HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-03-19, Page 5"+ inirsdal', iiiarch IiatW103 i BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E. HOLMES. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE -Hamilton Street, Just ori'. the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. $per~ial •Attention to Councel and. ' Court Work Mr, Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone' charges reversed. Dr, H. 14. C O W E N L. D. S. D. D S, :DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK ZURICH E+y.ery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At IIABTLEIB'S BLOCIK, DASI1W OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and - Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auetioneering. Try me fol'. 'Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms fox Sale. Will aeli anything Anywhere. 'hear 18-93,, ear write. Zurich. Licensed uct one r FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 3 A14I IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless les to size pr article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will male no charges fee Services Ren- dered.. ARTHUR WEBER -Dashwood ?hone 13-57. SEE U.S FOR NEW LOW PRICES DN THESE BATTERIES OF "QUALITY" DASHWOOD ONTARIO ; S0osesea4e®s.0.....*.* lurichs' Popular MEAT MAB,KET ANNOUNC ING 'THAT 'WE HAVE PURCHASED OM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT Ss BEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB USBED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yungbh it & Son lia0111M181111110119009060•00.40.00,0 COAL 1931 ATI1201111cein ent SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR proton aoal Cole Alberta Coal and Soft Coal SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 60 I'''ts, Per 'con will be allowed for cads ,mer Early as prices will advance an: Jain® 1Stk. Cave & Son :name SS liENSALL LIVE P ULT RV WANTEI. Silaiken every tiV5tiff ; tlralotit, pan. Illbo not. feed Fowl ' name morning when, brought in, `hest Cash Prices BM Ten Wants, For Solo, 1.09t1 Found„ Notice, Etc. Ads IN 41133$ COMM •144. MILLINERY Anyone in need of Spring pry,, •see wish to advise that I an re- ceiving a full new shipment of Lad- ies, and Children's Hats and will op - on for business on Saturday, IVlareb 28th, in Heist's block, Be sure ;and give as a call. Also Dressmaking in connection„ ANNA RATERS, ZURICH 1Vfilitn- For Sale Cornb Foundation, '60c a pound. 10 pounds and over 55c. -Customer's. wax made into foundation at 15c lb. Bring your wax immediately. J. 1-laberer & Sons, Zurich, For Sale 1924 Ford Coupe for sale, price $35.00 in fair condition. Apply to Lawrence Regier, Phone 5,a-83. EGGS FOR HATCHING And baby chicks, White Leghorns- If you want disease free clicks this is the place to get your -eggs for. hat- ching. The low price of grain has enabled us to reduce prices accord - in gly. tf-30 Twinmaplos, Bruce ,l, Kropp. •1:•1•1•1._.-_ = FOR SALE A good Holstein cow, with calf. Apply to Henry C]lausius, Zurich. FOR SALE A member ber of good horses at var- ious ages• for sale, including a spanof 2-yr,_oid Clydesdale colts. - Applg to J.. Hey, Jr. -24 NOTICE J C. Salle tt & Son, Teamsters, “tifiisli-feradvise'the public 'tl at' they are still in the same business, with rices as usual. Your order will be touch appreciated. Phone 94-16. William 11. Brown A. S. P. Grallutteil Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (To -r.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office-Seaforth, Ont. New rYom , COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. gRIJEkitMiT 7 u Mrs. C. Fritz -visited wi ter, Mrs. °3. Kellerman . en Wednesday. ZURICN MRR!: ly her sis- wshw pati Word was received here ,#oat Mr. Morris . Weber of Goderach wtas. very 111 with pneunronie But recent re- ports are that Mr. Weber lue,iinprov- ing very favorable. Mr. Norman Gaseho rias decently had installed a fine new,elii tric re- frigerator, which he hndt'btt and which is equipped with the Ivinatpr mechanism; installed liy.; Mir:Ebner Oesch, the local distibutor, rt td Mr. Everett Heist moto'ac, ver to Harbor Beach, Mich., the 1 f,,, .1,)part of last week, and his fathetr srvaio had his leg fractured .being h}ta1'vxth an automobile, returned witl ��>grir. Ilaist to the father'shome in O41 n. The many friends of Mr. Haas indeed pleased to earn ; back in his home again • are he . is feditoxi. How time does iiyr dni^l' week's Exeter Times-Advocate;',,Cq„ nin„ ' of fifteen years ago we notice' 1 John Routledge of Zurich w act ar'r`red from the Molsons Benk', i;;i i+ . the Exeter staff of the same 'qBaxs , while Mr. Oliver Davis of Exete,,.placed Mr. Routledgeat coir'~„ This change does not semi lc) 't of us to be fifteen years 'ago.; A despatch from Moral dj: states .that gasoline prices. in Oittatio were reduced in the principal cities4a Wes- tern Ontario, 2 Ye cents , Ca gallen; i •ovsr 1 cents ,t - elsewhere 111 r in the 1 l.(.0 . Sf)rT e ep per gallon. Kerosene prices., i ave al- so changed, by the redution •i crclde oil •prices and dropped two cents as well ' City prices on gastltine have Teen reduced 2V2 cents rper gallon, on the straight run gas, acid ? cents on the high test, this-is.;','4 to a :lump in crude petroleuinni rices. The many friends oe,, N. Denomme of St. Josepf; 1,aho de- parted this life .on. March' 12th, wish to sympathise with the ber e=t family, as Mr. Denomme was a .1. A;1 Of good sterling qualities, a kind -send lyv;:, disposition, and lilted, by aii wit whom he came in contact *fah. :14e will indeed be greatly missed not alone by his family, but also by his many neighbors and friends, who all: speak highly of his fine character. '._ • The part of the Zurich Road that goes through the' village, and that has .last spring received its first coat to Louis of tar and graver, hats stood ault woad- a Born -M Blue Water Highway, Hay Township, on March loth, to Mr. and Mrs. John Denomme, a daughter, Owing to the recent drop in the price of gasoline in Canada, some of the local graagernen are now ask- ing 24c. for the ordinary gas. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer F. Kropp, and daughter Yeola were on n motor trip to Elmira and Toronto, a few days the beginning of the week, returning ,'some on Tuesday: 144. Ebner Thiel and fancily mov- ed their effects on Monday from hake unto their new home they re- cently purchased from Mi. Con. Siornon, Russell Bolton of McKillop has re• .:caved word that the latc'i or hog„ _te had entered in the Bacon Litter -.:oinpr,tition had won first prize in listrict number five. This district consists of Huron, Perth, Grey and Bruce and also macre seront: highest score in the whole province Thi l ter numbered 15 at farrowing and all were marketed weighing 3,010 lbs. when 174 days old, and grading 11 selects, 3 bacons and 1 butcher, The spring weather is surely being ushered in very slowly, as the snow and ice are now disappearing as rap- odly as most of Would like to see. Most of the auto owners are indeed anxious to ee the roads Blear up and get out and "step on" a little, and set; hoe,- the old "bus" is percu- lating, but only a little more patience and we can ail do all the running we care, to or take up the .loose change td buy gas. The funeral of John Spackman, of Toronto, was held in Exeter on Sat- urday morning. The deceased was born in Exeter and received his edu- cation in Exeter, later studied nitisie in Munich for two years. He is sur- vived by a wife and one daughter. His parents, who also survive spent many years here, his father having been the proprietor of the general store which was bought about 20 yrs, ago by Jones & May. Hugh Spank ;:a9man, former hardware merchant, is l an unc1e- 1 n a ?Ala sop*t0000eSS MM•!0iS i110010M► liliS, s,4• Maator. .Feeds Laying Masi Dain �r Feeds, Pig Feed Meals. Cu''tee�tPatin n C, Etc. Complete line of DR. HESS STOOK FOODS See us about COAL and- - 'ertilizoi_' L. Schilbc n 30416990 *talimem1,15t 1.`.mossavasle a aDtmeeostecoaroC tasoeib cr9lka a* Prospects for the establishment ofl a cold storage fruit -packing plant in ,m God.erich, or at soe . other central ' place •in Huron county, look reason-�I abley bright, it was divulged at an informal meeting held at the town hall, Goderich, recently, This nrceti).g was called to talk over the situation and to meet E. H. Darling, consult- -3°1 ing engineer of 'Hamilton, who de- signed the big plant of the Norfolk 1 County Fruit Growers' Association at Simco°. The meeting was attended y and where the [snoiw s oft the `by local fruit -growers, by the indus- exfull triter:aeranittee of the town' ouricil. roac'I. •it" coa7res'Moirt "nit P-��tri2rlur.d"arid Mayor or LeeMcLeod,- dr. Fust like a pavement. Ante her _.� y and Mr. Ilii co - dry J l? ,Ont,agricultural coat this spring like tastes° sr; f t' y representative, Clin we feel that we bawl, already al -good' ton who is sponsoring the project for , hard surface road that will stand all the Huron County Fruit Growers' kinds of weather, as well as ;nearly Association. all kinds of loads. But. rvci utll.ci first wait ti.li the frost is alt ont of the ground, and then see hot, it Will stand the winter. An agit do r z, foot to have the Goshen Line ihr ohgh- town treated with this solution •this IN MEMORIAM ` In loving memory of Mrs. Gertrude Hess, who passed away March 21st, spring, which will be theiir'st ;i,iig X,930: move for hard surface roads or the I I cannot say, and I will not say Village, and as the cost is `�eiy hod -That she is dead -She is just away! rate, there is no reason rvhi't y hould With a cheery- smile, and a wave of not be taken up with the Policew'PPrus- , - the hand, .ues. ° "` She has wandered into an unknown Fifty -Fifth Weddiqrand, I,,i'� And left us dreaming how very fair � � • It needs must be, since she Iingers Anniversary Celebrated three. 'i- ' I think of her still as the same, I say; ans On Saturday, March 14th,.. Nent She is not dead -she is just away! of unusual nterest took place, ilk •the Sadly missed by daughter Anna. - . _._.. _. _•1•1•1•1_. -_ •1•1,•1•1 --. - .Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of Sohool Supplies eeeeeeeee040e46#4e*e0v aefiae All authorizep Text Books t'ebt in Stock 1QL�t!****oAo�i�S�A4�d��®♦ Toilet_"Sets Manicure Set, and Military Brushes eJ♦*e00-****®om*®o#*#**a*** IPerfumes Toilet Waters and Perf umizers, Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A J. MacKinnon, Zurichi ��r,4,twymvmpv rraw r„uMWMARIA home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert eck- letoa, Lucan, when Mrs. Freeklgt n's _. ._ - . - •1•1•1•1 perents, Mr. and Mrs. Robe*.FOR SALE celebrated the fifty -ice n niversary of their marriage,zch ' An aged mare, works good both took place at Exbonrne, .Devoxi, •e, England, on March 15th 1376, `ve years ago lVIr. and Mrs. Turxter4�"eel- ebrated their golden wedding �nri- versary at the home of their e. est daughter, .iVIrs. George Camp ell, • Stanley Township, at that time he ' single and canton!. Vary �.•ueap ler quick sale. Apply to Joseph Geseha, Zurich. • ******4*e4„^0*$+o*o4)***0*P**-*49e••460e*o,•e**4 o*ee • • a SC����.�®�,r family of four sons and two da c5;h- tors were present with their famlles For S.S. No. 11, Hay fur the month but en the present occasion Mrs, o, of I ebruary: Campbell was unable to attend. 1, he Sr. 1`'-Rosalis Ducharme, Nor - sons are: William of Windsor, J ii- man Sararas, Marie Laframboise. of Stanley Township, Robert '• id Jr. IV -Tray Desjardine, Leona Fred of Goderich. The oldest via or Lafromboise, Marie Masse, Evan Masse, Carrie Wei1)urg. Sr. III---Cherrie Jeffrey (hon) Al- phonse Masse. - Jr. III -Leo Laframboise, Joan Masse, 1)ous Jeffrey, Ella Desjardine. •P Ii-Veronique ' Ducharme (Hous) i' 4, Stanley Smith (lions)) Cyrille Duch- }itt arine (hoes), Norman Bierling, Nor -1 4. lila Jennison, Harl Siemon, Raymond Weiburg. „a I. Cecilia Masse, Emile Lafr rm- Weise, Thelma Seimon. Pr'ir„er--•-Hubert. Ducharme, A.lph- onse: Jefi'rey, Raman 11leiningcr, He r- Ige '1 eierling, Louis Masse. a.r,t present was Mr. Jno. Thirsk of 131 kc uncle of Mr. Gilbert Freckleton. . ,< lativos present included Mrs. Ta er's sister, Mrs. Jno. Newcombe S of Goderich with her family ,of: 'boot sons and two daughters and Weir families, the youngest member',beltg: Master Billie Newcombe t-wo years ,bt,` age on March 31st„ The plans or 'Saturday were a complete surprise to. the bride and groom of 55 years a -'r go, but when five earloads of ;friers 1s and relen't •Gti .'rove to their dein l; e. aged couple stood the shock bele than roost younger couples- Foul ,, 'Fite visitors taking the provieiaris with them and soon had the tables set up, decorated with golden daffo- dils and other seasonable flowers, and "groaning' with good things. After dinner a suitable address was read° and a presentation made to the bride' and groom. The rest of the evening was spent in music and games, and the company broke up in the wee small hours of tiie fi'^iorning, each and every one looking forward to the gr ,at day i4.. soars hence when this ;,,,,taaa,.5 wonderful couple . plan to celebrate their diamond jubilee. On March s+ ++ d' t `• , '.:,: T.i�•ne1 celebrated he; ;a1': Zur -CASH FOR-- E Cream andgz3 O�B' » • :t�loh :1Ct, 35; .As,. at •1•1•1,•1 "I` t e' } jE rq���a"7RI' 4' '.t1i i.it.'h ,. S132.09 8 a a e 4 4. a 4 5. 0 sr ST, PETER'S Evangedcal Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h :-Luther League. Satttlyday-Chair Practice, SUNDAY SERVICES 10Service:. t, m Ce •rnnn S ,r 1.1.15 a. m, -:--Sunday School. 0 Q 5. ZURICH HERALUS 1931 Clubbing List HERALD and Kitchener Daily Record • $5.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire • $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Sat. Mail and Empire $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 HERALD and London Free Press $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser $6.00 HERALD and London Farmer's Advocate $2.25 HERALD and Farm and Dairy $2.75 HERALD and Farmers' Sun $2.50 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 HERALD and Family Herald for 3 yrs. $3.00 HERALD and Canadian Countryman $2.25 HERALD and Weekly Witness $3.15 HERALD and Farmers Magazine $2.50 HERALD and Youth's Companion 3.25 HERALD and Huron Expositor, Seafor th , , . HERALD and Ontario Journal ..... .......... $2.75 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada .. , $3.15 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here, We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine Jo, Canada and the United States, and can save you money on the most of there. $3.25 RENEW ALL YOUR PAPERS AND MAGAZINES AT OUiR OFFICE AND SAVE TROUBLE, AND BE- SIDES YOU ARE DEALING WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW, AND WILL DO THE SQUARE THING WITH YOU. ERALD OFFICE, Zuridh 7.:10 p. ire.---Engli 1r Service,. :e,. Let gybe ly I_1 •s r r to 2.11 Oe_,zitt.. • 7"urkheinats Niter Orb dia0 4000**41046,04*'4• e46 ij. • a • • a •0 e • • • • • a •0 0 4 - 4't4*OO.5•l4*Os*Olae,i.rli,Ba++t4'i 4 4