HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-03-12, Page 6seesseete Canadian Fish Take to the Air • Prom Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, comes the news that fish thieve taken to the air in the Cauadian north- west, To be exact, they have been taken by air to market. A Gov- ernment bulletin supplies the follow- ing interesting information ou this subject. "Fish caught iu Lac la Ronge, in Northern Saskatebewen. are flown twice daily to Prince Al- • beet, a distance of 200 miles and from there shipped bs' rail to Chi- cago, New York and other American and Cauadian centres. Each plane 'carries about 1,600 pouuda of ash in -an unfrozen condition, and immedi- ately On reaching Prince Albert they are packed in ice for shipment in 50 -pound boxes. While airplane transportation has peen reported sat- isfactory, it was found that lucreasing 13eauty Sy LI, Wyn Griffith in 4The • Welsh Outlook." This pattern we call Good and Ill but the play of light and shade Upon a hill, Bora but to die with set of sun,. %metloomed .to birth when night done, Iii hand who Right In iron days of Rome Is dust ‘• 1Slotee in the light The sword that slew at his behest; in his dread court the swallows nest. held the Scale Forgotten nose the Evil wrought in Egypt's town by darkbrowed kluge, A thing of naught ,-The sorrow,. said -engulfed the tears, But Beauty journeys down the years. I know of naught can e'er outlive demand for the northern fish made This fleeting fashion in man's minds necessary an additional means Of This fugitive , Pursuit of Right and fear Of Save golden echoes of an song. Or crystal words the poets write To illume the darkness of a troubled heart, The cool delight Of Venus rising from the deep, The mirrored stars, a child asleep. handled by plane, catches from wa- ters it the more remote areas of What then is Beauty but the thread Northern Saskatchewan and Alberta Of life that binds our days .1a thrall have been successfallY marketed as To Years long dead, far away as the cities of the United To unborn hours, and of this Now A phantom makes? Go pay thy vow! Reversible Vestees ket favor, notwithstanding that the Women who make their own de - distance they have to be carried tachable vestees have learned the from the lake to the international advantage of having these bits of boundary alone is about 700 miles." —"The New Outlook." The Bridal Cactus A cactus was carried by a bride instead ot the more usual bouquet carriage; se two motor tractors, each hauling a heated caboose with a car- rying capacity of about 7,000 Viands of unfrozen ash, stave been put into service, and a trip from the lake by the two tractors means approximate- ly sufficient fish ean be brought to Prince Albert to make up a carload lot for shipment. Though this is the first Year in which fish have been Wrong, ancient States for several seasons past. Fish from Lake -Athabasca, Northern Alberta for instance, have won mar- . daintiness finished with equal care and attractiveness at both ends. When this is done, the vestee is quickly changed, end for ena, in case it becomes spotted while being worn. This has been found a simple way of oeange-blossom at a elarsaw wed- to avoid the embarraestreut of hav- ing to wear an untidy -looking vestee recently. It was stated, in reply to inquiries, that the cactus resulting sometimes from a little mis- hap at table or daring the serving brought good luck. of informal refreshments. It will 'come as a serstriee to meet • people to know that• the cactus is When selecting. rrady-made vestees inter- "lucky"—so far it hasn't usually been it is well to consider this credited with producing either good chaugeable, end-to-endadvantage, or bad fortune. Carried by a bride, If the decoration is vertical, in the indeed, it rather suggests a warning nature of- pin tucking. drawnwork or to the bridegroom, because the aver- insettings of lace, one has only to age cactus is fairly well provided add a correspondine band of lace to ' - d ' the lower .end of the vestee,s thus Holds Record Frank Buck, 'velar ot junior tr ":Scontinental record auti 7 -year- old aviator of Elizabeth, N.J., at Havena, Cuba, after establishing new junior record for flight from Newark;` N.J. - First Plane Leaves .., I,Tourists to Make roy on For Afrita...! . nps epp m scribes limitation and reduction of States, Detroit—A machine which trans - Imperial 'Airways Inaucturates'Graf Zeppelin Will Also Be Great Britain and, Japan and Naval Treaty Terms Find Vitamin C Accepted By Italy In Peas and eans France and Italy Now Reach Washington—Dried peas and beans BaSiS For Limited can be endowed with some of the Compromise on valuable food properties fresh vegetables by the simple process of Rome, —The Italian goverment 'ePlvtititig thene recent studies bY have 216w accepted proposals advance tile l'ilreau 4:) f Home Economics of mit Its full adhesiou to the Loudon the U. S. Department of Agriculture ed by Great :Britain which will per - naval treaty. have revealed, Otelinarile dried beans and peas art: The proposals previouely had been laculeg the valuable ritamhe accepted by the Preach government, Adhesion of the two governments to the London treaty. reached at conclu- sion of tbe naval conference almost bet the sprouting process le s me e ay produces this essential dieLac- eeevory. Coteplete 'absence of vitanan 0 in a year ago, which makes that pact a the diet results in seervy, formerly fixe dread of sailors on long sea five -power Insteament • instead of a ages, many persons entlauger their three -power treaty as it is now. - 'health because of ae unperceived Negotiations which brought t he Italian acceptance were en„.ied on deficiency' of vitamin tin their diet. This food deficiency else is thought by Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, for This be an important cause of tooth eign secretary, ana let, Hon, A. V, decay and of many cases of so-called Alexauder, first lord of the admiralty theumatisni. for Great B•ritalre and Dino Grande foreign minister, and Rear Admiral Gu!seppe Siriana for Italy, Premier efeseolini himself earried on pert of the conversations. The proposals advanced by Great Britain. some reports said, specify a specified, relationship to the British that of Great Britain and inasmuch as France previously has aecepted a specified rleatIonship to the British navy,. fix ludirec•tly the •itelationship between the'Italian and French navies Italian parity controversy. is in effect dried beans, and keep moist teetil it.. is understotod .that the Prancos the sprouts were an inch long. postponed until 1936, when the entire Spronted seeds, long used in Che naval treaty comes up for review. nese dishes, have a mild flavor and ales 'at least for five Years the threat matte up into ta•sty direhes. The agreement apparently elimin- Citrus fruits, tomatoes and rag cabbage have been recognized as im- portant sources of vitamin 0 for a number of years, but until recently beans had not been considered as 0 possible source. To obtain vitamin source from dried beans and peas, the Bureau of Home Economics experimented with several methods of sprouting. • One simple method was simply to role up a sheet of cheesecloth sprinkled With ot an Italian -French naval race, The • • T L• Z ondou treaty, signea last April, pre- Machine Transmits C d Written Text on Radio • naval armament for the United Ecryit. agreement on some phases of the Nine -Day Service ver ', Used as Taxi to • . reproduces them instantly at any 5,1 1 ,1. ,T Route to . and Spain distant point or points in the same manner as a telegraph printer eh'- . Tanganyika ' .. • Arrang-ements for lowpriced flights cult, has been perfected by Glenn W. etAii. the Graf Zeppelin will being the . London—The first section of the se rubs written wards .by radio and naval disarmament problem among those three nations, France and Italy. Under the limitation clauses 8 -inch gun cruiser tonage is fixed at 146,300 for Great Britain, 150,000 for the United States and 108,400 for japan. Watson, local salesman. Imperial Airways route to Capetown, • • • ;. • The sending apparatus resembles ssitxperience of a ride in the famous oelel-roaming dirigible' within the Ger_ Six-inch cruiser tonnage: (+resat a tYpewriter, to which has been at - Teuton of South Africa, was inaugur, xeadh of almost. all travelers to ated on Feb. 2811' when , a •nine -ton many this summer. Britain, 192,000; United States, 143,- . as be0, and Japan, 100,450. Destroyers: ceiying set is of similar construction. Argosy air liner left Croydon with ',Short flights over Germany for As the letter key ou the sending ma - thousands 'of letters for delivery in, tacked a revolving (Esc, and the re- . various parts of Africa. A large crowd, including Colonel W. H. Franklim Trade Commissioner in East Africa, and air line officials, cheered ris the great machine took The cactus is hardly likely; there- •making the entire piece suitable to off in • a drizzling ram. Pin. the a ith the mean b . fore, to win general favor as a bridal wear with either end at the top. Present, no passengers will be ear- ,Liscerne, the Black. Forest or the bouquet. The more usual orange- Now that small buttons are so much seed in Africa on this service,' but Tyrol. . Most of the flights will be A new scheme of naval limitation blossom can, atter ale produce rea- • iu vogue as a trimming detail, a two passengers were aboard on this•a from. Friedri•chshafen, a few from whereby world powers will- be asked son for its claim to be a luck -bringer. closely set line ef these. either iu to limit their maximum construction According to authorities on folklore, I white or color, is a modish center it is appropriate at a wedding be- t decoration for a vestee or georgette cause the orange -tree bears flowers ! or Nile, both of which fabrics are and fruit at the same time. -So the easily kept !retell. Eggshell, flesh, bride's orange -blossom 'meats that or :illy of the elf -white shades, are she will have a family and keep her excellent for combining with white or slightly ecru lace which finishes the vestee at top and b•ottone be -- erai small tucks ou each side of a center row of buttens gives the de- sired vertical trimming. Dark but- tons on light fabrics are specially Mart just now, lips cclor matching the predominating tone of the dress. but there is never any 'mistake in usiug small, white pearl buttons, which make the vestcs wearable with other than one hetes. Great Britain, 150,000; United States, ass neer will be chine is depressed, its characteristic 150,000; Japan, 105,500. Submarine offered for the benefit of tourists, tonnage is equal at 52,700 for each seyb au announcement of the Hain burgesinerican Lines, generaagents of the three. France and Italy signed Al for file Luttschitabau Zeptielin. The only those sections relating to "hu- , minbeum fare will be charged for a four-hour flight over either Lake _martization" of submarines, a capital ship holiday and certain other tech- nical phases. good looks. Value of Farm Lands Declines $5 An Acre Ottawa.—Value of fartu lauds in Canada In 1930 showed a consider- able decline in consequence of the fall in the prices of agricultural Products, says a report issued re- cently by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Average value of oc- initial flight, one for the Continent Berlin. and the other for Karachi, India, - Iis addition to serving as an outing changing at Cairo. • .• machine, the Graf Zeppelin will be The mail consisted of fifty bags riolis a, taxi service to Egypt, .Spain, containing more than 40,000 letters; the French Riviera and ether come. fries, incltiding the' Scandivaviau. VI* ship will be made available for chaster by' groups Of tourists, 'socie- ties and chibe 'whenever a minimum of fifteen passengers is booked. The dirigible will accommodate thirty- -yet tfive passengers. ss . From. Cairo the boat flew lois t the Tentative plans have been .mtide new 2,760 -mile route to elwanea in fora cruise over the elediterennean Tanganyika Territory, ,comPacting to Egypt in April. Definite ar- 5,114 miles from London. M. nine iangeineuts have been made for a 1 days, a journey taking thirteetwa lays :cr#See over Spain, leaving Friedrich - by ship and train. "e'. Widen on May 29. The Zeppelin will The new service is to be ran eaclt sr at Seville, and cruise over Lis - Saturday morning' from .Croydon. . hen, :Oporto, Vigo, Santander. San 10,000 of which were sent by stamp. collectors. In addition the Valles carried half a ton of urgent freight. The aircraft travelled across Eur- ope to Athens, where the cargo:, 7s transferred to a flying boat forte :Mediterranean journey to to 23,000 -ton warships will be pro- posed by France, Britain, and Italy, it was learned at the foreign office recently. Motoring Troubles The motorist adopted pleading impulse is sent over the air, caus- ing the disc to revolve, When tbe impulse is received, the disc on the receiving set is turned so that the same letter is printed by the receiv- ing apparatus. Each disc contains the normal characters found on a keyboard. The discs are perfectly synchronized and controlled by the radio eaves, thus assuring exact reproduction of the message sent. When exhibited to local scientists here, the machine is believed likely to eevohationize transmission. methods for police work or others requiring circuit OonneCtioiis. witleheseissilinited, area. tactics. • "I wish you'd overlook it this time, constable," he said. "As a matter A Doctors' Dinner -Party of fact, 1 was hurrying to town on Dinners for doctors depend largely very important business." —too largely—on luck. Get a mem. "Fraid I can't help Wet," said ber of the profession comfortably the policeman. seated at the table and set an ep- "I never drive fast as a rule. But petizing meal before him—and it's I've got to get to town quickly to see dollars to doughnuts that some •urg- my solicitor—" out patient will desire his presence "Well," said the policeman, 'you'll before dessert Is served. Probably Mrs. H. W. Carter, wife of a Washington, North Carolina, physician, knew this all along. But if she didn't, she does now. Not long ago, says an Associated t Press dispatch teem Washington "she invited several of Dr. Carter's fellow practitioners to dinner." Read- ing ou: While the guests were awaiting the summons to the dining -room, the telephone rang. It was an emergency call for Dr. DeWitt Kluttz, and he grabbed his hat. Two minutes later Dr. F. A. Nichol. son was tailed to the 'phone. He disappeared in the wake of Dr. Kluttz. meted farin lands tif; a whole, in - eluding both improved and unim- Family Watch Sold Captain H. H. Perry was the pilot, ee as • n, e 1 ern . have a bit more news for him 110W." accompanied by a mechanic. The, lona, Valencia, Malaga and Gibraltar, Proved land, as well as dwelling to Former Kaiser .:—...... . first return flight leaves Tanganyikae returning to _Germany June 2. houses.. barns, stablee and other Potsdam. Ger.—A gold watch that . March 10, and the air liner to arrive s Other trips Will he made to the m buildiegs. is returned as $ 22 In the Same Boat far ticked fie: Fredertek the Great a back at Croydon March 19 with AfriLl3altie, the 'Mediterranean, over the Per aere, as compared with $37 in century and a half ago was knockedIt was little Timothy's first day at 1.0011. can mails. In several months the- ,Alps and to England and France. .-----. down for 5000 marks, or about $1200. whole route will be opened and it school. Shortly after the opening of II'. I sovIne h " •e average values Ito Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, the will be possible to Teach Cape ToiSe Pussywillows Early of the first lesson he -walked up to the as follows, with the 1 - eee the "tevietis • htet of Frederick's successors. at the from Lenuon in eleven days at a faea le Fort William—A • large sprig school -teacher's desk and said: are Edward Islam]. 342 (e43t ; Nova , o - • *P4ar",4 values within heackets: Pewee euctimt here recently of the furnish- of about $650, The first class boat Pnesvwillows in. full bud, found on 'ug, of the Glienicke Castle. fare is about $450, but the air out Island No. 2, Feb. 24th, by e local :Seethe, $39 ($36); New BranseeekO 'This castle is the property of saves six days. .32S ($3711; Quebee, $4$ (335) ; Ou- I 1 resident is said to be six weeks e I tario. *52 t$60) 'Manitoba, 322 (326); • '''lnee ' Friedrich Leopold von Hohen- Th is Inauguration is a sequel to, ahead of schedn schedule. Aold-timer, Saskatehewan. 322 Wei; Alberta, 324 ! eollern, a cousin of the former Kaiser, the pioneer work of Sir Alan Cd)e'L resident here for 87 years, says he i1V110 has been living in Switzerland ham. ,commenced six years age, when , has never seen a February so mild t$2ai: British Columbia, $76 ($90-1., the last fewyears' he made a great survey flight to $trt0 nor pnssywiliows so early is the sea - The aVerage velees in 111)0 01 torch- , ' Other bidders withdrew when the efrica ana back. i.••••••••••••••••••M..0.1.,.. uild- n141 and fruit lande. including b son. o of the "House cif Doom" was - Inge. elm. in the thief fruit -growing • f)fr-v the figures for 192' being elven 1 hunters who had come to pick up • with- - in bsactkets: Nova ',Motile e94 ($118'); relics of the imperial regime ap ,ama,:a when the auctioneer deelar- {Motel°, $1111 (31471; Britleh (Wanm e ' hia. :3291 (3214). ea the watch sold to the exiled ; former Kaiser. Surprisingly low prices' weed paid • announced, and a crowd of bargain provinces, ore eetima ed as fellowe,' A New Seasoning from Japan . for other iteme. Some aitsIdea of the 1 popularity of royal. portriin Ger- An interestine condbuent devised , m , ans- these days was indicated in the ana marketed by Japanese. chemists price brought by five lithographs of several years ago, and deecribed in i Pi ussiane kings mid princes, the , -rh, lnaustriel Bulletin of .Arthur 1).1 whole lot being knooked down for , Litt 1st, Inv. ( Cambridge. Mass.1, bus . vtaolo. r011ie into wide 1.1141.1ge: till'011f411()Ut (hitt Una lu'iaii and 15 uow making F. Diesel.; in this (toiletry. Wo remit ' . Inds ,,Nest Favors -Cheneeilly. the materiul le sodium i e glutamate. It is made from the gluten i or protein part of wheat by acid Iv- , . I ........._ , detest:es, followed by bleaching, nous - notonto.—Growine temleney in the ra li za ti 0 u. end ,irystal lizai ion. It is prairie province , to favor Ontario ! thus et vegetable origin, and does mit rm.in preatoas was found by A. H. Wil -1 violate the food proeeriptious of auY , ford, chairman 0: the recent earnpnien,' race m' relii.e..n. ; "Onion Week," who has just returned teejl-no-moto is -white powder. 100h- : f,'nm a toil) aceoes Canada to aseerthin 1 ing like bicarbonate of soda. of each. the reselts oE tho campaign. • t <diameter 7. hat 1e keeps well and may ; Careful grading and peeking. in Ott - be dispensed from a ealt shaker. t tario goods were the reeeons offered "It has a •faint but definite odor of by Mr. Wilford fot increased use of •, rother strong cheese. ! ()Merin produce. Buyers favored Cato: "The tate, h•owever, i.e that at the. adian-grew.„ Amite and Yeget•ables, he red jnice front roast beef; ;tally, said, a el care in their packing and 'meaty,' and ; neetizing. ',grading had resulted ie building nn "This condiment is the 'making' of eesurance of their depeudability.' • ' chop suey and other Chinese dishes. Many more onions were being used It goes especially well with spaghetti in the prairie provinces as the result and other - egetarian dishee, and •ef the campated, he said. - I makes them setisfying aa welt as fill- Ontarao Produce ing.1 Roast duck is said to. be good for, "Its acquaintance is worth euitivat. rheumatism. 11 sounde like a quack Inge' 0' I1 "I ain't got no peucil," The teacher, with a shocked expres- sion on her face, 'said: "Oh, Timothy, I haven't a pencil!" A sympathetic look crossed the small boy's face, and he replied: "Ye ain't, either? Well, we're both in the same fix, ain't we?" ....•••••101 ige*Liner in Dry -clock for Spring Cleaning, es • This interesting, plitipgraph shows the gigantic propellers of the S.S. Majestic, one of the largest ie the world, alieliew they look during thipPe oVerlianling dredock at Southampton, nig, Just as dinner was served, a call for Dr. D. T. Taylor, ad before the oyster cocktails had been finished, Dr, E. W. Larkin also had to leave. "Well," began Mrs. Carter. Just then the telephone rang again. Dr. Carter answered, seized his hat, and rushed out of the door. Mrs. Carter finished the dimter 111 solitary state, Taking a Risk • The (looter stared hard at his client as the latter entered his surgery, "I perceive that yeti are in a very despondent mood," he commenced. "In act, you don't seem to care what happens to .you." "Good gracious!" the client gasped. "Ilow on earth dill you deduce that?" "You came here in a motor -car and. you id our wife drive," he said, The Pleasure Was Theirs The mistress of the house rang tho bell to siall her maid. "Jane," she said, when the girl ar- rived, "did you tell those ladies who .just called that I was not at home?" "Yes, ma'am," replied the girl. "What did they say?". asked the mistress, ' "They all smiled ,and said, 'How fortunate'," Jae , answered. The very spring and root of hon- e:Ay and virtue lie in the felicity ot lighting 011 good educatiote—Plat. arch,