HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-03-19, Page 4•
ikwia 1!'olYlt
Selectivity! Sen;?xUivity and Value
Get Them
as -
Wm. C. Wagner, Agent, Zurich
In the New 1931
It had to: come --but only a
. ro-s �rchronoru K�
screen -grid rata s �.
balance :could bring it, only the
new 1931 Victor Bale gives it. si
Everything about Victor's rat -
est radio is new, e2afEtereiit, new a
in design, new in performance .
new in tone, and better.
If you want clean-cut separ-
ation of stations, if you want
the thrill of distant broadcasts, �i•
if you want the radio of to-
morrow in your home today— f
you want a VICTOR.
The 68 -year-old Heron cz Erie can
repay to debenture -owners and
depositors- every dollaar of their money and
still have left—
eft .
Have you +100 or more to invest at 5% for 1 to
5 years P •
aeorreeted every
1442034Aace• iia ,
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6 00
-.V sand Mrs. E. Bender of Blyth
aoi17,4Oil ;their daughter, Mr. and Mrs,
We Katz for a few days.
;Miss tGolikin, who was called home
,,,a,iittes to the serious illness of her
* satere, Mas. Baker, returned to her
lame in Vancouver on Monday. H I L L S G E E 1'v
A iss Selina Rader underwent an
niece ,ation for tonsils on Friday.
Seam A. W. Sauer is spending a
t'* =.pr .slays in Rodney this week.
tllr. H. M. Willert is moving into
.:..1. Mclsaac's house this week.
atiBsrs Addison Tiernan and Ver-
man Schatz spent Tuesday in London
t. :business.
the Ionic oir Mr. 'anal Mreanlkuesell
Blroderiek. w .:
Wrn. S110 ,1)011 ra of Detroit eaSnt the
.week -end visiting relatives lie town.
He was accompanied back ta,Ditroit.
by Bert Horton. `
The many fxiende of Mrs, 'l'hoaruas
Parinte e aare sorry to leastre she is
coarined to her home with iljneas,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Const woe
recant visitors at the hon* of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Hicks of Gentealia.
Helen Walper of Exeter,
Mrs. George Jackson was
Seaforth hospital for - appeae
tion, and' is rogr
Frank Farquhar wn.Se)takelc
Jeseph's Hospital, Lonlgn a
ated on far appendicitis,"ant
Mr. !Owen Geiger was a rel
itor with Kitchener frienaat
Mattie Ellis is confined t0
through illness. Her aintieSs.
public school axe beiaag tvj„
Mrs. Geo. Armstrong.
The friends of Margaret
are glad to see her out 'aga
severe fracture of her ankle
Mr. and Mrs. Erie Kenn
children who have been visiti.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ow
left for Toronto.
W. 3. Fee and sisters,
Mary, Were visited by relati;
Ann Arbor, Mich, a Mx. ea
Young and two children,
Thos. Shaddock, section
met with a painful accideid
cutting a steel rail In tlirorai
rail on the ground it rebound"
ing him on the foot, inflict),
ere wound which will lay hit
sited at
1 en to
fi a -
il,r� p
1 4 .
vis -
by Mr. Geo. Douglas and.IIr..
Peter Manson, called on friends in
this vicinity on Monday.
Mr. Elmer Thiel and family have
ro.ved.:to. eatexbe new bonne east•.of Zur
feh, while Mr. Schultz moved on to
the farm he purchased from Mr.
Miss Jean Carnie, who is attend-
ing school in Hensall, spent the we-
ek -end under the parental roof.
Mr. E. Farrel of Kincardine, who
:pent a week with his sister, Mrs,
Finlay, who is seriously ill, returned
home on Saturday. Mrs. Finlay's
many friends hope for a speedy re-
Mrs. E. Clark and Mr. Jim John-
ston, who spent a few days with fri-
ends in Goderich, returned home last
Friday, accompanied by Miss Mary
Clarke, who will spend a few holidays
at her home in the village.
some time.
Much sympathy is extend e ,l.'to Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Beer in the 611o.se
y of
their infant daughter, Joan ,zuga y
whose death occurred at •tl early
age of three and a half neceiltliz., fol-
lowing a week's illness: '1'h
al was held to the Union . luetery
and was conducted by Rev} Sin -
Miss Jean Elder, who has e ea in
Town fora few weeks has !e
Ripley, where she will be th¢
Prior, wino died as London .On 11?artla. Feb. 27tlr, at the ago of 92 vane, Ira
3rd, were brought to Exeter last Fri- Sarah Brpaadfooll widow of that lata:
lay for interruent in the Exeter cern-John Sinclair, earf the 10th caa'aa, 01
otery). The deceased was' a former Teckersenith. The late Mrs, Siuelatir
resident of Exeter and for nanny ye- was the last :saaavi ing TOOMbor of the
ars resided en the farm now owned family of eleven children of the late
by Charles Harvey. Alexancier Broadi'pot of the '3a•d Oon.
Elwood Epps, of and was born December
i3tlr, l illli>.
Varna,areThe friends
nQto see hire again, af- and mended on jun, t3tla 1803 tat J.
gladSinclair, who died b .1890. They
ter sper>;.cliriC; the last ;Give inontIls • tau
Cuba. lie wits working with the first farmed rata the Mill hoed!, th Bei
ante • company, ass lis brother CtUUTord inor;ecl north to W ,Erie `Tp•, and
who 'has been there about three ye- er to the present farm. She is surv-
ars. Owing to a change in the system ived by three sons ;and one cianght.cr,
Elwood's services were iFiren ed
'of working, caused db .an overturned
not required any longer, lantern completely destroyed the
Beecom &, Lee of.Londesboro, have
.purchased in. the Parry Sound Distr-
iet..300 acres of choice timber land,
'from which they intend, slaking
maple syrup. They have also par -
:chased a complete outfit for 4000
trees, vaporator, buckets, tanks, cans
etc, and are awaiting a big season..
By. the will of the late Miss Amy.
Howson the Presbyterian congregat-
ion in Clinton were bequeathed $500
towards the payment of the mortg-
age on the manse and $200 to pur-
chase a lantern for the Sunday scho-
ol. Other bequests were mostly in
faror of relatives.
Ira Goderich Police Court the other
morning Thomas Flannigan or Wing-
ham was convicted of an. L. C. A.
violation and sentenced to two mon-
ths' imprisonment in the county jail.
He was arrested a week previous in
Stratford by George Allon, chief of
police 'of Wingham, and brought to
Goderich by that officer. The charge
was "selling"
Ata recent-rneetin,i of the h'Iassey-
Harris Co., held in '`I''oronto, Mn T.
A. Russell, and Exeter old boy was
elected president on the company.
Since November he has been serving
temporarily as acting president. Mr.
Russell is a fernier •Usborne Old Boy.
A pleasant surprise party was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Smith, Seaforth, when the members
of First Presbyterian; choir -Suet to
congratulate their organist and choir
leader, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie,
aeon the anniversary of their wedding
sentative for the Can. Cla rtauqu l .•Supper was served to seven o'clock,
Miss Elder was successful uidlitving after which the evening was spent in
our village sign up for next yearcards. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie were
has organized a strong eons tit.
and promises good programs.cul chi d entail luesenthe choir with a beauiti-
foik are very Grateful to Guu'ich 'who
na sseot in honor of the occas-
joined in this worthwhile uridertak-
Ernest McTavish was sliding down a
bannister at the James St. parson-
age, Exeter, he had the misfortune
to fall off and fracture a bone in
one of his wrists. His mother Ivirs. j
McTavish, was in Victoria Hospital
01 Property and Household `EfFcet a London, undergoing treatments at the
p Y tune °and was not made aware of the
in the Village of Dashwood, oil l accident until her return home.
SAT�,• }". -.•VV. -'a�iCa vin.,
n..aTi'k115'SATURDAY.'1VIAI CH 2 ,i ' home in Lo vi er Wingham, from the;
At 1.30 o'clock the following effects of drinking a puantity of laud -
Cook stove, 'burns wood; '19` kitchen anum, which he had taken the prey -1
ious day!. He was a son of the late ;
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Finlay and was
aged 33 years, having resided in the
vicinity ail his life. Deceased was
employed by the Western Foundry
Company as moulder and hadbeen
out of work since Christmas. The
reason for his action in taking laud-
anum 'is unknown. The bode was re-
leased, there being no inquest called.,
Surviving are his wife and three boys'
big parlor chair, jardineer stlid, par- and one sister, Mrs. Geo. Boyle.
for table, rocking chain,pais? r rug The death of a highly respected
nearly new 9x12, bureau, ulll bed silent, of Tuckersmith occurred
room suit 3 bedsteads crd:+a".'high
The other evening while Master
Large. bara on the fain of Charles
Hallam, near Auburn. An implement
shed which was located near the barn
also took fire and was destroyed to-
gether with all the ;farm implements
which it contained. In addition to
the buildings and implements, he lost
what remained of last season's hay
and grain craps, four cows, one hor-
se and a number of hogs. Some live
stock was saved from the burning
building. The farce which started a-
bout eight o'clock, was caused by lhlr.
"t;httaraa+'aay, ll'ltaal'ai1a: 1 lila, 1.9;}l.
nl„1lbA'.? LA M,IA�;1. ,I 11 AA AD..!r,.:-
1allaaaaa seater+brats' t'be lantern while
raallz)lluill lira ylaallG�» dower feed..:
as �rutia ' liaise :rumors .h.aa'e bean
rile in 'Mat', wieliaity'that the five'aniles
of '0110044d road on No, 4 highway,
i.unuediutely `dire south of hlxeter,
NitOtOd iu t be paved this year, ;that
Reeve B. Vreacis has issued a State.
11)(416 to 00 meilea that the tenders
lair the completion of the part in cru-
e'stlon are niaaady in the hands of the
c.Lepinrtnent of public highways and
that, he in .assured that the work will
be started ibis :spring.
In flee ,death f17' Mrs. Robert Smith
which saceurreil ;riser home at Sea -
one,q n Saturday last, Seaforth loses
ogre of its widest anti most deserving
residents. Although Mrs Smith had
reaeshad the Wee sage of 96 years, all
her life ahe hail ;been a woman of
strong constitution and •unusual act-
ivity. Up until the close of the year
she had regularly attended to all her
household duties and was able to be
about each day. With the beginning
of the .New 'T:ear her Health began
to fail and ,sire gradually grew weak-
er until the end, arrive
1 chairs, glass cupboard, sink, sewing
machine, axe, wash machine churn
armchair, 2 tea kettles, cloclS, large
I dish pan, lard can, spray, base : Uurn-
1 er coal or wood, extension • Cable', with
14 extra boards, sideboard,6 octave
organ, hanging lamp, small lamp, G
dining room chairs, dozau sir s . knie
ves and forks, dining riot ,.couch,
dining room rocking' i' cltrirrt,.Parlor
lamp, cane rocking chair, celite table
chair, flour chest, cedar m/st, , : 2
flower stands, big jardinct stand,
small stand, instrument otto '.,,.;saus
age grinder, sausage stuferA' ktbrella
buffalo robe, spinning wh !Drat;
linoleum for dining. ` morn; ' arrtfleartr
” for bed room, 2 top beggie` j ruggy
whip, string, of bells, hal arm
cultivator with wide teeth ;`� .smart
whels, forks shovels, lay: - ower,
washing machine, wheel b
ternoon, March nth with Mrs. Wfi l kettle and stand., buck
Turner presiding. We opened our
meeting by singing 'Hymn 261, all re-
peating the Lord's Prayer in unison.
The scripture lesson was react by Miss
:STANLEY LEY TOWN SHIP Trine Turner. Hymn 556 was sung.
Roll was called. Secretary and Tre-lee brick dwelling, and nicet
asurer's reports were read and ado- , with kithchen and wood shy
rated. The business was then taken
The April meeting is to be held at the
home of Mrs. Chas, Stephenson.
Hymn 708 and prayer by Mrs, W.
Turner. The study of Japan was
then taken by Mise Annie Jarrott,
and Mrs. Robt. Stephenson,. The off'-
ering was taken, Hymn 270. The
meeting closed with prayer by airs,
Robt. ;Stephenson.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Consitt and
Messrs. Robt. !McAllister and Clarence:
Parke attended the funeral of the late
Mir. H. Forsythe of Tuckersrnith, on
Monday last,
llr. Glen Love of Hee all spent a±
few ditys with his brother, Mr. and
'Mrs. Ross Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Siemon and -
family have moved their effects to
their new home in 'Hensel!, and have
got nicely settled. Wo are sorry to
loose there from this vicinity.
The sacrament•~ of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed ou Sunday Mar-
29th at 2.30 p.ni. Preparatory serv-
ice Will be held on Thursday evening
it1arcli 26th at R, p.m,
W. M. S --The regular monthly
meeting of the Moman's Missionary
Society was held at the home of Mrs
Robt. Stephenson on Wednesday af-
"Rev. A.E. Poulter of Varna was
–t s: to take his work again on Sun -
ellen, after his recent Meese,
Mrs. ,Elgin 1VICKinley and family
;;Mat a few days with friends in Chit-.
aliss Annie 'McTaggart spent the
egeaak-end at her home at Walton.
.tIr. John A. Armstrong visited his
tl r'tha r, Mrs, Robt. Armstrong of
L :'eatian on Saturday.
•'.Flee annual meeting of the subscr-
-Tilers of 'the Tuckersinith Telephone
afeseetene will be held in Brucefield on
',7taiday., March 20th.
.A vary interesting party was held
gat, the hone° of M+.. and Mrs. Val.
.4"asather ,one evening last trick, when
eat nto.,t enjoyable tine was enjoyed
i ;' all. • 'The averring, was spent -in
- teeing and chid playing.
5a.i. and TYTrs. Sam Cringee,riclh spent
aaeaday ,at; the home of Mr. and Mrs.
err Maase rirt-the Blue Water Tligh-
IvEr. 'Sean Hey called on Mr. Dave.
4Weeeeli on Sunday. Harry Cook of the Toronto !ani -
spy dtehei�r.ng is the order of the varsity spent the weak -end at his
X1113:: �` n t(. s....,Lf ripariaeteeeaeag ,.Q a.0l'.
SliSkesW :fleVeard of Hetasall, accent.- e:"tito.
saw, square, 2 single cord; +f short
wood beech and maple„ 8 • numer-
our other articles.
Terms of Household Effects cash.
REAL ESTATE—Propert consists
of soft and hard water n?h smoke
house, all kinds of fruit trees,' with a
lot of rasp berry and black currant
bushes, also a good stable ole it 20x28
with lots of stabling and h4.1oft and
driving shed. i•
Paris of Property -10'c` tte be
paid on day of sale. Da.la gee in ` 30
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer,
Henry Restemeyer, Louis Iieeteme,yee
Otto Restemeyer, Executces, of the
late Louis Restemey'ee Si';a Estate.
The Huron Old Bone), Association
of Toronto announces air, lag cutlerr •
end bridge party et llyg•eia Hall,
pronto, for April 1+st, at 8 o'clock.
Refreshments and dancing.'.
No explanation for. the manhole
explosion which resulted in the death
of Norman Lewis, of Goderich, was
given at the inquest into Lewis
death, and the inquiry was; adjourn-
ed until March 18th,
Rev. R. M. Gale uy yfieid, e'ho un-
derwent ari operatioai'in Clinton Tlos-
pital, recently, is progressiii.g nicelye
his many friends ate glad to hear..
•,4v4., v<..:.3w' of ra.er .4iei y1iV4..ea
re -
See the New Fora Cars!
Get the New Ford rices!
Ford Prices have dropped three
times in the past teen months.
1: This last drop as, much as *55.00
on some models.
Now Fore& is more Stan. ever before
"Value Far. Above the' Price"
Show Room grid Service a
Louls A, Pra gP1
Ford Dealer
Come rim and Bet ante,
fantcita -on The kind of
hog houseyou 'Want..
We data give you costa.
anti .pitons for building.
ei'dher the large, half
a fanftar hype or small,
portable .hog houses.
Build .yet geed -y'~. House now
and make Narger Eft
OU'LL get more profit out of your hog house of Shewlin 'Pine this fall at
hogs .if you house them in a tight, a cost so tow it will surprise you. We
corft ~i•ohle barn. Their foed will do have a. compete stack in sail varieties
them more good. They'll fcitten up and grads. Come in and let us give
quicker. A warm dean hog house you an estimate. Workmen are easy
prevents disease. it pays for ,itself to get now and we can supply you
p ! p �Y
many times over during early furrow- with, plans and specifications for the
ing wherr there. IS so much danger of exact type: of ling house frau want to
Losing pigs through. exposures More build—whether it is alargeifsubstantial
than that, a modern hog house //mikes hog barsror portable individuctl sheds,
your work easier... douse your hogs comradeslily this win-
You con build au new, i nips re& ter and they'll briing yes .more prafats.