Zurich Herald, 1931-03-19, Page 7PETRIE EARTAI '/z Ton Differential Chain Hoists with 28' of Chain .. $ 8.50 1 Ton Differential Chain Hoists with 32' of Chain , $10.50 Cord Wood Saws, .Angle Iron Frame Ball Bearing, Complete with Saw • $60.00 10"-3 Square English Files, Bastard or Second Cut, ea. 25e 12"-3 Square English Files, Bastard or Second Cut, ea. 30c 4"--3 Jaw Universal Ge/lred Scroll Chucks, with 2 Sets Jaws $10.00 25 ib Anvil and Vise ..... . . , $ 4.00 50 lb. Anvil $ 5.50 75 Ib. Anvil $ 8.25 Forges, 18" diameter, One Piece Steel Hearth, Com- plete with Fan $11.50 Ball Bearing Post Drill, drills 0- %" holes to centre of 111/2 circle $ 9.50 5l/2" Jaw Stationary Machinist Bench Vises .. , x,10.00 61/4" Jaw Stationary Machinist Bench Vises $12.50 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GASOLINE ENGINES, BELTING, PULLEYS, DANGERS, SHAFTING, NEW AND USED, AT SPECIAL PRICES. H. W. PETRIE, LIMITED Phone ELEdin 1271 147 FRONT ST. W. Toronto 2 not in a' position to purchase such 1 plants as Petunias, Zinnias,. 1\ari• golds, Cosmos, Asters, Toniateee, � Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Head t.et-• 'There was a time when the millers tuce and similar things, a hot bed le sold shorts, Now they can be bought essential, The constructioh of such only at the department stores. an affair Is neither difiicault_ nor --, • expensive, and In addition to y'ow- "I'aplt 1Frft me four huedred dellars Ing such plants as the above It.may to buy a memorial stone for him after be used to produce early 1eiLtice, he died," said Darling Dora. "Haw onions, radishes and melons for the do you like my new diamond?" table, Secure a supply of freelh horse manure which has been turned • Teacher—"Johnny, if your father "frequently to i event burning: and •earned $40 a week and gave your store this in some sheltered sent, mother half, vvbat woulcl elle have?" turning over occasionally until t•eady Johnny--"Fleart failure." to use, The hot bed should sae k- s4 sated where it will be convenient for ''r'. The peculiar characteristic is the the person looking after it !!sprit! all one somebody else has. sorts of weather. Proi'era13( .' it should have some shelter frein , ipith Daddy—"l greatly disapprove of and west winds by fences, •bnildinns young Darlington, and one particular or shrubbery. Select or prepOie a reason is his lack of interest in his well -drained site and make a p}1e of xcaliing." the manure eighteen itht.be rdeep Daughter--"\4'lly father, his calling! when well pressed down. pb;.tQp Be calls ou me seven nights a week," of this, place a light ,frame of, jpood any desired size and covet tgtly., "I just love these big cave men," with a window sash... The ter sighed Gladful Gladys, as the guide should slope a few inches tows! ,the. led her through the Mammoth Cave. front which must be south war --- the manure with three or four si• es Golf Definitions of fine soil. The bed will h ; ?11P Dub—"One who plays golf the way rapidly at first .but by thef h day should have cooled down, •P1= ontly for planting purposes •lire can plant in rows quite CI0S to - Owl Laffs Garden Talks Put These Vegetables on List .. The average gardener is often be- wildered by the large number of vegetable varieties offered alts so for his 'particular benefit the following list based on expert information Is offered: -Asparagus, Mary Washing- ton, satisfactory from the 'standpoint of: disease resistance and a good cropper; Beaus, Pencil Pod Black Wax, Round Pod Kidney Wax, Stringless Green Pod with Ken - Welty Wonder Wax and Kentucky Green Pod as pole sorts: Beets, Early Wonder, Plat Egyptian Early and Detroit Dark Red, later; Cab- bage, Golden Acre, as a round -head- ed first early, followed by Coppen- hagen Market and Enkhuizen Glory ae mill -season with short . stem Danish Ballhead for winter storage; Cauliflower, Snowball and Earliest Dwarf Erfurt; Carrots, Chantenay and !Danvers; Cern, of the early varieties Golden Sunshine, Picka- ninny, Early Mayflower, Early Mar- ket and Golden Bantam are recom- mended, with Stovell's Evergreen tor •later use; Cucumbers, Improved White Spine ells Davis Perfeet; Cel- ery, for the first early Golden Plume or Wonderful, and 'White Plume, for early second, Paris C„olden Yehgw'•or Easy Blanching, -for whiter keep- ing Giant Pascal or Winter Queen; Lettuce.—Grand Rapids is one of the most popular leaf varieties with New York and Nou:Pareil where a Kennedy & Menton AV 421 Coliega St., Toronto 1'1nriey-Davidson Distribu ors Write at once for our bargain list of used nroioroycles. 1ems ail angeii. stead sat is wanted; Muskmelons, Improved Montreal and Extra Early Knight are good .varieties; as well as Golden Champlain, Miller's Cream or Osage; Onions, Yellow Globe Dan- vers, Red Wethersfield, Prize Taken Yellow Globe and Prize Taker Red Globe; Peas, Thomas Laxton, Lax- tonlan, Gradus, Little Marvel, Lax- ton Progress and, of course, Ameri- can Wonder; Parsnip, Hollow Crown; Radish, Scarlet White Tip, French a cold frame which is exactly; the Breakfast and Scarlet Globe; Spin- same as the hot bed withmtt the ach, Bloomsdale and King of Den- manure. mark; Swiss Chard, Lucullua the - - leafy part of this vegetable is used T I tl fleshy stem gether so that a bed three ysv:four fent will produce ample plsti ?�: for the ordinary garden. In . o'ojd' ' or stormy weather, water • spalin y, and only on bright days. ' Venulae a little every day by raising the : �sh, open loner as the' lir, keeping it p g P g grow 'warmer. . The plants s1 pUW not be removed, directly from 4' :!lot bed to the field, 'except in ve1Y; 'fav- washed clear; the' Theinc have 'r d it w L a talking to icys e well h has been t. 1' •1 right ve I s e g but sl on, be g 'fav- oorable circumstances,' is hardened off for -ti: week or tette in baby's grandmother, But it, sou, dreams of ;Teen. Girl's Dad—"So you're the young man with both feet on 'the ground, eh? Mute do you do fora living?"• , Girl's Bob Friend—"I take orders i from a maty with both feet on the; desk." l . I Too much time on the hands slakes i the feet wobbly. development of the Alphabet," Was the subject of an address by Sir Il;iehard What has become of the old -fashion - Paget before the ant110OP0logy sectt.,''''�efl woman who made it a poiut of j in London. ;Eiliride to have her weal' fiat on. the: It was pointer! out by Sit' Richarit'line Monday? 1 that just as speech appeared to 'nisei:, 0 p +awaas' r,. ' \.�G g ROS E wirt * ill OOp �� 238 2.CMests b ER -R► . L M1 tri ' oe Father—"Why were you kept in at school?" Son—"I didn't Azores were." • Father—"Well, in future just re- member where you put things," know where the Women, Elephants and Indians never forget. you did last year, A Good 'Lie—When the last man in the foreson�e tells his score. Sand Trap—A device placed in the fairway to inm'ease the vocabulary of the player. Fairway --The long •narrow strip of grass which the ball occasionally crosses in its flight Isom the rough on one side to the rough 'on the other, When the young mother begins to. talk about lessening the risk of the baby's second summer you may know Classified Advertising. 'YAILN L-1 OR MACHINE OR FTANDKNITTLA'G. JU ' An Wool," "Silk and Wool," "Old TS'me," all eoiors, 76o Lb. up. Samples free, stocking se Yarn Mills, Dept. T. Orillia, Ont. BABY (BIOSE. A •� BABY (:HICKS—IN Six VAR-: 11" L LJSTIEa, 300 and up. Catalogue$ • , , ... A. H. Switzer, Granton, Ontario. Little Girl— Please, have you a heep's head?" A N OFFreR TO EVERY INVENTOR. Facetious Butcher—"No, my dear; 1i List of wanted Inventions and full only my own." • information sent free. The Ramsay Com- pany, Wor1a Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Little Girl—"It won't do. Mother Street, Ottawa, Canada. wants one, with brains in it." March Magic Once more the fickle birds return Across the sloping seas, And strew the tender fields again With their old melodies. The sky is magic as the month, Low sun. high et:�:ts between, as a spinach while 1e . may be booked as asparagus and is delicious served with cream sauce; Cane •Into Bing Tomatoes, Earliana, John Baer, Bonny Best, Chalk's Early Jewel and "Influence of mouth gesture sin the Livingstone's Globe, while Grand Rapids and Sunrise are two of the best forcing sorts. It should be re- membered that this seed is suitable for Ontario. It is also well to re- member that vegetables of the high- est qaality are the ones that are grown the most rapidly. The soil must be well prepared, well fertiliz- ed and well cultivated, particularly during the early stages In small gardens it is often quite practical �. th e l,.IJ a 3e --• developed from pantomimic gesture a i•ie—„L like your bathing snit." owing to au unconscious • sylripat147,.•;.. Slhe—"Jt doesn't take mucic to please' between the movement of the' human l:jTon. " hands and body with those of the hu=3 I man mouth and tongue, so the de- j" Met Lady 13ridge Player—''I say,1 velopment of -alphabets appeared to I wish to goodness you'd hold your, and very advisable to water during have been influenced by a, corespond-!hand up. I can nee your cards_ dry d weather in order to make sure tip* sympathy of movement between, Second Lady Bridge Player All, xttd you needn't be so snappy.. rhe , right, only . that the ,vegetables come. on without the human mouth and tp8gl.o "...- If the alphabets of different nations afternoon ani I haven't complained." Spring Work With Lawns were examined it was found that in' A good lawn will require a little the letters standing for the sounds of It is amazing to see how much mis- attention every spring. There will human hand.!You've been showing me yours all F B. M. and W, and also those for information may be accumulated by always be bare spots to be reseed- ti'v owes sound II—inn all of which one who diligently seeks it, le dlaths to be broken up, weeds to more or less protruci.:,' be taken out and fertilizer to be ace- ed and brought together—the 1smliols clod. The roller should be used atare commonly suggestive, efth•r of a this tithe so that the fine roots which close mouth or of two lips altsed art e , 1 the two lips ate She—''Oh, go and commit suicide." He—"That's the last tiling I'd do." have been heaved out of the ground projected, or on the point of.o,eningtse The last word in preparedness was. by the frost will be packed into the Examples given from aur own alph• udoubtedly achieved by the soil again. again. Dig out the weeds, rake bet by Sir Richard were: g party which hooked its sleigh on over the bare spots and reseed A, which was originally wriL'en ly- .behind an ambulance. If your over - heavily with the very best seed pro- ing on its side, suggests an'I °Pen coat is too lout!, wens 1 muffler. ble Give the lawn an applica- tion of fertilizer. Well -rotted NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK n the sprMg but may anure i,beosomewhat od early iobjectionable in certain places and often it re- sults in adding more weeds. Pul- verized sheep manure is recommend- ed because this fertilizer is steamed before being put up so that all weed seeds are killed. Nitrate of Soda or a good mixed chemical fertilizer is often used as there is no objection- able odour and no unsightly appear- ance following the application. If the position of the lawn is open and exposed to ,plenty of sunlight ordin- ary dawn seed will do, but if shaded, select a special brand which all seed houses carry for this purpose Too much emphasis cannot be laid on good lawn seed, as this is the only kind which will result in a permanent, fine and velvety sward. Constructing A Hot Bed Where one pians to use a large number of those plants which must !-a.o-.-e-a- es -.-.••a••...... be started indoors, or whore one is Atlantic City, New Jersey Sends Greetings to its Many Friends in Canada. We are quoting such a very low American Plan rate that you will find it cheaper to stay at the "Homelike Strand" than staying at home. Write us so we may quote them to you—so you will know the exact cost before leaving. Music—Salt Sea �t{o 5pCompli- mentary Tea Daily, We will personally see to your comfort. T. E, tlNDOW, Mgr. R. BRADFORD RICHMOND, Pro?). due oAcid INDIGESTION SOUR sromAce eHAsNA AEA.RreUEN T GET RID of your dread of pain after eating. Eat without . fear of "irldigestio3," sour stomach, disagree- able gas or headaches. When year food ferments, "dis- agrees," Iles like ra lump in your stomach, it's a sign of too much acid. Toll need not resort to crude methods --take lustedd an anti -acid that will correct the condition. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. A spoonful of this I,Ieasant-tast- ing, soothing fluid neutralisers many }linea its ve1ume in geld. It restores the proper alkaline balance to on acid -soaked stomach and bowels— assists these organs to function as they should. Philips' Milk of Magnesia is what you need when a bad breath, coated tongue, headaches, nausea 0 biliousness indicates an over -acid coalition. Take a Spoonful taday and for Several days and see how it sweetens the system. You :won't bo nearly so liable t>b colds er 'sickness All drugstores in the.;•'6miufolt sell it in 50e bottles. Genuine Mills of Magnesia is always mouth. facing right. )3 is the profile of two lips, putl•ting towards the right. 1,„ .w E represents a. mouth pettatteg to the right, with the tongs o ass olid height, as in prononucing tt e uotlt•11 of Fortune (Toes not smile on those who alt. It Iaughs at thou, AGENTS WANTED • Can yon sell a small article that th- e in men. r Stantly relieves pain. It sells for $1,01. I is all elevated tongue. as i•the You tet 40c A real good income •i nd a business of your own. You have no eons_ sound of ea in eat.. 1 petition inti everybody is a Prospect. L is another vertical toilette si 1.. We want en ..gent in your district. M represents , two• lips in. 1y. pointing upwards, O is a front view' of a .pit mouth. T is a vertical tongue, tourhilii horizontal palate. U and V are both pairs of prottled isle, ",' ice SANfull 1CALttREATtiPAD 169 '1ronlre Street. Sled. the lips ing clown instead of up. Every letter of our alphabet, ex'ait possibly II and Q, said 511' Rieh'rd, was closely related to the shape; of mouth which produces it. • s Building Statistics W is a pair of lips, like AI, but Tin nt i Montreal, Quebec, — The Inla1 permits issued by 61 cities in De ber represented construction valued at $15,439,964, as con? with $11,791,475 in November,, ixid ing 1:111- 'oric red • o. 688,682 in December', 1.9219.'. '111 re was, therefore, an increase of $0 6 8, 486 or 30.9 per cent. in Decenil3 r as'`' compared with the previous mtith, and of $751,282 or 5.1 per cent, in.OM.i s parison with the figures for Deeel dr, 1029. In the record going bacf t , to 1020, the December, 1930, lgtire was only once exceeded, the total foci Ile comber, 1928, having been 416 160. If all you need is opportunity, -get` us by at onto and make one. Wife: And don't come home so late. Tlusbald: I shall come home when I like, Wife: ]ant nota minute later. 1. Chapman returned from lttlielh slid "Anyone call while I Was alit?'t he called his new secretary into his roam. risked, "Yes," replied the girl. "Suilth .1 came in about his account, lie want- ed It settled." "And you told bits that I had left for America this morning'?" said Chapman. the girl nodded alld a liquid• -•-*zeroes ca toluol kat for t1ie'repliedi 'Ores', and that iout'woltlp tt name 1'itlla"pe ?7n Mit bo # be back until this afternoon" Hess CHL RE CHILDREN will fret, often for no apparent reason. But there's al- ways Coterie! harmless as the recipe on 'tete wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes youngster more surely than a marc powerful medicine. That's the beauty of this special children's remedy! It may be given the tiniest infant—as often as there is need, In cases of colic, diarrhea or similar disturbance it is invaluable. A. coated tongue calls for just a few drops to ward off constipation; so does any suggestion of bad eat resell. Whenever children don't rest well, or have any little upset—this pure vegetable prepara- tion is usually all that's needed. , The bouts are breathing ou the sea; They cannot wait for men; Some und.erlide has brought them word Straight from a blue -starred fen. llnpiloted they steal away, No man shall see then. soon, Tile sea birds follow for a mile, Then leave thou to the moor, \'e:, too, siJnll stifai upon the spring With amber sails blown wide; Shall drop, sonic tiny, behind the moon, Berea .o a star -blue tide. ]'h011anted port. 11'), too, shall touch, Cadiz or Cameroon; Nor other pilot need besides A nh: gic wisp of moon. —William Alexander Percy, in "Sap- pho in :',evkas." These pocket -swan« kerchief golf courses are bringing the game within reasonable bounds. We expect to hear any day of a player who has oracle eighteen holes in one. Better have no Luck than bad luck. LACKFEADS Dot. 1stiffer any longer from these u. sightly blemishes. Overcome them at home! Get 9 oz. Pernxine Powder from foce lothsapply,wtithyaeeireular emotion :.nc. the blao.kbeads will be All WASSEED i f t i y r tamed SUNDXAI. TOMATO A S M O O T H ROUND TOMATO. 241 :Medium size, very firm, and solid. 10 years' selection. Excellent : hipper, flue fiavur. Originated and grown 13y N. 1:1, Caesar, Okanagan Centre. B.C. Seed 81.25 ounce. Try it. AGENTS 'WANTED Ab33NTS TO SELL WELL KNOWN thighest quality TIRES. No tntast- nu•nt, commissions paid weekly. Fac- cellent opportunity to earn good moneys 1\ . ito nivel], 8 Elm St., Toronto. 1$ ARS:V. RELIABLE MF r.RiM:l\r- 1 AL.. EAI, paper mailed free. Address '. iend3litp Magazine. Medina, New 10rk ICI AN WANTED IN YOUR (oMhrUN- i9 tt IT'S. to take care of paints and roofing requirements of farm and pro- perty owners. Whole or 'fart time work well earn you good commission. Must be well known feud of good reputation. Send pari hailers about yourself, age in - el (Wed, with two refer'enc'es, and we sha11 ssinnit our ',hili, nropnsitdon. 1d1 Can- a':r:tn !,redacts. St:ursreons Limited, 'es -onto. Au article informs us that the jams c•c.:nnier: t. contain from 45 down to 20 per cent. of fruit content. One can but wonder grimly what the rest is I Made o:'. ---Sunday Observer". ' FREE TRIAL OFFER AWAY. Mat s'ac nn or nunr.•c . . Tarr nossb' ea nem FEADMISIES S. glad eu s c.g °v.:A2-ttl.S.em ltt Ntt5TRtt9,... AR. tIRX• $1.25 All9mgglsts, Iasttiptiva feldar on regrast AISoecern esttor'Vemitnrary-7Denr- ne.ttt and Head Noises when True to con ;gestioncans etl by cords and Flu. A. 0. LEONARD, Inc, 70 rifth Ave.. New Ydrk City far OF KRUSCHE li If you have never tried Krusrhen—try it now at our expense. We have distributed a great • many special • "GIANT" packages which snake it easy for you to prove our claim for yourself. Ask vour druggist for the new "GIANT" 5c. Parkage. This runsiets of our regular 7$r. bottle together with a eepnrete trial bottle— sutnc�ient for about one week, (!pen the trial bottle first, put it to tl.-1t -r and then, if not entirely convinced that 1.r w hen does everything we claim it to do, the reunl.11 bottle is still as good a$ new. Take it back Your druggist is authorised to rrtttrn our /3e, itnmeuitdaly and c.itl.eut. as c18'Sion. You have tried lirhen free, 1,t our ts;a'n.e. What rnttlil lie Miter It Lot . ortt1 y F (Griffiths 11ushrc Ltd., NI t 1 t t,•r- Eng. tlis...h. i75O1. 1,ut,,rtor.: Mcl illi ruy' l.t..e,, Lod. •1'orunto. ' rb One thing that helps k to warns n dish, pour to b'1in- ard's. Then rub the liniment gently in. Pain eases elf 1 2- "riiiNE OF PAN" Jds li'lc`' a> Yap.; on Coughs & Colds A speedy, safe, proven remedy for children and adults. EYs S mix -mem 64 ,i(1) Lawn! ' !eV; • d SINGLE Ste Ponrctr Genuine Gratitude Compels Tribute. Mr. Victor Hills, of Thornton Heath, \vyrtes:--"For many years I have suffered with that distressing complaint—constipation, and its at- tendant effects of sick -headache and indigestion. It was a red-letter day for me when a friend recommended the a treatment of Carter's Little Liver Pills, and I can honestly say that results !lave been truly mar- velous. I now enjoy good health and feel that life is worth living. The relief I have c*perlenced com- pels mo to add nay sincere tribute." (Wake Carter's Little Liwer ',( 1 dzugtiut.s 15# End ,75jwred pkgs.. REA OF A CASE IIKE liER CWN Decided to take Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1,Io1ieton, New l3runslt ick—"Before My last baby was born 1 was very weak, nervous and dis- couraged. , .l saw an advertisement m the paper about a- woman who had been like me so 1' bought a bottle of Lydia B. rink. ham's Vegetable Compound.] tarok three bottles and it carried 1110 safe- ly through that critical time. 1 have three_ children to care for alio 1 feel well and strong. i have told two other women about your medic, e."— A•fns, Dire ll3ts>nlwurir, S2 A1b3rt tr • Moncton, Now Brunswick.