES. WE HAVE SAMP- LES BOOKS FOR YOU WHICH YOU, CA 'TAKE TO YOITR HOME AND LET YOUR FAMILY FIFLP , '(l)U TO DECIDE WHICH PATTERN IS BEST SUITED TO Y i'UR, FURNISHINGS. GET. YOURS J. Wo YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERS western 'Farmers' Mutual ' The International Statistical Inst- Weather _1i surance Co '9fF WOODSTOCK itute says that the population of the earth is now (in part) as follows:, Asia, 950,000,000; Europe, 550,000,-' 000; North and South America, 230,-' The Urgegt Business of any 000,000; Africa 150,000,000; AustralCanadlan .Cf11'i'Ipaly doing lasia, 7,000,000. This is about 100,- 000,000 increase over 1927. If this BI1SI111e s in Ontario - rate of increase were to keep up it would mean that by 2030 the world's Amount of ,Insurance at Risk.on Dec. present population of two billion wo- 81Et, 1923, $22,206,275. . uld be increased by about eight bil-• lion. Where would we put them? ( Total Cochin Bunk. axed Bonds 1931. Teaching Days Now Under • Rates-• 4.56 Deer 0I O,, p fvz 9 yearr, 200 Mark r Total teaching days for 1931 are' E. F.. iopp--- • urich fewer than ever, according to a cin- Agent Also Deale in Li iitain Rods cular sent out by the department of i , education for Ontario to aii Ontario and aid'kiuds of Fare Insurance schools. Two hundred days of actu- al tuition used to be the rule, but this year there are only 197 days. This applies says the department, to' high, continuation, public and separ- ate schools. In the January to June period there are 118 days and in the fall term. 79 days. Easter holidays will be from April 2 to 13. The schools are to close for summer va- cation. on June 29 and re -open on Sept. 1. Actually in most Places these dates will not be observed. June 29 falls on Monday, and of course most school boards, at least in cities and towns, will close the sch ools on Friday, the •26th. This year Sept. 1 falls on a Tuesday and Labor Day on the 7th. ever, that gr wens, • before another season ,1arriveS carefully consider the advrsayilit ,y of eliminating the multi- plicity ultiplicity of brai ds that now exist and to adopt onToutstanding mark by which Ontario =apples may be recog- nized. Shodld Check Fertilizer This is thi S'eago . f9r buyinE for- tilizers andpt is important that far= mors shout know•. how to protect themselves ? making sure that they are delivererT"the kind and analysis of fertilizer w ch, they purchase. The'. Federal f'Silizer act repuires that every fer iz rr'delivered to a farrier must be la 'e: with the guaranteed BUSY FARMER NEWS analysis in 3,einat of nitrogen, phos phuric aci 0.0'd potash. • Therefore the farme slh'auld check the guar- Alfalfa hay reduces the cost of anteed an Sis' of th fertilizer when production of live stock products. it arrives •ff •short • one per cent Grow alfalfa! nitrogen, rt 14•worth about $2.50 a Know what you sow --"For what- ton Iess tlah the, purchase and phos- soever a man soweth that shall he phoric acrd mill potash are worth. a, also reap" Sow only large plump i bout $1, nor' each per cent. Purch- seed. Poor seed is dear at any prices. ' ases areachised to refuse acceptance The recent heavy snowfall, which of fertilizer which is not labelled pre - was general throughout Ontario sur- cicely the.aine guaranteed analysis vecl the dual purpose of replenishing as that pulchased. Should any fram- the water supply in places where the er have 1•e exon to doubt the value of shortage had been keenly felt dur-! a '.d fertrlizu'elivered to him. he Is ing the past months and of providing ; advised ta.comunicate with the mar- e valuable covering for .tail wheat est inspectki' or the district represent and other early crops. It is not of- ative of :alAFalture. ten that the farming districts receive such a. blessing in mid March and .SOW Clean Seed this masa prove a happy augury for a prosperous season, Cow testing is very important. Not all cows that give milk are profitable rn Conant,! " uast year. The direct loss The only way to make sure of these an crop a wally'" displaced or killed unprofitable cows is by the use of the milk scales and the Babcock test. Only land that will respond to good treatment should be cultivated at all. There are many thousand • f o thatwill not produce far A nice it survey shows that weeds were Pi:>poasibl for a total loss of between 1 Q and 200 million dollars, out by we ds was over one hundred. million, ' Vile . the remainder waa made up 'a freight charges for carry- ing weed;' eeds ',along with grain, s o teres �n clover ant other crops, loss of mois- i Ontario 1 titre, daps elation of faun' value due; crops profitably and should be re to wec,ds *nd the. increase in cultivat- forested without further waste of ion rrt cesl^y were these soil robbers time and energy. Every farmer who be lea,ga,. {' is .loss, Ire- must apples in time can get free ;1,500 be cleaned t Carefullyurn-seeded trees for reforesting waste areas and cultivatiori ^i%ill 'clean up ordinary 500 for planting in .ivinclbrc•a]rs, A fields, while „ partial summer fallow plications fortes are available at your nand iho soiv'iu.g of smother crops hke local Agricultural Office. , buckwyhc at, ,rape onto turnips arc re- Urges Distinctive Mark I c-omm.Cnde(I; for very bad patches of such trn5:eious ''weeds as twitch ene] tario growers co-operating with 1 sg,�.,-thisUe, A clean seed bed, plus ',he°101 nt• tiovernment in, packing ap- cledii clo o>4 seed and clean seed pies for export, have made a wonder i;aih of lyx h, standard of parity and ful impression upon the, export trade ,This season. The adoption „crmtuattori 'wilt give a big ]nca e x5c ado tion of a uni- in yield c•rr`c.r the other kind at pra•e• Ctrl! standard of color and cluarity ticafy n.o:'rrrote cost, Only chc, n, n'-: which has been ma•intaine,rl through- rrlrtp •,- is.seed, tested and appro- put the s•avtrn lists been reeognizet-I v'ed b ` arn'trtent;authorities s'(I- b,V Clic l'uyc t;ti l' would urge, how'- aalrl ire a e 7: F Your Hardware Store Thursday, Marc ti/th, int ' *.++++$+++4+4+$f$+44+,$, +++ar..e +++++++++++++*** 414 • 4. WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WI:TH SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT ; • t OUR FULL. LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST t PREVAILING PRICES.: + + f I Good supply Let tls Show You + Prrnture R Smoke Cure on hand We are offering oar Entire Stock of Purn.. . `! I1CRre at Greatiy Reduced Prices which will move it out r: pidiy. Be sure and get your requirements at these law prices • WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR. SALE VERY CHEAP. Johnston . Kathljejsch endears & Fu.rnitu e. Phone 63 ,t. , y"' „t .E.+ ++++`Q +++,, i£ +++.{i. ++eti• i'"E++++++++++ ++4 +'y('+i"++1'++4 .I44.44i4 i`+ 111111111N111111111!(lINfilli,ilii!t(IlilNlUll11111111111N111111111111ilii!11ilNllil(ldtiilNaB!fUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINllt1111111101111111Nllllllll11111161V�!�^� lll(!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII]Nllll!lllfill;n• WATCH THIS SPACE For Something Entirely New In . Advertise We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc., JIESS, the Repair Man �liiRNR(+ANN(UININ{II(Il!G�k�.i!Hc�11?<NIII�IfINIIiIIII{HLIfIINaNI!II11Ii;iilllllllNllNlit�if!NHfNil(YI]IlNllpll!(NTd1NpIVWmN01"'� l'?:r !B4f rn;i!;I!>IN;Ililiigtl�tlHpLnfC,' B + 44.14,1++.1, €14,14 ++44•fr.F49,14++3 .mini,++++++.++.4,44+++. f i •9 TTENTJO1 , TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OE GASOLLNE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD ,STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST ST I''REVA.ILING PR/CES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT N1`O'RKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER HAUL ..FOES ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERITY REASONABLE. • GAS OILS GREASES I.•Moasseau Zurich ++$ +' H' 14^ ++^A 14,re++++++ ,-Ir 114+4.1.44,++++++++++4%,t-1,4,41.4+ 44 04.b4+d.4M1.4^4.,p4.4MrR+I'e.r4+•4+41?6•d1«4.1,.5*4Io410.0+b4414‘4100 •. I. 4.,`HERALD + . _{ ' Do You Know?irk • THAT WE ARE.ALWAYS AT YOUR. SERVICE FOR FIRST + CLASS JOB PRINTINGI THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS, AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS + BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION 'e' ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES + STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS„ +SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. + THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING RAPERS CUT TO ANS' .SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR t ' ' SUES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING t ; PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORJAL ENVELOPES '. .1. THAT MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER., + AND q WE FILL YOUR. ORDINARY SINE INK BOTTLE WITH '1" A GOOD WRITING FNK. FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN TITI "S AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. THAT WE PIt1Wr• POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS t MERCANTILE RCANTIL'E: POSTERS AND AIA. ,GENERAL Pl!2'1NTrNG 4' � OUR SPECIALTY.,"