HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-03-12, Page 3CHOMe Chats Ry k 4UP Alit4 BgSt Conservation of energy is efficiency operating et its highest level, It pre- vents the mind from getting in 4 rut and wa Idering around itself, like cow aroun'l a stake, The, highest form -of coneervation of energy is that which makes for control at the center, so that no matter what happens on the surface of one's being, theee's quiet in the deep.—W. John Murray. I••••.•••••••••,•• Cod Management When we think of house keeping as an occupa'ion it can hardly be list- edas a trade It is in a class by it- self, for there are all kinds and myriad ways of housekeeping. Bach' house- hold has its own particular methods of doing thiegs, developed gradually through 1. generations of that par- ticular family. Some evJmen go about their homes quietly and calmly, Everything always seems to be in it. place. "The work .appears to- be .always done and there is lots 4. time for all things: An at- uiosphere of. leisure perineates the home even while a great deal is being achieved. OWD white Mammas never have black In other homes the mistress of the little girls or boys, do they? But then, house is continually in a. rush. Time sometimes Mamma's or DaddY's eYes. seems a hard Master and the day is are blue and yours might be brown, or gone before even the routine is ac- the other way around. Did you ever notice 'Nutt? But I didn't tell yoa what Fluffy, the house cat, lookedIike, did I? She was very different from Toper. In the first place she wasn't black like Topsy, but she, was ,yellow. just as yellow as the chicks, only she had big brown swirls around her body and brown rings on her tail. Her fur wasn't short and minutes of various kinds of relaxation glossy like Topsy's, but it was real -which spun out into an hour or More, long, almost like -a little pomeranian until one grows quite excited when all doggie. You knoW what he looks like, eorts of tasks are 'remembered and I am sure, only it was more silky and crowd in on one's time that must, it soft and she had a big tail that looked seems, be done at the .moment. like a squirrel's tail, Did you ever Many good housekeepers take a lit- see a squirrel or chipmunk? Only tis time first thing in the early more._ Fluffy's tail was much bigger than the ing (they especially advocate early squirrel's whole body, head and tail all put together, for she was a Persian rising) to jot doWn a list of what must be done during the day. Then use of puss. Fluffy was very Proud of being it too. How the clock is a good key to help a Persian, and walked like' you open the door of order and unruffled do you walk when you are proud? Well, that is the way she walked. All eereniiy. It will aid you to get the' the same she could, catch mice in the routine over as quickly as 'possible, house, All the mice had to live Out - Meals are planned and other house- , by side under the ground or she would hold duties quickly despatched on . catch them. because Mamma Lady etne In a systematic way with a clew. tialn't like mice to, come in her house mind, allowing just so much time for and eat up all her cheese and good each thing. Plan as you go and clean up as you go along, then because the routine is done long hours remain for thee:elves, the short periods for rest, and for the enjoyment ofthe thinge' ..Lefe-ren aleVeys, 'watd tO do but ifeverf, ting .hie fumy little paw down the hole as far as he could and waving it around trying to touch the chicks, Billy thought he better get him off there or puss might tip the screen and the chicks would get out and get lost. .again, So he put the kitty on his shoulder and hiani-ma Lady mended the hole with a piece of string. Billy took the little gray kitten back to the barn where Topsy, his mamma, the barn eat, lived., She was so glad to see him 'and licked him all over from his head t the tip of his tail with her red tongue tend then purred so loudly. I wonder how kitties purr anyway, dont' you? They only purr when they are happy, did you know that? So if you havent got a kitty of your own and you see one, try petting it and see it it will purr. It is just the loveliest soft little song that it sings. Topsy,. the barn cat Mamma, was different from Fluffy, the house cat, for Topsy had short hair just like her little -grey kittei, only her fur was real shiny black, not grey. Isn't that funny — black cat had a grey kitten. Our complished, let alone any extras or outside work. Quite often the trouble arises be 'iuse so much time is fre- quently frittered away and most peo- ple are more or less guilty of this at times. One just doesn't know where the time goes. The work piles up even though we seemed to be con- stantly busy, forgetting about the few seemed to just have the necessary time to accomplish. . - Twilight Hour Story — About Wee Chicks and Other Little Friends. Chap. 19 It was a good thing Jimmie Chick of good milk. My, but milk is good, ..11 nil his. three little .ehick sisters were isn't it? Topsy fights those big rats inside their warm hex that cold night even if they are strong, and thinks if it is a rebuke, is a very gentle oneeteTe ? t, 2. 4i, I The scribes re accused of a guess they would have beea like hard how she can catch them. Then It would be a mistake to say thatt 'vt.4* l'Arf-thm &anger attitude. Their e • • and illary contemplative religion., Wfifberation of the Law made it fin - the butterfly. Hut new, since Mr- Sun she hurriee back to her little kitties Maetha represents practical ..reltgaqe • lino 'passible for the comnioe people, and things -Athens even asking for it. Mamma Lady liked Fluffy just as well as she liked Jimmie Chick and the. other ...three chicks that looked so and exactly what Jesus said. is not liers" whom Jesus carne to call, com- neb alike' ' • ' se-erfain; but he seen stoshavesimplied effebSetriargestection of the commaxe- - Another thing, out in the barn, that he eame to talk with the sisters, ity which could not keep, and scarcely Billy's Daddy liked Topsy, the barn f I Large specimen of "Loup genie", r Of and standing six feet high. olx its bind' Waired. Shown in Prince Albert Natio Sunday School Lesson SUNDAY SCHOOL ... Graham March 15. Lesson XI—Jesus Among Friends and Foes—Luke 10: 38-42; 11: 42-46, 52-52. Golden Text— Ye are my friends, if ye do what- soever I command you.—John 15: 14. ANALYSIS. I. MARY AND MARTHA, 10: 38-42. II. THE PHARISEES AND SCRIBES, 11.. 42-44, 1. MARY AND MARTHA, 10: 38-42. We gather from John, chapter 10, weeemade. "unclean" If he touched a that the village ef Bethany was near gr, Num. 19: 16. the Mount of Olives. The arrival of V,10. Thelemelite who attempted to fe,43row .all the requirements of the scr:' „must be a man of learning awe ef".;;-fitre, First the written Law of Mogi mast be obeyed in its fulness; them.. he must keep .a large number of rules which seemed to be implied in .,r deducible from the Law of Moses: Fin- alIelShe must observe a series of corn- niatichnents and prohibitions designed to ensure the exact fulfilment of the Law•and meet special occasions and dangers, It is probable that the "sin- olfs weighing 158 pounds s, shot by Warden C. 0. Park. e easier to interpret these say- eis;logusl eve could overhear the tone of voic • which they were spoken. We are to assume that "woe to you!" is aHlt , . of curse; but "woe" is more naturally an expression of grief than of 'indegenation, and Jesus may have erieskiwoe" over the scribes and Platta*es 'with the same sorrow as overarusalem that knew not :he day of finyisitation. Vtf,,?2. Religious people are apt to cone' b themselves greatly with thin ,;:that do not matter, or that do not,- : %ter much, and to overlook the thin :.-of deepest imp -ort. . eongk:• lin their true nature. A man eco.::.4:z garc 't: re - themselves as very imporstant yr The Pharisees, it seems pe 1 and sought to be popularly r dgm ed as such. ye 44.The Pharisees are accused of Jesus may have been unexpected. Martha was determined that the kit. chest must put Roth of its very best; this was her way of expressing her pleasure at the visit. She was .buSti- ing about, fussing and missing the conversation which she longed to hear. Her sister was giving her no help, and Martha, when she could no longer endure her vexation, appealed,- to Tents. There is a good deal of variety irt our different manuscripts of "Luk -e, Fire and Drowning , Recalls Old Curse Hastings, England—A "fire and water" curse, placed on historic Eat - tie Abbey by an enraged. monk nearly 400 years ago; is being recalled here in connection with the recent burn - 01! part of the structure. The malediction was pronounced la 1543 atter Henry VIII had dissolved the chapter and delivered the abbey to a court favorite. "Your family by fire and water shall miserably periels" the infuriat- ed monk ehouted to the new owner, Sir Anthony Browne, as he burst Into the (Buil* room atter the dis- solution order had been posted. "Two of Sir Anthony's nephews were drowned," the Very Rev, W. 'W. Youard, now dean of the abbey, said. "Part of the abbey was destroyed bY fire; recently Lady Webster, wife of the owner was drowned, and now this fire has come.:' The abbot's 'hall, a section dating from the eleventh century, was de- stroyed by the latest fire. It housed many relics associated with the Bat- tle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror defeated Harold. In late years a schoolefor girls had occupied the hall. cat so much because she chases away the big rats that come' in the barn to see it they tan eat up all the grain that belongs to George, the horse, and Molly, the cow. whc gives such a lot and that he cared hutch more for talk. lug with them than for an. elaborate : eal. Martha was busy preparingpo end of dishes, but one simple 41'0 would be quite enough, and Mary, Who presumably understands this, is not to be disturbed. Martha has not re- ceived much sympathy from Bible readers and preachers, but her rebuke, wanted to keep, s.11' the minute regale- tionsottbe scribes. Perhaps the near- est Erststieb equivalent of "Pharisees" is "Ptarttas." The scribes were, schol- ars leaned in - the Law. The aim of the scribes. was to study and elaborate the Law that it might cover the -whole of life and every possible,situation in es"'sli a '''jesk might find himself. got up it tra,; so warm outside that which she has hidden. in a box in a to argue that Jesus prefers th•e latter Mumma Lady thought it would be a dark corner where nobody 5-0 cal a 11 This is not an allegory about religion, but a real story about two sister,. 'Martha wanted to do honor to Jesus,. but he would be more honored by a simple meal and friendly talk with the sisters than lay a pretentious banquet taking long to prepare and leaving little time for more important things. 11. ram, PHARTSMS AND SCRIBES, 11: 42,44, 52-54. fine chance to give them some fresh sir. So she and Billy put the box outside in a warm corner and 'covered it over nth an old window screen ao nothing Redd get in to scare them They liked 11 fine mit there and were griming Met, just like little weeds. Do you know haw feet that is? Well, very clean. After she was all through ask Moths... or Daddy. she purred and purred them all to "Billy happened to look out of the sleep and 1 oon went off to sleep too• window, and what do you think he curled up in the box so contented saw? The cutest little. gray kitten and warm. with short hair came over from the Next IVeek—"What the Little ,Eut- barn where it lived with Its mamma, terfly Did." the barn cat. Little kittens are so pretty. don't yon think so? lint when A SWIMMING RODENT this little fellow saw the box, oh. dear, The South American capybara, the he jumped tight up on top of the. largest animal of the rodent family, .screen! It was a good thing the often attains the size of a small screen was 01. tIie! box. wasn't it, so doldreY, and with is web feet is as be, couldn't get in? He looked down Dutch at home in the water as on at the chicks and they were a teeny 11Ie land. ;bit frightened. Of course hesseouldn't hurt them, but he wanted Lo play, and FAITH •at last he did find a hole in the screen Any faith in Him, however mall, and when tiny saw him, do you know is better than any belief about Him. hitt jams was doing? He was plee, however groat., 0,...letiee,eareersel"' MUTT AND .JEFF— By BUD FISHER Mamma Letly put i nice cosy piece of old blanket in it so the five baby kitties could keep snug and warm, and Topsy came in and snuggled aroand .Lhem, washing them all well, for she washes them every time she comes to them because she likes them to be so Christ's "denunciations" of the Pharisees are not altogether easy to .terpret. There can be little doubt that many of the Pharisees were sin- cere -and religious men, such as Saul of Tarsus. It is not likely, therefore, that Jesus "denounced" them all indis- criminately incl laid at their door these serious charges. That there was among them much self-deception, "play-acting" (or "hypocrisy"), lack of moral perspective, and the curious spiritual blindness which not rarely afflicts hard and "goed" men, the (L. nunciations and Patd's letters amply testify. but it is not necessary to sup- pose that Jesus made all these de- nunciation at the same time, or that he included in them all the scribes and Pharisees. Agent. what exactly is because Of. their own finical attitude to the Lew they, themselves, could not Miter into that real knowledge of God which the Law contained. Vs. _53, 54. Violent language, "with deadly intent," "to stop his mouth," "to 'ambush him." "to hunt him down." 1.• My Prayer What New York Is Wearing I3Y ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON ' By Beatrice (Aged 7) Oh, Master of fire! Oh, Lord of air, Oh. God. of waters, hear my prayer! Oh, Lord of grottiest and of stirring trees, 011, God of man and of pleasant breeze, Dear Father, let me happy, be— As happy as a growing tree. The Place I'd Like To Be By a Girl (Aged 5) The place I'd like to he is where the spreading tree Spreads its shade And is made By the gentle hand of God In the rich, black mud, And the brooklet ripples down To the other end of town, And the roses are in bloom, And the violets give perfume, And the blue grass waves like hushes, And:in the brook here wave rushes, —BLit instead—a dingy town! FAITS; Only beyond our knowledge is there the exercise of faith. It is where sure knowledge ends that sure faith *begins. Even a suepiciousr.edoubted will trust his suspected neighbor "as far as he can see." But He whom we trust, and in whom we have faith, can be trusted beyond sight, and against sight, in darkness, or when all appearances seem against His loving purposes and plans in our be- half. God will never fail us, and KINDNESS An act of .kitulness, a word of sym- PathyS may render the whole line af life different from what it would otherwiae. have been. There are crisis:in:many a life when the course .shel1 take for weal or for Woe de- Pqntili upon a slight influence—almost -4SOWe word. How careful then Shot. We be that our influence niaY at al tithes be in the right directiont "What causes the flight of time?" "ft's lethality urged on by the slier of the moment." e.e.f Sleehing like 5.00b motor -coaches ente,ri,dortdon" every day. while more than 1.500 use road -sites for 'deicing meant. by "denunciation" here? Ills anti setting down paseenstete. HE3, MuTT.,,TE-LL 'NU W\Art 1 boN'T bo WE'LL Do. PAY me BUSINIESS TifiT" • HALF oV -Mose WAY. WHEN I eLeveN) bOLLP‘RS BotkRoW I. PA"( AND weot..L. CALL ALL OR wale,. IT sourtme: SNELL, CAN GsseE Me firri Ce.stelTS ON AccouNt? Nv.eve °wet, ME. 'The ELE-'.V41,Q FOR sr*. trEARs: Illustrated ,DreSswaking Lesson Pnr. T' -i'. Peery Pattern At4'44 „itoelfvo i. 4:4:13V4 294 '1' t sr. ga A good look -4 dress of printed flat crepe silk that assures such en, tire satisfaction for all -day wear. The cross-over lines of the bodice and the sleeve frills lend a complete softness. The contrast introduced in the neckline bands, give it smart in- dividuality. Style No. 2945 is designed for sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 88, 40 and 42 inchea bust. Size 36 requires 3% yards of 39 -inch material with % yard of 35' inch contrasting. Plain crepe silk is equally attrac- tive for this model with self -material teim. Patterned and plain crepy woolen and wool lace would be lovely for its development. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain - our restful trust in Him ought never ly, giving number and size of such stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap ' it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Torontn. PILGRIMS The inferior creatures find iu the objects aud scenes of earth enough to satisfy their limited natures. But we are mightier than the perishing world, and, herefore, find no rest 111 any earthly thing. There is here no pillow for the head, no home for the heart, for the pilgrims of eternity. Our rarest delights. our noblest exe periences. speak to us most forcibly of our immortality; just as the strange midnight sky, lit up by the Southern Cross, brings sad thoughts to the heart of the sailor on .the Paci- fic Ocean. and reminds him how far he is from home. ..---e.----- A GOOD NAME Garments that have once one rent in them are subject to be toru on every nail and every briar, and glasses that are once 'cracked are soon broken—such 's man's good name once tainted with just reproach ---Bishop Hall., ---e.-- tion, and electric lights which simile fully controlled incubators, refrigera- tion, winter. summer and sunlight. Remember that you haven't as long to live as you had yesterday. 15 Million Parasites May Save Peach Crop Nev Haven, Conn.—In an attempt to save this slate's peach crop, more than 15,000,000 parasites will be re- leased this spring in time to destroy the eggs of the peach moth, a parasite of the peach tree, it was announced by the Connecticut experiment sta- tion recently. In case some eggs escape and are hatched into larvae. the experiment station is breeding another parasite which prefers the juicy worm instead of the egg of the moth. About 900,000 of these will be released later in the spring, and the Connecticut peach crop this sum- mer is expected to mature unmolest- ed by the pests. Breeding the parasites iu 'the la- boratories involves the use of care - JOY Marriage is the result of a couple Joy drowns the twilight in the dew, having words with the minister. After And fille, with stars night's purple Otto. that they have wordswith each other. --Nome —Brandon Sun. The coutents of the stomach of "What would man do if he could fly seal captured in the Arctic ocean a like a bird?" asks a *dentist. Probably few years ago indicated that the animal had dived to a depth of 3.000 roost on the telephone wire and cackle about hard times. ---Border Cities Star. feet. He's Keeping His Word and the Eleven Also. 'Ots.11>( S114. "(EARS! OH, IT B Al<s 6,\`1( WART TO ''11-111'Jk MY LITTLE, r,Rke.ND 'DOE,SN'T TRQST t\AElt; Bob -t,ob tA001 n TELL ',No TtiAT x \41)ut-15 PAY YOU Tno A CsNIFF) *ste-5,\(ou D(D- N'tleLt-,1<tD, AIWT T. KeEPUJ6 Vik1()In? q t ta est ',VA:see . 4 ( • I e•-• • •• •-• • • Ili • kr it' ° IAM[111 0'1'1 • t.11 , '. ' ) .: ,^ .,...... , ids, , 1 • .•:,,,, ..X..7...:....:- ( ' Vrca., ......4,... '...•,..,.. 1,....'.:•0;+' „Se—sees 1.1.• • ••••••1.•••••• •0# , • • 0 -•-•ff""f • 1 t o