HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-02-05, Page 8yt,..,.—.=azircutsminoanomonteis.so ommamozemmomn..:macmaomma.sx.,.srams 4S I T •,, E 1 sauce Agency I of Insurance Agent for all classes Except Life. 1 ' - FIRE ANTO—ALL CLASSES. r , r' F • Imo" witil•TIT fa. 1. STORE WITHTaEsTocK Cie 1'0 ring A 'Tremendous Reduction in Prices of ail Winter Stocks, in One Great Money Saving Event Cgmwencing Sat. January 24th THERE NEVER WAS A TIME THAT IT DID NOT PAY TO AT- T ',ND ONR SALES. THIS SALE, MORE THAN EVER BEFORE, ‘.14L PAY YOU IN REAL SAVINGS, WE HAVE CUT PRICES DEEPER THAN EVER. !COME EXPECTING BIG BARGAINS. WE WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU! . See our large Posters for prices Come often to this Big Sale. The more you buy the more you save J. GAS PRODUCE WANTED H ON PHONE 59 64,••••••••••••••••••______ ACCIDENT SICKNESS. PLATE GLASS FIDELITY BONDS BURGLARY ETC., ETC. BRING YOUR INSURANCE PROBLEMS HERE. ESTIMATES, ETC., CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1' gevggilettAseteelmees***••••••••••••69moodeefasseessoiosese • Lower Prices I ON • Goodyear Tires and Tubes .• Talk about Goodyear Cord and Baloon Tires and Tubes. • 0 TO—THE MAN WHO HASN'T MUCH MONEY TO SPEND ON TIRES, THEY'RE THE CHEAPEST TIRES HE CAN BUY. TO—THE BUYER WHO LOOKS FOR ROAD GRIP. AND BEA- UTY, HE WILL FIND THEM BOTH IN THIS MAKE OF TIRE. TO—THE CUSTOMER WHO GIVES HIS TIRES HARD USAGE, WILL RECOGNIZE THEIR EXTRA. WEAR. NO OTHER TIRES APPROACH GOODYEAR IN APPEARANCE. 1 • Please, Don't forget, when in need of new Furniture, we have it. WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICE, MOUNTED ON YOUR RIM AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. STADE & WEI ZURiCH ONT. 114•04000010.••••••••••••••••64100114004eliiii0141111444•04•4010 ZURI I.rwor!gemormuloolowsgesour.rwr.1.40kwagr) Thursday, Pe:weary 5th, MI, st."4+++++++++++.+++44+++•ii#00.44+++++++++++++++4++. Your Hardware Store WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITII SZASOINI. ABLE HARDWAM AT kilLIDEA.A I 44, WE SELL THE BE,' FOR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, IDAY AND SATURDAY Tomatoes, No. 2, Size, 2 Tins for Large Bottle Olives, 19-o; bottle Aylmer Soups, (excePt chicken), 2 'I Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes . . Purity Quick Oats, with China, per p 'ta Family Blend Coffee (try a pound),, Premium Tea, mixed or black, with, V, An:' cup.and saucer, lb.. 59c Puffed Wheat, 2 packages • Medium weight broom,. 5 Strings. Swansdown cake Flour, Pkg. 39c 18e Z3c . . . . . . ... 19e 23c 35c 39e 2,5c 29c WE HAVE ABOUT 20 PATTERNS, Q fikRANTEED PRINTS, FAST COLOR; THURSDAY, FRIDAy A1D1SATURDAY SPECI- ALS AT 15c. PER Jo YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 raa4.4.444.44444.44.,44.44.$4424wooarmass.murrouoraconuarmormesessmortg qi • ITEMS OF LOCAL tNTEREST The United States financiers are about to pay Canada a compliment in the form of adopting many of our banking system methods. Huron Co. Seeks Road Subsidies The Huron County Council in ses- sion last week seeks the aid of other. counties in presenting a resolution to the Highway Department, asking that whereas Guelph and other cities are making application to the provin- cial government for relief from sub- urban road assessment, that the Min- ister of Highways be petitioned to disregard such applications of cities for relief, land give serious consider- ation to the matter of increasing co- unty road subsidies. Some of the reasons advanced for making the re- quest in the province has been of im- mense value to the cities; that the subsidy paid by the government to- wards county roads expenditure has not been increased since 1918; that the traffic on county roads and the demands of traffic have increased. en- ormously during that period; that the revenues of the department of high- ways have increased greatly; that the counties have not received an equitable share of this fund consid- ering the revenue derived froxn traffic on county roads. • SPORT NEWS Jan. 27. Goshen vs Bronson ---,The Goshen gave the Bronson ployoff hop- es a jolt here, when they downed the Wild Cats 7-5 in a gruelling close checking game. It was anybody's game up to a few minutes of full Western Farmers' Mutual other Insurance Co OF ,WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. .81st 1928, $22,206,275. Total dsh in Bank and Bonds $160,878.74 Rats -44,o- per 81,000 for years, E. F.*10 p --Zurich Agent, Also Deader in Lidiatniu¢ Rods ai alt kinds of Fire Insurance •111111,1011LIMOPM11414.1111169...1110011111.111•Mill=11•1•MIN.P.M.W.Pf goals in ie first period. The Bron- son goale was completely off form and lefttlie game after this disastr- ous McClinchey's goal- tending a the last two periods is wor- thy of fiterton. Ite,141 vs Zurich Playoff. • Feb. 31, -before a near capacity crowd Zoich downed Hensall by the score of ta in the firt game of the playoff fa. the championship of Hay Hockey,league. It was a good game to watchand the home team sent the fans hooj in high spirits by their well deservOvictory. The game was fa- irl .nd outside of an odd bare up played the game for ev- ', was in them. 'Punk" 'aped the scoring for Zur- time and then the Goshen combined ichna4 47y, in the first period on a nicely for two neat goals. Both te- pa sk.: f#Iin back of the nets. He ams checked very closely throughout No rilvr gag& were registered in the but Walter McBride stood out in this first la'Aii4j. teams scored twice in. respect. He hung to his man like a the s trillert played brilliant- laocke tcwo i ds he ba smo brick and completely bewildered the opposition by his tenacious and rug- ged work. I. Oesch's weaving dashes from end to end were the features of the games, and on the night's play he deserved at least two more goals. The lanky youth from the north was in fine form and raving to go. The Me- adams boys played their usual game which as everyone knows is a -very effective brand of hockey. Every man on the Bronson played well and they gave Manson in the Goshen goal nets plenty to worry about.Both goalies played a nice game and the goals secured on them were on very hard shots from close in.—Referee, H. Walker. Jan. 29th. Senators vs Rangers— They played ten minutes overtime to a two all score. For the most part 1h this chucker and scored etty goals unassisted. The ick handling was perfect and (checked every minute. Little one in for Hensall that the Zuric goalie couldn't even see and Drunnond rang up number two on a ni.c, backhand shot from a scram- ble fr..pnt of the nets. The third periopened. with Hensell on the offeiike,but not for long as the home boyitqere determined to add to their 1 cowl This they did in five minutes of p Vrom IL Badour's stick, cora- plet€,r fooling the Hensall goal -tend- er. Ai. few minutes later Kochems ii(: talli the last Zurich goal, shooting hetwal„ the. defense Hensall threw fon:. ev, forward in a savage assault on' , Arich nets and finally were reioa'' =when Abbot bulged the V`W the teams played in a rather listless '.',! three minutes to go mak- manner, due to the heavy snow fall, inF h. hal score 5-3. Plenty of which made puck carrying very diffi- Pe tp-iwere handed out, but were cult. Both teams scored once in the ni°^1 , 9r' minor offensives. Geo. second period and again in the third , uf, caved a major for swinging Defensive hockey was played most of 111.0' ..6* at Little's head when the the time, neither team extending it_ilattet,;, ped hint, in the first per - self as both are sure of places in theliod. .13 that cooled George clown way_off. _Referee, E. Gaseno. 1 eemode irceythre asheepaafitder.strict atten- Jan.. 30, In a Hay Hockey League ti°41. tc O fixture here, Hensel] eliminated the .Th :e Wept Zurich--GoaI, B. Ut- Bronson Wildeats , from a play-off tleIl, rise, Kockerns and IL Bed - out doubt, the roughest game ever position by a 9-3 score. It was, -with- 41,x1;,.? ards Willert, G. Uttley and 1,)1,,,k4,. ird;,Subs„ Foster,oSalmen anal witnt.Tsed on local ice. Tripping,"tY11041 itc.oticeichsaarlilt-i-sGeobThai,ari ;urn Loiremyin; ii,dNs! j -....)ss -chocking. boarding, earrying tit'clts high, ir fact everything deserv_ Liitt, Abbot and Appleton; Subs., ing M penalties was don. Henson Piq and Druniroond. started off with a bang and ScOred a ,.'; -1, "4 Vcish 'of Hem's"' Let Us Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES., 4. G ad supply fSmoke C re on hand Furniture Reduced IWe are offering our Entire Stock of Faun - I iture at Greatly Reduced Price; which iwill move it out rapidly. Be sure and get it yiur requirements at these low- prices I: WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR + + SALE VERY CHEAP. Johnstot Kalbfleisch ardware & Furtitare. Phone 63 -----------_—__—_-__-- 11111111111ENTIMEN111110111111111111111111111114111M1181011111111111111111111111111111MIMIIIIIIIIIINSEIMPTIMIM110301illiallW 1 uggy Tops ainting, Auto Tops Wagon11 Repairing, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH milmiumummerioromil...64. IIM•1•••••••00MIMM(102011.19•1••••.••••••••• t • • • 1 ICE ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUAL/TY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPA/ WORK. AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREA.SES .2.- 4. i• IL oussPau Zurich. 4411.4.441.414,++,t4.6t4,..1-t..5,4,,401.41.64=10+.&*++++++4..,4.4- , ITERAL „ , °HI E 4. THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOE PRINTINGI 4#. THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS t AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, X. BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. Do You Know?fai- E+1 4. 4. • 4. .4. 4. .14 4. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STA.TION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING P.APER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES le; AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. 46: TILAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN-, TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. .6. TRAP WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS 4. MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING :g;' OUR SPECIALTY. ‘1404+++4444444,6444444+44( 1404444.444414.404+.44. *ft 4 '