HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-03-12, Page 44
W.9 C. Wagner, Agent, Zuirieh.
''..E-344++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++4
Sensitivity and Value
You Get Them Ail
In the New 1931
It had to come -but only
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Everything about Victor's lat-
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new in tone, and better.
If you want clean-eut separ-
ation of stations, it' you want
the thrill of distant broadcasts,
if you want the radio of to-
morrow in your home today -
you want a VIC'D R.
Huron & Er'ie, debentures:are a legal
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,larulds of executors because The 'Old Huron &
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5% is paid on WO 'aria. ever.
Applications for debentures:are:accepted by -
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every Wednesdagl
:Sta.-6ely 39
-gloom .......,. ..... ,...2.75-3.20
r><rts . , ........, ..... , ... 22.00
tsrr- .... ....» ... , ... ... 21.00
Maas, Sive weight 6 00
`The T. M. S. are holding their
-.trefrolor anonthly meeting at the home
:...f T& .aobt. Stephenson on Wed
::rtc;silo?, afternoon.
Mr..Jrobn :.Farquhar of Hensall is
•zistnchng a few days with his grand-
:par&ats, Mx. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.
Mme. `3iobt. Parsons spent a few
x::Fs wit ler :daughter, Mrs. J. Ferg-
°,;,mwrn "Txtckersrnith.
'. ir.. . Westgate is engaged with
:Mt :Cleve Cochrane of near Bruce -
di +:ri f:ar zt few weeks.
The Y. P. S. are holding a St. Pat -
.z i.les Bore Suiial in the basement of
vh, clutch wa Tuesday evening, Mar
fi l 1 etre. C -o: $teats and games and
.,.SLY gmg crf real Irish style will be on
Wie programme for the evening's en-
-r, :riainment. Everybody come and
teeing a lox. Everybody welcome.
'Mrs, D. Corriveau and little son
esnerst I1Ionday at the home of Mr. and
Leon Jeffrey.
71Ir. Donald Manson spent a few
r ^vs with friends in Hensa]l.
Miss a:Iargaret Dougia spent the
ewe c -emit under the parental roof.
Mr. and .Mrs. Robt. McBride are
<+••ndin a few day-: with their son
v?r. Alvin McBride and family near
frust e eId.
Mrs. Desch Sr., of Zurieb spent a
If.w days; at her home in the village.
Quite a, number from this vicinity
.atr,ernied Mr. Wm. Thiel's Sale on
'Tuesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Manson spent
. nturday evening with friend:: in
Mrs. G. Bonn spent a few days at
home of Mr. and Ivirs. D. Oe eb
gar: O;Mille McClinchey was talc -
win suddenly ill last week and on Sat-
-rtx?izey she was taken to the Tospital
I.ssn€ions. Iter -many friends hope
•=.:tin rtl: I•e.ave a speedy recovery.
XIw, St.`:vsr't Keys of Toronto
r , siiyvent he weeir•nnd at his
giraionv Aittabymon Line,
lanae .mor,, ifz, ,ipsepll I ofd, is
making his annual rounds.
Miss Margaret McKinley spent the
week -end at her home on Goshen.
Mr. Lloyd Scotehmer made a trip
to Toronto last week with a truck
load of cattle. He was accompanied
ray 'rvxr Lorne -x-rmscrong:
.few friends from the Goshen
'Bine and of the Bronson, spent a very
enjoyable time at the home of Mr.
sand Mrs. Janes Carnie on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steckhe and
daughters Maryann and Malinda we-
re visito>:s one day last week with
.Mr. and Mrs. Val. Gerber.
Mr. John Gingerich was a visitor
:at Mr. tend Mrs. Merino D. Steckle's
on Thursday night for supper.
On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Gingerich and family, also Mrs. Dan.
Gingerich were visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Val.•Gerber.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gingerich re-
turned home ,after spending a few
weeks ANiith relatives and friends in
Waterloo Township.
The Misses Alda and Lizzie Smith
of Stoneville are visiting with their
sister ilrs. Josiah Steckle,
Messrs. Lloyd Scotchmer and Alv-
in Steckle made a business trip to
Kitchener and Tavistock onWednes-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Manson spent
Thursday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jame: Carne.
11Ir. and Mrs. C. Baumgarten re-
turned home Saturday after spending
several months with their children
in Michigan.
Mrs. . L. SIoreeriz is visiting her wis-
her in Kitchener.
Miss M. Allemang and Miss Ilelen
Nadiger, spent the n, ,1;-t.rnel at the
forrner•'s home in Efrain„
Mr. G. Keeler spent the week. -end
at his home in Mitchell.
Mr. George Kellerman is visiting
his son in Kitchens.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith of St
ratford spent Monday hi town.
The following is the,. report o i ,
,,ashwood Public School.:
Room I: i
Sr. I--,r'ean Held 97, Marlyn re?
Wein. 97, Kart n Pedersen Ste, Rut"-
Willert 94, Mary iMTu,u_;.on 92, Mrll'orc .
Mason 81, Jack 11L4:Laren 80, Car ..
;'vein 79; Lester Schenk 70, Tlceier i
Baynham 78, Georg, a Mathers 75
Walter Ness 70.
Pr. I• ---Dorothy B•.ayril'am 94, Jack
Gaisc:r 92, Kenneth Kraft 91. Dori
Willert 91., Ray tau::rrtir.er 90, Sigrid
Pedersen 89, Il'eta Mathers 85, Eve- i
ly n MoLachlen 811, Hazel Schenk 89,
Iteta Mather- 85, Evelyn McLachlan
Room I • 'Alin, Hoffman, Teacher-. • c
Sr. III-Myrtl,; irais •.37,
•'wss 7b, Eileen W .reit 7o, rsivin WI; -
,,.rt 72, Murray �Vo.f, 69, Irma
W erns 67, Garnet' WO erg 62, 1 1
Malt' 54, Leena4 Shenk 47t ` ;ioyd
Guenther '36,
Jr. III: 1111 a Maier 60, rbert
Ness• 60, Wad Kraft 59, ', uglar
Shenck 57, Roy 13ender 52, Erma
Kellar 51,
Sr. II•• Harold Maier 89, I)airiathy
Kraft 89, Donald Restemeyei 88,
Harry Hayter 87,- Lorne Klee Stiver
83, Jean Moulton 80, Leona' Maher
79, Lois Gaiser 72, Francis Eveland
68, Evelyn Baynham 63, Verd4uRin-
ker 60, Ross Guenther 59.
jr. II -Willis Mcisaac 63, ;.
Miss M. Allemang, Teacher.
Room III; +1'"
Fifth Form -Gertrude Hofrm ti 9,
Stuart Wolfe 76,
Sr. IV Ella Eveland 8 Howard
Klumpp 80, Phyllis Reid 78, 'irbert
Restemeyer 73, Sheldon W4i,nI.,1 70,
Evangeline Held (19, Lorna Kr ft 6Ei,
Milton Willert 64, Ellaretta Writiner
Jr. IV -Albert Goetz 74,x• pate,
Fassold 71, Maida Wein 67, 1,Wikliam.
Ness 65, Margaret Resterney�' 06.
Harold Kraft (15, Mervyn Wriit t.59,
Lorne Genttner 50, Carl Maier`, '.
G. Keeler, Pi, ,• 'pal.
Mr. William Beaver rettnt°eil to
his home here on Saturday air a
pleasant visit with friends at t alt,
Preston and Kitchener, visitini:i.4ith
his daughter and son-in-law, Mr ,and
Mrs. Charles Brawley, at Kitchc i:,r.
J. W. Good is in Westminister']ios-
pital, London, receviing treatmefor
o verseas injuries.
Archie Sparks has returned h.oerte
after a visit for the past three e mean-
the with his sons, Archie and ; ;eil
of Detroit.
Colin Hudson, the village as o torr.
is on his rounds, making his .19t�it `aas
While having dinner the other' a„ay,
Harry Howard had the misfortu,, to
get a piece of bone in his throaf't r.
Mair was called and failing to loj:atei
the trouble, took him to a Los ion
hospital for an x-ray. The boneollta.s
removed from the throat, Mr. How-'
and remained over for a few days:at
the hospital for treatments.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Siemon are =W-
ing into the house on King st. which.
they recently rented from John Ste
wart. Their auction sale of effects
on the farin was held on 'Tuesday,
and was well attended.
Allem McDonell of Toronto is: sp-
ending a week at his home here, re,
covering from a recent attack .ofOthe
flu. He is taking a course in aviation
at the Toronto airport.
Harry Abbott has secured a pos-
ition with Kingsmills store at London
They will move to London, abet..
fast 'of April.
J. R. McDonald of the London'
Road spent a few days in ..'Irronto,
where Mrs. McDonald is a; ent at
the Toronto General hospafi'iand is
quite ill.
The many friends of Mrs. Nathan
Peck are sorry to learn she is con-
fined to her home through .illness: r
Ed. Sheffer received wog of the
death of his brother, Noaliw.reffer of
Toronto. Mr. Sheffer was 84 yea;tlzs
old and has been an invalid for a
number of years.
Alex. Sparks has returned to his
home after spending some months
visiting his sons Neil and Archie . in
While Wm. Stone, agent for W.T.
Bawleigh Co., was making a trip thr-
ough the country with his sleigh; ,and
owing to the bad condition of
roads, the sleigh was upset and to
was thrown out, cutting one of his
wands badly with glass.
Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Lindenfield of'
oondon visited with his mother,' Mrs.
•acob Lindenfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Johnsta and
.amily from New Ontario, a flrme`r
esident of Hensall, is renewing acq-
.�untances in town.
W. Hy. Pfile last week moved the
am he recently purchase(; from Hy.
Toward down to his land at Roger-
Mrs. Jas. Bonthron met Surd ;sev-
re accident at her home t Other
ay, she was taking s
b a bottle acid
,u�.tin from a shelf, the cork tllew,° out
el the contents struck her, in the
, severely burning her face and
arms. , r
..ryrtle Peart of Staf"ra, spa a.fewv
.ecks in town keeping house fon her
oeisin, Frank Peart.
Mrs. Wrn. Consitt has rc r ani to
home after a tw eek's visit +with
coneardine ;rinds.
Quite a number front. hire attend-
ci a masquerade dance at Kiopen.prl.
-ride•, eve. last. '
The firm of Psonthron &r f,rysdale
ast week celebrated their.2Otli'.an
.nveraary- in busineos iii 'Ilexrsa11. 20
year: ago after the bid` firs which
]cstroyed`nrost of the businr ; houses
.;n the north side of Kir• 8t., ` Jas.
.3onthron and Mark D yart organi-
zed the firm of Bonthroi} a: iiry'arlale,
nardware, furniture and utae'+ rtt4tere
By strict attention to' t}uOhnla: the
firm has prospered and' note' it one
ei the largest businesses e'] the kind
n Weatern Ontario,
Alex, Brandt, who we railway
gent here for a number" of ,ear a.nd.
vory popular, spent a day here- re-
entry with friends, who �warKw plcftised
o meet him again, and See, liim look-
ig ,, .1. sic, ..- . leaayys,Ycg Hewm•
sail, ran for state years ors en ex-
press' conductor on one of the lines
but for sometime past .has' head and.
is holding a responsible position in the
president's office, at Toronto, with` a4,
number of men under him.
On Friday evening last when k'os.,.
ter pepper and his sister, Grace Pe-
pper were returning from the Baby-
lone line Hay, where Grace is teach-
ing school, their horse got frighten-
ed while crossing the road front one
side to the other, owing to the poor
sleighing, ran away and upset the.
young couple and made a dash from
home. While passing through Hen-
sel] it got free from the cutter and
ran back the road as far as the Sher-
ritt farm, when it ran into a ear
driven by Matt. Clark with such force.
'that the horse broke its neck and
damaged the car. Mr. and Mrs Clark
were badly shaken up but escaped
serious injury. The horse was a
four-year-old and valuable and will
be quite a loss to Mr. Pepper.
Mrs. (Rev.) McTavish of Exeter,
has returned from London. Hospital.
Recently her son, Ernest, fell and
brok his wrist.
Sherif Middleton, of Goderich,
on Friday last escorted John Hallam,
sentensed to five years at the recent
assizes, to Kingston Penitentiary.The
trip was made without incident. The
prisoner is to receive eighteen., lashes
during the first six months of imp
rison meat and be deported at the end.
of his terns.
•The other night the store of Geo.
Oliver, Wingham, was broken into.
Entry was gained through the back
door, by smashing out one of the
panes of glass. It was thought it was
the work of boys, as all that could be
discovered taken were.grapes from a
barrel. No trace of the burglars has
been found.
A pioneer of Huron County died at
Exeter on Saturday in the person 'of
IVlary Jane Sims, wife of William
Flynn, in her 78th year. Born in
Stephen Township, the deceased sp-
ent all her life with the exception: of
seven years' residence in Bidulph, on
the town line between. Stephen and
McGillivray. Her husband, whom;
she married 59 years ago survives,1
also two daughters and nine sons.
• Brussels has good prospects of an
up-to-date skating rink by the time
another winter comes around. At a
meeting of the old boy's reunion
jconunitte a recently, it was decided to
turn over all money on hand, a-
mounting to over $1500, to be used
for the erection of a rink, provided
sufficient additional funds can be se-
curecL. The Womens' Institute al
ready has a considerable sum iaid by
for the purpose. `Brussels has. been;'
without a closed rink 'for about 15
Lieut. Smith, assistant to Captain
.Jordan, commander of the Exeter
Salvation Army corps, has received
notice of her transfer to Wingham.
She assumes her new duties this
There are 119 teachers in East
Huron, of whom 35 hold First Class
"Certificates, 82 Second Class and one
a Kindergarten Director's certificate
Seventeen are men and 102 are wo-
men. They average high in ability -
while few if any proved incompetent;
their interest and devotion to their.
w'oxlc ianlaot be questioned, The total
number 'of pupilsora the roll was
3,.235, an increase of 104 oyer the
attendance of he .1ast year; the av-
erage attendan4p dor the past year
was 2,464, an unerexse Of 105 over
the former year.
Huron County Ttaffie Officer N,
Lever, wishes to notify truck owners
that during the months of March and
April. they will be allowed to carry
only half of their rapacity. load.
f)rr Monday of last week, Mr. F. C.
ICaIiifeisch took possession of the
Buchanan Planing Mill on Cambria
Road, Goderit'h, wallah he purchased
some time ago. He will operate the
mill to some extent, but will use the
most of the buildings as a storage
room and a distribution point for the
many lures of lirrulding-material which
he iT anufact:ures an the Zurich plant.
rR z~ya `' aa°rc7a $.204, .4931 `.
•;i's.eiuier llennela ihas announced
-that rfounap..34 I raieet ou Tinirs
day, lt'1nx i 32t1t. ^fe coming session •.
is ei peeted. to are an intensive one.
71x, '1'. •,Y. 'O''Dw,yer 'motored to Lon-
don 'on Saturday, and found consider-
aide ditUasnity + rettarnhtg home, as
the :toads were badly blocked as a .
consequence sof ''he storm.
Rev. .Joseph 'Zehr, of Tavistock,
eoatdected udevitie..services in the Ain- •
ish Mennonite Church, Bronson line •
over San.r'lnp
Sorry Ito report that Mrs. William •
Finlay, of lie Town Line, near Blake
suffered a ;stroke on Sunday morning
and last reports we received was that
Mrs. Finlay is ,quite ill and unable to :•
converse,• as a result of her affliction.
We hope :for n speedy recovery.
Mrs. Orville McClinchey of Stan-
ley Township and daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, C. C. Sc1iilbe, of town, was
taken to London hospital on Satur-
day and +operatited on. We are in-
deed pleased tbn state that Mrs. Mc-
Clinciaey is progressing favorably.
See the New For Cars!
Get the New Ford Prices!
Ford Prices have dropped three
times in the past fifteen months.
This last drop as much as $55.00
on some ai
Now Ford is more than ever before
"Value Far Above the Price"
Zurich's Show Roomed Service at
Louis: A. Pr li s
Ford Dealer
•. r. .�» 17.'747.-u.r •;.4•-+:C'r',�;r a:•. •. ,Gd'•'- :,.:r„w.;,, .. ,, :`t ,, ^.. . •. 9•: ,see
Pkui. for
Your arn
Dees your old barn took
like the photograph
above? A new barn
will help you get more
profits from your stock
and make your work
is a good time ta start thinking
' b.
about thatnew oxen you:9a;e going
to build next spring. stake your plans
for a modern, irnpro'l-ed barn vAere you
can work in comfort during the rang
winter months ... a barn which will be
easier for you to clean and vinic,;
animals will be waren and comfortable.
An up-to-date, light, warm barn
means healthy stock, less work for you,
and bigger profits.
in consiu:eri,ng the material for your
barer` our experience has taught us that
where law cast durability, and good
looks are demanded, Shevlin Pine is the
ideal building : rnciferial It wears well,
stands up under strains, and is low in.
Gist am 'vpiceep,. "e have a corpletsq�
stock in all grades ung varieties.
Come in and ser us any times.
We'll be glad to he9,p,)rou pian your'
barn and give you an estimate.