HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-02-05, Page 5rause, Fehrivar r 5th, 193, BUSINESS CARDS r>us !Wants, For Pelle, 'Last, 'Found, retire, Ete.. Ads IN TH113 COMES .1ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. ARY PUBLIC, ETC, DF'ICE Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICFI, Ontario. Special Attention to Counsel arad Court Work. 791r. Holmes may be consulted' at . Gederich by Phone, and pone'' charges reversed, Dr. lI. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday M HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASEWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A -U -C -"ti '-I-®-N-E-E-]I OSCAR KLOPP 'Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for 'Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms or Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Theme 18-93, or write. ' Zurich. PUBLIC DANCE. Will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH in Friday Evening, February 6th A good Four -Piece Orchestra. will fur- nish the IVIusie. Ladies Please provide lunch - 1 Admission—Gents. 50e. Gallery 1Oc WANTED A. few cheap aecond hand Ford cars, starter type. L. Prang, Zurich. LOST In Zurich, a. Ladies' Watch. Finder kindly return to Verlyn Thiel, or leave at Herald Office. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX I AM IN A POSITION TO CON- duct ON,duct any Auction Sale, regardless asaa to size or article to sell. 1 solicit ,your business, and if not satisfied will °make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood "none 13-57. SEE US FOR NEW LOW PRICES ON THESE BATTERIES OF "QUALITY'' CASH PRICES Chopping an l Rolling at per bag 8c. 100 lbs. Pastry Flour at ....$2.00 2.4 lbs. Pastry Flour, at ....60c 100 lbs. Manitoba Flour $2.90 $3.00 100 lbs laying Mash. for Hens $2.50 2.50 $18.00 $20.00 24 lbs. Calf Meal at Shorts in ton lots . . Middlings in ton lots ZURICH FLOUR MILLS FOR SALE An Electric secondhand washing machine in A. 1. condition, a real snap. Star secondhand washing ma- chine with wringer, good as new, at- tachment for motor. A bargain. E. Oesch. -., • For Sale A number of good cows, also sows all due in February. Apply to: Aaron Oestrcicher, Dashwood POS DASI;WOOD — Zuri.elas' Popular NEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING U'HAT WE HAVE PURCHASEID QOM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT ala DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED. MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE a yungblut & Son a••••QO00111000$©Aa 0941ie'er10011. GOAL 1931 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW 1N EFFEC FOR maintop. Goal Cote Alberta Coal and Soft Coal FOR SALE A number of good horses at var- ious ages for sale, including a spanof 2 -yr. -old Clydesdale colts. • Apply to J. Hey, Jr. -24 A :SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF fir Cts. Far Ton will be gamed fez c l'''. !Drier Early es pri+caa Wilk ,v;dse-mte ZZ1 June 15t1l Case & Son NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that theynee, and Mr. U an nor up to Mr. Beattie..: and ,metaled, -' Mee by"'. J. Henderson, who also ment- are still in the same business, with Hilton Truemner, as usual. Tour order will be i Toned as a possible candidate. On a aeh appreciated.. Phone 9446. A fairly good representation +as caking the chair the new warden was LOCAL NEWS Mr. Kenneth Boutlodge le it efoe• Toronto on Mondays ' Mr. Ernie Meyers of Goder;irk'lennte. a visitor at the home of Mr, and•gr$.` Thos. Meyers the past week. The many friends of Mr. fl Ivry Eilber of Crediton, will be pleased tp learn that he is improving fanoiahl from his recent rheumatic iflnes�. Born—At Zurich, on January ;30t at the home of Mr. and Mx,s`^i,,tri Meyers; to Mr. and Mrs A p Keller, a daughter. . ; Mr. John Deiehert, who ,spent few weeks with friends inel T'qa'ot3, and other Michigan points, rett,tt0a� to his home in Zurich the,cgllinit of the week. Mr. Fred. C. Kalbbeisch watt o? business trip to Goderieh week, where he was looking branclf of their business just'' oped 'in the county town. t Messrs. Lloyd Klopp and and Prang, who are attendi4 London Tecnical School, tarprt ie the mechanical end of the • atltat` je, spent the week -end with •thg s' exits in the village. ti,' Prompt Service on repair z n. ical Instruments. Phonograpl5 e ing Machines, Shot Guns, -as. Sharpening, Etc.—Hess the av Mr. and Mrs. Emerson G visited with relatives and hie Shakespeare, and other poins returned to their home on tr, >• 0 son. 0 ave fa - Messrs. Wm. O'Brein, .Lloy '- $rein, Q. Surerus, and D. Os old, attended the Exeter vs Seaforthrhotile- ey game, at Seaforth on Tuee0y evening, making the trip by autos game was one of the real old,. " ioned ones, with plents of rough lay- ing mixed in, and resulted in a win for Seaforth 4-2. A couple of ,the boys of town are playing on the&Ex eter team. A very happy surprise party was held on Thursday evening, January 29th, at the home of Mr. and liars. Garnet Jacobe, Parr Line, when some twenty young people of the fourteenth concession met to -celebr- ate Mr. Jacobe's birthday. The` esren- ing was spent in games and music, after the presentation and lunch Mr. Jacobe expressed his feeling thatthis Warden of Huron County. . was the best Firthday he itas:ever Reeve J. W. Beattie of Seaforth, had. All returned home with aat„ell was selected as Warden of Huron spent evening. And many thankigo County on Tuesday of last week, on' to the transportation committee Mr. notion of Matthew Armstrong, _run-' 5 Mr. Wm. Lamont made a business trip to Crediton on Tuesday,. A number of the ,villagers attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. S. Me - Bride he Stanley on Monday. The members of the Luther League of the Lutheran church are preparing a play which they will likely render in the near future.. Mr. George Yungblut of Auburn, and who visited for some time with his nephew, Mrn Harry Yungblut of town, has returned to Aubuc.i. (quilting bees seem. to be popular amosing our fair ladies of town and community at present, as we noviee a goodly number are enjoyed these day's, and it still is an avenue by wh- ich our ladies can enjoy that real old time sociability of getting togetlie '. A Public Dance will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday evening of this week, when a good four -piece ircbeatra will furnish the music. This ie the first event of this kind all win- ter in town, and should go overb ig. Monday, February 2nd was the day that the bear is supposed to come out- Lo utto see his shadow, well, he certainly saw, it good and plenty this year, and so the••eaying goes that he will go back ihi his den 'for another six weeks. end five usually thing he would have very .little desire to roam around be- fore the middle of March, As, he wo- uld find few June berries to feed upon at that time. The heavy fall of snow over the week -end had again completely blo- cked ,the roads for whel traffic, but then the thaw on Tuesday made an- other big change and the road machinery was brought into action, which allows the cars to run through to Hensel', from which place the big Provincial plows keep the roads op- en on. the paved roads. But only if one has an urgent call to take the car out, would it be advisable to take the auto, as there is absolutely no pleasure in these roads. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Zimmerman left on Monday morniny for London, where Mr. Zimmerman is taking treatments in the Class Fume Bath Institute. Sorry to say that Mr. Zimmerman has suffered much pain this winter with rheumatic trouble, and already he is making headway, towards improvement. We trust be will soon be fully cured and able to return to his hone, Mrs. Zimmerman returned to Zurich on Tuesday even- ing. NES 1-1-' vtzsne 35 LIVE ,POULT Y WANTED William H. Brown A. S I3 Graduated Foot , Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop ` tvkate ,every' Day till 3• atcte sk, pine. Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. hest Cash Prices .—CASH FOR— CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHII3ALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) O•L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. t New Sonra Radio COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. ZrtODEL, 3G at - -- ---. ream and Eggs DIODExa.3 : A. at - .... .'' . O'" 't . r s, , Jr present at the annual meeting of the::i�eaitily applauded. Warden Beattiesubscribers of the Hay Municipal Tel- expressed regret in ex -Warden Baek- ephone System in the Town Hall, on ere• illness. Mr. Backer had been Saturday afternoon. sato.'y a-lief-drdered to bed by his physicians aft - items under discussion was a motion i. having consulted specialists. He passed that the local linemen renew congratulated the new and old mem- the batteries in each phone set Ace here on their election, and asked them during the year, and that the systlm to co-operate for the good of the co - bear the expense of the same, tis unty. As for the coming year, con new order will be tried out, and it .;s ditions are none too good. It is the hoped will not drain the finances t o county's duty to legislate as econom- much, as it is thought that much b %sally as possible. ter service can be given if the.- teries r the various phones w The Police Trustees of Zurich held newed more frequently. c e+'Ydtlreir meeting on Monday in the offi- te g',-- ce of the Secretary, Mr. A. F. Hess, A very happy meeting took Itiu.e when. among the usual routine busin- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wt . es;; the appointments of Fire Chief O'Brein of town on Thursday eves and Caretaker of the fire hall was ing last when Mr. O'Brein's moth made, which resulted as Mr. Herb. Mrs. Roswell O'Brein, a forme,, , -' Mousseau as Fire Chief, and C. L. dent of the Sauble Line, Hay '2.21:,T Smith, who has served the capacity ship, accompanied by her daughter of caretaker for a decade or more Mrs. McPhail, of Saskatoon,. Sas3. i - vane again reappointed as caretaker. arrived in' Zurich for afew weard', r the_,fire hall. During the past visit. Mrs. O.'Brein, Sr., has reit l .tx •one of the long ladders at the blessed with enjoying life and h ,.ql. hall, has made its disappearance, to the fine age of elghty-seven ; ida , ?.'rd try as we like no one seems to and is still very bright and 1coan 4aanythig of its whereabouts. having stood the tripwell frod, nno not just think that anybody west. While we rejoice withra.. i "steal” such a ladder, but the O'Brein and family', for this spaei •"g, agement sure would like to know privilege, and hope that Mrs. O'Brec: ";'e1ere this article went, and whoever Sr., may live many more year; 6, - rretwed it surely by this time is happiness. '+"t d -using it and coulct be so kind "enlefttaturn the same:. The Zurich Branch of the Worn- enresb t:,-. en's Institute held dntleiClarrFebt oy•i `'a'r`lif'elzl Agricultural Society meeting ithe annual Monday, evening, February 2ntf beim �} �iTxicultixraleetingtyof ths helda at very successful meeting was Set at,:.. :Town Hall,Saturday January 24 with 32 members and visitors present . The committee in charge of the meet n report showed a balance on hand ing were: Mrs. D. Dneharme, Misse41; *424.08, not quite so much as last L Routledge, Pearl Wurtz and PearrAnn, as the prize list was increased Pftle with Mrs. D. Ducharree in the' �, considerable money paid out for chair. After singing the institute' 't'tlesssry repairs and improvements. Ode they all joined in saying the I1• McNaughton was chairman of Lord's Prayer. Community singing, isle meeting. The Fall Fair was a ley 'Wad success. Total number of was then followed by a reading Miss Pearl Wurtz, after which etig`'es .was 1,313. John McClure Spanish • Cavadier, was sang by ais appointed delegate to the distr Miss Ida Routledge then favored with i ' convention at London and gener- an Institute solo. Both the reedit aR "onvention at Toronto. The oilic- and the instrumental were well giii ,wand directors for 1931 are: Presi- en, and those present responded with:i, John McCluae let vice-presi- a hearty clap. In the absence of thee) t, Robt. Penhale; 2nd vice pzesi- president, Mrs. E. Mopes, the vice Lent, John Rothwell; Directors—F. President Mrs J Hey, Jr., took the leegan, W. R. Stephenson, S. Houst- k A business part. A number of letters 11, T M.Snowden, W. Spar a, of appreciation of shut ins were then /min, W W. Wise, T. M. Woods, W. read. It was also decided by the lit- Stinson, E. Foster, Fred Middle stitute to -hold a Horne Made Baking in, R. McMurray, Wrn. Stewart,Mrs and Candy Sale on Saturday, T'ebru- l�W. Woods, Mrs. T. Snowden, Mrs ary 14th, the display and sale of FMeEwan, Mrs. Seeds, Mrs. J. W. cake and candy will be held at Dr. Rel„ Auditors, John Cameron, Jas. MacKinnots .rug r'DStote. 'Watch for Rd; Secretary, A. E. Erwin; 'Pre- of Great Britian, advanced from $3,-1 stn.=asi+r . 1+, A. Edwards; The elates of 430,000 to $1,546,000, an increase of ' ads, and Posters for more particulars w11 After tite 'i usiness part Miss Ida Rout the air are Wedne eday and Thurs- t' s10,000.tTa d -in ac aiital rod $3,69.5(x 2 .l d 4th It was de- c fund now IFITIO 0010.*****lr*aI00R00rI0(IiNi60•00.10** SIA* 06001Ml OO.MIII IMr Master Feeds Laying Mash, Dairy Feeds, Pig Feed Meals, Steer Futiri e, Fite. Complete line of DR. HESS STOCK FOODS dee us about COAT) and Fertiliz �r t L. Sch c& Son 1 Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all I the requirements of School e>� All authorize') Text Books kebt in Stock Supplies wAdr,. 4404,4.64) Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, an Military Brushes oentda aa.400o©e..eeneaGeee °Oro Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perf umizers, Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dra A. J MacKinnon, Zurich IOARM(RR,RPAPAMP Mak A s+ F WMM MMMMAAx A r A Fine Surplus The annual meeting of the McKil- lop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was held in the town hall, Seaforth, and was the best attended in the history of the Society. Jas. Conolly, John Watt and Geo. Dale, the retiring offi- cers were re-elected. There are now 2,211 risks, with a total insurance of over $3,477,533. The total receipts for the year were $7,000 and the los- ses from fire and other causes were $5,020. The company now has on deposit in the savings bank a cash surplus of nearly $11,000. Reeve Beattie of Seaforth Elected HURON & ERIE REPORTS $3,000,000 INCREASE Second largest year in history Confidence and good will are said to be an institution's greatest assets, and confidence gave The "Old Huron & Erie" itt 1930 its second best year in history. In view of general cond- itions, this is considered an excellent showing and will tend to increase the growing feeling of optimism on the part of Canadians as to the business situation. The. (i7th annual report which will be submitted to the share- holders by T. G. Meredith, K.C., Cha- irman of the Board, at a meeting cal- led Feb. ll.th next, reveals a total of $26,093,000 invested by the Canad- ian public in debentures ,as against $23,498,000 at the close of 1920, an increase of $2,595,000. Savings de-, posits have increased by $34.5000 and have now reached the stun of $10,8651 ,000. Debentures issued to residents ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—German Service. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Turkheim, Pastor profits. Net earnings amounted to $593,495 compared to $590,010, the previous year and, added to the am- ount mount brought forward in profit and loss account, there was available for distribution $667,00. Of that amo- unt $400,000 was paid in dividends, $25,000 was written off office prem- ises and .$57,000 was set aside for taxes. After transferring $100,000 to reserve fund a balance of $85,120 • was carried forward as undistributed profits. The corporation's assets — $47,090,000 are greater than the pre- ceding year by over three million dol- lars. Liquid securities alone, such a. cash in hanks and immediately sale able bonds, total over $5,4M0,000 acre are equivalent to 52% of the saving: deposit. Investments in first mortg• ages increased during 1030 by ovei one and one-half millions, , the tote now being $38,520,000 Office prem ises are reported at $1,522,000 ane The Huron & Erie's investment i Canada Trust Co. stocks remains t• approximately the satire alrot,. fly 56(000. Real Estate held for sa' is conspicuous for its absence, t1 corporation having succeeded in posing of the few remainit:g grope - tips acquired at the tiro: of the pt d an a e con es a e chase of The Hamilton Provident ar ei(ge conducts g n =. the annual l "" .ctad '7,500.000. th rr farming;• het r ' '' tl t .. ,o n Oct holdn E +les unch inutte( . .:aleft it t :a we eer'Y ed I., t t ;t itn+ . o;r. -.. • e?ss, augrxtented by $100 out of the year's' Agent, Zurich. 100 Easter week.